The Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-11-28, Page 8313ON'T MISS the ouArry TRA.vka,
snow at Wallter's Home 1'arnish-
ittgs Thursday, November
1.30 to 9.00 p.m, 2113
. /4.'oe/
The Red-Nosed
Illustrated viZth
ateveresopie pisturos
itaiE DUST:
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Other uhf -1.. :4 qetk :c
oscvlvii 'rd:. ine:twe
Mother 00,:"•.e • .4k.
etas Sere'%vim
Fairy Toles. Per
as v.i,1". as "tr Xil
over tae Stereo picture> are
mJuntipl in durable Vievv41::,•te:
7-s:eene Reels. See for youratli•
STEREOsczor: S4P 95
REELS 30° 411th /77,'2?
'"'''"‘%-•,7":: • '
"Away from the press' of the 37th
annual convention, and related the
story of Dr. Lotta Hitchrns.nova, dir-
ector of the Unitarian Service Com-
mittee of Canada since 1945, She is
a member of the Women's Institute,
and stated she placed the Women's
Institute higher than any other org-
anization in the World, a word of
thanks by the president and hearty
applause was tendered Mrs. Scrime-
gour for her informative and inspir-
ing talk.
Mrs. E. Anderson conducted an old
time spelling match, Which created
much interest and brushed up our
memory on correct spelling, After
singing the National Anthem lunch
was served by the committee in
charge, and all enjoyed a social half
hour over the tea cup,
Remember the Short Course on
"Home Care of the Sick", conducted
144 King street west
by Grace B. Hamilton, in the Cora,-
annuity Club room on Thursday and
Friday this week, 29th and 30th from
10 a.m. to 4 p,m.
pocket editions
of your favorite {:union fra;:vanceS
Faberge's hoagie 1:!,:e set of
purse coloyne in d
9')!J A nd-while .;-,1•ft b ox ,
3.15 the ser of
four .-r scents
Edward St. Wingham
Lieut. & Mrs. K. L. Kirby (Commanding Officers)
You Are Welcome
Sunday School — 10
Sunday, Dec. 2 7— 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.
Featuring :
"The Sarvation Serenaders"
Tuesday, 8 p.m. — Prayer Meeting.
Thursday, 4 p.m, — Boys' & Girls' Meeting.
Friday, 8P .m. — All women invited to
Have you thought about your Christmas shopping yet?
Don't leave it until the last minute, visit KINGS and choose His
gift now from their fine stock of Men's Wear.
Canada's most I
famous coat
the perfect combination of
warmth . . lightness .
the finest overcoat
value in Canada.
(C;a1t4143j (11
Insist upon this label.
Fine wale corduroy
sportshirts for a gift
he will surely ap-
preciate. Shades of
Witte, green, and
Dad would be proud
to wear a "Crean"
hat. May we help
you select one for
him? Shades of
heron, fawn, grey
and brown.
A fine shirt is always
in order for "Him"
You may choose from
a range of handsome
whites and plain
shades or from a
group of better Eng-
lish woven stripes in
all popular tones.
Arrow and
B.V.D. makes
You are certain to
find just the right
tie for that man on
your list, See our
fine array of the
smartest designs in
• neckwear ever.
$2.00 MOST FAMOUS COAT $7.95
King Dept. Store
Something entirely
new in manly de-
signs of good quality
flannelette. Tones of
blue, coral and green
Fine broadcloth py-
jamas in stripes and
plain shades with
piped edges.
Pure Irish Linen
initialed hanker-
chiefs, plain linen
and finest cotton':
Also trim white hand-
kerchiefs with smart
coloured borders.
53rd Anniversary
Lucknow Couple
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Durnin was the scene of a very hap-
py gathering on Sunday, November
18th, when all of their children and
grandchildren were home in honor
td wedding. They all braved the ba
of the fifty-third anniversary of their
roads and heavy snow to be home for
this noteworthy event, which was I
marked by a family dinner of fowl
with all the trimmings. A very love-
ly wedding cake with attractive dec-
orations centred the dinner table.
On Friday, November 10th, Mr. and
Mrs. Durnin and Betty were guests
• of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carter of Rip- j At Banff, Alberta, residents are
ley. where a second wedding dinner . hoping that a big brown bear from
was given in their honor . Banff National Park is enjoying his
Katherine Gaunt and Sam Durnin winter sleep in a nice quiet cave. The
f He: were married 53 years , bear first chose the doorstep of the
en November 10th, by Rev, Dr. government liquor store for his rest-
, Perrie. of Wingham. Mr. Robert lag place. He was chased away.
S`ordy. Wingham, an old friend Then he bedded down under a porch,
of Mr. Hamill, came with a team and Park wardens tossed a smoke bomb
hugay and took them to the manse. after him,
• After the ceremony and dinner they ! The smoke not only got the bruin
went to Mitchell for a honeymoon.: out ,but also brought out the fire
air and Mrs. Durnin wish to thank ! department, gas company, men from
it many, many good friends for !tee power company, school children
their kind a isnes and lovely cards, and a crowd of adults. Someone had
turned in a fire alarm when the
smoke from the bomb started coming
1 'IP Ohan1. Couple Mark out from under the porch, The bear
f‘aaa page one, lumbered out of town and was last
seen heading for the sills.
Hutton. - U - 0 -
They received many beautiful gifts There are lots of ways of catching
and earde from their friends and j fish, but you won't again see a
rattivve. Congratulations and bless- , chance like this. Seems a potential
ings were reoved from James Car- duck hunter got the surprise of his
dinal MeQuig;an, Archbishop of Tor-1 life. He saw a 10-pound pike near
onto, Mr. JOhn Hanna, M.P., and Pro- the top of the water, choking on a big
v:ncial secretary of the Province of United Church sunfish. All our hero had to do was
Ontario. The United Church, Belgrave, was
They were presented with a purse pthice
kwtahteerpike up from the surface of
a busy place on Friday afternoon,
of money from the family, telegrams' - 0 - 0 - 0 November 23rd., when the Woman's
were received from Timmins and j Here are a few more "fish"stories, Association held their annual Bazaar.
Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Forgie were This first one coming from Madison, The newly decorated basement, which
married in Sacred Heart Church,roject was achieved by the ladies Connecticut: Summer residents at P
Teeswater by Rev. Fr, Corcoran. , Madison, dumped two goldfish in. a during the summer months, made an 9
Mrs. Forgie's maiden name was Mar- pond because they didn't want to take attractive setting for the event. At
garet Taugher, they have one son, them home . and did that ever 3 o'clock the President, Mrs. Herb
Edward of Toronto, and a daughter, !start trouble. Recently, the state Wheeler declared the Bazaar official-
Anna at home, three grandchildren, commission had to seine the pond to ly opened and instantly the hub-bub
of eager and enthusiastic shoppers
gave the numerous sales ladies a very
busy time,
Tables and booths were in charge of
Joan, Marie and Billie Forgie, They
have resided in Wingliam ever since
their marriage.
They Tell Me
0,r 4
It's True
You have to be a well-heeled good
Samaritan to drive a private car
along the Alaska Highway. The court-
esy of the road is granted .only to a
licensed motorist who has six good
tires, 100-dollars in cash in his pock-
et, and an accident policy. And to
refuse help for someone stranded
along the road is a serious violation
of unwritten law in the Yukon,
- U - 0 - 0
THEY Tm..A., ME IT'S TRUE, that
Christmas Seals arc part of Canada's
Christmas tradition, More than 40
years agO, when the TB death rate
was more than six times as high as
it is now, cities here and there began
using Christmas Seals to fight tuber-
culosis, You help to finish the job
when you buy Christmas Seals. Won't
You help TB prevention in this dis-
trict by supporting the Christmas
Seal Sale.
zatiens participating. The ladies of
the W.A. wish to v%press their grat-
itude to all wile helped make the
event such a SUCCOS3.
Trinity Anglican Church Ladies
Guild are hoving their annual bazaar
in the Recreation Centre on Wednes-
day, December 5th., at 2 p.m.
District President Guest Speaker at
Belgrave W. L Meeting
The Community Activities and Pub-
lic Relations meeting of the Wom-
en's Institute was held on the regular
date, with a good attendance. The
president, Mrs. S. Cook, presided. The
meeting opened in the unial manner,
followed by the business period. The
minutes and financial report was re-
ceived and correspondence read by
the secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Ken.
Wheeler. Arrangements for the short
course to be held on the 29th and
30th were completed.
It was agreed to have a shower of
wash clothe to be sent to the War
Memorial Children's Hospital, Lon-
don. Anyone wishing to donate may
leave their gift with Edith Procter at
Hanna's Store. $10.00, was also voted
to accompany the donation of cloths.
Mrs. Norman Keating of Wingham,
contributed two numbers in song en-
titled "The Sunshine of Your Smile"
and "God Bless This House" which
were much enjoyed, Mrs, J. M. Coul-
ter presided at the piano, followed by
a reading by Mrs. Walter Scott choos-
ing one of Nellie McClung's selections
"Higher Education". This was given
as a tribute to Nellie McClung.
The guest speaker, Mrs. Scrimegour
of Blyth, District president of the
London Convention Area, (West Sec-
tion), gave a report and high lights
A§R,MM,Me'M eMMt, eM,M,A.‘,,'W,MAV,M, MIAOW
Whether you need a small
repair job on an iron or toaster
or a complete overhauling of
your washing machine . Call
us for prompt, expert service.
in and pick
up the same
15 01
Serving you since 105"
get rid of the goldfish's progeny.
There were more than one thousand
of them—some weighing over a
Goldfish are a variety of carp and
since carp eat small game fish, it's
against the law to release them in
public waters.
- 0 - 0 - 0
The most playful of all fish is the
porpoise, A porpoise can be as much
fun as a dog if you can get close
enough to him. At the open tank
of the Marineland, Florida, studios, a
visitor dropped the lens shade of his
camera into the water . To his amaze-
ment, a porpoise dove to the bottom,
picked it up and tossed it back out
of the tank. An attendant explained
that the porpoises will toss out almost
any object visitors throw in the tank.
They think it's a game.
- 0 - 0 - 0
Horse players are traditionally
broke—and no wonder. Churchill
Downs race track in Louisville, says
it is holding more than 16 thousand
dollars for people who held winning
tickets and forgot to cash them dur-
ing the past two years.
- 0 - 0 - 0
hunter. But if ever you should see
one with a scratched nose, you'll know
the California sea lion is a wily
Gospel Hall
it's not as wily as he should be. You see, the California sea lion uses his
nose as a decoy. He swims around
under water, with just his nose
above the surface, The idea is to
attract sea gulls. Gulls think the
i sea, lion's nose is a fish. But as the
sea gull dives, the wily sea lion opens
t his mouth wide and catches the gull.
I Now as you can imagine, that sort
I of thing takes extra good timing on
I the part of the sea lion, So, if you
ever should see a sea lion with a
badly damaged proboscis yon'll know
j he muffed it,
TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m.
lllll tttttttttttt llllll lllll 1.4001.10. ttttt ttttt
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 29, 30 Dec. 1
66 Excuse My ust"
Red Skelton Sally Forrest
Monday, Tuesday, 2 Days Only Dec. 3, 4
Can Get It For You Wholesale'
( Adult Entertainment )
Dan Dailey Susan Hayward
4.1141Y4141401111,111t11111tilf ttttttttttt 11411414Offill11441411111/1411111111411101111t4g1m4041,114.11flifil4.1414 J11,,,INO.4 1,M.,,
Mickey Rooney
Wednesday„ Thursday, 2 Days Only Dec. 5, 6
414.ormiaornioom64.404Nam4.41amokkoplaw ail 4.0,44.*.410•10++.04..b.ammaseitHinb
I1,,,,,,,,,111„If„I,,,1„11111,111111(111118 1118118111 ttttt ttttt
Regular Sunday Services
Sunday School 10.15 a.m,
Remembering the Lord
at 11.15
Gospel Meeting at 7.30 p.m.
DECEMBER 2nd, 1951
Speaker: Mr. Frank Guthrie
of Guelph
Prayers and Bible Study Each
Friday evening! at 8 p.m.
Sally Vorrest
"TheVriendly Store"
the following. Home baking, Mrs.
Jack Anderson, Mrs, Carl Proctor,
with cashier, Mrs. W. J. Moores;
Farm Produce, /1,Irs, Lyle Hopper;
Aprons Booth ,Mrs. W. Kelly, Mrs. J.
M, Coultes, Mrs. Wellings; Miscellan-
eous Sewing and Fancy Work, Mrs.
Stewart Procter, Mrs. H. Campbell,
and Mrs .R. Chamney; Candy Booth,
Proceeds to go to Baby Band; Mrs.
Harold Procter, Mrs, Calvin Robin-
son; CGIT table, Misses Da Pengelly,
Lois Goll, Marilyn Moores; and the
ever popular Fish Pond for the Mis-
sion Band in charge of Mrs, Earl
Anderson ,assisted by Mrs. G. aVfichie
and Mrs, Walter Scott,
The Evening Auxiliary of the W.
M.S. gave most commendable assist-
ance by taking over the responsibility
of the Tea Tables and served a most
delicious lunch at the numerous at-
tractive little tables arranged around
the room. The proceeds netted a total
of over $150.00 for the various organi-