The Signal, 1925-3-19, Page 2 (2). ,,. ..,'-'1 •,..4,,,i. ,.• k '''' '{, :, r"..,,:t449,4",11.1.'' • .... LI 1., . ....': '' - - . ,, ,....„;•.S4WiZ&,,,,,,,, „...,,,e',..0". NW, . iirV,..,,,, ,P rlir.1 ... . 'ffr*.:41e.!T, ..''''',',.::".„' :,..,:.. twwvw.woossoo.,4,,Mostroa. ,. .......ervieveresee; 6117,... • .141.Y.'<i.,..-,..! „ „ , ,• '..r..../ '.; "i'*- vitr .,,,,,,,„, ., - . o'ie" ''. ''.0'. . *kat atILY aad. ,4..,,,Ao.,.,..o ,i(ivar ."toothisia rot4Oriti 'Or...14V I, ,. i, ..:•• I asktehrr.dfal 41,,, ,,,, ., ,.„ ., , „ lAleVItt •40 ' -444r''''4644 't ItOttft*Witik,PwailLA„,,,,,c:4400ent ::;11 -,,,,iia !..,11 .01,- , . , .,.., -.,;..." ....ArZI: ."'.4"1:''t I I r'''''' ',,,,,,,'.'s ,,,,,..k.,a,,,; s4 .4.,r;'' '''..j• '' - ' ''' . --1 e,' re' ^teen,veisses elm.44$1,1? -- '”,,,,,‘,,,,,,...- ' 4' 2 -Thursday, Mat reh 2S. 1225 THE SIGNAI., 04111116.101kAi EeTA BUSHED 1848 GODERICH . • • . CANADA Member el Canadian Weekly News- papers Association Pnblishrell every Thursday morning. Subscriptiou prier $2.00 per year. Tu United States and Foreign Countries, per ytur. strictly iu advance. THE SIGNAL FRINTLNG CO., LTD. Telephone 35 : : Goderieh. OM. W. 11. Robertson, Editor and Manager Thursday, March 26. 1923 THE FEDERAL BUDGET The statement 11 f the national fin- e ut•t•s tormented by , lieu. J. A. Rola., -acting Minister 4 viiinin..., in the House of Commons - this week was more cheerful than might have been expected: Reductions made a year. non in 4,1n4tonol luxnuon and in•--iee euitv, I kat . : hey have ..a to, rod... Haws tat reanired in n ism, ,k,.. thankflitte,, In that i her lit e in oun ercas4o to the 4:0%.. aliment revenue-. of the 'tnest favormi parts of the . , earth, wliere life and property aryl (erFAWA. Mar. -Ii 21. --Mier seven more seem-, and living ,,,,.4 11 int 1 I • of debate !lie legiglation better than 1.'4 anyelier.• else. providing for the enactment of the Federal Goversonent•s proposed agree - ea o Quality T 1P is blended only from tender young leaves la buds that yield richly of their delicious good- ness. Try SALADA to -day. GOD Sunday --- - ,Afternoon I By ISABELIIANIIION, -- ,Goderiell, Ont. eweet as home to lela:Int, -weery, zo • liteti to newly opened eyes. Or full sprluga In detterte dreary, le the rest the--Pross supplies; All who taste 'it Shall to rent immortal Go. -J•el'Ph Swale. and am yet imperfectly saved people. ! were tethered into the church. hieh i0earrf11 :Itmesattly peeves were and se‘erul thonsatol .o.orp " ON PARLIAMENT HILL jured. reminds conailimes, and ry siolent. of Wes.tern (Ira:trio on parti By a Press Gallery Member but tloSpille tills Mr. Robb was aim. to anlIOUDVP a Plinth'. over both oral.. ars and ealoital expenditure - of nearly tivo tulitien Only a few i#X1111011 w,ere Ilpnounelml. An inere•ts'e in the customs; duty von stuck void. 'from 14 cents t,, 50 outtorper ton is 45-41 4,1114.4 1401:1 to Nova Scotia lutarests. An ex- tort tax of $1.95 im.r lap. on elevtri, power exported from the Dominien f- a De t e ) ties are 4111 fll %% !lad .t slight earthquake a own,. with sir willecria yq..n014 1,0 (4.1/4. ago. out it slid Hof hurt Main control of email freight rates ;to le sly in 11111 Prov inee. 4111(1 101t4. tl... folio. something le talk allow. as few of them had ever exPerlence'l ailjthing 2:1 the kind before.. • -• An...mine-lite of the 4I4t14r4o T•onie crane.. Ail peep...eel by the Gooreru- torai-t- itallosite 11101. the -low -1.4 per --Vlitr-Iflay he odd im standard -used-in boat.. (mated tty inoliv tedelos at tables...hut_ ILL= _.stit_i'lei 1 he -- - -0.- "4"411I- tarn" %1441'''' - bar wil.1 eot lie .permittil. Other pr.)- visiolis are: The mininturk peasils. THE ALTERNATIVE VOTE for tuttiug-or drinking liquor in st -- / puteire plate. is rediteed front SUM to There aptwaxo- to _Ite__soms. lweita- sett; demurs nre to be limited to - ttion at OttaWa 111141111 1111 4114111,111g the thirty inetead of rifle preeeription, alternative. vote in 4'144t 4h15. LAM in any month; sal.. 1.f 4.-1 beer to Sesition It a:8a stated that a hill for persone under eighteen pure of age -.the purpose- wimill be brought in at 1s-4* The .ltionoty-GeMe-al this swesion.but so far this has not also 5111011 fuetbee mid ..taimitied been done. Withoni -the altirnative hotels, wellsamdia:tosi restaurante s!otelibla .probateelhat a good ovine and eaft.t,ria,, mit,. .ell Lind ---ril.s.ii: minority rePreeentatieee will be el- bulk .for evaisuMptbon ow the prem- ected to the next l'arliatuent. and 64.‘; 1i.... Olt! groveriee May eel only '• surely thta shmild be avoided. • CH, ONT. procure the meatus of providing for the went,' of the stripers within their eompany eveu property had to bo tilapottee of. Hence we read In Acts 4 :M. :13. that lands and house - were *old and the proceeds laid at the Apoetlee' feet ; and distribution was' made with every man aceording as he had need. Thus they ceettin- tied for some time. gaining in favor 1 with fi000l and man. "de& the Lord added to the. rhurch dally such as Womb,- be mayme" rbrietian aalvation. acer.rding te this ompluttle pAraie, 14 a pmeems begun at POnver- Ilion. carried on progreesively through Ow life. and reaching Its climax in another state." Se these orogreeslvely, 0 O'er plowed Lord. who haat re• FRASER W- ORLD MISSIONS • vested Thyself in .lesu&,ma Jaercifel ; flue might rewrite the eleventh God, able aud to ....empty? of Hebrews, with well•known the utteruued that ....me moo Thee from tnodsrn annals of (Ilea- loY Ilim. we Wow sdraw te-or 111- thin workers in 1111.1.. ritoosiug name. ! a Aeon. of ttegol.s from the living and We -acknowledge our 1114141 1141,1 sans the dell& Thou 1114 chapter should and wickedness. We do ..arnestly re-! etrose with the e'er modern. stIrriter pent'. We grieve that oe hare not ' appetti of the twelfth chapter. "There - W C. betake ourselves 1..1.mus. liteir with grs.ht a cloud of witneseeri... us. our Father, fur sok... so that , let us run with patients. the race that our consciencee inn) lo. essoet of the ta .4e4 before us. looking unto -how burden of An, nod our -souls nour- the author and perfeeter of our fn 1144." imbed by Thy spirit. -linen. -W. IT. ' loved aud sterved os We ought. 1 fore keeIng WP eompeesed *Nett enex.t „kmlie iopaaenifie WWgiven a reading in 1 11S. S. LESSON FOR .FRit, 3h19Teachere AU-expese Tour toxthe House of Commons, lest Fridny nht A 'omlletthlrty-ilfty all expense and is now ready to go before the r:a;_Titie_Theittemantelpea iJII*I comitiP10 be appointed t.::: while ittaded fiv. tuemlre Gold.. Tet-A,,gI, bing arranged f rom Torono t ) th44th Peifie Coatspcial wee. It was a lively iTeasow peomage_.tess2:3647. Ji, I 1,., id .1 1 o, nov,, ale train leaving Toronto rip Caned -Me .eervellve leader,' and Mr. Fork... :110 1 rtolor: lot "41"te7.1rtuon"31.Prea.elted Within A' NwIli'llel RailwnP44 July 94h neet. • King Cabinet. Mr. 1141i:hen, the Cam - lo It I Westbound.; the party will in bulk and Iiiir:Sse guisiuuptitat ett In a riding electing one member inc •there mly he three eandidatee. 11, • a a a and C. The majority of the elector. Tbe judges of the l'ourt -of App.' al May prefer either A - '4', but haVe made otrastie revision of the Under our_r_see:nt tostem of volt upon Peter Smith. they would be likely to divide Heir former -PravItietat--Trettettrer.- -steel vette. between A and B stud allow c Aentilius Jerrie. Toronto broker, hy to be elected. With the alternative Chief Juetice Mereslith. The orittin- vote an elector' may vote for A and al judgment *as that Smith should at the same time declare his prefer- be. imprisoned three years tind Jarvis Progressive chii.1. making i few dart of ,Chrisee as...tis n. was addreseed to ,inen nutey '41 w110111 Aries of Beeetern Canadge,- WIntilpee. throtteh '401TOP of the most Important contributions too the- (11000,,sion. .1,ilieral opinion on the ordivet. i.....ypriossett by the Prime Minister 1110.1 foreibly. and Ily ids teditelletlem tioLt_Hte_ existnt.. of a eotiabine. - it- --Cam< freight proved. Also, that it is a ser ou. andleap upon t'unailiap trade throng ('an - notion port*. laraitse grom diet - euee for 13 over C. or he may vote for %Ix mantes. and that the two for II and declare him pieft.rence for jointly /Mould- pay a fine of $000.000 have a cleat majority of VOtP/4 in the Paid. In the revised judgment the whitifu'rther evidence is produced be - first count, the Preferenee. or alter- -fine is relined to 1301.0013 and a fore the epeeist committee and .eP dPrillito portion of it Is - miaowed if the charley* in tke!Preston ,'ort federation. with the result that the against - yeti, unwell- eote),000 agatuat see. eubstantiated. -Also they will Watt and "et. If the agreement iteelf native, votes would Inc taken into con tarn III Tiny way te. lboilified. They feel that the proposted agreement 114 not adequate to meet the situation. They alma. 'Ilene the idea of peeing eash to get-eontrul of tIte tette" and would ',refer some other means of reaching that end. 4lowever. if no other, means im available they _will stippert the flovenonellt__Plan. know 11 ne the . ferent hich (4" 01.14 rntes. ha* betel abundant). rimination both as to the frleght ottee themselves( and as to marine ineurance rates. 44c. serious is 'the Injury that the time ban 4.44111144 when drastie neeteuree must he taken to provide a n.tnetly. The me.posed agreentent with Petersen. whielt vide... for the peytnettt of clod) to Petersen in return' for the Govern- ment's being given iuntrol of freight rat.". is. the Government believes'. the fnost premiered.. remedy immediately &reliable to remedy A situation watch bite existed for_ many years and about which the - previous' Government ivellie,1 to he tleepiy -agitated but did nothiug. • < PrOgreflAW. Want ConleMittee In. %todigation The feeling of the Prognosis -re on the Teopiteal wee expreested by Mr. Forke etwelnetly when be (*tiered that he was not honeile to the plan bet simply critical. Tbe attitude of knetv'lleme- Christ. all .1 etwou hati beard of His Work. 11114' W at 3asper National Park. thence to ,„ Saskatoeti.-Edipmeou-stopping over death. • • Prince Rupert and via Canadian Na• ' bratre "I'l"l111 "The "f ("IT tional Mettle Coast etetteseve through sermon evidenees th.. power and in- the eenderfol seenis. leas of the North truism' lir 'MP Itt97- SPtr-14- -41ww-24-- {'o444 tiontuover, return- Peker's mind. Here %as St. Petter_i itig via Portland, Yellowetone with his fellow apowles. standing 'up! al Parie Salt Iske City and Ewes4 proclaiming n glorified att.I afteemeiso National Park thraugh Chicego. theme. 3lesslah. Just seven utwks before bark In Toronto. they had fled from the ineemenger of lite Aireetion of Mr. A. E. Bryeon. The tour being arranged under the High Prieet -ent to arr.--1 their Master. teaving HIM to fate. toeinvipal of telitetthorn School. Tor- onto. and kic.-.34artlo.R.err. priocipa' Now RP see him filled eh'. th.• Spirit Earl Kitehener echool. Hater and .dt•livering 14rr1114114 that in• re- -04 lb.. stele l'ar exceeded thou. ever achiev- ton. One Full information may, he mi by our Lord. thug fulfilling swum, teem Mr. Bryson. 44 Silver - A over C. Should neither ho nor and remain in prison until it waa Itthelin:eitfr. afitohl'alft9isiXtvesrt!-• that candidate eleeted would he that tole alto. dearly waa preferred by the me- -jority of the elector.' se against eith- er of the other two. EDITORIAL NOTES_ A million children are Wareing it Russia. The fruit of Bolsheviem is bitter. --- • • • of Marquis t:urzon, after a rather A new orchid 1(11.4 been named for brief illness. The Marquis was of the Printe. of Wales. Ilit•re elin 44.. i the very typo. of aristocrat horn and frw. further honors in wore for the ' Prince -vete he merriest. bred to rule. From his early 7('11444 Jarvis and $10111;oun againet Smith. In Cletitglt of payment either in 44, h' Imprisoned roFa further iseriod of five years, wimmeneing at the con- clusion of the period of impilson- meat now being served: Jarvis has already paid e140.000 and therefore i_leguoney-$110.1)00 Witt jaspe-- - • ,• • A notable figure haft been removed from British !midi.. life by the death • • • he was alikpOleti for public Mee anti In spite of an injury received in child - Premier King deelares a fight to a Habib with the oeettn shipping cora• hood Ithk-h might beet. reduced a bine. we hope it win be the fini, I weaker nature to chronic invalidism et the combine. h.. mounted the ladder step by step • • • until he won an undleputed place am Serious. news it Is for university students In arts that ,In future they lust obtain their standing at the spring examinations or late their ' year. The old -map." route is closed. Will the change act PR a spur to the (*erten% and iiiirore-nir • • • Further airiest» have been made in the Provioelal civil service and hives- tigaUone ire Rang on which loaf in- volve other members of the service. When the dishoneet ..onee are all rounded up and put where they be - bong, that phratte, "gone to join the g reat majority:* may have a Dew air n i ficance. • • • A proposal to renter, the pre-war excuraion rates on the railways la again before Parliament. While con- dition. have changed greatly le the last ten years. making the running of excursion trains much more COPtly, It looks' a.. if the railways were losing good buelnees In not encouraging Bee Iltia7 and week -end traffic. ono of tbe etrongent men In the Con- serrothe party. lir swan never a pop- ular figure. perhaps' never wiehed to be; hie vieteriee were those of *beer intellectual power and stubborn will. Had hte 'remitted itt the House of Commune hamlet have bueome Prime Mlninter. but when Boner Law re- tired In 192.1 the Conservative, chose as their leader Mr. Stanley Baldwin, a man of much les.. experience. but a Commoner, rather than Cason, whoste ;dam-4o:the Mouse of Lords - Wag .untldered a handicap in poen- cs1 leaderehip. Ile died at the age' of misty -six yeurs. an age at which the man in larked) public life 111 suppooed to be at hitt prime. It is in- teretiting to Dote that the --Martinis was a distant-causin of Mr. Arthur Curzon, of tlie 'Huron road, Goderich township. • • • Dean lnge-"the gloomy Dean" - in the course of a general lamenta- tion upon the toindltios of the. Em- pire deplore:1 the fact Mat "Maeda and Australia contain Canadians and Anntrallana who regard them - Delve* as such, and soil ai English- men." The Dean should remember eat some of the best people la the Old Constry, too, do sot regard them- selves so "Englifthioes." They were bora north of the Tweed and coaelti- ee theseirtees Scots 44 • • • irbe terrible tornado Is lisetbera Nilamia lad Iodises last west. la Chrigr. own Plvith*-wY" r4"1'4.41 by . thorn avenue. Toronto. Janet. 2.143w_ Sr. John, where Ile prediete that Ills . also teem Mr. Kerr. 4 Beulah ave., apotitles shalt...achieve greater works : Hamilton. Regent '42. had ttehieced, "h4:11!ke I While primarily deeigned for the Mixed His Fleyaology than Ile- 'RO i upto the Fat her" 4 .lolin 14 :124. benefit ,if esteliers in the Province of The following remarkably etatemen: actions. ehargee neon th.•nt the mut, . ...of the general public and any who waa inetudect in the. examinatkot paper turned in by a boy: Peter in 1111,1 eermon 11--.011P their Ontario, the tour its open to member der of theoM? ovalah, and proclaim' Ills . eon, to join tbe party wilt_ be_ most _Tin, human body ie divided flit° triumph over all their intrigues end welcome. , ree parts -the head, the chest Arne 'then Mons up all his erreuziento in I ththe stunsmick. The bead eontanes „Hie the iords: 'Therefore let all the APPOINTMENTS TO I ,'ye and braises'. if any. The chest . house Of leriel imow -iteentedly. that • MATHEWS LINE BOATItecitthines the hullo lied- • Piece of ' 4, a I ' 1 -same 70,4114 liver. 'Tbe Mummick Is devoted o whom yeeistese-crileifieol. both Lord •‘ ! Several of Item Beats Are Winter- iii. bow"lo of whleh there Is five. 2. and Christ." . e, L 0. IL and eometintes w anti 7. - lag at Gederieh Verne* 37-41-Reault of ilis Preach- I , Ing The list of appointments_ of Aker* _ an.1 In, acute twin of eon...Wore, (Tied etteamabip--Co.'s lake fleet le as fol. Baby's restless nights The peeicle. -eitusl br ,,,,,,irtiem., of the eteamere of the Mathewe might be avoided out. "What shall woo MO- Pty., 'Peter ' lows:- replied. "Repent. and he haptii.el." I Royalton -Capt. ('. Albineon, ef The prenehlng of the New Testa- • MooretOwn; Eng. John Myler, l'ort !pent is ever the mime. Jolty the Colborne. Baptist ea me and • hie teaelilng *a• i Mathewson -Capt. .1. Moire. Tor - briefly summed up thus. "Itepent ye. onto; Eng. r). -MeNenzle, 1;041erleh. for the kingdom 1.1 beaten is 31-4 Berryton-Capt. It. Kionnedy, Col - band." John woe remoymi. and , lingwood; Eng. S. Murray. King- Chriet PUMP. The lamp ceased to, ston. 7 shine. and then the true 1.ight etood 1 Itivertoo-Capt. G. Bunting, Cql- revealtel; hut the teaehieg was the lingwood; Eng. F. Iwnaster. liar saMe. and tiw Memdalt 41111 prclaims', , nia. "Repent. for the kingdom of hP1444,/1 • Lakt•ton-Capt. 1' Melotyre. Ser - ie at hand:' TM riapt,•,- (1..,,T14 ftn4 148; Eng. D. Ifs:Conned. eullingwoial. the Spilirlt is outpoured, and still the ; cautaBstyrtoinea;n-Cazngpt:WLI.Ble_tIrkvog.pwasd.k, (wilt.. Mill Ends of White Cotton 900 yards of short ends of yard -wide white, Cambric& and Middy Twill, perfect goods in en rths of from 2 to 12 yards, quality 30c to 50c, at per yard sheetings Superior Bleached Sheeting, heavy even thread and pure, free from dressing, 72 inches wide, special 8 at per yard - • . 81 inches wide, regular $1.10, at per yard • • • • 87c Flannellette Blankets ' pink or blue border, at per pair Largest double -bed extra hkea.,44.7;;47ii:ht9 7C " Spring Coats Handsome productions of fine Charmenas, Poire Twills, etc., silk -lined, daintily _trimmed with fur, and some are exquisitely tailored. Prices, $15, $19, $25, $30, $35, $37.50, and $42. Canton Crepes Heavy Satin back Canton Crepe; 40 inches wide, black, navy and browns. Regular $4.00, at $3 25 per yard Rugs 'Atootivoilvgwispia!:,tstict41 Wilton Rugs, British make. specially priced for March selling. 2 1-4 x 3 yards at $29.75, 3 x 3 1-2 yards at $39.75, 3 x 4 yards at $44.75. - New Linoleums 4 yards wide, new desiigns,lkeavy quality, 9 March Sale, at per square yard \ W ACHESON & SON 44111m..4-44• Destruefive but. Not Conetvnetive Critkism As too the Coneervatives. Mr. Melgh- en and hie follower.' were very hitter In their crItielsm of the Governme•nre contract with Sir William 1'MM-own, but Ilwy offered no other construc- tive remedy. They declared their opinion that the plan wa.4 futile, conatdertet mot w.,14447 et' the eee- sIderation of the House. They wanted the matter to be refereed to the Im- perial Shipping Committee, which meant -oractleally that nothing would be done to disturb the present situa- tion. Tbey aleo expended much lan- guage, ,ome of it ftIntoot nephritemenlary. In abusing W. T. R. Preston. author of the report to the IIorern- ment. one or tyro of the Opproltion speakers' being obliged to go back to P'96 and other retpote years in *bleb to rake up something to say. All this. as WAS pointed nut kr lAtseraltlleak- ere. was a way of evading ti reit Issue. Immigration Depends en Riliefl An Important etotement was made hy the Prime Minister on March 17 (Continue(1 on page S) Colliserried Says Don't ((ollingwood Bulletin) Goderich le the gest of an agitation looking for a municipal audit by a chartered accountant (lo to it they InaY. 44141 4.4 *bey know the experienee of Colliegorood as to the costa there would be some hesitation and some store time elapse before the 1100 111, acted upon. Never again for MilIngwood if It nae be avoided. Harker* es the otreet are Kerley/ sometimes. but fortunately • not al. Wily& Nomoo Nature Not Be bad (Walkerton Telescope) We aometleses suspect that this la a (Wimp old wotld. Oemidoaally, however. as Incident memo which treasures us that the heart or hu- manity beats warm aad that the real spirit of aelgtobarliaem premet la a larger measure than 4.is6rpla noose° c end insillie-4----tent Idea iv-- juet the mme. The cry of tho; multi- '. 'rich. . tude. -Men and brethren. what ,,hall I Northton-Capt. N. Scott. Helnli- ae dor pmduces. "Repent.- coupled ' ton: Eng. J. Muir. Goderich. with it new reqnirement. 'He bate 1 Brookton-Capt. R. Merhersoon„ tired. Pi-vry (ow of youfor the I.P." Wiarton; Eng. W. -Tynan. Coiling' miesdon of....aina." And the same mos.: *004. nage haii ever Attlee temtinutel to he FAUoii-Capt. Jeo. Hirden. (lode - 1 the %Kele of all real upirituel work. rkh: Reg. F. H. Fawcett. Torooto, John Weldor was one of the greatest Yorkton-Capt. M. Robson. Toron- evangeitses teat evpv-111-‘4 and --rk.41 in• rm. Geo. Jarrell, Klepton.• 1 for God. He minted It utterly este- Ralton-CaPi. J. A. Smith. Corn - least and hopelems to pr)•tieh the cum- wall; Eng. J. II. Robinson. Corti* forte of the (Impel before be bad watt -- made men feel and wine' bentuth the Clinton --Capt. Is Burnsister. Col - terrors' of the law and the meow of Halewood; Eng. Chill. Gray, -Stt offended justiee-hia vras ever a Catbiliferii. • presetting of repentance. 1G. T. Arlington -Coot, F. Rock, Marton'. Eng. F. Drickenden. Walten, Nova Scotia. Lambton-Capt. A. Livingstone. Courtright; Eng. W. T. Rennie, CollinftwOod- Wiarton-Capt. W. Hornebergerf' Thorold; Eng. Geo. Murphy, Elgin. - osstee-escs,--44.- Beitee,----Dort Dalhousie; Eng. W. P. Craig. Conine - wood. ....,- Ilirchton--Capt. W. Tulloch, King- ston• Eng. K. B. Dellille, Toronto. them what WOUld follow If they would Cedarton-Capt. W. peattY, Toron- Scalded skin auecitber skin troubles are common causes of restlestmess, and often could be avoided by care- ful bathing with Baby's Own Soap. Its fragrant lather cleansers sad [heals illaby's skin, asd prepares for restful sleep. "Bed Jr pa mad &she eve! roe Letterheads Envelopes Billheads And alt kind* of Business Stationery ',tinted at The Signal -Office. We will do a job that will do credit to your busines- Look over your stock of bake Stationary and if it requires replenishing call us by telephone 35. The SigoarPrinting Co., Limited Stoke* Thie dloceuree. though one of the longert In the New TPEtaMeht. it but an outline. He testified and entreat- ed them by argument and promisee to put forth an effort to be paved and esparate thenisavea from the in- fluence. opinion and fate of the Jew. of that day. They were corrupt ant wicked. had crueified the Messiah; and they were for their sine soon to he dea'royed. mini -fel out to token place at our neighboring vil- lage of Cargill. On Sunday. Mardi let. a little boy was drowned in the river and hie body carried rendre the lee. Hundreds of people from the sur- rounding countryside turned out In fhe bitter weather to help recover the body. The lee was sixteen ineb- em deep and the work of sawing away the ice to permit probing for the body was undertaken. Soon the riv- erbank* were plied high with wally of lee. The work kept on from morn- ing until night day after day until the river had been cleared for up- ward. of a mile Some hundreds of people, many of them coming many Blies, assisted with men and teams. When at the end of platten days no traee or the body had been found, the helpers atill kept on the job, there were as many as •eventy-five working at once. Aad they did not let up mien ancrsas monied their effort* on the seventeeeth day and the norrowing parents held the com- fort or having the body nt. their little one restored to them for Christian burial. Ott the lbw run • "Illd'e buying an automobile on the instalment pies." "Ten asd if be doess't drive more eareful Mks he has hem out tbey wilt take Ms to the hospital in the W to the nolhee. Seek as 1has AM IO 01; ,fr;4„4,1:41:C- .7t perys ir) use - MARTIN -SENOUR MARBLE -/ITE nom FINISH /Whin, ace it M. /14enchnood floors I*. M wears [Me Iron - wee to Mod Meta Mostiosi br hall s•oldst . motet miuMTING MOM *WI SOLD WY wonid fulfil his promiee to; Rag. Joe. Sweeties, St. Catbar repent. God - recorded in Joel 2•2113. They. teo. would receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Though so many, about three thou- sand. novived his word and were baptised. yet it is implied that there were Aothere who did not: It 'thews that the preaching of the (kspel Is fitted to work a rapid and mighty ehanee in the hearts of men but also it show. that In all revivals. Mete are thaw who become alarmed about their mule but who refuse to yield to thef gospel call. and again heroine thought least and are kat. Vents 43-47--Fellowsklp. In thene verse* we ace how thaw who were baptised. and en added to the chureh. joined thenewivea to the company of the Apt:moles. listened to their teaching and Avowed hp their conduct that their Chrintlan name woe a minty. They' obnerved the celebration of the Lord'* Supper and were faithful In prayer and in the breaking of bread together. A ger eine revival *411 be always followed by a love of prayer and the opetlog of congenial eompsnyBut the early elirlatian went farther. Junt an Je- suit and fits little company had OOP purse out of which their daily needs were furniahed PO here while these sew convert*. Reese of whom mese from Cellist parte. remalited together It was 'attend sad proper they should Nero their pressety. Is inlet to 'F:741"trIMMF .4444-4ig Am. 111 Isle F. HUNT k•wef.fl OODERICH to -A \ . 24 :owe Otet 944 - ;AM 44-4*4 WO" Ir.13 4;1 "The Early Bird" Gets the 0.14!sit; Choicest Fabrics - With fine workmanship and -quality woollens you get M. drape and Aare, all the marks of "custom made" Crown Taikred.C1Oes $25 and up .TAP,0 '41"Z .W High Grade Hats a d‘151 , '41 of exacting standards for men anadrszet:ien showing the smartest styles n for the season. Uee our remodelling, relining and repair service. M PRO= MMUS II roma= FRANK H. MARTIN WW1 AND !AM1 R IteLsaa's Week, BM Nds et Sown, fisiddi ,...mmuumummowniL-- 9 .14 14 4,4