The Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-12-14, Page 12BIRTHS EARLS-In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Saturday, December 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earls, of Wroxeler, a daughter, HOFFMAN-In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, December 10th to Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Hoff- man, Teeswater„ a daughter. MacMILLAN-In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, December 8th„ to Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Mac- Millan, II, R. 1, Lucknow, soil, McWURNEY-In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, December 7th., to Mr, and Mrs. Ed. McBur- nq, H. H. A Winghatn, a son, FORDWICH It may be of ititerest to acquaint ances here to learn that Air, and Mrs. genneth Pritchard have flown to New- foundland where Mr, Pritchard will assume his duties as editor of the Cor- ner Brook Times. Mr. Pritchard is a son of Mr, wad Mrs. James Pritchard, Palmerston, formerly of Nowt& and n to. TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7;15 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p.m, Open Wednesday Afternoons during December and until 10 o'clock on December 22, 23 and 24 tiettemettimompostorwItielopootteicir ritA 17: 'II: Wednesday, December 14, 1949. .44St9.-rqd COUNCIL PROCLAIMS THE WINGH ADVANCE-TIMES Glamorous Furs Help Witt Title Mr. and Mrs. A. R. DuVal attended he Ontario Mink Pelt Show at the Om, Vet, College, Guelph, on Satyr. day, Dec, 3rd. At the banquet in the Royal Hotel after the show, a letter was read by Willard Schaefer, See., of the Ont,, Fur Xartners' Assoc., in which announcement was Made that Miss Canada ,had won the coveted "Miss North America" title at Lima, Peru, and in Which she said she reit the glamorous furs provided by Can. adian Fur Farmers had directed much attention to her and had had A great part in her stitcess. Mr, timii Madigan Ont. rue Inspector, and Mr. A, R. DuVal,were tendered a vote of thanks for their parts irt arranging that Can,. adiao Furs be provided for ;Miss Can- AttN-MtAliga Ma, for her South Atuetitau trill., (Continued from page one) , z.:-:,,,,'..,4 ;5.. ,41.1.:2.:% t, - 1, • 515:“. 4,.W.1 4 -1,51..• . ,.i i4,14,11%.: 1,..t: plavir,•,. i't Pors 4,0,;,;111:.:;: ni .,'i.l i....,-, ,..f 14,.•,,,ast. 5515 tli tiiii 1 ' Mr. 1.1.1,. ivflA appt-ared ,An, llehaii ,..i the Utilities CionuntsNi.ms to otplain the, rapital evetalitut.--, ..f the I.'tili. .0 .1 ti*.r,, C4,unni....4.,u hi the Hydro Depart- titeitt. The k-okat.si-np., Amy 111,11...r.-kt, 0 the additiuns oPilat rate water Le:ext., and line rebnildirf,t, had been finane-11 iT.5111 current funds and caused a Ines- km overdraft lt WitS left that this e‘aild be .takett care of wl.en the 13tli : 1...4%Tr crcilit came ark'. a tempora r y i rolit wonlil enable the Colionksion ear l). (al -until the 13th bill value .: li4r ,mtli. in March. It was felt that it 11 t would be ;better to arrange a tis,mpor- ar;,• credit than to issue, debentures to cover these capital items, Other ,itents were explained by Mr. Jeffs% 0 .' ily-Law No 1209 to provide for 0 temporary loans to the Hydro De- 0 partment up to $10,000 was read three times and passed. Mr. Jeffs agreed to check with the Strtatt Committee on the number of 0 .felizh. tanks in operation on the sew- n ,ii, Worship reported for the Ex- 5 ecutive Committee that he had exam- ' • ined the Arena and it appeared to be in e,,oil condition. The boards had been cut down and one end painted. All the metal on the outside had been 3,0=0 0=0=0=0 (0=0 . (0=3 examined and nailed down. Skating - , "Current" Ideas For Christmas Westinghouse ROASTER OVEN. Cooks a, complete Oven Dinner for 8 to 10. Portable, plugs in anywhere. Complete with OVEN DISHES $49.75 Westinghouse G. E, The Westinghouse BELVEDERE COMBINATION RADIO-PHONOGRAPH $219.00 ideal Gift for the Family WESTINGHOUSE CONSOLE 605X, only $109.00 PREMIER VACUUM CLEANERS Upright and Cylinder Type Models ELECTRIC BLANKETS, from $37.50 AUTOMATIC TOASTERS, from „ • , $19.50 Open Wednesday Afternoons during December and until 10 o'clock on December 22, 23 and. 24 fil re Immo iitt Etre raw The Salvation Army Captain antl. Mrs. H, deVries 11:00 a.m -Holiness Meeting, 2:30 p.m,-Sunday Schaal, 1:00 p,ra.-Oospel Service. Monday- 7:00 p.m.-Sunshine Hour. Tuesday, 2:30 p.M.-Hotne League. 8 p.m.-Youth Group. A hearty Welcome awaits at the Salvation Army. Infants Snow Bags, Coat Sets, Blankets, 'Dresses, Rom- pers, Sweaters, Jerseys, Snow Suits, Corduroy Overalls, Rattles, Sleep- ers, etc. MADERIA DRESSES Infants' fine Maderia Dresses, white only but in two distinct pretty styles. 6 months to two years $1.95 CREPE DRESSES Fine Crepe with lace and ribbon trim and with smocked yokes. In pink blue and white, 6 mths. to 3 years $2.39 to $4.75 ROMPERS Small boys' fancy stitch- knitted rompers, in blue, yellow and white. Sizes 1, 2, 3 $3.19 SNOW' BAGS Chinchilla Snow Bags- satin binding, with but- tons or zipper closing. Pink or blue $5.95 to $7.65 Infants' COAT SETS In Chinchilla or fine brushed all wool, with fur and embroidery trim Zipper leggings and poke bonnets. Blue, pink and yellow. Sizes 1, 2, 3 From $8.95 All-Wool Two-piece SUITS Fine Wool Pants, plain with braces and contrast ihg top that buttons on. ESMOND BLANKETS with whipped or satin binding. Medium and large sizes. Pretty fig- ured or plain tones, $1.10 to $2,69 Young 4 to 14 years Sweaters, .Skirts, Scar- ves, Gloves, Hose, Park- as, Handkerchiefs, Ski Pants, Slack, Tunics and Robes DRESSES and TUNICS Girls' all-wool Cardi- gans in plain tones of Red„ Copen, Yellow, Navy, Beige, ages 8 to 14 $3.95 SKIRTS Alpine Pleated Skirts with over-the-shoulder straps, navy and powd- er blue, 3 to 6x $2.59 and $2.9,5 CHENILLE ROBES Warm, cosy, close tuft- ed chenille robes in'blue, rose, wine, turquoise, 2 to 6x $2.18 8 to 14 $2.95 SCARVES In rayon squares, plains and pretty designs. All shades 79c and 98c PARKAS • Plaid Parkas with fur trim and plain tones with nail heads. Warm wool in all the pretty shades . $1.39 to $1.98 GLOVES Fineqt/oollen Gloves Plain stitch $1.00 HOSE Fine wool and cotton ribbed hose or fine ray- on for the school girl. Sizes to 10% 79c - 1.19 GIPLS' DRESSES ages 5 to 12 years Pretty Woollens, Taffe- tas and Rayons ni two- piece and one-piece. In plain tones, checks and plaids $4,95 to $6.95 Young Man Age 4 to 14 years COWBOY SHIRTS A real duplicate of the cowboys of the West. Colorful plain and plaid trims. Good quality washable doeskin, from 8 to 14 years $2.25 DRESS SHIRTS Sanforized Whites and printed stripes, sizes 8 ' to 14 years $2.00 $2.95 TIES Bright flashy ties for boys. Smart designs and colors. Just like Dad's 59c and 75c BELTS Real cowhide with scroll pattern or large West- ern type buckle and met- al tip end. The young cowboy will like it. 59c to $1.00 PARKAS • Well made from rain re- pellent cotton gabar- dine, with quilted or pure wool lining, snug fitting and detachable fur-trimmed hood. In brown, navy and green. Size 4 years to 18 years $10.75 to $14.95 SKI CAPS Warm and snug fitting for the young sport. Warmly lined and made with oversize earbancis for the cold days. In Plaids, Woollens or 2- tone gabardines $1.39 to $1.98 Ski Caps, Parkas, Pa- iamas, Sweateri, Over- alls, Sweat Shirts, Cow- boy Shirts, Sport and Dress Shirts, Mittens, ties, Belts, Gloves, Hose Handkerchiefs, Caps. ould It'e held Wednesday night. , . . The Finance Committee reported a number of accounts properly certified and recommended payment, These were ordered paid, The Council discussed the public liability insurance in force at The Arena and the Clerk was instructed to check up on costs for additional coverage. The Clerk was instructed to forward a letter of condolence to Mrs. j. E. Stoakley. Mr, Stoakley whb passed away recently had been an employee of the Town for many years. Coun, Campbell reported for the Street Committee that the motor on the Minnie Street pump had been inspected and was in good con- dition, New control cables had been installed on the plow, The Department (if Highways had paid for the side- walk in front of their property, Re- moval of snow on the main street was discussed and prices had been obtain- ed on a snow loader, These wonld cost np to $7000 and were considered uut of reach for the Council, Rirftoul reported that Mr. W. J. Brown had been appointed care- taker for the Town Hall and had start- ed last Monday morning. Coun. Carmichael reported for the Fire Committee that a deputy of the Fire Marshall had been in Town un- expectedly and had examined some properties which were in bad condition. and a bad fire risk. He hoped So have him return to town to meet the Fire Chief and consider some fire hazards, Coml. Clark suggested that it would be a good idea to have the Public School Children let out of school at 11.45 each morning so that they would be home before noon traffic was at its height. The Clerk was instructed to write the Publit School Board to see if this change could conveniently be made, A request for street lighting on Di- agonal Road was laid over until the spring. The coverage of firemen while on duty was discussed and the Clerk was instructed to contact the Workmen's Compensation Board in regard to higher coverage. LOCAL AND PERSONAL; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dent spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hammond. Mr. Frank Seli and Mrs. James Sell attended the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. john Scott, at London, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hammond have returned home after spending two weeks with their daughter in Wood- stock. Mrs, John Lorenz and young daugh- ter Roseanne left last week for Chath- am, N.B., after spending a few weeks with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacLean, WEDNESDAY, THUR.S., DECEMBER 14, 15 Edward My Son" (Adult Entertainment) SPENCER TRACY DEBORAH KERR /141011,114,10411MIA111141$iMIMI451/10111.101114,111$111,1/011 JJJJJ 1.1011/1/.11 lllll 111111.111111f10111)1111tlittiMM1111111 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 17 "BAD BOY" James Gleason Lloyd Nolan Jane Wyatt llllll 1,01011,.0.111t.i..01.4101 lllll itlf1,11MMOOMALM14.$0.01/1101.1 011 1..“$.1,11.11 .01./.,ftimi s tO MONDAY, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 20 "Goodbye Mr. Chips" ROBERT DON AT GREER CARSON Westinghouse Al WASHERS $159.50 A4M RANGES . • .$230.00 RM RANGES $299.00 PERSONAL RADIOS from $26.95 Marconi Rogers KING DEPT. STORE "The Ft-Wittily Store" lll l $..0P115.1.1.15 ....... /./MA,1141111114151,11.1411.15,1513t$15LAMtlA INFANTS and CHILDREN'S Gifts at Kings Complete Selection tor the young ones for a Happy Christmas