The Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-12-19, Page 6PAQN figx THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 41111•00111011104.1001.111.1111MMIY FREE THERMOMETER—Plus cash at your farm for dead or disabled Horses or Cows. Phone collect, Wingham, 561J, William Stone Sons Ltd. rb FOR SALE—Christmas turk Phone 735J3. R. J. McMurray. PICTURE FRAMING—A speci Warren House, Wingham. alty. WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS & MACHINERY NEW EQUIPMENT— All sizes of New and Used Tractors, Models R, Z, U and G. Ebersol Wonder Electric Hammer and Mill with new type hammer. A complete line of Farm Implements, A full selection of Watt's Rose brand farm feeds made in Palmerston. GEO MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE telmore Ont. Phones: Behnore, 4 Wroxeter 7r7 David Cromptop JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker 'Phone 59 Wingham eys. 19b EMPLOYMENT WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED—Member of Wingham Canadian Legion re- quires light work such as shovelling snow or any kind of carp'entry, or masonry jobs. Available as night- watchman. Phone 3403. rb TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Jan. 16th., 1952 for 75 cord more or less of hard body wood, 16 inch. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Wood to be delivered by June 1st. FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, Decem- ber 29th., for the purchase of a 1946 Chevrolet, four door sedan, Serial No. 6121911373 equipped with dash heater Prestone and five good tires. actual mileage, 9,343 miles, car own- ed by Rev. A. C. Montag, can be seen at Mildrnay Motors anytime, highest or any tender not necessarily accept-, ed. Father W ..T, Nolan, Sacred Heart Church, Mildmay. 19* $5.00 on will allovv you your old battery HURON MOTORS A. D. MacWilliam Telephone 237 Wingham, Ont. Enjoy the Whole Year Celebrating Want Ad Results FOR SALE—Cob corn in five or ten ton truck loads, Also kiln-dried Shelled corn. For prices contact R. J, Ballantyne, R.R. 2, St. Paul's, Phone Sebringville 31r5, 19262b •r SELL YOUR CREAM, Eggs and Poultry the Co-op way and for your convenience we have all your Co-op Feeds available at the right prices at the Maitland Co-op Creamery. Lockers available to everyone, rrb. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE or EXCHANGE on lunch room or small business. Brick du- plex in London, with good income. Immediate possession. Mrs. Geo. McArthur, Wardsville, Ont., phone Bothwell 865. 121924* FOR SALE OR RENT—Brick house in Belgrave with modern conven- iences. For further information apply at Cooperative Store. 1926° FOR SALE—Six room house in Wingham, in good condition, all conveniences, property consists of two lots. Box 102. 19* PROPERTIES FOR SALE 25 ACRES with Dwelling and 1947 Chev. truck and trucking business with P.C.V. license. 100 ACRES on highway with modern 250 ACRES on 86 Highway. 150 ACRES near Brussels. 164 ACRE Farm adjoining Wingham. Large barn, hydro, water in barn and very comfortable dwelling. $13,000 with good terms. 100 ACRE Grass Farm, $8,000, with good barn. THREE General Stores. THREE Hotels. MODERN BAKERY. DWELLING with 10 acres of land. STORE space in Lucknow. GENERAL store in Wingham, GARAGE and Service Station includ- ing car sales. DWELLINGS in Brussels and Wing- ham, Seaforth, Lucknow and Tees- water. Listings wanted. W. C. OKE, Real Estate Broker, Sea- forth; E. Thompson, Salesman, phone 83X, Brussels. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Girl or woman for house- work, part or full time, commenc- ing Jan. 3. Apply to W. S. 1219b HELP WANTED—MALE HERE'S the opportunity you've been looking for! An established Wat- kins Rural Route is available in your area. A permanent full-time business of your own without in- vestment or previous selling exper- ience. If you are ambitious, be- tween 25 and 55, and have a suit- able travel outfit, an assured future can be yours. For details write Dept. O-W-13, the J. R. Watkins Co. 350 St. Roch Street, Montreal. 51219b WANTED DEALERS WANTED for leading line of Dairy Farm Equipment, to sell direct to farmer, must be financial- ly able to operate small business. Apply to Dairy Equipment Com- pany, 2789 St. Clair Ave. E., Toronto Ont. 1219b WANTED IMMEDIATELY — Cedar posts by the truck load, Five or six inch tops. Contact R. J. Ballan- tyne, R R. 2, St. Pauls, phone Se- bringville 31r5, 19262b WANTED—Kitten about eight weeks old, for child for Christmas. Phone 199 or 566. 19b SCHOOL CARETAKERS WANTED Applications will be received until January 1, 1952 for the position of caretaker in each of the schools of Morris Township. Duties may be learned from any member of the School Board or from Secretary. Ap- plicants state annual salary. Duties to commence February 1952. No ap- licant necessarily accepted. R, 5. Shaw, Bluevale. 1924b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of George Nelson Under- wood, late of the Township of Turn- berry in the County of Huron, Farm- er, who died on or about the fifth day of November, A.D. 1951, are no- tified to send to the undersigned on et before the twenty-ninth day of De- cember, A.D. 1951 full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediate- ly after the said twenty-ninth day of December the assets of the said tes- tator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the Ex- ecutors shall then have notice. DATED this seventh day of Decem- ber, A.D. 1951. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 121924b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Alexander MacDonald, late of the Township of Culross in the County of Bruce, Farmer, who died on or about the ninth day of October, A.D. 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the twenty- ninth day of December, A.D. 1951, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty- ninth day of December the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executrix shall then have notice. DATED this seventh day of Decem- ber, A.D. 1951. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario Solicitors of Executrix 121924b Artificial Insemination Service THAT IS BUNG SUPPLIED TO NINE COUNTIES • —from— PROVEN SIRES that produced the first Polled Shorthorns to be shown at the Royal in horned competition, and selling on her first birthday at $1,000. Another 3-months-old daughter sold to the noted herd of McDonald Bros., Ripley. We have 3 steer calves out to Calf Club members to prove our bulls. Service on Shorthorns, Polled Shorthorns and Polled Herefords in- cluding I imported bulls, at $6 with a 50c deduction for cash. This in- eludes 4 services if required SPEC- IALLY TRAINED veterinarian in breeding troubles supplied free.' Other helps for the asking. Holstein service from the noted bulls of the Oxford Holstein Breed- ers Association. —Phone— BOWHILL FARMS, Teeswater 45r22—Collect before 10 a,m, the day you wish service. Shorthorns for sale, including sev- eral bulls of serviceable age. I ant now confident our technicians can help you promote better cattle at lowest possible cost. PLEASE—Phone calls for service must he in by 10 a.m. Breeders in Huron County phone Harry Reid, Clinton 630r4. R. C. ARMSTRONG, 19 :26* IN MEMORIAM Christmas In Heaven While you look down upon it, The hole you once adored, You're spending your first Christmas, Dear brother with the Lori. While your dear face we're missing Around our festive board, You're seated at His table, Dear brother, with your Lord. Could'st wish him back from Heaven! Oh no, we can't afford, To call back to this sinful world Our brother from his Lord, No gifts have we to offer, But our heart's love outpoured, Wilt Thou accept our offering And give it to Him Lord. Oh sympathizing Saviour, To whom his spirit soared, Help us to spend this Christmas, Without our brother, Lord. A tribute to Fred Edgar, who pass- ed away, July 20th., 1951, from his sisters, Alice and Mrs, (Lillie) Shepherd, St. Catharines, Ont. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Lewis Dewitt wish to extend their sincere thanks to the many friends and nei- ghbors of Wingharn and second line of Morris, for their kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement. The flowers and cards were greatly appreciated, 19b CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to DrW. A, Crawford, the superinten- dent and staff of Wingham General Hospital. Rev, and 1VErs, A. Nimmo, and all those who, through their kindness and expressions of sympa- thy, assisted during the recent illness and passing of a dear wife and mother. —Robt, S. Hamilton and Family lob BELGRAVE Junior Institute The Belgrave Community Centre took on a festive air for the Christ- mas meeting of the Belgrave Junior Institute. The decorations were part of a demonstration given by Mrs. Clif- ton Walsh. A large cedar wreath was dotted with tiny aluminum printed doilies and gay coloured balls, A Christmas tree outlined in green rib- bon displayed Christmas cards. Tall red candles which flanked Santa and his reindeer made an attractive table centre. Mrs. Walsh suggested wrapping gifts to suit a person's personality; such as wrapping a man's gift in a road map or tying a small toy on the top of a child's gifts. In sum- ming up her remarks Mrs. Walsh reminded the members that money doesn't make Christmas, The main thing is to get the spirit of Christ- mas, Edna Moffat was convener for the meeting and the roll call was an- swered by naming "What I want Most for Christmas." Mae Dawson gave the topic "A Christmas Carol and its Origin." She chose "Silent Night", which was first sung by monks in the nineteenth century. An exchange of gifts brought a success- ful meeting to a close. Ladies' Guild The annual meeting of the Ladies Guild was held at the home of Mrs, Robert Higgins on Wednesday after- noon with a good attendance in spite of the stormy weather. The Presi- dent Mrs. C. H. Wade was in charge of the meeting which opened in the usual manner. Several 'Thank you' cards were read. To close up the year's business the Treasurer was given authority to pay all bills due at this time and the members were gratified to know there was a small balance after all obligations were met, Rev. Mr. Bramwell took the chair for the election of officers which arc as follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs. Bram- well, Mrs. J. VanCamp, Miss E, Procter; Pres., Mrs. C. H. Wade; Vice Pres., Mrs. S. Vannan; Treas., Mrs. C. Nethery; Treas. Card Corn., Mrs. F. Shoebottom; quilt convener, Mrs. R. Higgins; sec., Mrs. W. Brydges; Programme Committee, Mrs. A. Higgins, Mrs. L. Vannan, Mrs, R. Procter, Mrs. N. McCrea, Mrs. C. McGill; organist, Mrs. L, Van- nan; auditors, Mrs. F. Shoebottom, Mrs. W. Brydges. Mr. Bramwell then closed the meeting with prayer and lunch was served by the hostess. FARM MACHINERY SURPLUS FARM MACHINERY just takes up valuable space in your sheds. If you have outgrown a trac- tor or cultivator, get a fair price for it by advertising in the Advance- Times want ads. E. Wawanosh Council Completes Year's Work The Council of East Wawanosh Township met December 15th with all the members present, the Reeve presiding. The minutes of the meet- ing held November Rh were read and adopted on motion of McGowan, sec- onded by Taylor. It was moved by Campbell, second- ed by McGowan that a rebate be made on a number of dogs assessed wrongly. Moved by Campbell, seconded by Taylor, that Alex Robertson be pointed to the Wingham Hospital Board for 1952. Mr. W. S. Gibson, agent for the in- surance the Township is carrying, discussed the different lines with the council. Moved by Robertson, seconded by Campbell that legal advice be obtain- ed on the cattle claim and a special meeting of council to be held if pos- sible before the end of the year. Moved by Taylor, seconded by Mc- Gowan, that Mel Bradburn get ao re- bate of $16.75 on taxes, being an er- ror of $5.00 in 1951 assessment roll. Moved by McGowan, seconded by Campbell that By-laws No, 10, 11 and 12 be read the third and final time and passed. Moved by Robertson, seconded by Campbell that the road and general accounts as presented be passed and paid. Road accounts, $2,612.11; Huron County rates, $14,195,43; police vil- lage rate, $90.73; telephones, Blyth, $2663.60; Brussels, 189.70, total, $2,- 853.30; Federation of Agriculture, $615.45 less charges, $20.40, $595.05; public schools, $19,176.09, less advance levy, $5,500.00, $13,676.09; separate school, $69.00; high school districts, $6,873.97; salaries and allowances, $1,437.00; election expenses, $122.33; hospitalization, Huron County, $88.50; miscellaneous, $2,850.00; County Trea surer for collecting back taxes, $77,10; Council adjourned to meet in Jan- uary at the Belgrave Community Centre. J. D. Beecroft, Reeve R. H. Thompson, Clerk Vol- a fine personal gift that will truly please, select a dress from our Xmas 'collection. tresses from $1 50 Co is fro $32.00 Station Wagons from $21.00 Experienced sales staff will help you find the ideal size and style, or you can purchase a special "Gift Certificate", Lingerie, Slips, Gowns, Panties, "Whisper" Nylons, Parasols, Hand-bags, Fine Gloves and Neckwear. Special Xmas Ensemble! 32=PIECE SET 4 Fine Percale Sheets 4 Wabasso Pillow Slips 6 Caldwell Bath Towels .6 Caldwell Face Cloths 6 Caldwell Tea Towels 6 Caldwell Dish Cloths a$45,00 value for $39 95 "O.V." --- Blankets, Spreads, Lace Cloths, Linen Cloths, Towels, Sheets for gifts of quality elwood s "Quality and Service" Phone 414 Wingham WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1951 ANNUAL LEGION TURKEY DRAW AND CASH BINGO will be held in the ,,Wingham Armouries on Wednesday, Dec. 19 Games start at 8.15 Sharp 20 REGULAR GAMES FOR SIXTY CENTS THE USUAL FREE GAMES 4 SPECIALS AT 10c EACH FOR POULTRY Turkey Draw Tickets can be purchased from any member of the Legion or at the Bingo. The Canadian Legion will not be responsible for turkey left hi the , Armouries after the Draw. Please make arrangements for someone L to look after turkey if you cannot be present at the Bingo and Draw. NOTICE There will be no taxi service on Christmas Day until 8.30 p.m, Cameron's Taxi 19b FOR SALE—Powder blue nylon sheer formal dress, mittens to match, size 14. Only worn once will sell reasonably .Phone Wing- ham. 599W. 19* ARTIFICIAL SERVICE at reduced rates from the licensed growing co- operative association from Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Here- ford, beef and dual-purpose Short- horns. Bulls of top quality. Life membership, $2$.00. Members, $5,00 per cow; non-members, $6.00 per cow. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc. R.R. 1, Waterloo. For ser- vice contact Len L. Fischer, Mild- may, phone 60r11 before 10 a.m. THIS YEAR TRY a flock of day-old or started Lakeview Chicks, Big egg and meat production; 12 different kinds, Full particulars from local agent, Jas. R. Coultes, R.R. 5, Wing- ham, phone 743W2. 12192629162330* ROOM WITH BOARD ROOM AND BOARD—A nice com- fortable, hot water heated room with board, gentleman preferred. Apply Box 10$, 19b NOTICE Huron Motors Repair Shop will be closed from December 25th till January 1st for reno- vations. GASOLINE and PARTS will be sold as usual. HURON MOTORS A. D. MacWILLIAM Wingham Phone 237 THE SALVATION ARMY Edward St. Wingham Lieut. & Mrs. K. L. Kirby (Commanding Officers) You Are eicome Sunday, Dec. 23rd, 1951 11 a.m. — Holiness Meeting 2.30 p.m. — Sunday School 7 p.m. — Great Evangelistic Service with "The Salvation Serenaders" Friday, 8 p.m. — Home League COME TO THE "ARMY" THE "FRIENDLY" CHURCH -imp your old NT for a ew "77 No matter how old your battery is, it is worth money to you. Don't throw it away. We will allow you generous trade-in on a brand new Guaranteed Genuine Ford Battery. Engineered to factory-precision standards a Genuine Ford Bat- tery is made to last. Come in and take advantage of this wonderful offer. 1) 0.) i)) 0 FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293, rrb CHRISTMAS TREES for sale. Apply Bill Lockridge or phone 92, rrb FOR SALE—Fine selection of Christ- mas cards by Coutts and Austin & Marshall. Gift wrappings, at War- ren House. rrb FOR A REAL CANDY SPECIAL get the 1-lb, bags of chocolate creams for only 59c per pound at Kerr's Drug Store. 19b CRESS CORN SALVE for sure re- lief. Your druggist sells Cress Wart Remover—leaves no scars, FOR SALE --Two geese and one gan- der, one year old; three young geese. Mrs. Arnold Vint, phone Blyth 10r19. 1912 FOR SALE--Radio-phonograph, Ad- dison, almost new. C. Frieburger, Scott St., evenings only. 19* FOR SALE—Lady's skates, white, size 5, Used one year. Phone 446J. 19b FOR SALE—Hardwood, for immed- iate delivery. Mac Newton, 47r4, Fordwich. 19* FOR SALE—Pups for Christmas; clean ,healthy thoroughbred stock. Your choice of English Springer Spaniels, Cocker Spaniels, Irish Setters and Smooth-haired fox ter- riers, All reasonably priced. Percy Biggs, Lower Wingham, phone 298R, 19* 4