The Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-08-01, Page 8rum mai THE WINQIIAM ADVANCE-TIMES WgPISTSDA,), AVOWIr Oli This superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup "SALAD' CRANCIE la.E013 As the illustration shows, a tire with a LifeGuard Safety Tube retains air in the inner air chamber even when tire blows. Tire does not go flat immediately, car does not lurch or sway but remains under control. G52 ODIC FOR THIS "HIGH SIGN" OF QUALM RS DODGE, DESP V4rA7LEMS & SERVICE OUTER AIR CHAMBER LIFEGUARD CROSS SECTION • A Boy's or Girl's BICYCLE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S • 0 • • • • Open or Glazed Sash & Prefit Window Units MADE TO ORDER Campbell & Gorbutt Sash Manufacturers Diagonal Rd. Wingham "The Gist of It" THIS GIST,. OP IT session is in answer to a request from a reader who asked for the story of the tom- ato, how it was discovered, and how it came to be the staple that it is today. Well, our report on the subject re- veals that the tomato is a native of Latin America and was cultivated by "the original inhabitants from Mexico to Peru. The name conics from the Spanish "tomate" t-o-m-a-t-e which in turn is derived from the Aztec word "tomatl" t-o-m-a-t-I. Early Spanish explorers found the Aztecs growing tomatoes in patches of corn, and using •them for food. And it was these conquerors of the mighty Aztec empire who brought the tomato into Spain, from whence it spread all over Europe, Europeans thought that the tomato was from the apple family, for the record reveals that Italians, as early as 1554, ate yellow tomatoes, and called them "gold apples." The French called the tomato the "love apple," and a spark back in 16th Century Prance would present • ,-;•:*4 Illustrated--Oldsmobile Super "88" De Luxe 4-Door Sedan ile this Fa E Sets Higi ago High-C pr ssi Progress I Oldsmobile's "Rocket" the most famous automotive engine of modern times.'—is now in its third triumphant year! Designed from the crankshaft out for true high-compression perform- ance and economy, the "Rocket" incorporates such outstanding new features as overhead valve, V-type design, a short, rigid 5-bearing crank- shaft, hydraulic valve' lifters—and many, many morel For 1951, the new high-turbulence combustion chamber and carburetor give greater gas savings, a new distri- butor means even more efficient high- compression operation. This new "Rocket" Engine has become the most-talked-about power unit in Canada! That's why the striking "Rocket". symbol on the hood of the Oldsmobile "88" or "98" marks it as one of the world's most advanced motor cars! B U B U B B fillallia11111110WW31131111111Walreireerppewielle11111$111111110111101111.1111111111•11WW !Thistle, but only one--Perermial Sow Thistle causing any great concern, ;The other twee-Spring Annual and Common Annual—as the name applies ;are annuals and are comparatively harmless. He says there are four means. of distinguishine. the Perennial Sow Thistle from the. two annuals, Perennial Sow Thistle is a taller, more slender plant than the annual Sow Thistles. There are numerous underground Toots" on the Perennial Sow Thistle, while the Annual Sow Thistles have a single tap root. . The leaves 4 /4 th" Perennial Sow Thistle are deeply cut with the seg- nents pointed baeltwards and they are slightly prickly. The Common Annual Sow Thistle has deeply cut and lobed leaves and are scarcely richly. The Spring Annual has leaves which are wavy on the margin, prick- ly and often decidedly waxy. The Portnnial Sow Thistle has deep yellow flowers of about 11,, inch 17 17 across while the flowers of the an- nuals are paler and smaller. Mr. Murphy feels that too much em- phasis cannot be placed on controlling Perennial Sow Thistle and everyone should make an effort to get this !weed under control. There are any number of ways of controlling this pest, but improving the drainage and cultivation are two main ways of controlling Perennial Sow Thistle, Mr. Murphy suggests that low-lying tin- . drained fields may be used mainly for hay and pasture, rather than for grain crops, but where and when pos- sible, the field should be properly 'underdrained. Cultivating when dry is one of the most effective means of control. However, he points out that the disc harrow should not be used, as this implement is inclined to pull the root stocks over the field, thus spreading the weed further. Plowing in midsummer followed by numerous cultivations will work very well as an alternative. An effective control can also be ob- tained with chemical weed killers, states Mr. Murphy. All Sow Thistles are susceptible to 2-4-D. It may be zp- li,ed to fields of grain and corn where 'Perennial' Sow Thistle is present at the rate of 8 oz. acid per acre. How- ever if the spray is being used on grain that IS seeded down, not more than 4 oz. acid per acre should be used, as the clovers and alfalfa are easily damaged by 2-4-D. For best control, it should be applied prior to blooming, when the flower is in the bud stage. He stresses the fact, that no matter which method of control is used, Perennial Sow Thistle should be given every attention to bring it under con- trol, and in time eradicate it. e- - ;Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, feels that they are a !! menace to agriculture, since in cer- ▪ tali' sections of the Province they have made profitable crop production ▪ :eXtremely difficult, Sow Thistles re— thrive in both cultivated and oneulti- . ,vated places, but grow most vigorous- & ly on heavy damp soils and where the 11- Telephone--84 Wingham ,drainage is poor, — Mr, Murphy goes on to point out that there are three varieties of ,Sow '1141erkley Motors 'INWV,r) OF WC Wgteli"'" • SOW Thistles Sow Thistles, partfcularly. Perennial SOW Thistles, are still one of the Chrysier aud Plymouth :Cars ....... ti ,worst weeds in Ontario. In fact, K, iii Murphy, Yieldman for the CroPe Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Ferguson Tractors and Farm Equipment TRAINED PERSONNEL Spare yourself the pain of "shopping around" or a Monument to honour your loved one. Depend on our reputation for highest quality and fair de:ill:1gs. See Us First. uality Always It is also a matter of record that tomatoes were sold in New Orleans market even in 1812. Put in the no r, them, United States the centuries-old belief that the tomato was poisonous. Persisted. And a crusader for the tomato didn't have a chance . bey cause it takes time to get people to believe anything they don't want tol So serious was the prejudice against tomatoes in the Northern United States in the early 19th Century that there is record of parents racing their daughter to a doctor after she had eaten some love apples as they were known then. DEAD a DISABLED Animals Removed PROMPT SERVICE Cattle and Horses paid for at prevailing prices. Horses for Mink Feed 2 1Ae lb. at farm Good Prices for Hides Horsehair $1.25 lb. C. BRUBAKER PHONE 608w1 WINGHAM THIS INNER CHAMBER HOLDS AIR WHEN TIRE BLOWS Prevent: Blowout Accidents with GOODANEAR LIFEGUARD SAFIETY "QUIRES ALL CLASSES OF MONUMENTS IN STOCK Mo.t Modern Equipment for 'Shoo and Cemetery Work Inscription Work Promptly Attended to. • ro wrdlc, elm s WILLIAM BROWNLIE, Owner and Operator Box 373 'Phone 450 ....,1 Nov is the Time to Consider HEATING REQUIREMENTS For Next Winter 1 WE CAN Instal Complete Coal or Oil Fired Winter Air Conditioning with Modern Square Duct work WE CAN 1 Instal Complete New Gravity Systems i WE CAN Instal Replacement Furnaces WE CAN Instal an Oil Burner on Your Present System WE CAN Convert Your Gravity System to Forced Circulation CONTACT M Winghametal Fabricating Wingham Box 452 Ontario Phone 760 Estimates Without Obligation HERB. A. FULLER. LLOYD G. CARTER In just a few weeks time you can own one of these brand • new bikes . . a smart table radio for your own room . • or one of 120 other valuable prizes just for saving mist • Bottle Tops, Here's how to do it, • Whenever you get a Kist Pottle Top, lift the cork • lining and look for the letter X I S - or T printed on the inside metal surface. Then go to your nearest • Kist dealer's store . . the marl who sells delicious ice- • cold . and ask him for your copy of Kist Contest Rules. They'll tell you how you can win your new bike dr one of the 120 valuable prizes, Start saving lucky Kist Tops right away, 6dee THE va NEW BOTTLE TOP CONTEST I Xday,/ his ilYly fair with a dozen tomatoes as a .symbol of his' great :affection.. But the more cautious northern Eur- opeans would have nothing to do with tomatoes,. The fact Is, they had a notion that the tomato was poisonous . because 'it was a member of the night- shade family, from which peppers and eggplants also come. It was a shame, this idea that the "love apple" was poisonous. In. the 16th Century, the tomato, imported .into. Europe from Latin Ain- erica .by way of Spain, was called the "wolf peach" as well as "love apple," because people thought that tomatoes Would poison wolves. Very strange Were some of the notions about the tomato. It was believed to cause stom- ach ulcers and even cancer. For more than two centuries, it was grown in England only as a decorat, ive plant, In 1747, Phillip writer of a famous gardener's diction-. ary, wrote "The Italians and Span- iards eat those apples as we do cu- cumbers with pepper, oil and salt, and, some eat them stewed in sauces, etc., but considering their great mois- ture and coldness, the nourishment they afford must be had." However, in the 1752 edition of his book, Miller said, "In soups, tomatoes are now much used in England though some Persons think they are not whole- some," However, such a celebrated authority as Thomas Jefferson, writ- ing in 1784, in his book "Notes in Vir- ginia" said that tomatoes were .culti- vated in gardens in Virginia for food purposes, Another story about then subject concerns Robert Gibbons Johnson, who was credited with tremendous courage because he ate a tomato in the presence of a crowd at the Salem, New Jersey courthouse in 1820, But the prejudice was gradually dissipated as breeders developed smooth, attractive looking varieties of the fruit, and today the tomato ranks second among American crops, next to the potato. And that's THE GIST OP IT for this time! Alfred St. Wingham Wingham Motors PHONE 139 "ROCKET" OLDS 0 B. •A.;40AiVn .A.-M • .e.eieteele,emeMiltilier,. • • ...4.4=4*Iersclevosiaan.Lar=caolnin esfr* The "Rocket" Engine and Hydra-Matic*— AN UNBEATABLE PARTNERSHIP! Fully proved — constantly improved — Hydra-Matic still ledds the way! Back in 1939, Oldsmobile pioneered Hydra-Matic, the first fully automatic transmission. Since then, advancement after advance- ment has been built into Hydra-Matic, culminating in the 1951 version with Instant Reverse. Today, when you get behind the wheel of a "Rocket" powered Hydra-Matic Olds- mobile, you experience a superlatively smooth drive . . . a no-clutch drive that gives you positive response. That's because Hydra-Matie is the perfect partner for "Rocket" Engine Power! It's a team that puts the "Rocket" Oldsmobile years ahead—and puts Oldsmobile owners years ahead, too. See your Oldsmobile dealer! *Hydra-Matic Drive is optional at extra cost ‘StAls,we., 976 StIPEN The "Rocket" is the peak in smooth, flashing, economical power! New com- bastion chamber design for greater gas savings—new extra sire carburetor—extra large intake valves—new starting motor and damp-proof wiring harness—new air cleaner and intake silencer—short, rigid 5-bearingcrankshaft—hydraulic valve lifters —auto-thermic pistons. "Rocket" Means Performance! The "Rocket", first of all, is famous for its eager power! It has proven itself a performance leader on hills and highways, over boulevards and backroads all across the country. "Rocket" Means Economy! Operating on gas available everywhere today, the "Rocket" will give more "go" on less gas. Its high-compression gas- saving qualities continue to amaze new Oldsmobile owners. "Rocket" Means Durability! A "Rocket 88" Oldsmobile took first place in the vraelling Mexican Durability Rum The ' Rocket can truly stand on its record for outstanding dependability plus rugged durability. "Rocket" Means Oldsmobile ! The "Rocket" engine is only part of Oldsmobile's leadership in every phase of motor car .manufacture. Sec and drive "Rocket" Engine Oldsmobile—the all- time great Super "88" or the glamorous A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 0651-B 4.4.4411