The Wingham Advance-Times, 1951-05-09, Page 6R. GODDESS M TIME,. 0 Innis 1375°
111. SENATOR . 4 *NO.. nva
David Crompton
Certified 'Watchmaker
'Phone 59
Continuing this week at Welwood's
Here are some of the outstanding
values for this week
Soft fleeces mostly natural shades so suitable for
cool summer evening wear - youthful styles
Group $19.95 each
The finest in smartly tailored gabardines - good
size and colour range . . .
a $60.00 value = = = $49.95
See this $10.00 rack - some exceptional values in
better dresses originally worth $19.00 to $20.00
reduced to clear and make room for new mer-
chandise . .
Silk crepes - yards and yards of lovely patterns in
best quality crepes . . .
Sale price $1.39 per yard
a big display of plain and patterned nets for
kitchen, bedroom and living room . .
per yard 59c
iii i iii i ii tt iii, ll ull" llllll lllll lllll l
"Quality and Service"
Phone 414 Wingham
WEDNESDAY, MAY Kit., 1954.
A-T Want Ms can change Spare Articles into Spare Cash News from Our Churches
_ .
LOST -In Wingham, Dark rimmed
child's spectacles. Finder please
call 493 Wingham, 9*
LOST-Pocket Knife, three blades,
pearl handle. Reward. Phone 63.*
LOST-In the Bluevale, Belmore area,
a maroon fender skirt, belonging to
a 46 Olds. Finder please leave or
Contact Hunkin's Store in Belmore,
or Koffman's Store in Blueva.le.
2 :9b
WILL THE PARTY who borrowed
the lawn roller from Donald Rae
& Sons' Hardware, please return it
at once, It is urgently needed. 9b
STRAYED to property of Wrn. R.
Jenkins, Con. 9, Turnberry, collie
dog, black and white. Dog will be
kept only one week. 9b
FOR SALE-Baby crib and mattress,
Good condition. Phone 529, Wing-
ham. 9b
bushing, carpentry, repair work
and cabinets. Apply A. Green, phone
464W. 11%
Op. way, Call 271 for prices and
trucking service. Our prices are
your clothing? Have them BER-
LOU moth-proofed with a 5-year
written guarantee at a small addi-
tional charge. Odorless and stain-
less. Templeman Dry Cleaners,
Wingham, phone 323. F7r20
Crystal-clear, hard-frozen ice for
sale. Manufactured in 300 lb. blocks,
scored for easy cutting. Year-round
supply available to ice dealers, or
others interested in developing retail
ice routes. For further informatiin,
write Kitchener Tri-Pure Ice Com-
pany, 476 King St., W., Kitchener, Ont.
18:25 :2b
Warren House, Wingham.
PIANOS-5 new Mason & Risch
pianos (floor samples) 15% off,
large selection of plain case pianos,
refinished like new. Smitty's Piano
Sales, Hanover, Ont. 252*
FOR SALE-New and used Lawn
Mowers, also sharpened and repair-
ed. Jenkins Repair Service, Minnie
St. 2:9*
SEEDS-We still have a good stock
of Canadian No. 1 Alfalfa at $42.00
bu. Red Clover $28.00, Alsike $34.00,
White Sweet $10.00, Yellow Sweet
$11.00 bu., Timothy 15c lb. Also on
hand are Brome, Blue, Meadow Fes-
cue and Orchard Grasses, Reed
Canary, Birdsfoot Trefoil, White
Dutch and Ladina Clovers. All re-
markably low prices. R. C. Cramm
& Son, Seed Cleaners and Dealers
Pinkerton, Ont., Phone Cargill
68r3. 291623b
As an added favor for MOTHER'S
DAY why not take home a bag of
fresh BABY BUNTING mixed nuts
from Kerr's Drug Store. 9b
FARMERS-We pay highest pre-
vailing prices for dead or disabled
horses, cattle, hogs, according to
size and condition, Telephone col-
lect to Darling & Company, Wal-
kerton, 453J1. Early morning calls
receive best attention. G. Cunning-
ham, district associate. 1825291623b
FOR SALE-Small quantity of OAC
No, 21 Seed Barley. Apply to Gor-
don Greig, phone Brussels 44r5,
FOR SALE-Quantity of hardwood,
mostly maple, 14 inches long. Apply
Kenneth M. Dickson, phone 1r31,
Belmore. 9 16*
FOR SALE --- Massey-Harris No, 9
Cream Separator in good repair.
Apply to Win. R. Jenkins, phone
737W12, Wingham. 9b
garden with some Choice Pansy
Plants from the Little Greenhouse
with the Big Stock. Strawberry
Plants, $2 per 100. Percy Biggs,
Phone 298R, Lower Wingham.
FOR SALE-190.45 Harley David-
son .Motorcycle. Also Wood turning
lathe and chisels. Lloyd Mundy,
Phone 010, Wingham. 9b
MOTHS DAY Greeting Cards by
"Carlton" express the sentiments
You wish to convey. IVfother will
also appreciate a boi of fresh
Laura, Secord candy from Kerr's
Drug Store, 9b
TIE KITCHEN is the most used
room of your house - it deserves
a, floor that is beautiful, easy to
clean and one that will take the
toughest wear possible. We are
carrying a large range of Inlaid
Linoleum, and are prepared to ex-
pertly lay this flooring for you.
Drop in and have an estimate on
your room - no obligation. Wel-
wood's House Furnishings. 9b
FOR SALE-A quantity of cinder
and cement blocks; an outside door
3' x 7'; one cloak closet door. Apply
Norman Wade, Gorrie, Phone 13-31
Fordwich, 9b
MAY CHICKS-They should be Big-4
to get you the good late summer-
early fall markets. Ask us for new
spring prices, Canada Approved,
plus this Hatchery's own intensive
breeding program. Agent, Wilbur
A. Hogg, R.R, 4, Wingham, 9b
FOR SALE-Boy's bicycle, like new.
Regular $55.00 for $35.00. C. Bondi,
Centre Street. 9b
FOR SALE-Sunshine Electric Rang-
ette, almost new. Phone 256, Wing-
barn, 9b
FOR SALE-Moffat Electric Stove,
1950 DeLuxe Model. Apply Mrs. Jas.
Auld, Palmerston, or phone 447,
Wingham. 9*
FOR RENT-20 acres of good grass;
for sale3 brood sows, due. in
June. John Potter, Lower Wingham
This year, why not let us fill a por-
tion of your garden plant wants, we
would appreciate your order and
think that you will like our plants.
The greenhouse is situated on our
own property in Lower Wingham.
We have Perennial plants and
roots for your Perennial border such
as Bronze Cushion Mums, Hardy
Phlox, Tritoma, Russell Lupins, Shas-
ta Daisies and numerous others.
Our stock of annual boxed plants
consists of all the regulars along with
several new specialties.
If you like hardy garden Carna-
tions we have some grand boxed
plants that are sure to bloom early
enough to give you lots of choice
blooms. A complete line of boxed
plants for your vegetable garden so
this year, why not buy local grown
plants, we cater to the wholesale as
well as the retail trade.
The Little Greenhouse with
. the Big Stock.
Percy Biggs
Phone 298R Lower Wingham
Case DC4
M M Waterloo Model R
Used International Cultivator 81,ift.
All sizes of New Tractors, Manure
Spreaders, Tractor Double Discs
and Cultivators.
Tractor Power Mowers
Side Delivery Rakes
Four and six-foot Tillers.
Ebersol "Wonder Electric Hammer
Mills with the new type hammers.
Radios and Radios with Record
Electric Ranges, Refrigerators and
Washers, Electric Shavers, etc,
Used Electrical Appliances.
Belmore Ont.
Phones; Belmore, 4 Wroxeter 7r7
FOR SALE-400 Leghorn Pullets, 8
weeks old. Fred Tuck, phone
703W12. 9b
FOR SALE-Young Durham cow, due
to freshen in May. Leslie Greena-
way, Bluevale, phone 648J12. 9b
FOR. SALE-1 sow, part Yorkshire
and part Tarnworth. Due May 15.
Apply Jack Deans, phone 73731.
FOR SALE-Weanling pigs. Good
quality, clean herd, Advance Regist-
ry breeding. Wm, Nickel, lot 1,
con, 17, Howick Twp., phone 8r14,
Wroxeter, 9*
FOR SALE- Nine chunks pigs, Apply
Gordon McBurney, phone 620W2,
R.R. 3, Wingharn, 9b
FOR SALE-Nine pigs ready to
wean. Apply Wilfred Shiell, R.R. 3,
Wingham, phone 620./2. 9b
As Corn Sorer Inspector for the
north part of Huron County, I urg-
ently request all growers Of corn,
which includes garden plata, as Well
as field, Corn, to have all refuse .of
corn either burned or buried before
May 25. Penalties are provided for
non-compliance in the Plant 'Disease
Act. Thos. Dougherty, P.O, 13oX. 927,
Goderich, Ont. 916*
FOR SALE-1930 Essex Sedan, W.
H. Mundell, Victoria St., phone
338W. 9*
FOR SALE-1950 Half-ton Chevrolet
truck, 2,000 miles, good as new.
Phone 563X. 9b
FOR SALE-Tractor, Simplicity Vu
hp., complete with all attachments;
also large dining room table, china
cabinet, buffet, serving table, all
solid oak. G. A. Schatte, Josephine
St„ phone 438. 916*
FOR SALE-125 c.c. James Motor-
cycle, 1950 model, like new, $275.00,
C, Bondi, Centre Street, 9b
to clerk in store, Good wages,
Must be 20 to 35 years of age, Ap-
ply stating experience to Box 54,
Advance-Times, 9b
WANTED-Woman or girl to help
care for one child and do light
housework. Apply to Box 53, Ad-
vance-Times. 9b
WOMEN WANTED-for laundry and
kitchen work. Apply to Mrs. W.
Grose, Brunswick Hotel, Wingham,
GIRLS WANTED-Both part time
and full time as snack bar and din-
ing room waitresses. Best working
conditions. Apply to .1. Thyssen,
Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, rb
APPLICATIONS for membership in
Wingham Fire Department will be
received up to May tenth. Applica-
tions should be forwarded to the
Secretary, W. Caslick or Fire Chief,
James Carr. 2*
Salesman wanted for Wingham dis-
trict. Will represent Singer Sewing
Machine Company, Goderich. Ex-
perience would help but not neces-
sary. Salary and transportation pro-
vided. Apply to Singer Sewing Ma-
chine Co., 18 The Square, Goderich.
Applications for the position of
Chief Constable for the Town of
Wingham will be received by the un-
dersigned up to May 19th, 1951. Pen-
sion and Hospital plans are avail-
able. Applicants should state exper-
ience and salary expected.
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk-Treasurer,
Wingham, Ont.
teacher for S. S. No. 9, Kinloss
Township, Duties to commence
Sept. 4, 1951, Hydro in school.
Apply stating qualifications and
salary expected to Russell Gaunt,
R.R. 5, Lucknow, Sec,-Treas. 9b
WANTED-8 head young cattle for
pasture. Edward McClenaghan,
phone Wingham 402J3. 9b
ROOM FOR RENT-Breakfast if de-
sired. Apply Advance-Times. 25*
ROOM FOR RENT-Suitable for two,
Phone 133, Wingham. 916h
FOR RENT-Two bedrooms, furnish-
ed. Apply to Mrs. C. Bondi, Centre
St. 9b
FOR RENT-Five furnished rooms,
suitable for housekeeping. Box 52,
Advance-Times. 9b
FOR SALE-Lot on Frances St. Tel-
ephone 88. 9b
FOR SALE-White brick house, 8
rooms and bath, garage, extra lot,
on Catherine St. Price $4000: Apply
Frank H. Moore, Cannington, Ont,
Phone 133 or 12411, 2:9b
Nine Room Brick House
with Brick Garage
on Diagonal Road
Fitted . with Gurney Air-condition-
ing oil furnace, water softener, vene-
tian blinds and broadloom rugs.
For Further Particulars Call
Phone 496 Wingham
IN THE MATTER of the Estate of
Henry Burgess Spencer, late of the
Village of Whitechurch, in the
County of Bruce.
Notice is hereby given that all
creditors having claims against the
Estate of Henry Burgess Spencer,
who died On or about the 4th Of
March, 1951, at the said village of
Whitechurch, are required on or be-
fore the 22nd. day of May, 1051, to
send by post or delivered to the un-
dersigned, particulars in writing of
their claima.
And take notice that after such
last mentioned date, the Executors
will distribute the assets of the estate
among the parties entitled thereto,
having rgard only to the claiMs of
which they shall have had notice,
DATED at Toronto, this 30th day
of April, 1951,
Edith Eyvel, Whitechureh
Aubrey Pringle, Napanee,
Executors, 2:9:16h
The finalgames of the regular.
bridge series were held last 'Tams-
day evening, Winners were;
North and South-First, Mrs. J. A,
Wilson and Mrs. H. Campbell; second,
D. B, Porter and .I. H, Crawford;
third, Miss M MeCallura and O. Has.
elgrove; fourth and fifth, Mrs. E. A.
VanStone and Ib'v. Vegan; fourth and
fifth, Geo, Williams and D. Kennedy.
East ..,4; West-First, Miss M. John,.
sten and 3, A. Wilson, second, Mrs,
Goclkin and Mrs. A. R. DuVal; third
Mrs, R, S, Hetherington and Miss M,
MacLean; fourth, Mrs. J. J. Brown
and Mrs. D, P, Porter,
The play-offs commenced on Tues-
day evening of this week
will be held on
SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1951
at 2 o'clock p.m.
1 large electric Refrigerator, 1 Easy
electric Washing Machine, 1 electric
Toaster, 1 electric Iron, 1 2-burner
Hot Plate, 1 electric Radio, 2 Cook
Stoves, coal or wood, 4 Steel Beds
with Mattresses and Springs, 10
Kitchen Chairs, 1 large Table, A
quantity of Groceries, 1 Coleman
Lantern, Dishes, Pots and Pans and
numerous other, Household Articles,
L. G. BRYCE, John Falconer,
Auctioneer. Prop.
Of Farm Stock, Implements, and
Household Effects
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has re-
ceived instructions to sell by Public
Auction at Lot 29, Con. 9, East Wa-
wanosh township, 5 miles west of
Belgrave, at 1 p.m., on Friday, May
25th HORSES : Bay gelding, 8 years old
1600 lbs.
CATTLE (T.B. Tested) ; Durham
cow 4 years old due time of sale;
Durham cow, fresh 3 months, bred;
Durham cow, 6 years old, bred to
freshen in December; 5 young Due
ham cows, milking well, due in Sept.;
Durham cow, 9 years old, bred Apr.
21; Durham cow, 4 years old, with
calf at foot; Black cow, due to fresh-
en in June; 2 Durham heifers, bred in
April; 3 Durham heifers, due in
June; 7 Durham steers and heifers,
last fall calves; 1 calf 3 months old;
Purebred Durham bull, serviceable
HOGS : Sow with 8 pigs ready to
wean; 2 Tamworth sows, bred 6
weeks; York sow, bred March 14th.
IMPLEMENTS : M.-H. hinder, 7-ft,
rut, A-1. condition; M.-H, mower; M.-
H. drop-head hay loader; sulky rake;
M.-H. 13-hoe fertilizer drill; 4-section
Diamond harrows; walking plow;
manure stuffier; International
spreader (A-1); M.-H. rubber-tired
wagon; stock rack; 16-ft. rolling hay
rack; set farm sleighs and rack;
fanning mill; 2000-lb. scales; Interna-
tional electric cream separator, used
1 month; Woods grain grinder (new);
milk pails;_atene boat; wheel barrow;
barrel of. molasses; set breeching
harness; set single harness; horse
collars; colony house 10'x10'; 4 chick-
en shelters; feeders; ropes; shovels;
forks; grain bags; 95 sap pails; other
HAY AND GRAIN : 700 bus, good
mixed grain; hay; quantity mixed
sion table and 8 chairs; rocking
chairs and small tables; 2 arm
chairs; 1 complete bedroom suite; 2
beds with springs; side board; 2
cedar house doors; and other articles.
No Reserve, Farm is Sold.
Harold Jackson, Seaforth, Auction-
Cecil Chamney, Proprietor.
R. H. Thompson, Clerk.
I would like to express my sincere
apreciation to all those who remem-
bered me with cards, visits and
treats; also Dr. Connell, Dr. McKib 7
bon, Mrs, Morrey and her staff of
nurses, Court Maitland No. 26 Can-
adian Order of Foresters and the Un-
ited Church, Whitechurch, during
my stay in the Hospital. All these
kind remembrances will never be for-
gotten,--Thos. L. Gaunt, 9*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sutton wish
to expro!,8 their sincere thanks to
their friends and neighbors, for the
many kindnesses shown them in their
recent bereavement. Especial thanks
to the neighbors in Pleasant Valley
for the beautiful tribute, Dr. Commtn
and Rev. E. 0. Lancaster.
We wish to express sincere appreci-
ation for the kindness and sympathy
shown by neighbors and friends in
our recent bereavement.
Pearl Stinson, Sam Stinson. flb
I wish to express my appreciation
for the acts of service, expressions of
sympathy, floral tributes and cards
received from kind neighbours and
friends, the members of the Masonic
Order and the Rev, Mr, Lancaster
during illness and death and which
have helped to lighten the grief of
my recent bereavement. -Mrs. E. J.
Nash, 9*
I would like to express my sincere
thanks to friends and relations who
remembered me with flowers, treats
and cards, since I have been confined
to bed through illness, Special thanks
to Doctor W. A. Peceroft and the
Kinsmen for the use of their hospital
bed, My progress Continues to be
satisfactory and your kindness is
appreciated, Edgar Pattison Ob
BALF01.1R-In loving Memory of
William J. Ealfour, Grey Town-
Ship, who passed away three years
ago May 6th.
Death cannot long divide,
For is it not as though t the rose that
climbed my garden wall
Has bloomed on the other side.
Death cloth hide,
But not divide,
Thou are but on Christ's other side.
-Ever remembered by his Wife, Lida
Japan is Theme
W,M.S, Meeting
"The United Church Re-Enters
Japan Through Education," was the
subject for study at the meeting of the
Woman's Missionary Society in Wing-
ham United Church. The whole pro-
gramme was prepared and presented
by the Evening Auxiliary, the presi-
dent, Mrs. Jack Reavie, presiding. The
devotions were taken by Mrs, Reavie,
And Mrs. Jim Hamilton. Using maPS
and posters, Mrs. Wm. Cruikshank
told of the schools in Japan operating
under the United Church and the work
they are doing. She said that Japan
has always stressed education, having
99% literary in its population and
demanding nine years of school edu-
cation for its youth. General MacAr-
thur was quoted as saying that Chris-
tianity now faces its greatest oppor-
tunity in Japan.
A short skit led by Mrs. G. W,
Tiffin assisted by Mrs. Hodgins, Mrs.
Hamilton, Mrs. Cruikshank and Mrs.
Reavie, depicted the work being done
in the two schools in Japan under the
direction of the Woman's Missionary
Society of the United Church.
An interesting discussion "Why Are
We Justified in Continuing Our Edu-
cational Projects in Japan?" was led
by Mrs. Cruikshank. This was followed
by a solo, "Teach Me Thy Will," by
Mrs. Norman Keating.
Mrs. G. N. Underwood had charge
of the business. An interesting letter
from Mrs. (Rev.) Jack Thompson was
read, in which she thanked the Aux-
iliary for remembering her baby girl,
and also told something of her work
in Trinidad.
Mrs. Jim Hamilton closed the meet-
ing by reading two poems which were
written by Kagawa of Japan. Lunch
was then served and a social hour
Mission Band Rally
Held in Wingham
A rally for Mission Bands from
the Eastern section of Maitland Pres-
byterial was held in St. Andrew's
Church, Wingham, on Saturday. Mem-
bers from Whitechurch, Teeswater,
Brussels and Wingham were present.
Mrs. Farish Moffat, Langside, pre-
sided. Teeswater Band was in charge
of the devotions and Gloria Stabo
read the Scripture and Joan Marshall
led in prayer.
The chorus "Jesus Loves the Little
Children" was given by members of
the Wingham Band, Mrs. R. Mowbray,
Wingham, Presbyterial secretary, read
the minutes. The offertory prayer
was given by Helen Wilson, Brussels.
Mrs. Mowbray introduced the guest
speaker, Miss Lily MacArthur, Child-
ren's Work Secretary, Toronto. Miss
MacArthur spoke to the children of
the early pioneer's work and of the
early church, also the work of the
Mrs. A. Nimmo thanked the speak-
er and the closing prayer was given
by Betty Newman, Whitechurch.
On Wednesday evening, May 2nd., a
Mission Band Leaders meeting was
held in Knox Church, Teeswater. The
leaders of Teeswater Mission Band
were in charge of the devotions.
Miss MacArthur spoke to the lead-
ers and displayed a number of helps
for work with the children.
The rally for the Western section
was held in Knox Church, Kincardine,
on Saturday, April 28th.
BOX 273
Editor Advance-Times,
Dear Sir:
The recent decision by the Town
Council to "cease payments for re-
creational activities" has come as a
surprise to me, and I believe, some
other citizens of this town. This de-
cision actually means that Organized
Recreation under a competent, qual-
ified Director is being abandoned as
a municipal project. It would be quite
impossible to carry on the program
without the grant hitherto made avail-
able to the extent of two-thirds of
the director's salary, (the remaining
third being made up from a grant
from the Provincial Government.)
The movement for an organized
program of recreation was started
some five years ago, as a result of
popular public support and interest
in the project. In my opinion, that
support has not diminished with the
years and iS just as great today as
Therefore, it is surprising, that the
decision to abandon the project
should be made with so little refer-
ence to public opinion generally, and
more specifically, to the Recreation
Council itself, who, I understand, had
not the slightest intimation that the
grants Were to be withdrawn.
It is Understandable, that with to-
day's high mill rate, ways and means
of reducing public expenditure must
be constantly sought after, but there
are some things that a community
cannot afford to he without, and I
submit that the general program of
Recreation carried on in this town is
one of them.
, Yours very truly,
Norman Welwood
St. Andrew's W.M.S.
The regular meeting of the Worn-
ens' Missionary Society of St. And-
rew's Presbyterian Church, was held
on. Tuesday afternoon, May 1st., at
three o'clock in the church parlour.
In the absence of the president,
Mrs, Leslie Fortune, the first vice-
president, Mrs, Alex Nimmo, occupied
the chair and opened the meeting
with invocation.
The general business of the meet-
ing was conducted, followed by the
secretary's report and roll call, Ar-
rangements were made to send dele-
gates to the Presbyterial meeting to
be held in Teeswater on May 15th.
The delegates appointed were Miss
Agnes Mitchell and Mrs, Wm. Ford.
It was moved that Wingham Society
extend an invitation to have the
Presbyterial held in St. Andrew's
Church, Wingham, in 1952.
The offering was received and Mrs.
Geo. Day gave the dedicatory prayer.
The treasurer's report was read and
Mrs. R. Mowbray gave a very in-
teresting account of the synodical
meeting held recently in Sarnia, to
which she was a delegate.
Mrs. Gordon Godkin led in prayer,
The Scripture reading and meditation
was given by Miss Agnes Mitchell,
which was taken from Matthew 25-
30-41, and Corinthians 1-13, Chapter 3.
Miss Cora Gilkinson gave a most in-
teresting and inspiring paper from
the current study book, dealing with
missions in Canada.
The meeting for May was in charge
of Miss Jean Wilton and Mrs. George
Day. The closing prayer was given
by Mrs. J, Burchill.
DAHMER-At the Wingham General
Hospital, on Tuesday, May 1, 1951,
to Mr. and Mrs. John Dahmer, of
Lucknow, a son.
THYSSEN-At the Wingham Gener-
al Hospital, on Wednesday, May 2,
1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Judocus Thys-
sen, Wingham, a son.
GRANT-At the Wingham General
Hospital, on Thursday, May 3, 1951,
to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grant,
R. R. 1, Formosa, a daughter.
GARDNER-At the Wingham Gener-
al Hospital, on Thursday, May 3,
1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Gard-
ner, Lucknow, a son.
--Mrs. Geo, V. Uwe. Is Yiaitingtla*
Misses Fisher at Paisley,
-Mrs. Mayo johnshn, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with Mrs.
--Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Cooke, of CDC,
angeville, spent the week. end ha
Brussels and Wingham.
-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton and
family, spent the week-end with Me.
and Mrs. Leslie Clark at Port Rowan,
--Mr. and Mrs. Howard Waller and
son, Ralph, of Waterloo, spent the
week-end with her mother, Mrs. S.
-Mrs. Raymond Bell and little son,,
Roy, of Bedford, N. S., are visiting
for the summer with the former'a
mother, Mrs. Roy MacDonald.
-Mr. G. C. Gammage and .Robe,rt„
spent the week-end in Chatham. Mrs..
Gammage and baby returned wit's
them after spending a week In Chat-
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Routledge and.
daughter, Beth, of Byron, Ontario..
were week-end guests of Mrs. Rout-
ledge's brother, Mr. H, P. Carmichael,
Mrs. Carmichael and family, John St.
-Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Phipper. of
Peterborough, visited the former's
parents, over the weekend. They were
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Turn-
bull, also of Peterborough, who vis-
ited relatives in and around Brussels.
Miss Holly Martin, or Toronto, has
joined the office staff of The Ad-
vance-Times. She will occupy the-
apartment above the office where she
will be joined by her sister, Miss
Belle Martin, also of Toronto, who
will also reside in Wingham.
-Peter Spittal of Seaforth, former-
ly of Wingham, won the First Prize
in solo class for boys under 14 at the
recently held Huron County Musical.
Festival, and was presented with a.
wrist watch at a special concert held.
at Goderich,
THORNTON-At the Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, on Thursday, May 3,
1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Thorn-
ton, R.R. 2, Gorrie, a daughter,
CARTER-At the Wingham General.
Hospital, on Tuesday, May 8, 1951,
to Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd G. Carter,
Wingham, a son.