The Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-05, Page 1WINfiliAM HELD INAUGURAL By-law To .Be Presented at the Next Meeting to Set Pay for Members The )( inaagural meeting of Wingliern a.-----, Two council was held on Monday evening. Mayor Jack Reavie after welcbming the old members of the council and the two new ones, called on Rev, W. A. Beecraft for the open.. ing prayer, ...--> Communications from the Canadian Mothercraft Society and the Navy. League, soliciting funds, were laid over untir such time 4.s. estimates are con- sidered. . yaThe request from Pattiaorz Radio & Electric to crept a, neon sign was gran- ted ancaer supervisrort of the Streets committee. Mayor Reavie, Reeve Johnson and Coun. Gurney 'were appointed as the Striking Committee. Council adjourn- ed while they retired and later brought in the following recommendations for standing committees for 1949. The first named in each case is Chairman. Esatecutive - Mayor keavie, Reeve' Johnson, court. Gurney. Finance a- Reeve Johnson, Couns. Gurney and Rintoul. Streets-Couns. Campbell, Carmich- ael, Clark. Pkperty-Couns. Rintoul, Campbell and Welwood. . , Cemetery -7 Cowls. Gurney, Wel- wood, Clark. Fire-- Couns. Carmichael, Gurney, 1 Campbell. " ' Welfare-Coun. Clark, Reeve Joan- son, Counc.. Campbell. Band-Couns. Welwood, Carmich- ael, Rintoul. X The by-law to appoint the town of- ficials for the year, was read and ap- proved. In addition W. S. Hall was appointed to the Public Library Board for a term of three years; J. J. Evans to the Board of Health for one year; Murray Johnson to the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital Board for one year, / After discussion a notice of motion was given that at the neat regular meeting a by-law would be presented setting a salary of $100.00 for the Mayor and $75.00 for each of the other members of the Council. By-laws were' read and, passed for the borrowing bf moirey to meet the current expenses of the year until, the taxes are collectea. , The treasurer Was authorized to re- ceive prepayment of ,taxes with interest allowed at 4% per annum. A number, of accounts were present- ed and ordered paid. , The matter of removing the curb on Josephine street was discussed and it was decided te further discuss 'it at some future meeting. ' Coun. Campbell reported that the tree behind the Post Office had been removed; the catch basins on the new drain at Brown's had been put in;, the sewers had been flushed. Permission had been given the Bell Telephone to erect new poles. The Street Commit- tee was authorized to' proceed with the removal of gravel from the river bed below the upper dam. , , The by-law prohibiting parking on the streets during the winter Was am- ended to read, front 1 a.m. to 7 tri, each day, and Wednesday and Sunday afternoons, the latter to apply only. to Josephine street, The clerk was auth- orized to collect a fine of $1.00 froth offenders. With Whioh is Amalgamated Tht Gprrie Vidatte and Wroxeter News Single Copies ee- Five Cents Subscription, Z 0a Year in WINE., HAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5th, 1949 -central Press calla/Ilan Eabies are just babies, whether they are born in palaces or in humble homes. They all like to sleep. Prince Charles Philip Arthur George of Edinbrirgh, sop of Princess Elizabeth, is pretty good at it. He is royally snoozing here in the arms of Nurse Helen Maude Rowe, the midwife who attended the princess. SWEET. DREAMS, LITTLE PRINCE itELEBRATED THEIR • GOLDEN WIEDDINfi• A fire estimated to have treated 11° DISASTROUS. EIRE • HITS WROXETER'MASRO MEN ...ENTER • Notice Re Snow Plowing THE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT provides a penalty for anyone leaving a vehicle parked on any street in Town either day or night which would eauee interference .with the re.. moval of snow. In addition, the Town Cpaarcil is bringing a previous By.. Law up-tosdate provide as f,ollowsz No vehicle is to be left parked on any public Street in Town between the hours of 1 A.M,, and 7 AM. in the night or on Josephine Street on Wednesday or Sunday afternoons be- tween 1 P.M. and 6 P.M. or in any area temporarily marked by "No Parking" signs where found necessary for arrow plowing. These regulations Will be strictly enforced. Parking Areas each as at the Rear of Mei-May's Garage will be kept free of snow. Street CoMmitted Wingham Town Council ing the holiday season at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Robertson. Rev. and' Mrs. Douglas Gallagher of HoriPhey, N. Y., and Mr, and Mrs. George Falcoher and children of London, spent the holiday season witil Mr. and Ma& jedni Falconet. Mies Helen Meek, Of Swift Caret% Sask., has returned to her studies at E thaattel College, Toroeto, after, speeding the past two week§ at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Collar and °thee relatives. Mr, and Mrs. James Austin Fifty. Years Married Mr. and Mrs. James Austin cele,- brated their golden wedding anniver- sary on December 28th at the home of their daughter, Mrs, Alvin Fitch. At noon the bride and groom, along with their immediate family and rela- tive at down to a fowl dinner, The table was decorated in gold and white centred by the wed,ditig cake. They, were honoured by having two wedding cakes, bite made by their grandson, Melvin Malta, the other made by the hostess./ The dining room was also decorated in gold a,nd white. In the evening the neighbours, old and new, were invited in to spend the evening with the honoured couple. We are happy to say both are in goad health and enjoyed the beautiful sun- ny day. Guests from a distance were Mr. and Mrs, Melvin McNeil of Uxbridge, and Cecil McNeil and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McNeil of Toronto. Many lovely gifts and cards were" received froth near and far. LADIES' AUXILIARY TO HOSPITAL TO MEET The annual meeting and election of officers of the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wingham General Hospital, will be held in the Council Chamber, on Fri- day afternoon, Jan. 7th, at three o'clock, Reports of the year's activities will be received and all woinen inter- ested in the hospital are invited to at- tend. Tea will- be served. As it has been found necessary to change the meeting day, the Auxiliary, 'in future, will hold their regular meet- ings on the first Friday of each mon- th at three o'clock. 8 'Wingham at Walkerton To all the regular Junior scheduled games all Public School children will be admitted free. Group 6, Intermediate Jen. 3 Belgrave at Londesboro 4 Teeswater at .Gorsie 6 Fordwich at laelgrave Londesboro at Teeswater 10 Fordwich at Londesboro 11, Gorrie at Belgrave 12 Teeswater at Fordwich 14 Londesboro at Gorrie .14 Belgrave at Teeswater 17 Lozzdesboro at Belgrave 19 Gorrie at Fordwich 19 Teeswater at Belgrave 21 Gorrie at Londesboro 21 Fordwich at Teeswater 25 13elgrave at Gorrie 26 Londesboro at Foralwich 28 Foedwich at Gorrie 28 Tees.water .at Londesboro Feb. 2 Garcia. at Teeswater 2 laelgrave at Porawich JUVENILE Jae, 5 Clinton at Kincardine ' Wingliarn at Goderich 7.. Kiacardirte at Witigham 11 Goderich at Cliaton. 12 Witigham. at Kincardine .14 Goderich at Winghant .1<ificarcline at Clinton 17: Goderich • at Kimeatditie 19 Winghare at Clinton 'Kincardine at Goderith 24 Clinton at Winghon 27 Clinton at Goderieli 29 Winharti at Clinton Gedetith at Kiacarclitto Feb, _.8 .10tteartline at •Goderieh :5 Clinton at Wingham FIRE DESTROYS TWO AUTOMOBILES Occupants Of laotli Cars Escape Injury Doreen Hays and Earl Young, of Wingham, both escaped with nothing worse than bumps on the head, Friday oigat, when a car driven by Young skidded on the ice, turned over in aa caught fire and was completely horned. The accident happened on the ninth 4concession of Turnberry township, aiortlaeest of Wingham. A passing mot- oaist, Ross Smith, Wingham, brought the occupants cf the destroyed auto- mobile to their homes here. A .car owned and driven by William Tucker, Brussels, formerly of Wing- ham, -twerved and -turned around soy- -era]., times on the icy road near Brus- sels, Thursday afternoon. !Getting the vehicle under control, Mr. Tucker noticed flames,' shooting over his head. Glancing around, he saw flames corn- ing through the floorboards between the front and back ,seat. Immediately Mr. Tucker jumped to safety, sprawling over the slippery pavement. A passing snowplow quick- ly stopped, the driver trying to control the blaze with an extinguisher to no avaii. The car was completely destroy- LOCAL AND PERSONAL • Mr. and Mrs. A. R. DuVal spent a few days in Toronto this week. Miss Mary Ross spent the holiday 'week with friends in Toronto. Mr. Ralph Baird of New York, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Baird. Mrs. Edith Wood of Toronto, apeart the Christmas season with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Arratsrong. Miss Mary Ellen Spooner of Tor- onto, spent the Christmas holidays with her friend, Miss Barbara Ross. Mr. and Mrs. George Currie and Jean, spent New Year's at Langside, with Mr. aid Mrs. George Tiffin. r, Miss Doris .Finlay has returned to 'Toronto, after spending the past week with her. mother, Mrs. D. Finlay. Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Smallman of Grand Bend, were guests this past week of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Carmich- ael. Mrs. Frank Sell who suffeiecl a heart attack three weeks ago, is much improved although still confined to bed. Miss Lillian Shaw of Chatham, spent the New Year's weekend at the home of her sister, Mr i: G. C. Gain wage. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Currie and Mary Frances, were New Year's guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Hopper, Exeter. 'Mr. and Mrs. D. Foster arid son, Billy, of Belleville, were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mac-' Dougai. Mr. and Mrs. W. B.' MeCool and Mrs. J. H. Christie spent New Year's in Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Christie: Jack Ernest of Vimy Barracks, Kingston, spent his Christmas holi- days with his parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. J, Ernest. . Mr. and MrS. Van Hopper and fam- ily of Detroit, visited relatives in -and around Wingham during the Christ- mas seaso.n. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tiffin spent the Near Year week-end in Toronto, with the latter's parents, Mr. and a\siqr.. and Mrs. W. A. 411rtil1er of Grand Bend, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. George R.' Scott and j. H. McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Holmes have returned to their home in Sudbury, after, Spending the Christmas holiday With frietids in and around town. Miss„Barbara Ross returned to Tor- ' onto, after the holidays where ,she has eceapted a position as medical techni. seam in Stinnybrook Hospital. Visitors a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. 'Currie, were:' Charles cuariea Toronto, Isabel and Robert of London, Mr, Kea Winegarden, Park- D. Weir, Mrs, Weir and their little sou, also Elizabeth 4Weir and Dr. Edith' Weir, spent Christmas holidays at their home on the sixth ofTurn- berry. dx, Mr. Murray Rae spent New Year's in Guelph, Mrs, Rae and daughter, who had been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, T. Steel, returned home with hint. v Miesee Dorothy Hamilton and Iso. bel Griffin, nurses-in-training at Wel- lesley Hospital, Toronto„ spent New Year's with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hamilton, 1:ettit ,Rebertson . land ° Master bertOrt returned to their home nto ort Monday, after spend. FILM TO DEPICT MOBILE LIBRARY Will Be Shown At County Council January Meeting When the Huron County Council convenes in January, members will be shown a sound and color film entit- led "The Books Drive On" which show,a, the Huron County, travelling library at work in all parte of the county. Tao filar ie .the, first,.pfa its, kind Ontario and the specially built nio- bile library which went into opera- tion in November, 1947, is the first of its kind also. The movie was made at the sugges- tion of Angus Mowat, inspector of public libraries in Ontario. He will use the movie to show other counties in the province the great work the Huron County library is doing. The cost is borne by Huron County. . The pictures were taken by Robert Henry, Goderich, and the 'film was preduced and directed by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Eckmier, county librarians, with Torn Rafferty, Wingham, as the commentator. The film 'runs for 35 minutes. In it are shown rural and urban scenes in the county such as farms and beau- ty spots. , HURON COUNTY COUNCIL FOR 1949 Ashfield „ Cecil Johnston Blyth • Frank Baintoe. Brussels t Clinton Colborne Stanley Snyder East Wawanosh J. D, 13eecroft Exeter A. J. Sweltzer Goderich Twp. J. R. Stirling Goderich George Matheson Goderich (deputy) W J. Baker Grey John McNabb G.iey (deputy) Clifford Rowland Hay , .... ..„,„...........-„George Armstrong Hensall Alvin W. Kerslake John W, Armstrong E. J. Parrish Harold Gowdy Daft Beuermann Harvey Johnston Play At St. Helens . Be tare to see -the 3 act cotnedy. "Uncle Cy Hits a New High" present. ed by St. Helens Youn people under the atispices of the Women's Instiutte, In Conuttuttity Hall on Friday, Attu- ary /th, at 8,80 Ant, sharp. Admission 50 cents, children 25 tents, Lunch SCOW, dance follows Play. PHOTO STUDIO UNDER NEW TANAliEMENT Mr. and Mrs. I. Hammerton Took Over on January 1st. Last week Mr: Joseph Falconer disposed of his photo studio to Mr, and Mrs. I. Harnmerton of Surrey, England. Mr. Falconer has operated the studios for the past two years, purchasing it from: Mr. Dent, Mr. and Mrs. ; Hammerton taye both had consideaable, experience •-fri tfie photographing business, receiving their training at the London Art School, London, England, and coming to Canada last July. For the past few months they have been associated with Mr. Falconer in the business, and on January 1st, took over the management of the studio themselves. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. A. D. MacWilliam entertained at the tea hour ether home on Patrick St., for Mrs. Edith Wood of Toronto, a holiday guest of Mrs.. W. W. Arm- strong, Among those present were: Mrs. E. Wood, Mts. W. W. Arm- strong, Mrs. J. J. Brown, Mrs. W. A. Beecroft, Mrs W. G. Burton Mrs. Rhys. Pollock, Mrs, R, R. Burton, Mrs. W. J: Adams, Mrs. C. B. Armi- tage, Mrs. j. H. Crawford, Miss Agnes MacLean, Mrs, W, B. McCool, Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter VanWyck en- tertained at a New Year's Eve party at their home in honour of their geusts Mr. and Mrs. M. VanWyck, of Montreal. X Misses Paulthe Swanson and Joan Armitagealitior bridesmaids for the wedding of their cousin, Joyce Cor- inne Ney of Port Stanley, on Thurs- day, December 30thlwere ' charmingly gowned alike in red taffeta, styled with bertha necklines, buaties and long Lull skirts. They wore bonnet head- dresses of matching taffeta and white feather porn poms. Their colonial bouquets wore Of white chrysanthe- mums. Dance at Royal T. You are welcome at the Royal T. every Saturday night for your dancing pleasure, front a.30' to 1. BRINE CLUB Nine tables 'were present at the weekly meeting of the Wingham Bridge Club. The result of the play was as follows; North and South--.1st , 'Mrs. V. Parker, D. Nesmith; 2nd., Y. H. Craw- ford, J. J. Gooclitte; ard e Mrs, D. Ne- smith, N. L. Sherbondy; ttle Mrs. 3. A, Wilson, Mrs. 11, C. MacLean. East Ain! West; 1st, Miss Y., Mee Pherson, D. uobbi W., miss lvt. Me- Calluni, Geo. Williams; ard,, W. W. Armstrong, 0, Haseigrove; 4th, Mrs 0, C. Garonne, I, Mason. HOCKEY SCHEDULES Intermediate Wingharn at Goderich SaitSeelt itAringhatin Lucknow at Wingham 12 Wingham at Ripley 15 Wingham at Kincardine Wingham at Brussels 17 20 Ripley at Wingham 22 Kincardine at Wingham Wingham at' Lucknow 25 Lucknow at Wingham 31 Feb. 5 Goderich at Wingham Wingham at Lucknow 12 Junior Jan. 4 Walkerton at Wingham Milverton at Listowel 5 7 Wingham at Harriston 11 Walkerton at Listowel 12 Harriston at Milverton Listowel at Wingliam 13 Walkerton at Harriston 15 Milverton at Wingham 15 Milverton at Walkerton 17 19 Harriston at Wingham 21 Listowel at Harriston Walkerton at Milverton 22 Wingham at Listwoel 24 Harriston at Walkerton 24 Milverton at Harriston 26 27 Listowel at Walkerton Harriston at Listowel 31 Wingliarn at Milverton 31 Listowel at Milverton Feb. 2 $100,000 damage hit the Village of Wroxeter 'Tuesday evening. Believed to have started from an overheated motor in the egg grading station, it spread rapidly, Several were made homeless. The Wingham Fire Dept, answered the call and with a local volunteer brigade fought the blaze nit, til morning. As we already were on the press we are unable to give a com- plete writeup in this issue. Full details next week. who-is the newly appointed Man- ager, The Dominion Bank, Gorrie. CHORAL GROUP RESUMES MONDAY The Choral Group will meet for rehearsal at. 7.30 p.m. in the Town Hall. An interesting spring concert is planned and a full attendance is re- quested. New members are cordially welcomed - JUST COME! Transferred To Welland IN Don Schatte who has been connect- ed with The Beaver Lumber Co. here for some time, has been transferred to Welland. He left on Monday, of this week and will commence his new du- ties at once. New License Plates Now On Sale., Ontario's 1949 motor vehicle license plates with blue letters and numerals on a white background went on sale at 250 offices throughout the Province on Monday. Operators' permits also went on sale at the same time. The Ontario Highways Department remin- ded motorists that an extra 50 cent$ will be charged on each permit for the unsatisfied judgement fund. The fund is used to reimburse persons un- able to collect damages against negli- gent drivers. DISTRICT ELECTION RESULTS "LUCKNOW Council (four elected)-j. C, Mc- Nab. (356), Ernest Crawford, (346), Russel Batton (233), Larry Downs (232), Basil Papadopoulos (226), Sam Sherwood (130), Temple Clark (98). School Trustees (four elected)- Dr. James Little (374), K, C. Murdie (368), Or, W. V. Johnston (367), A. E. McKim (279), Philip S. Stewart (134), Gilbert Hobrough (58). CLIFFORD Reeve-Clarence IL .Bieraan (152), Clifford Dodd (79). Coancil (four elected)-Williant Penman (160), A. Darroch (152), Carl Bast (127), C. V. Koehler (111), Win. j. Dodd (87), 1,-leury Annuoneit (60). School Trustees (three elected for two years)--Eldon Demmerling (13a), Henry Koehler (108), Charles Dally (104), Emerett Auget (85), Mrs. Ar- thur Newton (Sri), (one eir;cred fur One year George Cook (164), airs. 1-1. lAtrunoneit (67). CLINTON Mayor-Robert Y. liattin (623), A. J. McMurray (439). Reeve-G. W. Nott (557), M. J, Agnew (401). Council '(Six elected)--Pn George Elliott (682), Harold Ea Hartley (664), N. W. Trewartha (688), John W. Nediger (550), Melclin Crich, (461), Atttoine iGaromi (403), Albert E. Shaddick (368), Thomas A, beeves (326), James A, Chown (136), R. IS, Taylor (108), Wesley Vanderbourgh (83). TtICKERSIVIITH Reeve-Atthur Nicholson (475), Charles MacKay ($43), Council Mae elected)-Roy Ecil (605), Harold Jackson (465), Gordon Riehardsett (407), William Rogerson (838)„ Roy Pepper ($38), Alfred Moffat (sti), J. W, ctith (280). Warning To Parents All citizens of Wingharn an'd vici- nity are warned of the dangerous con- dition of the ice near the C.P.R. bridge as it has been cut to allotwawork at the bridge. All children skating*, etc., should particularly avoid this, area. - T. W. Platt, Chief of Police. New Year's Babies At Hospital Three New Year's Day babies, two' girls and a boy were born in the Wingham General Hospital. The happy parents are Mr. and Mrs. Hugh, Cumrnin, Lucknow, a daughter; Mrs and Mrs. Russell Kelly, Wiaghaxn, a son; and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kirton, Bluevale, a daughter. Roy Cousins - G W. Nott Hallett Howick Howick (deputy) McKillop Morris Seaforth ............ ...... ....... .F. S. Sills Stanley Elmer Webster. Stephen Elmer Lawson Stephen (deputy) Harry Beaver Tuckersmith , A. Nicholson, Turhberry W. H. Woods Sunday Dinner At Usbortie Hugh Berry Brunswick Hotel W. Wawanosh .............. E. Fiat-ape Wingham ass.„. ...... ,„....-Murray Johnson e A aerveu front 12 to 1.30 and 5 to 6:30, Three chokes of meat, ore fowl. Engagement Announced Y, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall, Blue. vale, wish to announce the engage- ment of' their daughter, Roberta Irene, to Robert George Caseinore, Son of Mrs. Alfred Armstrong, Lou don, Ont. The marriage to take place early in January. C„ D. Walmsley )a HURON - BRUCE FORUM The Huron-Brute Boundary Forum met ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Jenkins on Monday evening, January 3rd., for the first meeting of the year. Due to illness, the attend, ance Was somewhat smaller with 17 present. Kenueth McKague was dis- cussion leader. The topic for discussion was "A Cushion for Disaster", and in the •disa cassioa by the three groups formed, the general opinion expressed was that very few major disasters had oacurred in the past 15 years by the following wind, hail, flood, drought, frost, plant or animal diseases, pests or ()lather nat- ural causes. It was mentioned 'that dia.. trict farmers bad been pasted by the artily worm about ten years avo. but :aince their losses in the area ban i been 'few. In the past year the floods were :ciso very bad. 'f lie cost of the damage done was !met by the individual loser and by re- 4ief assistanee. We think some of these losses could be met by insurance. I Tire flood damage could be met by ;regional cimaervation measures, It was also stated we had lots of /Hee arid mosquitoes each year but eould not do very much to get rid of them. Our forum thought that the present forum program was quite satisfactory and Much appreciated by everyone. The next meeting on January lOtin will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the RrtslCmitting Jane Uckague favoured tie with a recitatiom "The Snow Mao." Pew, tablet then played' progrestive euchre. the high priaett went to Mrs. ROSS 'Xing and Alex Cattotatt and this tensotation awards, to Mrs; HarOld McCortnleie and Audi Mat:tote, Mrs. Pass !Ong ala; tile vrite TO lone tends.' Demand Money But reaaVe Httrrizadiae Without It Elmer Ellacott, con. 9, Grey Twp., was awakened about 1,15 4.121. Thurs.. day morning by the sound of knock- ing on an inner door downstairs. He called out "who's there?" and, was answered "We wanted some Believing a neighbour had run out of gasoline he and hie wife dressed and. went downstairs. The kitchen door was standing open and inside in the middle of the kitchen floor stood a pair of masked fellows, t one brandish- ing a small revolver. Mr. Ellacott leaped at the pair. pushing the .niat aside and knocking the two to the. floor, Scrambling to their feet again Mrs. Ellacott stood between her husband and the gun and remarked if any' shooting was to be done if would have to be her. Complying with a demand for man- ey, Mrs. Ellacott handed them a Purse containing $1.60 but they refused and asked for a larger sum. Noticing a Bible which they had been reading the night before on a table, Mrs. Ellacott remarked, 'The Lord is watching over us." This Ap- parently made the pair more nervous d' and they departed quickly leaving the purse and money behind. Immediately Mrs. Ellacott used the phone and failing to get "central" realized the wires were cut. Going to the car they also found it had been tampered with and would not run. Taking their nine-year-old daughter Helen, with them, they ran through a snowstorm to a neighbors home and called police. Provincial Constable Salter of Blyth, investigated. The man with the revolver enquired several times if the Ellacotts recoge nized them and said they, had search- ed the house including the cellar be,s fore awakening them.. They then left by the rear door. Neither of the Ella-. cotts were injured in the brief scuffle. Constable Salter confirmed the fact that their 1947 model car 'had been made inoperative. e. * a