The Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-11-14, Page 7Costume Prize Winners Hallowe'en
The three winners in the comic boy class, under ten, at the Lions' Hallowe'en
party for the children are, left to right, Wally Cleghorn, Terry Brent and
Bob Furness. Can't fool us, boys; we know who you am-Staff photo,
Station Wagon Coats
Full Length or Shorter Length
Shorter Length Full Length
$22.95 $24.95
Sizes 12 to 20 - Assorted Colors
Ifiailae4 sue, .era
Phone 36 Josephine St. Wingham
It's a Feature Value-
that means a
Lower = Than = Usual
for Such Quality!
Plenty more features,
too, that will make you
proud to wear a coat
like these.
Rayon Gabardine with
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Immediate Delivery
1951 Ford, Green Deluxe Coach
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1951 Ford, 1/2-ton Green Panel
1951 Ford, 2-ton 158" Chassis & Cab
1951 Ford, 3-ton, 158" Chassis & Cab
(4) 8N Ford Tractors
Ford Major, gasoline Tractor
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All above units are brand new and ready for
immediate delivery.
We are Really Thrilled with the Lovely
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Phone 36 Josephine St. Wingham
fit,',...onownamo.o.6411row•agoromo 0404bogoornom.nows.).3.*”
le eiiu PIVE)
Wray, Clerk, Hugh Gilmour; Sub- line, seed-pearl clusters, pettefait
Division, No. 4, D.R.O., Sam Marshall, sleeves and floor-length veil. She car-
Clerk, Cliff Heffer. ried a red rose bouquet.
Salary for election officers to he in- I Mrs. Stuart Stevenson was the mat-
Appeals Heard by
East Wawanosh
The East Wawanosh Council met on
November 6th with all the members
present and the reeve presiding. The
minutes of meeting held October 2nd
were read and adopted on motion of
Robertson, seconded by Taylor. Cor-
respondence was read and dealt with.
At two o'clock the Court of Revi-
sion was opened on the 1952 assess-
ment roll. The members subscribed
to oath and heard an appeal from
T. E. Moszlcokski. He addressed the
council at length, after which it was
moved by McGowan, seconded by
Campbell that no change he made en
the assessment.
Cecil Wheeler was present, asking
the Court to consider lowering the I
assessment on SE. lot 30, eon, 4, as
the barn had been removed since tne
assessor had assessed the property.
Moved by Robertson, seconded by Mc-
Gowan that Mr. Wheeler's complaint
be heard. Mr. Wheeler told the Court
that he had bought this farm after
the time limit was past for appeals
and asked the Court to lower the as-
sessment $200.00, the amount the barn
was assessed.
Moved by Campbell, seconded by
Taylor that the assessment on this
lot be lowered $200.00.
Moved by McGowan, seconded by g
Robertson, that the Court of Revision
be closed and the assessment roll as
revised be the roll for taxes in 1952.
Moved by Taylor, seconded by
Campbell that grants be given lib-
raries at Belgrave, $15.00; Auburn.
$10.00; Belgrave School Fair, $20.00;
North Huron Plowmen's Association,
Moved by McGowan, seconded by
Robertson, that the bank form auth-
orizing the reeve and treasurer to
sign for the township and the clerk
to sign for the safety deposit box be
Moved by Taylor, seconded by Rob-
ertson that an advance of $3,000.00 to
the Township School Area Board be
made, dated November 26th.
Moved by McGowan, seconded by
Campbell that by-law No, 9 be read
the third and final time and passed.
Moved by Taylor, seconded by
Campbell that the road and general
accounts as presented be passed and
Moved by Robertson, seconded by
Campbell that council adjourn to meet
December 15th at one o'clock at the
Belgrave community centre.
Road Accountts
Stuart McBurney, salary and bills
paid, $216.30; E. j, Cartwright, ditch-
ing, $66.00; Geo. Radford, angle iron,
$4.50; Dominion Road Machinery, gra-
der repairs, $41.44; Ernest Walker,
trucking bulldozer to Goderich, $16.00;
Can. Oil Co., fuel oil, $50.25; Dept. of
Highways, tax on fuel oil, $27,50; H.
Kerr, bulldozing at 10th line bridge,
$460,00; total, $821.90.
General Account
Belgrave School Fair, grant, $20,00;
North Huron Ploughmen's Assoeintion
U.S. Conlmencement
(Continued from Page One.)
chairman. in 1047, our school section
included ono school, eight teachers
and two hundred etudents while to-
day these figures are three schools,
seventeen teachers and four hundred
students. ''We are•the second largest
school district in Huron County and
can easily become the largest" he
It was announced that the Wing-
ham Dinettes have donated an an-
nual prize of $100 to the girl in Grade
XIII with the highest average mark
in eight papers.
A very fine program was presented
by members of the student body in-
cluding; pianist, Barbara Gaunt, who
played '0 Canada', Bill Connell who
rendered 'Cock 0' the North' on his
bagpipes, Isobel Dennis who gave
several piano selections and Lois
Blair who wows them with her piano
accordion selections and a dazzling
Honour Graduation Diplomas
James Anderson, Raymond Bolt,
Mary Ann Cleland, Joyce Craig,
Edith Dinsmore Donald Donahue,
Stanley Hiseler, Marjorie Lamont,
June MacDonald, Ruth Showers.
Dominion Provincial Bursary, Hur-
on County Federation of Agriculture
Bursary, James Anderson,
Presentation of MacWilliam Trophy
to the best athlete in the school, Keith
Anderson; Presentation of Lions Club
Scholarship for highest mark in the
school to Ruth Webb.
Secondary School Graduate Diplomas
Presentation of diplomas by J. H.
Wylie: Reta Allen, Velma Ballagh,
Betty Bell, Louise Bowman, Ronald
Campbell, Marilyn Church, Barbara
Currie Jacquelyn Currie, Donna Jeffs,
John Lancaster, Gordon Lane, Shir-
ley Lockridge, Barbara Gaunt, Robert
Gibson, Joan Dinsmore, John Hanna,
Arnold McIntyre, Betty McKinnon,
John McKinnon, Twyla McKinnon,
Shirley Moffatt Louise Pocock, Mar-
garet Procter, Esther Raymond, Helen
Rintoul, Ronald St, Marie, Glenn
Showers, Geraldine Stretton, James
Walker, Frances Walker, Eleanor
Intermediate Certificates
Presentation by Mr. Frank Thomp-
son: Heather Allen, jean Allen, Donna
Anderson, Marjorie Armstrong Ray-
mond Bennett., Agnes Bishop, Bever-
ley Blackwell, Lois Blair, Shirley
Bradburn, Viola Bradshaw, Eleanor
Browne, Shirley Burden, Karen
Buschlen, Jean E. Campbell, Jean M.
Campbell Shirley Chapman, Margaret
Church, Clifford Coultes, William
Coultes, Stewart Coupiand, Lois Crow-
ston, Mary Ellen Cummins, Aileen
O Deitner, Helen Dickson, David Dona-
hue, Mac Eadie, Donald Edgar, Shir-
ley Foxton Murray Gaunt, Kenneth
Gregg Nora Grant, Wilma Haugh,
Audrey Henry, John Hilbert, Matilda
Hutchison, Jean Irwin, Joan Irwin,
William Irwin, Elaine Jefferson, Wil-
ma Johnston, Elda Keith Muriel
Keith, Shirley Keyes, Donald Machan,
Helen Machan, Ronald Machan, Caryl
MacCrostie, Phyllis McLeod, Jean Mc-
After, Ivan McKague, Shirley McMic-
hael Beatrice Moffat, June Moffat,
Ronald Murray, Irla Newton, Della
Powell, Arlene ilettinger, Patricia
Rider, Kenneth Saxton, Margaret
Simmons, Hugh Sinnamon, Helena
Skinn, Mary Smith Shirley
Neil Stainton, John Stafford, Winni-
fred Stanley, Colleen Stobo, William
Strong, Lois Thompson, Ronald Tol-
ton, Roger West, Mary Will, Fay
Wright, Robert Young, Bonnie Zim-
Presentation by James Armstrong.
Frank Warrell Memorial Shield for
Senior Boys to Raymond Lott.
Track and Field Champions Ray
Lott, Keith Anderson, George Waine,
Reta Allen, Lois Thompson, Anna
Miller, Doreen Machan..
Proficiency Awards
Presentation by A. 1-1, MacTavish.
William Laidlaw (by reversion), IX,
(donated by) R. H. Lloyd; Joan
Thomas, IX, Brussels; Jean Jewell, IX
Brussels, Martin Murray Memorial;
Helen Meehan X, Women's Institute;
Bodie Craig (by reversion) XI, W. A,,
Galbraith; Barbara Gaunt, XII, E. S.
Copeland; Barbara Currie, Commer-
cial, John Mason; Stanley Hiseler,
XIII, Mrs, T. C, King; Mary Ann
Cleland, English; Stanley Hiseler,
Mathematics, Harley Crawford; Vicki
Moszkowski, Science, W. H, French;
Isobel Dennis Proficiency, Cornyn
Currie Estate.
St. Andrew's W.M.S.
Holds Thankoffering
The Autumn Thankoffering meet-
ing of the Women's Missionary So-
ciety of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church was held on Tuesday after-
noon last week at three o'clock with
a splendid attendance. The meeting
was opened with invocation by the
president. The secretary read the
minutes of the last meeting and the
roll call was given. Scripture reading
and meditation were taken by Mrs.
W. J. HenclerscM on "The Parable of
the Unjust Steward".
Mrs, H. F, McGee led in prayer and
Mrs, D. Rae gave an exceptionally in-
teresting report of the Sectional meet-
ing held at Ethel recently. Mrs. W.
Ford favored with a lovely solo,
"Grateful 0 Lord Are We for All
Thy Blessings". The offering was re-
ceived and the dedicatory prayer was
given by Mrs. G. Hastie. There was
also a special offering taken to pur-
chase a Christmas gift to he forward-
ed to Miss Marion Williamson, a mis-
sionary from the Wingham society.
The treasurer, Mrs. G. Olver, gave
her report.
Mrs. Henderson introduced the spe-
cial speaker for the day, Mrs. D.
Ritchie, of Seaforth, who gave a most
inspiring address. She said, "We, in
the Presbyterian Church have so much
for which to be thankful, but let us
not be too comfortable in our Faith.
It was earned for us at great cost."
Mrs. Ritchie also told of a trip she
took through England, Ireland and
Scotland, and traced Presbyterianism
since its origin in these countries and
described many of the beautiful
churches. In the outreach work of
the Church we all have a. part.
Mrs. A. Nimmo led in the closing
prayer. Following the meeting lunch
was served.
T. H. Abraham Named
Acting Twp,. Reeve
The regular meeting of Council, was
held in Bluevale Community Hall on
Monday, Nov, 5th with all members
Moved by W. Jack Willits and Herb
Foxton, that the minutes of the last
meeting be adopted as read. Moved
by W. Jack Willits and Herb Foxton
that the Assessment Roll for 1952 he
adopted as revised by Court of Revis-
ion - carried. Moved by W. Jaok Wil-
lits and Herb Foxton that we give a
grant of $25.00 to the Bluevale Library
- carried.
Moved by Thos. H. Abraham and
Roble A. Powell, Unit the following
general and road accounts be paid
- carried.
General Accounts
Advance-Times, $41.61; Ross Willits,
comp., $47.25; Geo. 1' Thomson, pt.
sal. $40., stamps $3, tel. $2.05 $45.05;
Stewart Forsyth, poultry killed, $25.00;
Jas. Trellis, sheep killed, $78.00; Black
Bros., sheep killed, $375.00; Chas.
Sewers, poultry killed $65.00; Jack
Ludwig, fox bounty, $2.00; L. Balsar,
fox bounty, $2.00; Geo, Baird, fox
bounty, $2.00; Jas. Breckenridge, fox
bounty, $2.00; Bluevale Library grant,
Road Accounts
Armco Drainage, $251.64; J. D.
Adams, $94.90; Br, American Oil,
$254.99; Dept. of Highways $62,15; Geo.
W. Crothers, $24.25; Crossett Motors
$1.30; Andy Pocoluyko $1.00; Wingham
Metal Fabricating $29.50; A. C. Lillow
$125.60; Hynman Transport $4.42; Joe
Kerr $4124.70; Elgin Johnston $226.50;
Harvey Adams $26.10; Wm. Ross
.$200.00; Wm. Mundell, $1.55; Ed.
Marsh $15.00; Wingham Advance-
Times 72c; Al McEwun $10.00; Don-
ald Rae & Sons $5.75; Wingham
Motors $3.00; E. W. Sellers $24.25;
Geo. Greenaway $57.00; W. A. Hogg
$108.72; Geo: Galloway $194.84s Wm.
Mundell $258.57.
Moved by Herb Foxton and W. Jack
Willits, that nominations be held on
Friday, Nov. 23rd at 1 p.m. and
election if necessary on Friday, Dec.
3, 1951 - carried,
Moved by Robt. A. Powell and Thos.
H. Abraham, that we pass By-Law
No. 17 appointing the following elec-
tion officers - carried: Sub-Division
No, 1, D.R.O., Don Cleghorn; Clerk,
Percy Biggs; Sub-Division No. 2, D.R.
0., Wm. Adair, Clerk Frank Mitchell;
Sub-Division No. 3, D.R.O., Gordon
creased to $6 for D.R.O. and $4 for
Poll Clerk. Moved by W. Jack Wil-
lits and Thos. H. Abraham that we
adjourn to meet again on Dec. 15 at
10 0„/11.
Special Meeting
A special meeting of Council was
held in Bluevale on daturday,.Nov. 10.
Moved by Herb Foxton and W. Jack
Willits that Thos. 1I. Abraham be
appointed Acting Reeve for the re-
mainder of 1951, to 1)11 the vacancy,
caused by the death of G. N. Under-
wood - carried.
It was decided to hold a meeting of
Council on Tuesday, Dec. 4th at 1 p.m.
at Bluevale
Dorothy Evelyn Marie Bird, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bird, of
Brussels, became the bride of Mr.
Ronald Frederick Gordon, son of Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Gordon, of Brussels,
on Saturday, Nov. 10. Rev. Fulton
performed the ceremony.
The bride was attractively gowned
in a white floor-length satin gown
with lace insets and bodice, net neck-
ron-of-honour and the bridesmaid was.
Barbara Jean Bird, sister of the
bride, in pink satin and carrying a
bouquet of pink roses. Groomsman
I was Mr. Stuart Stevenson.
The reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents, where guests
were present from Brussels and To-
ronto. The couple will reside at RR,
2, Blyth,
grant, $25,00; H. C. MacLean, pre-
mium collector's bond, $22.50; Arthur
Bros., 15 eu. yds. gravel, Deacon
cemetery, $15.00; Stainton'e Hardware,
cement, $90.00; Charles Shia, labor,
$72.25; Winghum Advance-Times, vo-
ters' lists, collector's receipts, nom-
ination bills, printing, $117.75; J. D.
Beeeroft, selecting jurors, $3.00; Ro-
land Vincent, selecting jurors, $3.00;
• Roland Vincent, salary as Assessor,
$275,00; Roland Vincent, equalizing
schools, $15.00; $293.00; R. H. Thomp-
son, selecting jurors, $5.00; transport-
ing inmate to County Home, $5.00;
20 miles mileage, $2.00, $12.00; Fred
Deacon, fox bounty, 1 fox, $2.00; Wen-
dell McCallum, fox bounty, 2 foxes,
$4.00; Gordon Snell, fox bounty. 2
foxes, $4.00; R. M. Shiell, valuator.
$4.85; Alex Coulter, sheep claim, $87.-
50; Jas. H. Currie, sheep claim, $50.;
R. D. Munro, relief account, $17.72;
Belgrave Library Board, grant, $15.00;
Auburn Library Board, grant, $10.00;
Mel IVEnVittio, work on McGowan
drain, $24.00; aftercare for patient,
$14.00; Twp, School Area E. Wawa-
nosh, advance, $3,000,00; total, $3903,57.
J. D. Beecroft, Reeve R. H, Thompson
Howick Council Meets
For Regular Session
The Council met in the Clerk's Office
according to adjournment, the Reese.,
H Strong in the chair. All mem-
bers present, the minutes of the last
regular meeting, court of revision and
special meeting wen , read and on
motion of Hargrave and Newton were
adopted as read. Carried.
Moved by Gowdy and Gibson that
we renew Robbery end Theft Insur-
ance for Tax Collector. Carried.
Moved by Gibson and Hargrave that
the tenders of Messrs. Vogan, Boh-
hinder, Rob aason, Ridley and Coghlin
& Son, for snoveplossing aceepters
r ri ee.
Moved by Gibson and Newton that
we authorize the clerk to prepare a
an-law re-licensing Pablic Hails of
the Township of Howick. Slurried. I
Moved by Newton and Gibson that
we authorize the Roao Superintendent
to order the following steel cuise its
24 feet long, 14 gauge from the Pedlar I
People: 6-M", 6-12", 1-15", 2-1S". 1-21",
Moved by Newton and Gibson that
the Road accounts as approved he
Paid. Carried,
Moved by Gibson and Hargrave
that the following accounts he paid:
becker, foxMACe,c
Carried. Relief, $250.39; Fox bounties,
Harvey Heinbecker, $2.00; James
Wright, $2.00; Cliff White. $2.00; Stan-
ley Wolfe, $4.00; Archie McArthur
$2.00; Stewart Higgins, $2.00; Bradley •
Galbraith, $2.00; G. L. Dobson, $2.00;
Fred Litt, $2.00; C. G. Cooke, balance
Assessor's salary, $50.00, selecting jur-
ors $4.00, $54.00; P. Durst, registrat-
ions, $1.88, spray, .45c, Pt. salary, $90.;
$92.33; postage $5.00, O.A.A. $30.00,
preparing Jurors, $8.00. $43.00; select-
ing Jurors, $4.00; E. H. Strong select-
ing Jurors, $4.00, Total, $467.72.
Moved by Newton and Gibson that
we do now adjourn to meet again on
December 5th., at the Clerk's Office,
or at the call of the Reeve. Carried,
P. L. Durst, Clerk.
E. H. Strong, Reeve.
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society was held on
Tuesday of last, week at the home of
Mrs. J. Leitch with a good attend-
since. The meeting opened with the
Lord's Prayer in unison, followed by
the minutes of the previous meeting,
treasurer's report and roil call. Vis-
its to the sick and shut-ins were re-
ported and a Glad Tidings letter was
read by the president, Mrs. R. J.
Scott. The devotional period followed,
with prayer by Mrs. Dunbar. Pas-
sages of Scripture were read from
the Book of Joshua by Mrs. Scott,
Mrs. Art Scott read the 119th Psalm,
verses 123 to 135. The topic, "Chris-
tian Literature", was taken from the
study book by Mrs. J. IVIeBurney. Mrs.
Garner Nicholson and Agnes Mason,
The meeting closed with prayer by
the president.
Belgrave W.I.
Community Activities and Public
Relations meeting will be held in the
community club room on Tuesday,
November 20th at 2.30. Convener,
Mrs. Herb Wheeler; roll call, 'Some-
thing Our Community Needs'; music,
Mrs. Norman Keating; reading, Mrs.
Walter Scott; contest, Mrs. Earl An-
derson; community singing; address
by District President Mrs. Serimgour;
hostesses, Mrs. H. Wheeler, Mrs. Ed.
Wightman. Mrs, Jim Walsh and Mrs.
J. Wheeler
On Sunday, November 18th, by ar-
rangement of Huron Presbytery there
will he a pulpit exchange of minis-
ters. The speaker for Belgrave and
Brick Churches will he the Rev. E.
W. Todd, of Wroxeter.
In the evening at eight o'clock, the
Y.P.U. of Belgrave will welcome Rev.
J. Robert Watt and his young people
from Connie.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thombson. cf
Tillsonburg. and Mr. sad Mre. El.nter
Minion, of \Vim:elm/In visited Sunclay
with Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Robineen.
Catholic Women's
League Meets
The regular monthly meeting of
the Catholic Women s League of
Wingham was held at the home of
Mrs. Peter MacDonald on Tti, sday,
November 6th.
The meeting open& d with prayer cod
by the president, Mrs. P. MacDonald.
The minutes of the lust meeting were
read by the secretary, Mrs. T. Raf-
ferty. The treasurer's report was giv-
en by Mrs. W. White. Correspondence
was read and discussed.
Plans were Mario for the Christmas
party to be held on Sunday evening,
December 16th. The program cam,
mittee is as follows, Mrs. L. Slosser,
Misses Margaret Brophy and Mary
Louise Flack. There will he a draw for
a turkey, December 16th, Tickets 10c,
or 3 for 25 tents.
The visiting committee for ,Novern-
ber is Mrs, M. Moir and 'Mrs. J.
Br( nt. The December meeting will be
heal at the home of Mrs. L. Slosser,
Lunch was served by the hostess as-
sist& (1 by Mrs. J. Skinn, and the meet-
ing adjourned.
Local Leader Training School Here
The heads of the various W.I,'s in this area are gath-
ered around the table to hear Miss T. K. Subhadramma
of India speak on nutrition. The ladles were also given
a demonstration on "Cotton Accessories for the Club
Girl's Bedroom" by Miss Jyan Scott, county home ec-
onomist, and Miss Jail(' Robertson, Toronto, who are
seen on the right and left of Miss Subhadramma.
Plans were also laid for the County Achievement Day
to be held in the Easter holidays.--Staff photo.
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Irregulars of 59c Grade
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You Save 01 on every 5 yards
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