The Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-05-16, Page 12charge of the recreation period of
games and contests, Lunch of hot
dogs, tarts, cookies and coffee was
served and all enjoyed the social time
together, Anniversary services for the
PresbYterlan Church here will be held
on Sunday, May 27th.
Concert on Friday
Quite a crowd attended the concert
in the. Memorial Hall on Friday even-
ing, when Fred Newman was chair-
man for a good program opened by
"The Maple Leaf Forever," **alter
James played several accordion num-
bers and Chas. Martin played several
mouth organ selections. Miss Shirley
Chapman and Mrs. Jack Burchill
gave humorous readings. Mrs, Car-
ruthers and. Mrs. Daweon Craig sapg
"My Ain Countree." A male quartette,
consisting of Murray Bradburn, Don-ald Yoangblut, Harry Lear and Doh,
aid McNall, with lgra, (Rev.) Bren-
ton at the piano. Mr. end Mrs,
Rice of St. Helerrs, sang "Paddle Your
Own Canoe," and a humorous encore,
Currie Burchill end Miss Janet Gaunt
played piano solos and the Jr, Farm-
ers orchestra Played several numbers,
before playing for the dance that fel-
SHIELLS.—In St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, on Friday, May 4th., 1951,
to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shiells, a
,son, Robert Gerald.
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TINES wgomEsn4V, May 16th., VA,QP ,•WP4• 1
Miss Janet Watson of Aylmer spent
lase week-end with her sister, Mrs.
filbert Beecroft, and all spent Sun»
clay with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
..abert Watson of Brucefield,
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Davidson of
'Toronto spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leask McGee,
Mr, and Mrs Billie Caslick and
.Beth, Culross, spent Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Darl Caslick.
Ms. and Mrs. John Vipond and
Wionald of Donegal spent the week -
d at the home of his .sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Diemen visited
cm. Sun'day with Walkerton friends
and attended the Lutherah Church
Mr. and Mrs. John .Albrecht and
}Helen moved last Thursday to their
:fetw home at Walkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lott and
daughters of Waterford spent Sunday
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
"Falter Lott,
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Rieman and
family visited on Sunday at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Mackay of Walkerton.
The hydro men were busy on the
of E. Wawanosh on Monday
cenanging over from 25 to 60 cycle,
'Ellis will be a very welcome change
far these farmers.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sadler of
London spent Thursday last with Mr, County. Conservation. Committee Mipa goods this Friday and on Satur, course is wingrie4u, have taken po4 i,
and Mrs. Walter Lott, ice-cream or .chocolate :lair, day comes home with. Xr, and Mre.' tiatia in Clinton during the past week,
Mr. Cecil Faleonee attended the while the children bring their lunch, Mason to make her home here. Herb Pareittli, VilffOrd, spent
Mrs. Philip Wrigley of. few days last Week ..the .herrie of Masonic service in the Ashfield Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reid and three Mr, and
Church on Sunday and t1rs. Falconer daughters of Brampten, and mr. and Vancouver motored to visit at his sister, Mrs, Earl
visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Howard and three Sena of' the home pf their daughter, Mrs. otbblYfetwiSNovIpleRicU,.09.t:oltB,:n:iopticArim,l ,fisrl.sO,Qramrpitxtlh..(tieor TlositymietenctIt..
Richard Irwin, and they and Mr.manrsd,
Mrs. Irwin
dndj),°'itt'le?Jer.aaadn.144 Jim Clenaghan.
Irwin of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Earl Caslick spent a few days.
Scott Reid and Miss Barbara Irwin, last week with Mrs. John Burchill of
of 'Whigharn, and Mr, and Mrs, Ed„ ,cokeee,
round Irwin anti family Xios Joyce Robinson,daughter of
visited ,there onStin
y, Mr. and Mrs. Chap. Robinson, is very
with Gerrie and D. Wawanosh mkt-. sdpaeurt,teii.;e, mela,
t hbee t mn tt on, g
sons-'of spent the week-end Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Foster and
Mr, and Mrs. Melville Beecroft and ill with an attack of measles,
Motherla Day was observed in the Mr, Aldin Purdon and visited with
United ,Church here on Sunday, when her sister, Mrs, Purdon in Wingham
Rev, S. Hayward conducted the Hospital.
service and the choir sang, 'Mother's Mc)3urney relatives in East Wawa-
Prayers Have Followed Me", Miss nosh, spent Sunday with their mother,
Beverly Caseniore read the story, and Kra. Sam MeDurney of Wingham.
the Jr, Sunday School children sang, Mr, R, M. Shiells is laid up with a
"Can a Little Child like Me, Thank
veryn soreoe roifhttheleg.oaHtetlo w, aswihnozai stallthe
the Father Fittingly?" During the
service, four little ones were baptized, animal fell on his leg, crushing his
Tanis Lorraine, daughter of Mr. and foot and wrenching his knee,
Mrs, Garnet Farrier; Cheryl May, W. I. Meeting
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mc- The regular monthly meeting of
Clenaglian, and Andrea Elizabeth and the Women's Institute was held in the
John Thomas, children of Mr. and Memorial Hall' on Tuesday with the
Mrs. Robert Adams, Rev, Hayward President, Mrs. Geo, McClenaghan,
also presented the prizes for the best presiding, After the opening exercises,
attendance at Sunday School for a a request was read from Wingham
year to the village children, Marjorie Hospital Supply Committee for old
Coulter and Wayne Farrier, and to used blankets, and $5 was donated to
the Hospital sewing fund. Arrange-
ments were made for a car to go to
Teeswater on Thursday to attend the
Institute District Conference, and
hear the address "Foods that Healthy
Children Need." About eleven of the
ladies desired to attend the District
Annual meeting held in June at Reid's
Corners, Re the Co-operative Pro-
grams the ladies gave their first
choice as Aids to effective speaking,
second, Responsibilities of Standing
Committees and third We Call it
"Human Nature", and chose the short
course on "Oven Meals" for October.
Captain deVries of the Salvation
Army, was present and thanked the
ladies for their assistance during the
recent drive for funds and spoke of
the trouble of alcoholism, which creat-
es so many family problems, but said
that 98% of those who have been in
difficulty once, never do so again.
Mrs. Orville Mitchell conducted a
Vegetable contest, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie
read a paper on current events, tell-
ing of the recent Institute Conference
at Guelph. Mrs. Fisher asked the In-
stitute to formulate a resolution for
the District Annual, and the meeting
was closed by singing the National
Brussels Y. P. Here
Several car loads of young people
from Brussels Presbyterian Church
visited last Tuesday evening with
the .young people of the Presbyterian
Church here. The president, Ross
MacGregor, was chairman for the
program. Douglas Newman read the
Scripture lesson, and Nat . Thomson
led in prayer. The visitors contributed
a cornet solo, a piano solo by Bar-
bara Allen, and a solo, "Bless This
House," by Marjorie McKenzie. Mrs.
Dawson Craig and Marilyn Newman
sang, "In the Garden." Rev. Mr. Ful-
ton, who recently arrived in this
country from. Ireland, in a short talk,.
gave same of his impressions of Can-
ada and Canadian, life. The meeting
was closed with all repeating the
Lord's prayer in unison. Miss Isabel
Elliott and Marilyn Newman were in
EUREKA "700"
The new all-steel Eureka "700" Airomatic
finished in sparkling chrome and delightful Jade
Green. One of the most powerful "Tank" type
cleaners ever built. Throw-away paper dust bags
may be used with this cleaner.
Pre=tax price complete with cleaning tools
Popular Priced
EUREKA Model "600"
Best cleaner value on the market features 1/2 h.p.
motor, cyclonic suction with no radio interference
Priced at $99.50
Dry cleans rugs at home removing Grease, Oil
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$1.95 a tin •
it son
jx P.1111.0.0(1401•001.141•11...104.11101.0.1004.110a.11.11.1141m..1101K.M.046114.0”(1•••••.=00•41•11011,m114140/.1a00411 1.6&.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 21, 22, 23
F or Heaven's e 447-4
Clifton Webb Jean Bennett
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 24, 25, 26
lllllllll 111111111 llllllll llllllllllll 11111 lllll 11111111111111111111111 lllll 11111111 lllllll 111111111 lllll 111111 lllll 1111111W lllllll Ill/
Commencing Saturday afternoon, May 19th, the
Matinee will feature a Western Serial in
addition to the regular program.
At the Matinee Only
Children -- Don't Miss the First Chapter.
111111111,11„ 1111111111111111,11111 llllll 111111.11414$1,A;111111111,1111,111411,11,10.11111111111111.111 lllllllllllll 1411111111.111 11
"Last of the Buccaneers ',
114111. iiiii 11.111,01111 iiiiiii fl111,1101111 111” lllll 11/111111.1411.1111111111111111111 111111111.1111 lllllll 11411111 iiiii 11.1.111
Paul Henried Jack Oakie
TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 17, 18, 19
,,,,,,,,,,,, filli ,,,,, 1 ,,,,,,,,, .111111/111114111.11 11111 ,,,,, 1 iiiii 11111111111111111110111,141.101.11 111 1 11 11111111111111 1/111111
The New Super - Powered
Robert Cummings
Gene Autry
Mrs, A. D. Purdon„ Lucknow,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dieman and
sons visited on Sunday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. lodger Inglis of
Mr. and. Mrs. G. A. MapLaughlin
and daughter Joanne of Detroit spent
the week-end at the borne of her
brother Mr. Cecil Chamney.
Mr. Myles MacMillan Jr. has been
having quite a time this spring pul-
ling cattle out of the deep ditch (part
of the Gaunt• Drain) on his pasture
farm north of the 3rd con. of Kinlosa.
The ground is so soft that neither
horses nor tractors can get near, and
the soft steep 'banks, make it a very
difficult and tiring job, Already they
have drawn four cattle out, and this
week are busy fencing to keep them
away from the ditch.
Bruce County Reforestation Com-
mittee are asking the school pupils in
Kinloss Tp, to meet on Wednesday
afternoon at the farm of Mr. Sidler,
one mile West of Langside School, to
plant trees, The Inspectors, Mr, Game
and Mr. Gilroy, and the Zone For-
aster John Jackson are the leaders
of the project, and schools in Bruce,
Brant and Greenock already have
planted their quota, The Bruce
Lucknow were visitors on Sunday at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. George
Fisher, Mr. Fisher iS spending a few
days this week in Toronto,
Mrs. John Carruthers of Helyroca,
has been visiting daring the past
week at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. George Fisher.
Mrs. Robert Laidlaw returned .honap
from Clinton on Tuesday last, after
nursing her mother, Mrs, J, Holmes
for some time.
Miss Winnifred Farrier of Toronto,
and Mr, and Mrs. Carman Farrier
and son, of Long Branch, spent the
week-end at the home of their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Farrier,
Mr. and Mrs. John Haggitt of De-
troit, and other relatives, visited re-
cently at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Will Ringler of W. Wawanosh,
Mrs. Jos, Tiffin and her sons, Or,
vine, Wesley and George Tiffin, and
Mrs, Victor Emerson were in London
J on Sunday visiting with Mr, Jos, Tif-
I fin, who is a patient in Victoria Hos-
pital, Mr, Tiffin has been responding
nicely to treatment there.
Mrs. Mac Ross, who had been visit-
ing for the past two months with
Rev, and Mrs. G, 0. Cox at Fonthill,
returned home on Sunday with Mr. the country children, Muriel and and Mrs. Malcolm Ross and family Elwyn Moore, of Gait, with whom Mrs, Ross had
been visiting for the past week. 'Miss Dr, Donald Watt, who has been
holidaying at the home of his parents, Olive Terriff, who had been nursing Rev; and Mrs. W. J. Watt during the her sister, Mrs. Sig Foien of Toronto,
for the past three weeks, also returned past week, returned to Toronto on Hos-home on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Sunday to his duties in Western
petal, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watt and Henderson, Luck-now, visited there on family of Toronto, spent the week-! Sunday and with other relatives here, end here and Rev, and Mrs. Robt, and Mr. and Mrs. George Saunders Watt and family of Gorki() also visited and Gordon, of Ashfield, also visited
there. there on Sunday, Miss Muriel Watt
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons and will be among the nurses of Victoria
Hospital, London, who graduate on Nancy of London, spent the week.-end M with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, May 29th., at, the annual graduation exercises. Mar tin,Ati.and Mr. and Mrs, Orville Hastings of
Mrs. C. Laughren and baby, Turnberry and Mr. and Mrs, George ;Connie, spent Sunday at the home
! of her parents at Harriston, Stanley of Lucknow visited on Sun-
The ladies of the W.M.S. of the day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. McInnis, :Presbyterian Church were at Tees- Mrs. J. G. Gillespie and Miss Mil- l: j water on Tuesday attending the W.M.
S. Presbyterial. dyed McClenaghan were among the
! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman and graduate nurses from Wingham, Chin-
family, attended the United Church, ton and Listowel districts who attend- ' cd the Sunday evening service in the
Wingham, on Sunday morning, where Presbyterian Church, Wingham. About 'little Ross Alan Newman, son of Mr, one hundred nurses met after the ser- I and Mrs. Donald Newman, was being vice at the Nurses' Home to renew ; baptiz ed. They afterwards visited with old acquaintances and have a social Mr. and Mrs. Donald Newman at their cup of tea. All were grateful to Mrs. home inWingha. Morrey fOr her leadership in the get- Mr. and Mrs.
Ezra Welwood and together, Gordon, attended the morning service Mrs. Harold Sparling, Douglas and in the Presbyterian, Church, Wing- Marie of Wingham,' Rev, and Mrs. 3.• ham, where Barry Nell, son of Mr. W. S. Watt and family, and Mr. and and Mrs. Clifford Hefter of • Turn- • Mrs. Thos,-A-longe'Met on Sunday at berry ,was being baptized. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milian Mother's Day was observed in the
Presbyterian Church here on Sunday Moore for a family dinner, to cele- brats Mr. Moore's and Miss Muriel and Rev. R. D. A. Currie baptized
I Brenda Catharine, daughter of Mr. Moore's birthdays. Miss Jeanette B. Cottle, Reg. N., of and Mrs. James Wilson, and Sharon
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gully, Wing-
ham, spent Snuday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. Orton Grain and son,
Gary of Listowel, spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lance
Mr. and Mrs. George Caldwell of
Blyth and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cald-
well of East Wawanosh, and Mr. and
Mrs. Mack Cardiff of Brussels, visited
j on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
'Mrs, Wm, Rintoul, Mrs. Alex Rintoul,
who has been with her sister, Mrs.
MacDonald of St. Helens, also visited
there on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss and fam-
ily of Bright, are spending a few days
this week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Ben .1VIcClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin McClenaghan and Michael, of
Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Parker,
David and John, Clinton, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. MacIntyre, Ridgetown, and
Mr. Irwin McCienaglia.n and Miss
Gertrude Mars, St. Thomas, all visited
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
McClenaghan on Sunday.
Mrs. Bowering and her three dau-
ghters from near Timmins, moved
recently to the house on Mr, Hugh
Simpson's farm. They will stay here
for a few weeks until Mr. Bowering
is able to get a bonne in Sarnia, where
he is noW working.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Snell and
Larry of Londesboro, and Mr. and
Mrs. Jas, Reid and Ronald of Black
norso, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Ewart McPherson.
Miss Lenore Adams of Hespeier,
spent the week-end at the home of her
brother, Mr. Robert Adams,
1 Brick United Church held their
Morning service at 10 a,m. on Sunday,
With the Mother's Day program. Two
babies, Joyce Marie, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Ronald Coultas, and Wanda
May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. keri-
neth Mason, were baptized, and Miss
Claire Chantney sang a solo, Murray
Shiells told the story, The Sunday
School Supt, Gilbert Beecroft conduct-
ed the service with Rev. W. J. Moores
giving the Mother's Day message.
Mr, Harold Mason and sort, Keith Of
Kincardine, visited last Tuesday With
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sohn Mats=
on. Mrs, Mason is in London this
Week with her sister, Mrs. Xilnatriek,
Who is hoidihg the "sate Of her house-
Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Purdon and
Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs, Ken-
neth Zinn and family, Turnberry, and
other members of their family, visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Purdon on Sunday.
Toronto, visited with Wingham
friends and relatives recently and Mr.
Harold Sparling accompanied her
back to Toronto to visit for a few
weeks at the home of his mother,
Mrs. Ed, Browning.
Mrs. George McGee has been a
patient in Wingham Hospital during
the past week.
Miss Helen Walters, Culross and
Miss Melva Montgomery, E. Wawa-
nosh, who finished their commercial
The ±Thrilling .New
Our salesgirls have all had a recent course on the
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LIPSTICKS (7 shades) $1.50
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HAND CREAM with Chlorophyll for
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The smart Tiffany jars and bottles will
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per yd. 59c and 69c
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