The Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-03-02, Page 6PACKER • ALWAYS FRESH MORE BEAUTIFUL FROM EVERY ANGLE! The new Beauty-Leader Bodies by Fisher" (with push-button door openers outside) are- true masterpieces ... with superb Leader-Line Styling that's lower, wider, racier . . with. _extra-fine upholstery and a wide variety or alluring colors . . . much snore beautiful from every angle—inside and outside. MORE ROOM AT EVERY POINT! The new Super-Size Inter- iors featuring extra-wide "Five-Foot Seats," give you plenty iif head, kg and elbow. room for six full-grown pas• sengers; giant rear decks have "trunk room" capacity. THE WINGHAU ADVANM-TIME$ Wedne.sclay March and, IMO PAC 3 al on Guaranteed /0 Trust Certificates are the long long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to the dust. Whether seventy or sixteen there is in every being's heart the love of won- der, the sweet amazement of the Star like things and thoughts, the undaunt- ed challenge of events, the unfailing N O W 10 0 '4\ Bronchitis You get welcome relief fast when you use %PICKS W VApoRua Bricklaying Plastering and Chimney Building Cement Work John McKay 'Phone 637r22 Wingham 4 NEW HOLLAND Bale Loader scoops up ba.les from any angle . , . handles any standard size bale. Just hitch it to wagon or truck. It needs no power unit, Ends stooping and straining to get bales from field to mow. Huron Motors WATCH REPAIRS GEORGE WILLIAMS LOCATED IN MASON'S* Store 0 N E YOU'LL SAVE MORE MONEY, TOO! Chevrolet brings you these and other important. itnproVentents at the lowest prices and with extraordinary economy of operation and upiceeP.. ISSUED for any amount . for a term of five years guaranteed both as to principal and interest , . . . Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed" to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, cam. panies; authorized by law for cemetery beards, executors and other trustees. WROXETER Mrs. P. Milligan has been ill for the past two weeks, her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Play Was Enjoyed Judging from the comment heard around the village since Friday night, The play. "Uncle Cy Hits a New High," well merits the praise given. everywhere it has been presented. Even the setting H.M.S. Happiness, was unusual and interesting, The play a 3 act comedy with 18 members in the Cast showed careful preparation and was well presented. Although a com- edy, it contained a story to keep the audience interested to the last. Rev, J. C. Caley was chairman, He wel- comed the audience and called on Mr. Rice to introduce the cast. Between acts, Miss Isobel McPherson of St. Helens delighted the audience with the Highland Fling and tthe Sword Dance. Mrs. J. C. Caley and Mrs. Lyle Brothers favored with a duet and Rev. J. C. Caley led in assembly singing. Following the concert, 'a dance was enjoyed. Brown's Orchestra providing music. A booth in the hall was well patronized. The play was put on by a group of Young People from St. Helens and sponsored by St. James Anglican Church. Farm Forum Review Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol opened for the weekly meeting of the Fourth their home on yonday evening last Line Forum. Programme was a review of the season's topics. Following the Discussion a social hour -was enjoyed, with refreshments. ;Mrs. E. Leslie and Mr. Alex McTavish holding highest score. Mrs. Alex McTavish and Miss Helen Walker received consolation awards. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. John McTavish. March W.M.S. The March meeting of the Women's Missionary Societty of the United Church, will be held in the church parlours on Friday, March 11th, at 3 p.m. Theme "Jesus answered My Kingdom is not of this World!' Mrs. A. Munro and Mrs. A. Moffat will have charge of the Devotional period,' Mrs. V. Denny will present the final chapter of the Study Book "West of the Gorges." The story of a familiar hymn will Abe told by Mrs. R. R, Hun- ter. Roll Call, My Favourite Psalm. World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer Service for Wroxeter and district will be held in tthe United Church school- room on Friday, March 4th, at 3 p.m. Leaders for the service will be Mrs, H. Hamilton representing the United Church. Mrs. George Griffith of St. James Anglican Church, Mrs. Frank Sanderson of the Presbyterian Church. The theme for this special annual ser- vice is "The Lord is Thy Keeper," psalm 121:5, A cordial invitation is extended to all women in the commun- ity. How To Stay Young Edont Branch Women's Institute, Scotland, have sent several copies of the Scottish Home and Country. An interesting item taken from this mag- azine is "How to Stay Young." The items says, this message, General Mac- Arthur kept .fratned above his desk at his Manilla Headquarters, during the late war. Youth is not a time of Life, it is a state of mind; it is a .temper of the, will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the ap- petite, for :adventure over love of ease. Nobody grows old by -merely living a number of years; people grow old. by deserting their ideals, years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthus- iasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt, self distrust, her and despair, these WESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell, Mr, J. L. McDowell, Mr, and Mrs, Alva McDowell spent over the week- end in Toronto: Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Carter visited over the week-end with Mrs, Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson in Tor- onto, The McDowell Brothers shipped two carload of cattle to Toronto on Friday. Mrs. Josie Cameron of Belgrave. is visiting her brother, Mr. Wm. Mc- Dowell. Master Jimmy Carter spent a few days with his sinter, Mrs. Stewart Ament of the 18th concession of Hul- lett. Mr. Ray Vincent of Blyth, was a Mrs, \5/m. Walden spent a few days Westfield visitor on Sunday. with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Har- DEAD OR ALIVE! We will pay for old, disabled or dead COWS $4.00 ea. — HORSES $4.00 HOGS $1.00 per cwt. All according to size and condition Phone, COLLECT, for prompt, courteous service a Ripley 59 - t6 Wingham 121J Ingersoll 21 WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO AN ALL-CANADIAN FIRM, ESTABLISHED 1870 1-EADER WITH A 7 •YEAR child like appetite for What next, and the joy and , game of life. • YOtt are as young as your faith, as p14 as your fear; as young as your hppe, as old as your despair. So long as your heart receives mess sages of beauty, ager courage, gran- deur and power front the earth from man And from the Infinite, so long you are young. When the wires are all down and all the central place of your heart is covered with the snows of pessimism and the ice of synicism, then you are growing old 'indeed and may God have mercy on your soul, The following hand for last week's Bridge Club game illustrates the fact that in exchanging information. the lefenders are using a. party line, and if the declarer is attentive he may oh- *Yalu information that he can turn to his own advantage, West dealer, Neither side vulnerable, 4 8 3 A J 10 8 5 + 106 4 A QJ 65 K 6 5 4* Q 9 '7 3 2 ¤ J872 N K W H +A 5 4 4 3 S 4 10 9 8 2 Q 964 2 Ai A j 10 4 3 7 3 + K Q 98 4 K 4 The contract was three no trump. West opened the four of hearts and East's king covered the ten. The de- clarer noted (by the Rule of Eleven) that East had no more hearts except perhaps the two, East returned the ace of diamonds. West signalled with the eight, so the declarer won the contin uation with the king, being quite sure from West's signal that he had the jack. South led the seven of hearts and he let it hold the trick when West followed suit with the two. The declarer felt confident that he now could use the club suit to squeeie West, and thereby win all the remain- ing tricks, After four club tricks had been taken the situation was: Al 8 VA J 8' 4 6 dt. K • Q973 3 Q 9 * 5 J7¤ A►A J10 + Q9 , On the six of clubs' South still had the ten of spades to spare, but West burn anil Mr. _Herb-urn of Hensall, Mr. Waite Cook was a London vis- hoc on Monday. MrS. Wm. Kelly„ Mr, Jim Kelly of Seaforth, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. McDowell. CONTRACT BRINE THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Toronto 1 37 years In Business COMES THE ette The Style/Ina De Luxe 4-Door Sedan geraeatifi a/ We cordially invite you to see the new Chevrolet the first completely new cat the leader has built in more than seven years and the most beautifitt buy of oil! You'll find it's the most beautiful buy for styling, Mr driving and riding ease, for performance and safety, and for Sturdy endurance horn of quality construction throughout . . because it alone brings you all these advantages of highest-priced ears at the lowest prices and with the low Cost of operation with upkeep for, which Chevrolet products have always been. anuals. 'Phone 237 A. D. MacWILLIAM Wingham was squeezed. He gave up the king then took the marked spade finesse of spades, so on the ace of, hearts and won the balance in the South South played the nine of diamokids, lhand. 111111111111P - FIRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRING at •Moderate Prices Owing to lack of space, am compelled to restrict REPAIRS TO WATCHES ONLY PROMPT SERVICE MINNIIIIMPNIM1111111111111111111MINIVINIMIMINV ADVANCE IN is the only car bringing you all these fine-car advantages at lowest Cost! JUST COUNT THE COMFORTS! Completely effective heating'" and ventilating, system supplies even warmth, keeps glass clear;. Push-Button Starter for simplest, easiest starting; Hand•E-Gearshift with Synehro-Mesh TransMission for maximum shifting ease. (*Heater and defroster units optional at extra cost.) a-' THE NEW RIDE'S A REVELATION! A vastly improved Unitized Knee-Action Ride, combin- ed with new shock absorbers and extra low pressure tires, _gives stability, smoothness, and rqad.safety. ••• N OW ON D ISPLAY THERE'S ONLY ONE WORLD'S CHAMPION ENGINE! You get the finer results of Chevrolet's sturdy Thrift-Master engine in all Chevrolet models . together with all of Chev.. rolet's:money-saving economy it's the world's. champion engine for nines, served, owners satis•. lied, and years tested~ and proved,. SEE ALLI ENJOY ALL! New Panoramic Visibility, . with wider curved wind- shield, thinner windshield pillars, and 30% more win- . dew area for extra safety. STOP MORE 'SWIFTLY AND SAFELY! The new Certi-Safe Hy- draulic Brakes give even faster stops with safety , important for you and your family, 10 C4241 6 * Plus NEW (ENTRE-POINT DESIGN! A remarkable advance ex, elusive to Chevrolet in its field: Centre-Point Steer.. Centre-Point Sent.; lug -- Lower Centre of Gravity and Centre-Point Hear Suspension gives rid, in g and driving results Without .precedent in low, cost motoring. 'That means a new kind of riding-ease and a new kind of driving. ease. Only new Centre-point LOWER ,Design can give yea all CENTRE these liner motoring' r6. GRAVITY SWOT aria only the new Chevrolet brings you Centre•Politt Design at lotw est cost! CENTRE-POINt stATING cENTRB-POINV MERINO CENTRE.. POINT SIUSPEN.. SION A PRODUCT OP GENERAL MOTORS" Yes, bete's the newest of all new cars — pre-tested and pro- proved on the great General IVfotors Proving orburid — and pre-destined to win even wider preference for Chevrolet as the most beautiful buy of In, front eve ry point of view and on every point of value. Come in and see it — today: Agfir Zwert cod