The Citizen, 1990-05-30, Page 390 years young Well-known Blyth resident Luella McGowan celebrated her 90th birthday surrounded by friends and neighbours Saturday withan open house at Blyth United Church. Among the greetings she received was one from Premier David Peterson. Luella McGowan marks 90th birthday Family and friends gathered on May 26, 1990 at the Blyth United Church to honour Mrs. Luella McGowan on the occasion of her 90th birthday. Mrs. McGowan, the former Lu­ ella Cook, was born May 29, 1900 and has resided most of her life in or near Blyth. She enjoys good s * ■\ ' ■ ", 1- ■■ ■ ■ ' ■?HT ' Executive installed The new executive of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Blyth branch of the Royal Canadian Legion was installed Friday night. Members of the executive are (front row, left to right), Ruby Pattison, past president; Brenda Finlayson, president; Sheron Stadelmann, first vice-president; Helen Lapp, second vice-president; (back) Edythe Giousher, executive; Janice Henry, treasurer; Kay Hesselwnod sports officer; Mildred Ament, secretary; Lillian Riehl, Sgt. at Arms. Blyth Seniors plan picnic The Blyth Swinging Seniors met at 12 noon for a delicious pot luck dinner held in the Community Centre due to renovations taking place at the Memorial Hall. After dinner president John Hesselwood welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with “O Canada”. Vera Badley then led a lively sing-song of old favourites with Phyllis Boak accompanying on the piano. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Luella McGowan, Clara Rinn and Harvey McDowell for their May birthdays. The usual reports were read and the corres­ pondence looked after. John re­ minded us of the Huronview Din­ ner on June 13. The Seniors Picnic at St. Christopher’s Beach is on June 27 at 12 noon. The Horticult­ ure and Seniors bus trip is on July 24 to Markham Park and King Edward Gardens in Toronto. Isabelle Craig introduced our speaker Mr. Bob Carbert and his wife of Wingham, who showed slides of Australia and New Zea­ health, maintains her own home and remains keenly interested in the community. Guests in attendance were from Dearborn, Michigan; Windsor, Toronto, Sault Ste. Marie, Water­ loo, Stratford, Teeswater, Goder­ ich, Clinton, Wingham, George­ town and area. land taken on a trip they had about four years ago. They arrived in Sydney, Australia first and then on to Canberra and Melbourne. They showed many gardens and beauti­ ful beaches, also many prominent buildings including the famous Opera House. The native birds and animals were also very interesting. From there they flew to New Zealand and were very impressed with the beauty of the lush green countryside and also the large Increase blamed on Continued from page 1 increase on the growth of the area. Growth in Huron County is only one and a half percent and any provincial grants tend to go to areas with higher growth develop­ ment. “In fact, the province has been reducing its funds each year,” says Mr. Allan. “Part of this is based on the assessment but the rest 1 feel has been a deliberate act over the years to change slightly, what has Blyth People Blyth Memorial Hall was the scene of much activity this past weekend as the ninth annual Blyth Festival Book Sale took place in the Lower Hall all day Saturday and Sunday afternoon. At noon, Satur­ day, the Festival’s Board of Direc­ tors entertained the Friends of Blyth and ushers “on stage” with lunch in appreciation for their help with the many theatre activities and ushering. Katherine Kaszas, Artistic Director and Colleen Cur­ ran, author of “Local Talent” the Opening Night play spoke to the gathering. Don McCaffery conduc­ ted several tours of the new facilities during the day. The Blyth Festival Singers were busy as well conducting a lawn sale at the Blyth Legion to raise funds for the Choir. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daer visited at Mr. and Mrs. Lome Daer and family on the weekend. Dorothy attended the mennonite Quilt Auc­ tion in New Hamburg on Saturday. One of the highest prized quilts was the Candle Wick which sold for $2800. and many more went over $1,000. A very successful garage and bake sale took place on Saturday, May 26 when the Blyth Church of God united their efforts to raise money for a sound system for the number of flocks of sheep. Also they saw herds of red deer raised for commercial use. The Agriama Show held on the North Island was a memorable event for them, and interesting to see the sheep shear­ ing there. In all they spent 10 days in Australia and 14 days in New Zealand and the Seniors felt they had taken an arm chair trip as well. Mrs. Craig thanked Bob and John then closed the meeting, province been done in the past.” Mr. Allan stated that the grants are divided into two parts. “There is a general operating grant, where a percentage is paid by the government and the rest comes from local taxpayers. That money flows according to the number of students in the area. The capital component grant is when we make a submission and it receives ap­ proval or not.” THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, Blyth Christian Puppeteers. Thanks to the donors of baked goods and miscellaneous items, shoppers had a good variety to Last euchre of season held at Memorial Hall The last euchre of the spring was held at Blyth Memorial Hall Mon­ day, May 21. Alice Buchanan and Mell Jacklin had the high scores among the 12 tables of players. June Jacklin and Cars collide in crash in East Wawanosh Continued from page 1 of Cone. 10, then proceeded into the path of a 1981 Chev Impala driven by 38-year-old Donna Bie- man of RR 2, Lucknow. The westbound Bieman car broadsided Mrs. Vincent’s 1989 GMC pick-up, which then entered the north ditch and struck a hydro pole, police say. Both drivers received minor in­ juries and were taken by private auto to Wingham and District Hospital. OPP said that damage to the two vehicles was severe. STORE WID E SUMMER SAVINGS GOOD SELECTION OF STEEL TOE, SAFETY SOLE Work Boots KIDS SIZES A A f- TOO! 5, 6 & 7 T IVlJP Work Pants ALL SIZES UP TO 54 Rubber Boots FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY SECOND QUALITY T-Shirts 2/$5. OVERSIZE $4 MEN’S Rugger Pants $10SALE Y IViPR MOST SIZES Coveralls $25. pr OVERSIZE AT SLIGHTLY HIGHER PRICES GOOD ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ Blouses $10. HEY KIDS Flourescent • Caps. Shorty YELLOW •Muscle & black Shirts BOYS’ OR LADIES’ Work Gloves $2.,, MULTICOLOUR Shorts NOW AVAILABLE AT SUPER PRICES LARGE ASSORTMENT .... 4 Stone R.R. #1, Blyth Con. 12 Hullett 523-4426 2 miles east of Hwy. 4 OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK ’TIL 9 P.M. 1990. PAGE 3. choose from and the church re­ alized a profit of $427.00. The sale was held on Russ Cook’s driveway and organizers were grateful for good weather. Don Buchanan had the second high scores. Mrs. Slater and Jane Glou- sher had the low scores. Jane McEwing and Graeme McDowell had the most lone hands. Lloyd Appleby won the prize for the marked cup. NOTICE The Council of the Townshipof East Wawanosh deems it necess­ ary to hold the regular council meeting of June 5,1990 on Wed. June 6, 1990.