The Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-07-25, Page 5Rubber • :1\larbolenin
Sold .and Laid Repair ivpx*
General Contracting
4Bennett 'Contracting
Roy E. Bennett,
1114)1VE Ven*
Miernoria S
We realize our obligation when
we fill your order for a. Mem-
orial—and we provide only ma-
terials of unending serviceabil-
ity. Design and workmanship
are of the finest, and our prices
are most moderate.
Promptly Done
'111011.e, 2:5G It. A. Spotton
Memorial Shop
FTE mmer
Fashion Clearance,
a a
A Chance to Buy at Real Money-
"! Saving Price's.
Dresses • Coats • Suits
P'0144g SAttSm 6'
MR. A. 41ictUlaIN
i COMPANY i iii 19rel) Designs Now Being shown .N
,‘ Individually fitted and styled. .a
II Several fittings at -no additional Fii
Liii II
i Call 27,6J, Wifigharn i
for Appointment
-or Write
= 508 Bathurst Street, Toronto Pi
illIntilli1110111i1EIIIMI111111111 Ilf21111111MIMIllitsliS
Mrs. J. Cameron, Mrs, B. Vincent
of Belgrave, And Mrs, Linley of De-
svieited on Sunday with Mr, and. Mrs, Wm. Walden. '
Miss 'Minnie 'Snell of Toronto, is vis-
iting her .sister, Mrs. J, L. McPewell.
Congratulations ,are extended to
,Gweridolyn.MeDowellsand Ruth Cook,
who were successful in receiving
ors in the ,piano music exams.
and Mre, Douglas Campbell and
Jehn, visited on Tueeday with Mr. and
Mrs, Elmer Herne of Windsor, Mrs,
.Frank.Camplaell,And.Mise Winnifred,
who had spent two weeks with friends
at Comber, Tilbury and Chatham re-
turned home with them.
Mrs. Joe Brophy and children of
Toronto, visited last week at the home
of Mr, and Mrs, Jack Buchanan,
A number of the ladies of the
'Westfield W.M.S. attended the Guild
meeting at the Anglican church on
'Wednesday afternoon, .A musical
number was given by Ruth Cook,
Gwen McDowell, Barbara Smith and
.Donna Walden.
Mr. Gordon Cook, Isabel Bertram,
Alex and Joyce Kirkhride of Coch-
rane, are visiting the former's bro-
ther, Mr. Walter Cook, Mrs. Cook and
.other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and
family, Mrs. J. L. McDowell, Mr. Gor-
don McDowell, Miss Mirinie Snell,
visited on Sunday with Mr. Geo, Brad-
ford of Goderich.
,Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Plarold
.Sprung of Hullett Township.
Mr, and Mrs, Victor Campbell and
Larry of Owen Sound, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Campbell. 'Mrs. Campbell and Larry
remained for, a longer visit.
Miss Shirley Bosnian of Walton,
spent last week with her grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosnian.
Masters Larry, Garry and 'Law-
rence Hansford of Dorchester are
holidaying at the home of Mir. and
Mrs. Arnold Tint.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Marvin
McDowell visited with Mr, and Mrs.
,Jack Cowan• .and -Rev, Harold and
Mrs Snell of Exeter and Mr. ;and
hone 65
Ail Passengers /figured
Mre.'Maitland Henry .of
Miss J01$ Campbell returned home
on Sunday after spending last week
at Summer School Camp, north of
Mrs. John Gear and children are
visiting Mr. Armond MeRurney and
other friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook of Bel-
grave, Mr And mrs. Jim Brook and
Janice visited on Sunday with Mrs,
Fred Cook .and faMily.
Recent guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Wightman were Mr.
and Mrs. Elvin Wightman and Shar-
on, Mr. and Mrs. George Lee of
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stack-
house, Miss Eva of Brucefield, Mr.
and Mrs, P S. Neil and family of
Glencoe, '
Mrs, Jasper MeBrien of Goderich
spent last week. with Mr. and Mrs,
Gordon Snell,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig and
family and. Rodney Cook of Walton
visited on Sunday with Mr. and lira,
Douglas Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs 'Norman McDowell
and Gwen, Mr. Win. McDowell were
Northern Ontario visitors over the
Mrs. Stewart Ament of Hullett
Township, Mrs. Wilson of Toronto
visited Friday last week with Mrs.
Gordon Snell,
Miss Eileen Taylor was a Wasaga
Beach visitor on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snell ,and chil-
dren, Mr. and Mrs Walter
visited on Sunday with Mrs, Alex
Purves of St, Helens.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Campbell
visited on Thursday with. Mrs. W. P.
Crozier of London. Mr. W H, Centp-
bell returned home with them after
spending a couple of weeks his
daughter, Mrs. Crozier.
Newlyweds Showered
The friends and neighbors met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Mc-
Dowell Friday evening and presented
the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Mnrray
McDowell with a miscellaneous show-
er. The address was given by Doug-
las Campbell, After the opening of
the gifts Murray thanked the friends
on behalf of himself and his bride
for the ninny lovely and useful gifts.
Lunch was served'
Rev. Alex Cox of Carroll, Manitoba
visited last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox visited
on Friday with Dr. and Mrs. Grier-
son of Londesboro.
The farmers are hoping for a few
days fine weather so they can com-
plete their haying operations which,
has been rather a worry this year
owing to so much wet weather, but
we consider we are very fortunate in
this district as there have been no
severe storms.
i r-----; i -- ----
1 Mr. Ward Allan. is visiting this Week
in Detroit and Kir14911,,
i —Mr. and Mrs, 'Parerree Riehey
spent last week .holidaying in Detroit.
Mrs. Frank Eidt and children left
on Sunday to visit her family at Port
Mr. Mel. Lavigne is spending the
!week with friends and relatives in
Mrs. W. Maize of Toronto, is visit-
i ing with her mother, Mrs. V. R, Van-
1 —Mr, and Mrs, George Shaw visited,
I last week with relatives in Toronto
and Belleville
I Dr. and Mrs, G. a Ross are 5pend-
ing their vacation at Big Bay Point,
Lake Simcoe.
' Mr. Lloyd Banks will spend. a few
days in Ottawa, and continue to Nash-
ville, Tennessee.
Mr, Bill Hankers is visiting his
family in Chatham, and is planning,
a visit to Montreal,
_Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCool spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E,
linsen and son
Robert of Toronto, are visiting with
Mrs, Tomlinson's parents, Mr. awe
:Mrs. W. R, Hamilton.
i --Mrs. T, A. Currie and •daughter
Mary Frandes, are :mending two
weeks at Point Clark,
• Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Nivins. of To-
ronto, were week-end guest:. with Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Purdon.
—Misses Grace Colley and Hazel
Hopkins, of Hanover, spent the week
visiting in Washington, D.C.
--Mr. and Mrs. ,R. E, McKinney
were week-end guests with Mr. and
Mrs. J, W. Hanna at Grand Bend.
-- -Miss Cora Gilkinson. spent last
week visiting friends in Toronto and
Montreal, and went on to Quebec City,
s Mr. and Mrs. John Rafferty, of
Waterloo, are guests with their son,
Mr. Tom Rafferty and Mrs, Rafferty.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heywood and
family are visiting their relatives and
friends in Exeter and Zurich this
—Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Demato, of
Chicago spent a couple of days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
---Miss Charlene Brown of Flint,
Mich., spent the past two weeks
visiting her uncle Mr. and Mrs. Jack
—Mrs, Albert Haynes of Hannah,
Alberta, visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs, R. H. Thompson, East Wa-
week-end at her heiird'in Howick.
Mr. Murray Baiers of Mitchell, who
has been holidaying at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Miller has return-
ed home. His father, Mr. Norman
Baiers came up to get, him and called
on friends here.
Mrs. Earl McNee, Dorothy and
Evade], visited with friends at Dun-
gannon and Lucknow this past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nickel and
girls of Breslau, spent the past couple
of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Fitch, Mrs. Joe
Smeltzer, Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Haskins,
Muriel and Cheryl, visited friends in
Goderich on Sunday.
Mrs. Carl Douglas sang a solo at
the Presbyterian Church in Brussels
on Sunday morning.
Mr. Boyd Marshall had the mis-
fortune to sprain his ankle this past
week and has been unable to work
at the chopping mill.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McNeil and fanc-
ily of Brussels, spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, Neil McNeil.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hallahan and
Margaret, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Mc-
Cormick of Kinloss and Miss Sadie
McCormick, spent the week-end at
Owen Sound, Collingwood and Mid-
Miss Fairy Fells is holidaying at
the home of her uncle, Mr. Dave
Mrs. Harry Cook and Austin, spent
Friday in London.
C. W. Hanna is enjoying holidays
this week at the lake.
Mrs, Josephine Cameron of Bel-
grave has returned from a ten days'
visit in Detroit with her daughter,
Mrs. George A. Linley and Mr, Lin-
ley, Mrs. Linley returned for a two-
week's Vacation here.
• and Mrs. Don Adams, Trevor
and Jane, spent Sunday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James McLean, at
Collingwood, •
Of OKNX staff.
--Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Aitchison
and Larry, visited at Vimy, Kingston,
at his brother's Sigmm. Aylmer and
Mrs. Aitchison's.
--Mr, and Mrs. Graham Fenn of
Parkhill visited his mother, Mrs.
Emma Fenn and Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Eurgrnah on Sunday,
—Mrs. K. Tomlinson and son, Rob-.
ert, of Toronto, have spent the past
two weeks with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Wilfred Hamilton.
--Mrs. Phil Dyble and Jill of Wing-
ham and Mrs. Muriel Jenks, and '
Wendy, of London, spent the past two
weeks holidaying at Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clark and family
are planning to leave on ,,trinday for
'an extended. motor trip through the
snxmanion, n•lianie Street, this wick.
-- Mr, dial ales. Reg. D. Aims-acme
and Mr. and Mrs. C. la MeAlpine
6041. Don, of Mildmay, were Slterl,:.,
guests with Mr. anti Mrs. Barry
--Mr. and Mrs. James Carr and
family spent last week on a trip to
Ottawa and North Bay returning by
way of Sudbury, Manitoulin aim 'To-
--Mr. Barry Kay has returned to his
duties on the staff of CieN.X after
spending six months in training
at Camp Shilo, Man., with the Royal
Canadian Artillery,
Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Fensham and
daughter, Linda, of Toronto, returned
home after a week's visit with Mrs.
Fensham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Smith, Carling Terrace.
—Barry Wenger left on Wednesday
morning to spend a few days at Peta-
wawa Camp. He accompanied the
members of the press gallery at Ot-
tawa on a newsgathering tour.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Browne Sr.,
are visiting at the home of their dau-
ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mr'S.
Jack. McGibbon, of Guelph, and with
their. son and daughter-in-law, Mr,
and Mrs. B. Browne, Willowdale.
—Mr. and Mrs. William Lediet,
Frances and Preston, Mr. Percy Mc-
Lean, Belgrave and Mr. William Gor-
don of Strathroy, motored to Muskoka
on Saturday and spent the week-end
with Mrs. Gordon and family at their
cottage at Sand Lake.
—Visitors who called on Mrs, Eliza-
beth Snell at Fairview Nursing Home
over the week-end were: Mr, and
Mrs. Reg. Argent of Welland, Ont.;
Mr. Gordon Cook and two grand-
children of Cochrane, Mrs. Geo. Cook
and daughter, Lois of Belgrave, and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook of Blyth.
—Clerk R. H, Thompson and Mrs.
Thompson, East Wawanosh, left on
Tuesday for a trip to the Coast. On
their return they will visit Banff,
Lake Louise and other western points
among • friends, and also visit with
friends in North Dakota, Their many
friends wish them a pleasant trip and
a safe return home.
An enjoyable evening was spent at
the home of Mrs. William Kennedy
and Mrs. Irving Reid, When they were
hostesses for a miscellaneous shower
in honor of Miss Joyce Sanderson,
bride-elect. The evening was spent in
games and a dainty lunch was served,
wore matching mittens and earr;. I
a cascade of white, roses.
Mrs. Hugh G. Myers. sister of tli
bride, as matron of honour, wore a
gown of silver bine satin. fashioned
identically to that of the bride. She
wore a erownlees pietnrc hat and mit-
tens of blue nylon mare:dainty ,tart
carried a colonial notiquet of when,
carnations and blue eornflowers,
Mr, Norman Coulter, Winenutin,
brother of the groom, was best man.
Ushers were Mr, Clifton Walsh, Brus-
sels, brother-in-law of the groom and
Mr. Donald James, Galt, cousin of
the bride.
A reception at the Country Club,
Stratford, followed the ceremony,
Receiving the bride's mother wore
a dress of dove gray mesh over taf-
feta, with gray accessories, whicn
featured pink and mauve accents. Her
corsage was pink Briarcliffe ;ores,
Assisting, the bridegroom's mother
wore a dress in heavenly blue shade,
with black accessories. Her corsage'
was pink Briarcliffe roses.
For her wedding trip to Northern
Ontario the bride donned a navy lace
afternoon frock, a pink wool shortie
coat, and a white crocheted ttraiv
hat, featuring pink rosettes and navy
veiling. Her accessories were in navy
and she wore a corsage of oink roses.
On their return Mr. and Mrs Coul-
ter will reside in Kitehener,
In Wingham, on Saturday, July 21,
at the home of her father, Elva
Elizabeth Welsh. daughter of Mr,
Walter Welsh aand the late Mrs,
Welsh, of Wingham, became the brick'
of Norman Alfred Keefer, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Oliver Keefer of Mid-
land. Rev. A. Nimmo officiated.
The bride wore a gown of white
nylon marquisette with frosted flower
design. A halo held her fingtertip veil
of nylon net and lace. She carried a
bouquet of red garnet and pink sweet-
heart roses,
Her bridesmaid,.• Rosetta Dennis,.
wore yellow nylon net over taffeta,
with matching floral headpiece ;and
carried a bouquet of tinted gardenias
and eornflowers. The groom's .brother,
Oliver Keefer, was best man,
Friends and relatives from :Stmt.!
ford, Toronto, Midland, Toberinory
and. Wingham, attended the wedding.
The happy couple will reside in
Toronto, after a honeymoon in North-
ern Ontario.
Ianville Hammerton has just re-
turned from Winona Lake, Indiana,
where in a combination portrait and
commercial course, he was awarded
a certificate of merit by the Winona,
School of Photography, an education-
al center which has been designated
"the post graduate school of profes-
sional photographers." The combined
course means to the holders of these
certificates, an added reputation as
professionals in their chosen field of
photography, International in its
scope, many states were represented
by the students. In addition, Canada
sent several photographers to this ad-
;!erviei-i; for Frederick Argent, 82,
who died suddenly at his home in
Dlyth, were conducted Saturday by
the Rev. J. Roberts, in the Tasker
finhral home. and interment made: in
eemetere. l'allbearers were
itert rliian, Hfrrold Cunningham. Wel-
negton McNeil, Elmer Pollard, WII-
nem Thtull and Robert Watt.
Mr. Argent came to Canada from.
England as a young man, and for sev-
eral years conducted a blacksmith
business at Harlock, He moved to,
Blyth in 1919 and for many years
was employed by the Horticultural
Society caring for flower beds in the
park and at street corners, and he
also conducted a market garden.
You never know when
POLIO will strike!
Now . . . Protect Your Family
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You can make it by phone
Call us Today
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A new steel wire, Sc strong
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This gaving ht important an
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Long Distance operators now dial man.' out
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eon t. ettiont see, ire (Sr 'you.
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'Lie'ets• fretweety tiara ;gm. 1,ren sutietled in
on,i1 ttala'y ampiitirra (1 1 ',mild ba%e hard it t.,oldena nwr, In a wi agli, room 11,,Ift: taut N.1%
111111111111111116 al
a a
a n
Special displays throughout the store
aturing Sumner Sportswear
at Reduced Clearing Sale Prices.
Smartly styled all wool gabardines
faultlessly tailored for proper fit
Regular to $60.00
Special rack of Better Dresses \
Regular to $19.95
Sale $9.00
"Quality and Service
Sale $49."
N *
The Presbyterian V. P. S. held a
picnic at Port Elgin last Saturday
afternoon, About 20 attended and they
report a good time in, spite of the
The commnuity was in the path of
the hail storm last Wednesday night,
and considerable damage has been
done to crops and gardens, It was
worse in the McIntosh area where
whole fields of grain,were wiped out,
Mr .and Mrs, James Dickson and
Kenneth, spent the week-end in Tor-
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Johann of
Teeswater, spent Saturday with Mrs.
F. Johann and Wilfred.
Miss Jean Dickson, Mrs. Robert
Jeff ray and Mrs. Elmer Jeffrey visit-
ed with Mrs. Wilfred Weitz near Clif-
ford last Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKague and
family visited with friends at Clinton
on Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. F. Johann and Mrs. J. S. Ing-
lis spent last Thursday at Kitchener
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Halliday and
Miss Jean Inglis.
Isabel, Margaret and Tom Darling
motored to Toronto on Saturday to
attend the wedding of Mr. Gerald
Barton and Miss Marianne Noble,
They also visited with their aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gillies.
Miss Agnes Darling is holidaying
at Lucknow and Amberley Beach
these days.
Mr. Alex Inglis visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver Death in Weston on
Mr. and Mrs, a Warwick of Lon-
don, spent a few days with Mr, and
Mrs. Geo, Merkley and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schurter and
Orval, of Walkerton, called on friends
here on Sunday.
Mr. Robert Baird of Blyth and Mr.
and Mrs. Smith and family of Ham-
ilton, visited with Mr. R. J, Douglas
and also at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
N. McNeil on Sunday.
Little Louise Irwin of near Bel-
grave, visited with her sister, Mrs.
Harold Finlay, 0111•11111111121111111iiiim11111111111111111111111111MaitiIRIIIIIIIHNIM11111111111111111111111•1111111•11111ilisiiil
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Worden and
family of Staffa visited with Mr. and
Mrs. N. Hunkin on Sunday.
Mr. Harold Finlay has sold his
trucking business to Mr. I. C. Press
and Mr. Press gets immediate posses-
_ skin.
Mrs. Harley Merkley visited this
past week with her sister in Kitchen,
j" Mr. and Mrs, Melvin McNeil of Ox.
ti bridge, are holidaying with relatives
Little Walter Edwards who Was a ._
patient in Walkerton Hospital for a
few days after being involved In an
accident was allowed to return home L:
to London in company of h Telephone-84is mother, IT„
Mrs, 'Leslie ttlwards,
Miss Muriel Redden spent the Eliiillilliffilillill11191111111111111111116141111111i1111111*1411411i
• '- Merkley Motors
Chrysler and Plymouth Cars
Fargo Trucks
Ferguson Tractors and Farm Equipment
Meals = Fountain
North of
Lyceum Theatre
Wingham, Ontario
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell of Long Coulter—Orr Branch, were recent visitors in. Wing--
ham. Mr. Russell is a former m e taz Theetty marriageorr
Orr, daughter
gobftero tx ElizabethLouiseIeniy
L. Orr of Milverton and the late Mr,
Orr, to Mr. James William Coulter,.
son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Coulter
of Wingham„ was solemnized in St.
Paul's United Church, Milverton, on
Friday afternoon, July - 20th., at 2
o'clock, Rev. F. A. Gilbert performed
the ,double ring ceremony before a
setting of summer flowers,
In addition to playing traditional
wedding music, Mr, Donald R. Dun-
bar, Ethel, accompanied the soloist,
Mr. Wilfred A, French of Kitchener.
Preceding the ceremony he sang
"The Lord's Prayer" and during the
signing of the register, Grieg,'s,
Love Thee".
Escorted down the aisle by her
brother-in-law, Mr. Hugh G. Myers
of Stratford, the bride was given in
marriage by lter mother. She _chose e. ‘anceii se hoot, Of three weeks dura,- Hummer bridal gown of filmy white tion, there were nearly fifty men ;Northern States, and eyelid a few embossed nylon over taffeta fashioned and women who received their train-
bodice featured a scalloped yoke and
with a bouffant skirt. The rrfoulchnl !days in Montreal with ina family. ing under the personal supervision of
Mrs. William hrizell, Inagara hipline, A Juliet cap, fashioned of master photographers. widely known.
Fails, and Mr. Samuel Mizell, Ham- white embossed nylon oxen, taffeta throughout the country.
ikon, eisit;.‘ elt 1 their .un, Mr. Hugh held her net elbow length veil, Sly
AttnitEviATING certain words in our
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This careful attention to little things
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rofeeteae i;:n 'co is she IT ! oos
THE Rat V.--