The Citizen, 1990-05-30, Page 12PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1990. Walton Compiled by Mrs. Betty McCall. Phone 887-6677 New Brunswick residents spend weekend visiting Rev. Tucker preaches at Duffs Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole, RR 3, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray, Moncton, New Brunswick visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roily Achilles and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Mitchell and attended the morning church service Sunday at Duffs United. Jack Murray is a brother of Mrs. Craribrook Compiled by Mrs. Mac Engel. Phone 887-6645 Community saddened by former resident’s death We would like to see you at Knox Presbyterian Church next Sunday, June 3 at 9:45 a.m. for the Friendship Service. Come and en­ joy a time of fellowship and lunch which will follow the service. Our community was saddened to hear of the death of a former resident, Mrs. Stanley Fischer. Della was an active member in the church and community when living here. Sincere sympathy is extended to her husband Stanley, son Car­ man, his wife and family. Howard Mitchell, Thorold, spent a few days here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cotton spent the weekend in Wallaceburg. On May 19 Jolanda Vanass had a 4-H exchange student from Michi­ gan stay with her. Her name was Danielle Formallo and she lived near Standish. They went to a barbecue on Saturday night with the other Michigan exchanges. Due to the rainy weather some of the activities had to be cancelled. Danielle enjoyed her stay and (Margaret) Cole and formerly lived on the farm of Emerson and Phyllis Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether attended the Coleman-Stephenson wedding reception at the Varna Complex, Saturday evening. John Huether, Goderich spent the weekend at his parents’ home. would like to come back. The girls had a good time and Danielle went home on Sunday afternoon. COURT WOODBINE The May meeting of Court Woodbine M100 of the Canadian Order of Foresters was held on May 15 in Cranbrook Hall. Brother Harry Jacklin and Sister Lois Hart opened the court. The nominating report was given for the slate of officers for 1990-91: Past President, Harry Jacklin; Pre­ sident, Mary Ellen Jacklin; Vice President, John Vanass; Secretary- Treasurer, Bill Craig; Chaplain, Lois Hart; Recording Secretary, Nancy Vanass; Conductor, Mac McIntosh; Guard, Beryl Smith; Auditors, Donald Clark, Jack Con­ ley. Members were reminded that next month is the annual barbecue. The court closed in harmony. Wilfred Strickler and Donald Clark served lunch. The 50-50 draw was won by Lois Hart. Rev. Peter Tucker was guest minister on Sunday morning at Duffs United Church, Walton and Bluevale United Church as Bonnie Cole Arnal had the anniversary service at Calvin Brick, Belgrave. Organist Glenda Carter played a prelude of hymns. Offering was received by Bill Courts and Fred McClure. Flowers were in the church from the Flood and Miller Wedding on Saturday. Rev. Tucker Dungannon man gets jail term A Dungannon-area man will spend 45 days in jail after pleading guilty to impaired driving and failing to appear in court. Stephen R. Meriam, RR 1, Dungannon was being held in custody by police after being arrested on a bench warrant issued when he failed to appear for a court date last June. The court was told that Mr. Meriam had been stopped in a RIDE check at the corner of Highways 4 and 86 south of Wingham. The RIDE team saw a car approach, then do a U-turn and head in the opposite direction. Police gave chase and when the car was stopped officers smelled the aroma of alcohol and found a glass with liquor in it. Mr. Meriam was given a breath- alizer test which he failed, was charged and appeared in Wingham court April 19, 1989. The case was adjourned to June 21 but on that date he failed to appear and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. Defence attorney Michael Donnelly told the court his client was unemployed at the time and got a chance to go to Florida and was out of the country when he was supposed to appear in court. He was sentenced to a fine of $750 or 35 days in jail on the impaired driving charge but chose jail. He received 10 days for failing to appear in court. He faces other charges to be heard in court in Goderich June 4. spoke on his sermon, “Come and See’’. Gloria Wilbee had the child­ ren’s time with JoAnne McDonald assisting. The Board meeting was held Sunday evening at the home of Neil and Marie McGavin. In the an­ nouncements the Junior Choir was reminded of practice Thursday, Town and Country Homemakers Twelfth Annual DINNER MEETING GODERICH TOWNSHIP HALL, HOLMESVILLE Tuesday, June 19, 1990 7:00 pm. - Dinner SPEAKER - DAVID HARVEY Ministry of Community & Social Services PRICE: $10.00 Phone: William King 887-6314 Pert Milligan 357-3439 Robert & Mark McIntyre Hearing Aid Specialist will be holding a HEARING AID SERVICE CENTRE on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 AT74THESQUARE, GODERICH PHONE524-7661 FOR APPOINTMENT THURSDAY,JUNE 7 AT MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. JOHNST., WINGHAM PHONE357-2111 FOR APPOINTMENT If your present hearing aid needs service or you are thinking of purchasing a hearing aid CALL TOD AY mcintyre hearing aid SERVICE 275 HURON ST., STRATFORD May 31, at 4:15 p.m. Sunday , June 3, Pentecost will see confirmation ahd communion. Sunday, June 10 is the 65th anniversary of the United Church of Canada. Sunday, June 10 the Sunday School picnic is being planned following the regu­ lar worship service. Permission slips should be returned by June 3. Inaccurate calculation may mean increased benefits for some seniors Health and Welfare Canada an­ nounced recently that pensioners who applied for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), Spouse’s Allowance or Widowed Spouse’s Allowance, and who re­ ported net losses from rental or self-employment income, may be entitled to an increase in their benefits. The Guaranteed Income Supple­ ment (GIS), Spouse’s Allowance and Widowed Spouse’s Allowance are monthly benefits for pensioners on a limited income, and for their spouses or widowed spouses who are between age 60 and 64. To receive these benefits, pensioners must apply every year. This year, an incorrect proce­ dural change resulted in an inac­ curate calculation of income for the relatively few pensioners who re­ ported net losses from rental or self-employment income in the 1989 tax year. Health and Welfare Canada is reviewing its files to locate pen­ sioners who may be affected. In the meantime, those who reported net losses from rental or self-employ­ ment income and who noticed a reduction in their GIS, Spouse’s Allowance or Widowed Spouse’s Allowance in April 1990, could contact the nearest Income Security Programs Office to have their case reviewed. The telephone number is in the government listings of the phone book under “Government of Canada - Health and Welfare Canada’’. WHEAT S GRAIN SPRAYING BY AIR • NO CROP • GRAIN RIPENS «NO GROUND DAMAGE EVENLY COMPACTION —------TILT---------- Tilt Application by aircraft approved for 1990. Call early as we are spraying a limited amount. For Fast Service...24 Years Experience...Guaranteed Application JIM’S FLYING SERVICE SEAFORTH — 527-1606 BILL 107, POLICE SERVICES ACT, 1989 AND REPORT OF THE TASK FORCE ON RACE RELATIONS AND POLICING The Standing Committee on Administration of Justice will meet to consider the above-mentioned Bill and Report in Committee Room No. 228, Legislative Building, Queen's Park, Toronto, commencing on Monday, 28 May 1990. Bill 107 is a comprehensive revision of the Police Act. The Task Force Report was commissioned by the Solicitor General and presented on April 11,1989. The Committee invites written submissions from individuals, groups or organizations wishing to comment on the above-men­ tioned Bill and/or Report. All briefs should be deposited with the Clerk of the Committee as soon as possible and no later than Tuesday, 19 June 1990. Requests for appointments to appear before the Committee to make an oral presentation should be directed to the Clerk of the Committee as soon as possible and no later than Tuesday, 12 June 1990 for consideration of the Committee. Bob Chiarelli, M.P.P. Chair Douglas Arnott Clerk of the Committee Room 1521, Whitney Block, Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A1A2 Telephone: 416/965-2491; Facsimile: 416/324-4617 Collect calls will be accepted. Ontario Legislative Assembly of Ontario I