The Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-04-20, Page 5Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner VIGORO supplies the necessary nourishment so, essential for strong, healthy plant growth. A prov- en product best for Lawn, Flowers, Vegetables, Trees, Shrubs, Potted Plants. 5 lbs. 50c 10 lbs. 90c 25 lbs. $1.70 . 10011bs, $4.50 Fee-d 9teadelu{ ylGORO MIRACLE MOP $3.98 No stooping, no bending-You stand when you use the "Mir- acle Mop" with the self-wring er attached. GARBAGE CANS No. 2 Extra Heavy -$2.19 No. 3, Extra Heavy $2.75 FINEST GRASS SEEDS Rapid Growing, lb. 75c Shady Nook, lb. 85c LAWN SEED, lb. 60c ,When Applied as Directed Supplies the tifully green 50 lbs. MILORGANITE necessary "Food" to make and keep your lawn healthy and beau- . The Gardener's Favourite. 25 lbs. $1.50 . . $2.40 100 lbs. $3.90 SHEEP MANURE, 25 lbs. $1.20 ,agodiinomo. WALL SCRAPERS 20c 5-foot STEPLADDERS $3.25 '--$6.75 SCRUB BRUSHES 20c - 60c DUST MOPS $1.35 and $1.95 WHISKS 60c BROOMS $1.40 - $1.75 - $1.95 5 oz. for 44c 8 oz. for 66c 16 oz. for $1.31 9 cents a year will moth- proof your Suit or Dress ! 0.41-0* 0 fii4Frk BERLOU vends MOIR•domage for 5 YEARS .. or BERLOU makes good WiIP:WWWWW•Winmgin.rePROMxFiccammmirravImm.„• ..41000.A.N.pre, • • , ""' 1•40%wer.:* GIVE MN 1103 HEALTHIER,STURDIER START ss. 4 -ROS 4.0.041"k PIG STARTER ,:e41114w ▪ 1 The third week of a baby pig's life is the time to start feeding Roe Wonderwean Pig Stai-ter. It 'provides baby pigs with every- thing they need to weigh 50 pounds at their eleventh week. Produced right here in Western Ontario for Western Ontario baby pigs,. Roe Wonderwean Pig Starter makes weaning easier, increases stamina and guards against disease. Men Who Know Insist on Roe. Your Roe Feed dealer has a fresh supply. Spring Grasses, rich in proteins and vitamins are harvested at their nutrition peak, dehydrated in minutes, then added toictil Roe Vita. mized Feeds . a "green gold" sleet bonus for poultry, livestock. AFS-11 ROE. FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONT. YOU CAN GET ROE FEEDS FROM: Howson. ei 'Howson, R. J. Mckenzie, Belgrave Wingham Bluevale Milling Co., A. C. Adams, Winghatn BIuevale 13elgrave Co-Op., Beigrave Wednesday, April 20, 1949 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES rommommmaiminaminnumm.......a. nommonummuman Louis MD PERSONALS • n n n n U n • a • n n n n n n n • • n • n n n n • n n n n n • ilr • JP , n • • • • • n n • • a Baseball Gloves 3.65 - 13 50 • Dunn's ROLLER SKATES; per pair $3.75 • • ' a 6 yew A ▪ . • n n a n n a n U 1 n • • • • • n n n n n n n • OMMINNIMMIUMMANINOMMOMMMOMMMOOMMOMOOMMOMMIMMIMMOMMONSO n m a n • a n w:IV ** " 0.4 ow...., 4 • , ,„1 ..•,.. -<,...#700,$ • - J 4 ..r AO , , ." • . 21% . , ss.sse i• 1.1*--474iss `SseSS4:41 MI ts:**/ _ --s..:, III , ' II I • IN . . SPADES II is home for the Easter vacation. a Miss Mary Johnston spent the IN Eas- ... ter holiday with friends in Toronto, 111 /0 rid , III Air m Miss ,Gwen McLean, London, is the II a • n n AND FARMERS SUPPLY a PHONE SO U S 1.i 30 q, WI NG HA Itol ' 842 FARM FENCE, even spacing, per rod . 88c ' HEAVY POULTRY FENCE, 18x48, rod . . $1.35 BARB WIRE, per roll . $5.50 GATES-12 ft. $15.75 14 ft. $17.50 16 ft. $19.00 . , . YOU WIN-- DOUBLED 14" LAWN MOWERS $14.50 5-blade, 14-in. DeLuxe . $21.00 Dalglish 5-blade, 16-inch, Aluminuni, weighs only 29 lbs., reg. $34.00 for $23.95 LAWN MOWERS Wagons Large Highway, with wood racks $14.45 • um • • • n BAMBOO RAKES, 60c HOES 69c to $1.35 • n n • • 'a n n • n n n • • n n U • n n • • • • • • • • • n n • • n • • • • • • • • n • • • guest of Miss Mary Crawford this week, ,Mrs, W. J. Greer is spending a few days with Mrs and Mrs. S. Smith, of Guelph. Miss E. .McInnes, of the Wingham High School staff, is holidaying in New York. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Boe of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gs W. Tiffin. Mrs. L, A, MacDougal and son, Gar- ry, are visiting with relatives in Sul- phide and Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Holmes of Sudbury spent the Easter week-end with relatives in town, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Steward of Ailsa Craig, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, C. Swanson. Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Lee cif Carleton Place spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs Frank Spielvog16 1 Mrs, Fred Rush of Weston was an Easter guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Mitchell. Miss Margaret Nimmo of Toronto, was the guest of her parents, Rev, and Mrs. A. Nimmo recently. Mr. and Mrs, Vic Wilson of Toron- to, spent the week-end with Mr. Geo. T. Robertson and family. Miss Barbara Ross, Toronto, spent the Easter holiday with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. G, H, Ross. Miss Dorothy Paulson is holiday- ing in Toronto withlier aunt and uncle IN ;Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Bide, •I Miss Doris Fells, of Toronto, spent n ithe Easter holiday with her parents, 101 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fells. Mr. John Armitage of Toronto Uni- versity, spent Easter with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. B. Armitage. a • • n a • n n • n n n • n • n n • m • • • • U n n • • • • • Miss Florence L. Barber of Toronto Dr, and Mrs. Bruce Fox 'and daugh- ter, .Judy, of Guelph, spent the week- end with their parents in town. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Cowley and children of. Hamilton, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Fells, Mrs. Ray Sims and baby of Sud- bud, were recent visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M, Swanson. Dr. and Mrs., Win. Burgman And son of Kirkland Lake, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Burg- ;min, • Mrs. M. J, Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred- Levy of Stratford spent East- er with Misses Minnie and Florence Barber, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Trail of Mimico, were Easter visitors of Mr, and Mrs. J. P. McKibbon and Mr. and Mrs. A. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilkinson and Mis- ses Phyllis and Marguerite Johns spent the Easter holidays with relatives in Chatham. Misses Margaret, Jean and Ruth Mitchell, of Toronto, spent Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, H, Mitchell, Dr. 131 take McAdam aiid Miss Betty Lou Zaphe of Toronto spent Easter Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, W. P, Burgman. Miss Donna Tervitt and Miss Mur- dock of Woodstock., spent Easter with the former's grandmother, Mrs, Arde, Edward Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Christie and son, praeme, of Toronto, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCool and Mrs. J. H. Christie. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin J. Hammond, Toronto, visited over the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and ij Mrs. W. E. Hammond. Mrs. Charles Brown and son Rich- = and of Windsor were Easter geusts at 1is the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston. Mr. and Mrs, John Allen of North. Bay, and Mr. George R. Allen of Chi- cago, spent the Easter holiday with their father, Mr. Robert Allen. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Carmichael and son Peter. spent the week-end with the former's uncle, Mr. A, E. MacKay of Poplar Hill, who is in very poor health. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ewing and son, Douglas, and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gannett, 'spent the Easter holiday with the latter's sister, Mrs. B, H. Miller, Detroit. Easter guests of Rev. and Mrs, W. A. Beecroft were, Mrs. F. A. Reid, Dr. and Mrs. 'F. L. Reid. Kingston, 'Miss Ann Hardy, London, and Bill Bee- croft, London. 'Miss Nell Hutchison and Meta, Muir anti Jack McLaughlin of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hutchison, of Detroit, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin, Mr, and Mrs. H. Davidson, Perry and Carolyn of Brantford visited with their aunt, Mrs. E. Jacobs. Mr. C. H. Jacobs, Toronto, also visited with his parents over the holiday, Mr .and. Mrs. Chester Higgins are at the home of their son,' Mr, J. A. Higgins, Fordwich. Their many friends will be sorry to hear Mr. J Higgins is in Listowel Hospital after having his appendix removed. Week-end guests at the home of Mrs. David Finley were Doris Finley of Toronto, Betty of London, Mr. Ken Easterbrook, London, Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Wardlaw, Guelph, and Mr. and M.rs. J. Farrow, Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Carma'n Coutts and baby of Ottawa, spent Easter with the former's parents, ilr. and Mrs. R. A. Coutts, Miss Norma Coitus of Til- bury, was also a visitor at her home, Cecil Falconer; Past President, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, President, Mrs. Ernest Casemore; 1st. Vice, Mrs. Jas. McInnis; 2nd. vice, Mrs. Russell Gaunt; Sec., Mrs. Victor Emerson; Assistant, Mrs. Walter James; Pian- ists, Mrs. G. E. Farrier, Mrs. Nelson Picket], Auditors, Mrs, Coultes, Mrs. Ryan, Press Reporters, Mrs. George Fisher, Mrs. J. D. Beecroft; Branch Directors, Mrs. Albert Walters, Mrs. Jack Burchill, Mrs. Albert McQuillin, Mrs. JJ. F. MacLean, Mrs. Herson Irwin and Mrs. Edward McBurney; Program committee,.Mrs. G. E. Far- rier, Mrs. Grain, Mrs, George Mc- elenaghan, Mrs. Robert Purdon, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan; District Directors, Citizenship, Mrs. Grain; Agriculture and Canadian Industry, MiS, Pickett, Historical Research, Mrs. Dawson Craig, Home Economics. Mrs. Jas. McInnis, Social Welfare. Miss Olive Terriff, Publicity, Mrs. Earle Caslick, The roll call, items from the press, of work done in other branches was answered by the attendance of ten. and Mrs. McInnis, Mrs. Walters and Mrs, Moore were appointed to look after the lunch for the April 29th dance in the Hall. The National An- them closed the meeting. Mr. Beth Gaunt of Preston, spent the week-end with friends in the vils lage, The teacher, Mr. Bill Matheson is spending his holidays with his parents. Rev, and Mrs, Wm, Matheson of Ches- ley, Miss Grace Moir with her sisters in Toronto. Mrs. Harry Tichbourne of Goderich, spent a few days last week at the home of her mother, Mrs. David Ken- nedy, and returned home with Mr. Tichbourne on Sunday. Miss Eileen Snell of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Snell, Mr. Billie Ashby of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of his sister, Mrs. Charles Robinson. WHITECHURCH The annual meeting Of the Women's institute was held on Tuesday last in the Memorial Hall with Mrs. Lance Graib presiding, in the absence of the president, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, and 1st. Vice. Mrs. Fisher, through illness. After the opening exercises, the ladies decided to send no repre- sentative to the Officers' Conference at Guelph on May 5th and 6th. The Treasurer reported a balance of $106. Reports from the standing committees of Home Economics amid Social Wel- fare and Publicity were read, and the Co-Operative Programs, were discuss- ed and filed until the May meeting to decide what program would be de- sirable. Mrs, W. H. Farrier read a splendid paper edited by Dr. Helen Craw Mitchell, is your child ready for school? saying that the home can equip the child with a love of good food and 'good habits of eating, health add grind manners; and courtesy through prac- tice at home. The paper on Publicity stressed the advisability of advertising the meetings and the programs, to create a desire to attend, All sang The. more we get together" and Mrs. Grain gave a humorous paper on "'Thu Ideal Age," some think 6u years the ideal age. as one can then boast of achievements done, others thought 60 years, when others can make allow- ances for you, but any age can be ideal, if one purposes to make it so. It is an individual problem, and she gays, the reading, Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be. Mrs. Grain was in the chair fur the election of officers, with Mrs, Albert Walters as secre- tary, and the following slate of offic- ers was accepted and all drily installed for next year's work. lion. Pres.. Mrs. o • Floor Sanding and Finishing OLD Floors or NEW Free Estimates Work Guaranteed Rintoul & Miller 'Phone 251 'Phone 210 CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS I n HOSE REPAIRS Steel Grass RAKES 65c to $1.25 GREEN LAWN BORDER 12", per ft. ..12c 18", per ft.. ,15c 42", per ft. . . .201/2c Wagons All-steel, with rubber tires $5.95 a a a • a • a a a U a a a a a a a a a Na N a a a ra a SELF'SERVE SELF-SERVE SELF-SERVE SPIC and SPAN for Housecleaning, pkg. 25c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 pkgs. 23c Johnson's GLO-COAT, with 1/3 more FREE Pints 59c Quarts 98c Clover Cream-Several Flavours Lushus PUDDING POWDERS, all flavors, 3 - 29c Clark's TOMATO JUICE- (Fancy Quality) 20 oz. tins 3 - 25c FRESH BREAD Daily-Sliced 16c Plain 15c CRISCO, lb. Pat-A-Pan PASTRY FLOUR, 7s 45c, 25s $1.45 Bred Front Grocery 'Phones: Our Prices Are Lower 17 and 2 We Keep Down the Upkeep MAPLE LEAF FLAKES, 3 lb. box „ - . ,87c Domestic SHORTENING, lb. , ,, Red Bird MATCHES, pkg. of 3 boxes - „ iiiiiiiii iii11111111,11.1111V111111,1111111111M11111 iiiiii I lllllllllllllllllllllllll I llllllllllllll I llllllll llllll Ground Fresh to your own method of making Mountain Blend COFFEE lb. 65c ,......,,132c Delivery a a a a a a ill n U a a a a a 111 ,23c 45c ICE CREAM Bricks 25c ,01111111111111111111111111111111111E111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iligi ea