The Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-11-16, Page 6A. Y, P, A, Meeting The A.Y.P.A. of Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave, met at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wade, The .meeting opened with a hymn and pray- er. Rev. Wyatt read the scripture les- son. The president, Murray Bradburn, conducted the meeting. Tom Wade, the secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting. Frank Nesbit gave the treasurer's report, Rev. Mr. Wyatt gave w talk on the new Huron College, The next meeting will be held at the Rectory in Blyth on November 22nd. Alex Nethery is to write the Log Book. The Log Book was read by Marry Brydges and a talk on Casa Loma, Toronto, was given by Ruth Bradburn. Beverley Nethery played a piano solo and, Shirley Bradburn con- ducted a few games. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Twenty-Fifth Anniversary About fifty neighbours and friends called on Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Wil- kinson on Friday night to honor them on the occasion of their silver wed- ding anniversary, Card ghmes were enjoyed throughout the evening. Mr. Richard Procter read a complimentary address to. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson and Wm. Stubbs presented them with a beautiful tri-light floor lamp. Mr. Wilkinson expressed his thanks for the lamp and many other lovely gifts, Refreshments were served by the lad- ies,. At the regular meeting of the Young People's meeting the slides "Japan Begins Anew" were shown. Euchre Marathon A pre Christmas series of the Elicit- re Marathon got off to a good start with nine tables in play. The winners for the night were, high lady, Mrs, W. Dunbar, low lady, Mrs. J. K Mc- Callum, high man, Ross Robinson, low man, J. Anderson, E vening Auxiliary The November meeting of the Ev- ening Auxiliary of the United Church was held on Tuesday evening at th e home of Mrs. Leslie Bolt, with twenty two present. Mrs. E. Wightman led in the business part of the meeting, open- ing with the hymn, "0 God our Help" followed by prayer, The reports of the secretary and. Treasurer were read and adopted. Mrs. R. Robinson, Mrs, Cliff Walsh and Mrs. E. Wightman were appointed as nominating committee for the next meeting. Mrs, C. Robin- son presided over the Worship period, Several readings in unison, two hymns and a prayer were followed by a lovely solo by Mrs, Art Scott "At morning, noon and night." C'lo Education was the theme of the evening and Mrs. L. Bolt by the use of a map made us acquainted with the different Un- ited Church schools and colleges across Canada. Miss Elaine Walsh told of Miss Annie Ward's musical work in China, Mrs. Sam Pletch gave a reading. The closing hymn was sung and the meeting closed with prayer. A social hour followed. Mr, Geo. Armstrong of Tyner, Sask., is visiting his brother, Mr. David Armstrong. BE LGRAVE 444444444444r.444.14 H N" S ROYAL WINTER SALE A L Saturday was one of the most successful business days in the store's history. We wish to extend our thanks to the Public for their patronage during our Annual Sale. We would appreciate the boys and girls and also the men and women, to come in and get their FREE' TICKET for PRIZES to be drawn for on December 23. Listed below are the prizes to be drawn for. CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS—Please take advantage — Good selection in all departments. S A W Odd Garments ON SALE Sport Jackets $3.95 Men's White Broadcloth Shirts $2.89 Odd Pants WINTER WEIGHT ON SALE $4.95 $6.95 Ladies' Winter Coats SPECIAL GROUP ON SALE $11.75 Nylons ON SALE 95c end with relatives here. JAMESTOWN The many friends of Mr. Glen Mc- Kercher, who has been confined to the house for the past few days, are pleased to know he is improving nice- ly. Mrs, John Fraser spent the week- end with friends in Bothwell. Miss Lola Willis has returned from a visit with relatives in Detroit. Mrs. 'Austin Raynard, who attended the funeral of a nephew in Detroit, has returned to her home. On Friday night a shower was held in the school at S, S. No, 4, Grey in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pilling, (nee Jessie MacDonald) Toronto. Mrs. Gordon Holt and little daugh- ter, Ann, spent a couple of days cently with her parents at 'Winthrop. Miss Dorothy Dennis of Hampstead, and her sister, Frances, of Stratford„ spent the week-end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Melville Dennis. Mrs. Lida Balfour, Listowel, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and! Mrs. Dave McLennan, Mr. and Mrs. R, Houeston of Tor- onto, spent the week-end with Mr. andn Mrs. Ned Thompson, Mr. George Robinson of Detroit, is visiting with Mr. amid Mrs, Lawrence Mrs, Harvey Mulligan left on Thursday for the States where she attended the funeral of a relative. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Willis spent Thursday with Mr, annd Mrs, Clar- ence Russell near Harriston. PAGE SIX. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, November 16, 1949 ••••••••••••••••••••• .41,11.4.11a10101111 Mr, and Mrs. Ed. McCrea of Wel- lington, New Zealand, and granddau- ghter, Frances McCrea of Hamilton, New Zealand ,and Mr. Wilfred O'Don- nell of London, were guests of Mrs, A. M. Perdue. Mrs. James Leitch has returned home after spending several weeks in the West with her daughter, Mrs. Clayton. Logan. Mrs. Logan and Ken- neth accompanied her home and re- turned to Winnipeg where Bobby is a patient in al hospital there. Miss Audrey Anderson, nurse-in- training in Hamilton, spent the week- end at her home. Miss Patsy Anderson spent the week-end in Sault Ste, Marie, attend- ing a Young people's Convention. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Vincent and daughters of Byron, spent the week- .. aiiMUMEMErnifilifiliilEINIMOMMEMEIMMINMUUMMENUMMIMUMEMMENUMENMEMEMOMMENSMIUMMIMMINEEMMinitilliiiitilit 111 a Ut ar as aF a alp alp alt 111 a a of Ut ail aE as as as ar as as Ut as a as as as as of as as Ut as a a ai a as a a sa a as a sa sa as as as as 1111 N • Two Bicycles • as as • • 111 • as as SWEATERS GLOVES UNDERWEAR BOYS' SUITS as aNit SALE WILL END AT CLOSING TIME, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26. COME TO WINGHAM FOR THE ,SANTA CLAUS PARADE ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 AND TAKE a • Two Roller-bearing Coaster Wagons One Doll and Doll House 1•11•4144MMIN TOPCOATS ODD PANTS WORSTED SUITS SCARVES WHITE SHIRTS Men's Wear WOVEN BROADCLOTH SHIRTS WINTER COATS GABARDINE SUITS TIES BELTS WORK SHIRTS DIAMOND HOSE SLACKS JACKETS SWEATERS FALL COATS DRESSING GOWNS Ladies' Wear HATS DRESSES GLOVES BLOUSES FUR COATS NYLONS LINGERIE RAIN COATS UMBRELLAS ADVANTAGE OF THE BARGAIN'S OFFERED IN OUR STORE. AN EXTRA PREMIUM TICKET WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE • • • • as as are - as n as as as n N n ar as N a a a as as as N N n a ae as a. a as as as as Ut as as Ut as as as as as as as alb as as • as as as as as as as as a as N as as as at at at at as 411 • • • • a n • • • • a a • a • . • 13 • •• as Oil alillialliaMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINallaallaialiMaa.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Maaaas