The Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-04-27, Page 2sisters predeceased her. The funeral was conducted by her pastor, Rev. T. A. Hutton,' assisted by Rev. Hugh Pritchard of Atwood. A short service was held' at the home of her son-in-law, C. Finlay, and a pub- lic service in Gorrie Presbyterian Church, of which' she was a member. Mr. -Arnold Earl, a grandson, sang as a solo. "Jesus Is Mine". Pallbearers were six grandsons: E. Halliday, T. Edgar, C. Earl, C. Ca- titers, R. Gowdy and R. Earl. Beautiful floral tributes were car- ried by six granddaughters, Mrs. H. Coupland, Mrs. G. Louttit, Mrs. J,: Dunbar, Misses Laura Earl, Irene Fin- lay and Marlene Earl. Burial took place in Gorrie Ceme- tery. Edwards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars, and Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone—Days 417, Wingham Beautify Your Home! SEE OUR NEW, DISTINCTIVE ALLPAF'ER PATTERNS -t .BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED and of lasting quality. unT D . Wallpaper ate Shop The ELMER WILKINSON DECORATOR DIJISITELY PERFUMED STOPS PERSPIRATION • DOES NOT READILY DRY OUT IN JAR s PROTECTS DAINTINESS FROM 1 TO 3 DAYS • a n n n n n 1n 1. • • • n n •" • • n n n PAGE TWO . THE WINGI-1A1V1 ADVANCE-Talus Wednesday, April 27, 1949 A hand that was dealt at Bridge Club several weeks ago illustrates a very common defensive misplay, Iii this case it' resulted in four out of eight declarers fulfilling an otherwise unmakable game contract. West dealer. Neither side vulnerable. * 4 2 3 A 10 9 8 ¤ K j 4 $ 4 A 5 3 A 1053 4eAKQJ876 99 Q 6 3 N V 74 • A Q•5 ▪ K 7 4 2 East 2S 4S South Pass Pass GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. James Strong of Lima, Peru, spent a few days with his brothers Messrs. Wellesley and John Strong, leaving on Friday for Ottawa. Mr. Strong has been Canad- ian Ambassador to Peru for • the last two years and has spent the last eig- hteen years in South America. Mr. C. D. Walmsley, Bank Mana- ger was joined last week by his wife and small son and daughter, from St. Thomas, They have moved to the home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kiel. Mr. Wm. Dane, 14th, has °purchased this home from Mr. Thos. Earl. Work was started on Thursday on the new home which Mr. Robert Graham plans to erect in the village. Cellar excavation was made in a few, hours by Addle Jacques with his bull- dozer, a job which would take men alone several days. The Molesworth General Store and Egg Grading Station were destroyed by fire Saturday morning. Mr. Victor Adair, proprietor of the store also lost his home. Just last fall 'Molesworth lost -their community hall. Rev, Thos. Hutton received the sad news on Thursday that his mother, who resided in Wales had passed away, Mr. Harvey McDermitt, Tordwieh, merchant has sold his farm on the 2nd, concession to Mr, Ted Montgom- ery of Gormley, Ontario, who with. his wife and two young children mov- ed to the farm last week. Mr. Edgar Witherow, Mount For- est, and his bride, the former Yvonne .Christie of Dundalk, visited, with the former's aunt, Mrs. vE, H. Strong and Mr. Strong last week. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Featherston., of Orillia, were. guests of the latter's; parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ring ion Friday and Saturday, A number of Junior Farmers at- tended an "At Home" held in Clin- ton Ott Friday evening. Mr, Carter McKee of Galt, visited with his sister, Mrs,. j. Wylie last week. Mr, Harry McGregor of Windsor, was here for the funeral of his bro- ther-in-law, Mr. Robert Walker and remained for a few days with his sis- ter, Misses Rosemary Adams and Betty Culliton of Wiugham, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Xing. Little Sandra Miller spent part of the Easter vacation at the home of Mr, and Mrs.'Frank Earls, Wroxeter, Mrs, W, C. King, Beryl Bennett, Reila Vittie, Velma Stafford,- Edith Dinsmore. and Etta Newton attended the Girls' Auxiliary Amnia' Easter Festival in London on Friday. Miss Marion Campbell of Toronto, was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell, Misses Shirley and Nancy Newton Of Wroxeter spent a few days with W E • 6 • 4• T • 9 • J52 ¤ 10 $ 7 2 4. 0 10 9 8 6 The bidding: West North Pass 111 3S Pass Pass Pass The story, of this hand starts and ends with North's play on the first trick, to which South's natural lead is the two of hearts. With the hand exposed it is easily seen that the declarer will make two tricks in hearts and his contract—if North comes up with his ace on the first trick, whereas the play of a smaller heart holds East to one trick in that suit, and defeats the game. In this situation North should retain Ms ace until it can be used to overtake West's queen, In bridge, as elsewhere, there are exceptions to almost all rules, but a good general principle worth remem- bering is that aces are too valuable to be used in capturing small spots. if there is any possibility of putting them to—better service. Winghant Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM . ONTARIO W. B. McCool, Editor and Publisher Authorized as Seoond Class Mail Post Office Department Subscription Rate — Oneyear $2.00 Six Months $1..00 in advance To U.S.A. 2.50 per year Foreign Rate $3,00 per year Advertising rates on application Vol. 79 — No. 32 'IM TOWN How many seriously consider the $'ull responsibility of every citizen to his home town? How many fully ap- preciate the various opportunities for work, for making friends, for recrea- tion and enjoyment of living offered in the home town? It should be our habit to boost the town in which we live. Oue of the best ways of boosting the home town is by "Buying at Home". The business people of Wingham are helping to make it possible for every- one to buy at home and be completely satisfied, The price of their merch- Fresh Shipment of English Pipes made by BARLING $3.50 Hase'grove's SMOKE SHOP ELLIOTT'S Nursing Home Accommodation for Bed Patients and Invalids RATES REASONABLE Nursing Services day and night Telephone 367 - Josephine St. WINGHAM ONT. S E E — Bennett & Casemare 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Free Pickup and Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING COMPANY 42 Brunswick St. STRATFORD — ONTARIO Enquiries should be left at R. A. Currie's, Wingham, Arrange now to have that Chesterfield or Chair re-covered, before the pre-Christmas rushf PURDON'S BAKERY 'PHONE 145 WINGHAM The Home of QUALITY BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY • We take orders Daily • (Saturday to 12 noon) ilassionasfesomvasmasimistommatessorasiammesme, andise is reasonable; stock is new aUsi stlectitin afiequate. We shouted tl,an- mstrate our desire to help this 1, twit progress In "buying at Lom e". A little imelligent reasoning sh ,,o1,1 eon- vince us that to help ourselves we must help those who live in our saute town. Any town----Otte t, saws a goild place to live if the people make it so. Wingham can only advance upon the efforts and achievements of the imlivhitnil. You are the individ- ual. * • PARKING METERS The .parking of ears is becoming quite a problem in all towns ami tit- le, and in the latter, the parking met- ers are becoming quite common, and while it relieves the congestion on heavily trafficed streets. it is not pup- ular to the majority of the motorists. Several towns have been consicler- ing this means of relieving the situa- tion, but front reports front Hanover, the one town in this district to fall for the idea, it has not proven satis- factory. Your Roof Roof Ready f or Retirement? Replace it NOW, before Spring rains bring ruin to your walls, ceilings and furnishings. Let The Beaver Lumber Co, recom- mend and supply you with the proper Roofing for your home this week, Stop in or call us. !UM BERBEAm WINGHAM - ONT. C. A. Loucks, Manager friends here last week. Attendance at the National Film Board showing on Thursday evening was fair considering that the date had to be changed and very short not- ice given. The interesting pictures in- cluded: The opening of Parliamen and a close up of Canada's Capital, City, School cars in Northern Ontario, HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. Meals - Lunches, Cigarettes - Tobacco Your Favourite Boxed. CANDY SHERBONDY'S COFFEE 'SHOP Next to Lyceuin Theatre We have a stock of 10" x 12" OPEN or GLAZED SASH for Colony Houses, Basements, Barns, for Immediate Delivery. EGG CRATES and CHICKEN CRATES SASH OF ALL KINDS Made-to.Order Campbell Gorbutt Sash and Box Manufacturers Diagonal Rd., Wingham J STEEL and "Where To Find It" BEAMS Plate, Bars, Sheets, Plata Strip Ang16 Pipe Boiler Tubes Tanks Boilers Window Sash Steel. Joists Reinforcing Mesh and many Other 'terns, M. Brown & Sons 1154 UNION ST, NC/ATII KITCI-IENER - ONT. Telephones 55645-61 Orange The Property Committee of Huron Co,, .Council. were in Gordo on Wed- nesday inspecting the collection of an- tiques recently purchased from Mn J. H. Neill. The articles are to be cata- logued numbered and valued. County Clerk N, W. Miller was appointed with Mr. Neill to do thetwork, Friends front a distance in attend- ance at the funeral of the late Mrs, Robert Earl were: Mr. and Mrs, Roy Ciummow and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Earl and family and "Mr, and Mrs. July, Mr. HS:al K.Mitchell,c 1 Kitchener rIalL AMrrns: call to the Alvinston charge in 'the Arn- old EarlAitchencr; Mr. and Mrs. D. Walker and Mrs. Donohue, Teeswater and Mrs, Thomas,. Montreal. ' Lambton Presbytery, taking effect in Rev, G, G. Howse has accepted a Mr. Elgin Fulton of Stratford, spent the week-end at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Robt. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lynn spent a couple of days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Holland, Fordwieh. MT. and Mrs. Robert Harrison, Mr. tnd Mrs. Earl Harrison and Ralph, spent Sunday with relatives in Guelph, Mr. David Neilson returned from Wingham General Hospital Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morwick and family of Guelph, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ireland and family of Teeswater were also guests on Sun- clay at the same home. Miss Mary Corbett of Toronto and Mrs. Hughes of Hamilton, are visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Corbett. Mr, and. Mrs. Percy Colorer, Garry and Donna, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Shera Sbent Sun- day with Mr. anad Mrs. Ken Elastic. Recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ar- chie Miller were Mr, and, Mrs. Cecil Gordon and Billie of Woodbridge, "Mr. and Mrs; Alex Marshall and Jimmie of Stratford, spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. and airs. W. H. Marshall. Sister Susie Swings It The four 'act comedy "Sister Susie Swings It" presented by members of the Moorefield Women's Institute and sponsored' by the local W.I. on Wed- nesday night. was well received; Mrs. Victor Shera was a member of the cast. Music between acts was supplied by Moorefield • talent and was much enjoyed, including violin selections by Patsy Dron a prize winner at the re- cent •Stratford Music Festival. Miss Barbara Wildfang was accompanist for the violin and vocal selections. „; Miss Fannie Longley The death occtirred early Sunday omrning, April 24th. hi the Wingham General Hospital of Miss Fanny Long- ley. She had been a patient there since January, when she suffered, a fall in her home, breaking her hip. Funeral service was held on Tuesday after- noon at the M. D. ' Irvin Funeral Home. Our sympathy is extended to her sister, Miss Nellie Longley. Robert W. Walker Robert W. Walker passed away at 3 t a.m. on _Tuesday morning at his home, following a short illness from flu which weakened his heart. -He was born in Howick Township the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Walker. His entire life was spent in Howick. He farmed first on Con. 4 and later on' the 9tIv con. retiring to ,,Gorrie two years ago.' He was first married to Jennie Arm- strong of Howick who predeceased him,: On Dec. 31, 1914 he was married to Mabel McGregor, of Glasgow, Scotland, who survives. There are also two brothers, James, Gorrie, and Dav- id, Teeswater, two sisters, Mrs. A. Robinson, Fordwich and Mrs. J. Arm- strong, Plowick.;A sister, Mrs. Robert Earl passed away a few hours previous to his death. Mr. Walker was a faithful member and regular attendant of the Presby- terian church, an elder for many years lie was made an honorary elder., A private funeral service was. held at the M. D.. Irvin Funeral Home on Thursday at 4 p.m. His pastor, Rev. Thos, Hutton was. assisted by Rev. Hugh Pritchard of Atwood, .nter- metit was in the Gorrie cemetery. Pallbearers were six nephews: Thos. Earl, Leslie Earl, Ross .Earl, S, Johnston, LOrne Walker and :Sam. Robinson, Mrs. Robert Earl On Monday, April 18th, following a short illness, there pasaed away at. the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Fin- lay, Gorrie, Mary Walker, 'beloved wife of the late Robert Earl, in her 86th year. The deceased was a life-long resi- dent of Howick, born in the year 1864 on the 5th concession, After her marriage to Robert Earl in 1885 they lived on the 3rd concession, where her husband192i predeceased her in August, She leaves to mourn her passing, three sons, Thomas and Ross, How- ick; Leslie of Grey, and six .daugh, cars, Mrs. W. A. Cathers (Sadie) of Turriberry; Mrs, C. Finlay' (Etirta)„ Ishrs. S. Edgar (Yermit), both of Got- rie;.*MrS, A, Halliday (Agnes), Mrs. Gowdy (Emmeline) and Mrs, R, Gowdy (Irene), all of Howick. 'One. daughter (Mary), Mrs. A, Davidson, predeceased her in 1918. Surviving al, so are, grandchildren, bitio great grandchildren, two brothers, lames of Gorrie, David of Teeswater, two Sist. ers, Janet, Mrs. I. Armstrong and Agnes, Mrs, A. Robinson, both of VordWith. Vow brothers .and two • n n n ▪ Arrid n II Veto n n n • m • • • 111 • • • • • • n n m FOR THE DURATION*OF DAYLIGHT • • SAVING, THIS STORE WILL REMAIN • X OPEN UNTIL 11 P.M. ON SATURDAY • NIGHTS, COMMENCING APRIL 30, 1949. • • • • • n err's Drug Store P, • • ▪ DUBARRY (COSMETICS) VITA-RAY 1 • Telephone 18 54inumusiiimummimmommumonuma The Hanover Town Council held a special session last week to deal with a petition signed by 78 business men, asking for their removal. The Cotmeir listened to their request and deeided to ask for their removal after May 13th. The prosperity of a town depends to a large extent on the patronage of the farmers, anti 'anything done to discourage their visits to town will affect all uterclutants. The creating of parking areas as close as possible to the business area, we believe, is a far better way of hand- ling the situation than by even having parking restrictions. • We have' a card in our office headed "What is a Customer" and the first answere covers this situation. "A 'customer is not dependent on you-- yon are dependent upon him." CONTRACT BRINE New Shipment just received of TENNIS SHOES RUNNING SHOES CREPE SOLE SHOES BROWNE'S SHOE REPAIR Shoe Repairing Expertly and Promptly Done. AlialiniMMEMMEW REFRIGERATION SALES - SERVICE HEADQUARTERS For HOMES Apartments Hotels Butcher Shops - Grocery Stores Restaurants - Snack Bars Tourist Camps - Drug Stores Hospitals Institutions NEW and USED Guaranteed Refrigerators • STEWART Home Appliances Telephone 29 Wingham -iammintinumir WARREN HOUSE FURNISHINGS EVERYTHING for the HOUSE! Drapery Rugs Venetian Blinds Occasional Furniture Lamps Pictures SLIP COVERS made to order Gifts - China - Books Picture Framing C. C. MeKibbon Phone 475 Winghani 1 ..0....04111111,00,1111.M.011•14.41.041w604111•1604M60.10•1•11111,0010.11esirit.M.0410.0•00411.‘.1111101:041110•0101111.2.1111.1•0 Tractor News er. ,opersinose.r• We have a large stock of CULTIVATORS TANDEM DISC HARROWS PLOUGHS SWEEP RAKES and MOWERS Suitable for operation with FORD and FORD-FERGUSON TRACTORS Huron Motors Winghani A. D. IVIadWilliarn 'Phone 237 Gnawing anti ti. comwes • n n n • • • a CornpareAhe Value 2 oz. jar 75c' beet - 39c Etiquet - 39c Odorno 39, 59c Nonspi 49c, 89c Quest Pow. 39c. Vemo Pow. 35c R.G. Sachet 1.25 Gemey Sachet 1.50 eodorants 39c 5§c I Mum 39c, 59c 39c 59c I Fresh 39c, 59c DAINTY Wingham • •