The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-06-09, Page 1HANNA MAIN WINS
Majority Was ,Reduced to 255 From
A Plurality of 2,087 In 1945
In a slightly lighter vote than in
1945, john W Hanna, Progressive-
Conservative candidate, was again re-
elected to the Ontario Legislature for
the riding of Huron-Bruce, with a re-
duced majority Of 255 over his Liberal
opponent, Hugh Hill of Colborne
Wingham, the home town of Mr.
Hanna, gave him the largest vote ever
accorded a political candidate, when
he polled 897 for a majority of 514.
Early in the evening the crowd be-
gan to gather in Wingham, and by
the time the results were known the
main street was packed. Three bands
took part in the celebration, the Luck-
now Kitties, the Moltke Band and the
21st. Regiment Band, Following a par-
ade a dance was held at the Curling
Rink and a floodlight ball game at
the park.
Tilt Local Movie will be shown at
the Wingham Town Ilan, on Friday,
June 18th. Two showings 7.30 and
9.30. Admission, children 25c, adults
45c. (Tax included,) Come and see
yourself and your friends on the
screen. The Community Film Produc-
ante. Tit
With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
Single. Copies --- Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1948 Subscription, $2,00 a Year in Advance
Keen Competition Featured The
Various Classes
And Church Service 'Shortreed, S. 5, 11, Morrie; Donna
Maitland Lodge No. 110, I.O.O.F., Anderson, U. S. S. No. 17, East WA-
teill hold its annual decoration and wanosh; Ethel Pierce, V. S. S. 8, East
\\,awanosli; bum Griffiths, S. S. 12,
9, East Wawanosh; Lorraine Hanna,
U.S.S. 17, East Wawantisle
Boys' solo, grades 6, 7, 8, George
Marlatt, U. S. 5.17, East Watvanosh;
Mac Taylor, S. S. 12, Morris; Billie
Nahrgang, V. S. S. 16, East Watva-
nosh; Billie Coultes, V. S. S. 1'7, East
Wawanosh; Bottle Craig, V. 5. S. 3,
East Wawahosh; tome Campbell, S.
S. 5, Morris.
Evening Results:
Unison chortis, enrolment 15 or less,
V. S. S., 7, East Wawanosh; teaeher,
Miss Jefferson; S. S. 1, :Morris,
er, Mrs. M. Howard; 5, S. 8, Morris,:
teacher, Mr. Spivey; S. S. 8, East
Wawanosh, teacher, Miss Ruth Brad --
Unison chorus, U. S. S. 17, East
Wawanosh, teacher, Miss J. McDon-
ald; S. S. 5, Morris, teacher, G. Mc-
Nichol; S. S. 11, Morris, teacher,
Douglas Lawless; U. S. S. 16, East
Wawanosh, teacher, Mrs. Anderson.
Two-part chorus, U. S. S. r, Mor-
ris, teacher, Miss MacDonald; S. S.
11, Morris, teacher, Douglas Lawless;
U. S. S. No. 6, Miss E. Moffatt, tea-
titer; V. S. S. No. 3, East Wawanosh,
Miss G. Golley, teacher.
Double trio, open, three parts, S. S.
11, Morris, Leona Johnston, June
Ratkwell, Margaret McArthur, Doris
Solthiston, Lois Shortreed, Doris Stev-
ens; U. S. S. No. 3, East Wawatiosh,
Bodie Craig, Ethel Pierce, Karnali
Johnston, Russell Fear, Carl Cum-
mings, Donald Craig; S. S. 7, Morris,
Ruth Procter, Jim. Johnston, Lois
Walker, Bobby MolsAurray, Helen
'Raines, George Procter; S. S. 3, Mor-
ris, Marion Hull,' Stewart Smith, Jean
McAttlmr, George Hislop, Mary
Smith, Evelyn Hislop.
Vocal duet, Carl Cummings and
Bodie Craig; Iona Griffith and Mae
Taylor, S; S. No, 12, Morris ;Mary
Smith and Marion Hull, S.'S. Na. 3,
Morris; Dorma Anderson and Mar-
iorie MacKenzie, U. S. S. No. 17, East,
Many More Needed
"They don't need met" or "They
have enough without me!" or "One
morning a Week wouldn't help them
at all!".These .are some of the reasons
given for not volunteering to help the
Summer Playground Programme.
.Actually, two mothers have definitely
agreed to help. No skill is needed, just
a willingness to be on the job from
.10 a.m. to 12 a.m., for one morning
per week for one week up to ten
-weeks. If you can only help once dur-
ing the summer YOU ARE NEED-
One lady said, "If you would phone
and ask me to help I would do it" to
which the reply is, "Who has time to
make that many phone calls?"
What does a helper have to do?
We have leaders to direct the activ-
ities. We need volunteers who will
watch-the children both as a safety
measure and to assist the leaders in
'keeping order. It's too big a job for
the supervisor to run the programme,
keep order and watch all the child-
ren while doing it. Ages of the child-
ren are from 4 to 7 years. Now the
question is WILL YOU HELP? If
so, please telephone 460 or write Sam
The Wingham United Church Sun-
clay School will hold its annual Flower
Sunday and Anniversary on Sunday
next, June 13th, at 11 a.m. The theme
of the service will be "God's Gifts",
and the address will be given by Mr.
David Savage of Listowel; Donald
Dennee, 11 year-old boy soprano of
St. Thomas, will also be present. A
special offering will be received to
assist in purchasing new chairs for
the Sunday School.
Sunday Dinner At
Brunswick Hotel
Served from 12 to 1.30 and 5 to
6,30. Three choices of meat, one fowl.
Courteous service.
Receives B.A. Degree
Craig Arnitsrong, son of Mr. and
degree of D.A,
Attended General Assembly
Rev, Alex, Nimmo has been hi Tor-
ento for the past week attending the
elgtrch service, on Sunday, June 13th,
The decoration service will he held in
the afternoon, with the members and
visitors meeting at the hall at 2,30.
The church service will be held in
Wingham United Church at 7 p.m.,
and the members will meet at 6.30.
Students Successful At O.A.C,
Included in the list of successful
students in the examination results at
the Ontario Agricultural College rj-
zently announced are; Huron County
Scholarship, G. N. Underwood, R. R.
1, -VS/Ingham, (also winner of the Hur-
on. County Federation of Agriculture
SchOlarship; Dominion-Provincial Stu-
dent and Bursary, first year degree,
-R. S. Procter, R. R. 5, BrusSels; tw.o-
year course, G. G. Edgar, R, 4,
Entertained At lea
Mrs. Stanley Hare entertained at a
trousseau tea on Saturday evening in
honour of her daughter, Elinbeth,
bride-elect of this month. The guests
were received by the hostess while
Mrs. (Rev.) A. Nimmo presided at a
very attractive tea table, The trous-
seau and gifts were displayed by Mrs.
Jblin Heal, Miss Francis Wylie and
Miss Ruth McGuire. Assisting in the,
tea room were Mrs, Jas. Hamilton,
Miss irlina Harrison and Mrs. Bert
Mather& ,
The staff of Sttathroy Hospital
presented Miss Hare -whim a gift at a
Shower held recently, Mrs. E. L.
Miller of London entertained at a
Shower and Mrs. C, Wallar of ton.
don, at a tea.
"The Dutch Detective"
A Three act comedy play presented
by the Voting People of the Brussels
Presbyterian Church and sponsored by
Whitechurch United 'Church A.,
Will be presented 'in Whittehurch
Community on Monday, June
14th, at 9 p.m., D.S.T. Admission 40
cents, Children 20 cads.
Delegates and visitors numbering
135 gathered at the United Church in
Brussels, on Wednesday of last week
for the 46th Annual District Conven-
tion of East Huron .Women's Insti-
tutes. Delegates from seven branches
were represented. Ethel, Majestic,
Molesworth, Bluevale, Fordwich, Gor-
rie and Wroxeter, Lovely spring flow-
ers in purple and gold, .colors of the
organization whose motto is "For
Home and Country", formed a suitable
background for president, Mrs. James
Armstrong and secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, who were in
charge. The president thanked all for
their co-operation in the work and
announced she had visited all but one
branch during the year. The secretary
reported a balance of $618,00 in the,
branch treasuries. Excellent reports
Were heard at the morning session,
from the following district conveners,
Mrs. Earl Bowes, Ethel, Home Econ-
omics; Mrs. Gordon Steinacker, Ford-
wich, Agriculture and Canadian Indus-
tries; Mrs. Vernon Denny, Wroxeter,
Citizenship; Mrs. Carl Johnston, Blue-
vale, Health and Social Welfare; Mrs.
James Bryans, Brussels, Publicity;
Mrs. Pearl Kane, Gorrie, reporting for
Mrs. Clarence Sparling on Historical
Research. Provincial Board Member,
Mrs. Arthur Hamilton urged a closer
co-operation between Institutes and
rural schools and gave an interesting
resume of the Provincial Board meet-
ing held in Toronto, outlining the
plans for Adelaide Hoodlees Scholar-
ships, Two scholarships of $100.00
each will be given to outstanding stud-
ents entering MacDonald Hall this
year, and 5 $100.00 scholarships in the
succeeding years. Similar plans are
being made for Junior Girl's Work
Anniversary Services
Whitechurch United Church will
hold Anniversary services on Sunday,
June 13th, at 11 a.m. and 8 pau., D.
S.T. Rev. W. J. Moores of Ilelgrave,
will be the guest speaker.
Passed With Honours
Muir McLaughlin, son of Mr. awl
Mrs. N, T. McLaughlin, Patrick St.,
passed his third year Mechanical En-
gineering, Course at Toronto Univer-
sity with honours.
ario Veterinary College, Guelph, last
week. At a meeting; there he was elect-
ed to the hoard of directors of the fur
farmer's of Ontario.
Centralia On Scoring Spree
With Lefty Noseworthy pitching
one-hit ball and knocking out three:
home runs, Centralia R.C.A.F., blast-
ed Wingham 34-1, in a scheduled W.
O.A.A. Intermediate 'A" softball
game played at Centralia ThUrszlay
night. Centralia went on a scoring
spree as Malkin clever first base-
man, for the airport, paced team-mate
Noseworthy with three home-runs,
along with four base hits by Arm-
strong and Johnson.
A one act play "Sewing for the
Heathen" and program will be pre-
sentecl by Bleevale talent in the Com-
munity Hall, telmore, at 8:00 p.m.,
on Friday evening June 11th, under
the auspices of the Women's Institute.
Admission 35e and 20e.
Held In Victoria St. United Church
Goderich, Last Week
The annual meeting of the West
Huron District Women's Institutes
was held in Victoria Street United
Church, 'Goderich last week, The dele-
gates, numbering 125, represented the
branches in Auburn, Blyth, Belgrave,
Clinton, Dungannon, Goderich, Kin-
tail, St. Helens and Wingham,
Mrs, Charles Lockhart of Goderich,
was re-elected president. Other offi-
cers are; vice-presidents, Mrs. L.
Scrimgeour, Blyth; Mrs. A, R. DuValr
Wingham; secretary-tereasurer, Mrs.
representative, Mrs, L. Ivers, Dun-
Otto Popp, Dungannon; Federation
gannon; alternate, Mrs. W. J, Hen-
derson, Winghaml district delegate,
Mrs, C. Lockhart; alternate, Mrs. E.
Lawson, Auburn; convener of agric-
ulture and Canadian Industry, Mrs.
Charles Carter, Belgrave; Citizenship,
Mrs. Earl Anderson, Belgrave; His-
torical Research, Mrs. Tait Clark, Col-
borne township, Home Economics,
Mrs. W, A. Miller, St. Helens; Pub-
licity, Mrs. Fred Toll, Auburn; Social
Welfare, Mrs. D. McKenzie, Kintail;
Resolutions, Mrs. C. Nott, Clinton;
Junior Convener, Miss Elaine Lamb,
Colborne township; Auditors, Mrs. D.
Phillips, of Auburn and Mrs. L. Ivere,
of Dungannon.
Mrs. Lockhart presided, and Mr-:.
Archie Wilkins of Goderich read the
The Fourth Belgrave Musical Fes-
tival was presented in the Wingham
Town Hall on Friday, June 4th, A
record attendance with the keen com-
petition featuring the various classes.
The stage was beautifully decorated
with large baskets of spring flowers.
The president, Lawrence Taylor in-
troduced the inspector Mr. Kinkead.
Mr, Kinkead in glowing terms
spoke of the accomplishments of the
Belgrave School Fair directors and
especially the work of 'the musical
supervisor,Miss Elaine Walsh, He
said the fstival this year was better
and bigger than ever. He introduced
the adjudicator, Mr. Lorne Willits of
Listowel, .Mr. Willits throughout
afternoon was most helpful in his
criticisms and remarks.
Mr. C. R. Coultes was the Chair-
mon of the festival and Mrs. Wade
the Secretary, assisted by ,Mrs, Van-
nan, Mrs, L. Bolt and Mrs. MacKen-
Solo competition featured the after-
noon program, with choruses, double
trios and duets highlighting the
evening session. Trophies were pre-
sented by Frank Madill of Wingham,
representing the Lions Club, to Miss
Jefferson, U.S.S. No. 7, East Wawa-
nosh; and Belgrave Co-Operative
shield presented by Lyle Hopper, went
to Belgrave School. Receiving the
shields were Marjorie McKinnon and
Donna Shiells.
Following are the results of the
afternoon session:
Solo, grades, 1, 2, 3, Gwen Walsh,
U. S. S. No, 17, East Wawanosh;
Mrs. NV, W. Armstrong, was success- S s. 7, .Morris; Ruth Procter, S. S. • accouut of the year's work and oath
itml in passing, his Arts Course at 7, Morris; Evelyn Cook, U. S. S. 17, (Continued on page four)
Toronto University and received his East Wawanosh; Shirley Macy, S.
S. 12, Morris; Elaine Bolt, U. S. S.
17, East Wawanosh.
Boys' Solos, grades 4, 5, Carl Cum-
mings U. S. S. No. 3, East Wawa-
General Assembly of the Presbyterian, nosh; Kenneth Dudley, S. S. 12, Jtior-
Church in Canada. On Sunday his put-.ris; Ian Griffith, S. S. 12, :Barris; Her-
M Bert Kirkby, S. S. 11, Morrie; Clay-
Claire Chamney, U. S. S. 7, East Wa- to encourage and reward those girls wanosh; Audrey Hackwell, S. S. No. 11, Morris; Barbara Smith, U. S. S. who have not the privilege of a higher
education, A membership drive will 6, East Wawanosh; Darlene Pierce
Joan throughout the province, awards to he U. S. S. 3, East Wawanosh; ' be sponsored by the Federated Board
Shortreed, S. S. No. 11, Morris. made regardless on a percentage basis.
Boys' Solo, grades 1, 2, 3, 1 onmmy Miss Anna P. Lewis, superintendent of
Brydges, V. S. S, 17, East Wawanosh; , the \N.J. Branch of Dept. of Agricul-t
Ivan Walsh, U. S. 5, 17, East Wawa- ture discussed the Co-operative Pro-
nosh; Raymond Walker, S, S. 7, Mor- gramme. The delegates voted to have
ris; Dohahl Gray, S. S. 10, Morris; Health Before and After Forty or
Douglas Gibbons, S. S. 12, Morris; Developing Community Eenterprises,'
Donald Haines, V. S. 5, oi East We - • conferences to be held at Fordwich
wanosh, and Ethel late in the autumn.
Girls' solo, grades 4, 5, Claire Tay- Miss Elora.S. Durnin, Junior Girls'
tor, S, S, 12, Morris; Helen Haines, County Coach, gave a very interesting '
0 -
The regular meeting of the Wont-
eit's Institute will be held on: June 17,
in the Council Chanibers when the re-
port of the district annual meeting
will be given. Mrs. Bower's motto,
"We are tearer to God in a garden,
than any Where else on earth," will be
the theme of the meeting. The roll
call will be answered by suggestions
for local improvements. The hostesses
will be Mrs, 'Cora Whitfield, Mrs. G.
Gannett,. Mrs. F. Snell, Mrs. W, J.
Stewart, Mts. M. Fenton and Mrs.
Roy Mundy,
\ est. WawaL.
• 71st . • ••i, I
Hanna Hill
451 352
198 100
""-' btodttes, and el--t.1 the ;end 1.3,...eantry to; tile 514t1m antett ersiee. ste,•,:igt; te.1.0„.„.e all
Premier And Two Of His Cabinet
The Progressive-Conservative Gov-
ernment of Ontario was returned to
office on Monday and the C.C.F. re-
placed the Liberal Party as official
Premier Drew and two of his Cab-
inet ministers were defeated. The
premier lost to W. H. Temple, C.C.F.,,
in Toronto High Park, Provincial
Secretary Michener was ousted by
William Dennison, C.C.F., in Toronto
St. David. W. G. Webster, minister
without portfolio, was defeated by a
Liberal, Campbell Calder in London.
Party Standings
P.C. 66 53
Lib. 13. 12
C.C.F. 8 22
Lib. Lab.3 1
Lab,-Frog. 2 2
, ry Ste:iety- of tlae 1\ in,..hant I'nited Turner. Mr-. AU'Lrt C-0122 0'01. -kit* ,..i 1%1,44.... z„., r„_ - nt-inal
Church net hi the 4-inrch 1..ark•nrs on burn, rtle•-•-k exl-rt..---ino e'Lli0." ,!-- t11.• ..,,ln .. , ii Jr 7.,,,, 5111,p, t., ,...o•, The :diem-1i, Amu 1-t. Mrs. N. tc....urcia -it'. I 1-' C:e Iii livrit°:1 ‘N • i' Itit.?A‘: at lat .., 2 ..i 'ik,„7, I', 1. Tor-
i."ralerw,..-.I lial ..",„-...t. of tl.t. pro- branch.' t-t&t. is vala,1 t •,r 4 iuit. -I :.t t-.. will
-ramtne. Mrs. %V. J. R• n"-tutt ,...a.vt• 11/41i-o- Amin 1'. !Act Et,.. II. Net ..eal stir- ..3e ra,.k.... .1. ,...,, ,a2„! e, ,r,,,,41. verities
,' wit. 'brio-, tlit'Ir Int.el: b;11-..t.- :e. , thm
which was the theme • ...F. the meeting. %a:livened 1",,e tat eine 'a ettimely 4.1,1- ;,,..s., _ix: .. 'rill ........... .e. tat.
.1.. sail.. 1'y' bias- m acj. 4.i . C...7.1..lan.l !vice; anti at the it,- -, la t:i.,'m ..alma' tett ;:11,1 -i:,,, :,,i,":.,.1,.:rki..-i "=,.,, , r,..1,:ty
was muelt 1.113.1...l. Set, et .,J Le l',.1. it,a,1 a.,1,1re". Vel.11:-tratc ,I ill' beautiful 11,4- e.,t, an..., ,!...e "lit a:y :I.. as ".•a
ow-sa-as of scripttre f"..1.1 i'..e Bible 1 i ti- pieturts on the 'P..: ,...1. ...i ILI:: t: ' c -en.i,ete vCill tl.t.r.• . AV ll''":
itt Lee1.413...: With ti.e titete:e. 'Mrs. I.. oani.tati .ti ft•••tti lt4t. X St,..1..ty t_ ecel:
cleaned '.Cles, rubl;ts„. etc.. by e """ 'they welt, to no .osavar.l. catos. .„
All citizens of the TtWo are !".ereby 2"r b"" mu ia-•11•:4't1"7* b'N. J. N't. 1"2
liCitifk•I That all Fro..ettieti 1..ust be '" Ay' •4.1." "la" tu C'"I `L'i!d" 2a-'et "
urday, June 12th.
ili-eltr. pre-4,10A. con 'rt.% the to tia ;,reset t e ce`tingt", t- Low Rates For Dominion Day
Chosen District Deputy Governor esive rep .it ,if the prAineial I 'atr 7. 541:1.1! July avim.
'weetin •
it lat..r t.;.tit midnight Mole: ty. July
Legion Tea Successful
-`{ 'll 'trict 111"tin e "f 113' d The meetiner tieelded faa er .1
lien t;Yay to tl:c t.1t,ir Club ryas
ed District Deputy Gevernor.
I .111 t),2 "Prozrant Plaututta
the "Exhibition of Decorative leather- vb.. • .
g. Le ion Hulse on Satur:lay Afternoon 1 representative .from Peterhortmgli at,
work irons many hands" held at Ot-
vdswerit. Di:d Its o regett 428t, when tlte ladies of tlie Ant.tliary -it
to the Legion hell their s;,..'11:. tea. rmer
tatea. last week. M rs. phippen is WOM was reCelver by Mrs. J. Mts.,
president and thief instructress of 'the grove, of the death of key tsister, Mrs. PreSilett,
'firs. 11. Town reecived
Petetborough Leathertraft (3 ti i.lil , Martha Gibson, in Gereham, Oregon,, president, Mrs. G. H. Ross.
.. -
the guests assisted In the 1st ice.
spots Drell bwyastliteteReicitretation Commis o.telarjl tileti runs la ter .
s exhibition of
e eldest daughter of The tea table was attracthe t
i kind to be held in Canada, wit
h the late Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Thorn- pansies and lily of the -alley tit a •ry•
work being exhibited front all parts toil,
slat bowl. Pouring tea were, !qrs. W.
of Canada, as well 28 from England, : Died At Grand Rapids, Mich.
Pent, Mexico, Bavaria, Egypt, Java!
and Africa.
The ladies the W -ttien's 111--stota- 11• the n":111'41-1*. Re?' 1- a The Hieren Col I
Attended Ottawa Exhibit s - -
Peoitisi f u"", we te
D • 1 nrti mitt: tl.e trtetinz ott-
mrt. Melvin
pilipp l
en Hasa
the roce,i the rai„.11„,
f or
atennai fet, t *with tulio4 and iris
me.1 tleli.,:ttful it- the
. for membership ill a orattelt.
W Platt Mrs. II. Sebrin-Aille, ,Itral the 1,..te .1 frit, *rhe, et el be
;--,ifirerS, later a C.:1410.01- ellt =VI 14,111, -4,m,ler.1 Tecare..
..7-tr tie return 111; , 'hey
Sanitary Inspector.
scripture lesson, Reports given by the The \\Ingham Utilities Commission delegates showed a flourishing con-
dition and wide interest in maintaining. wish to announce. that during the sum- mer months, lawn sprinkling hours are
W.I, activities in their communises, I set at 6 to 9 a.m. and 6 to 9 p.m. daily.
t treasurer, e; rN",:xrile:p.enra)r it•iittiel:dr.e s't1:1,t't
ta2r1i3c5tr. sesocee:i .ra)et
' i All persons having. outside taps will be
ante on hand, $31.03.
billed at $2.00 for the season.
u nnan„,.-,n, sp„„k,!Error In Walker Store Miss F. Durnin,
of the junior work, and Miss Elaine Limited Advertisement
Lamb, president of Colwanosit Junior I
Institute, of Collpirne, \\ awan..x.11 anti In the Walker Store advt. found
'Ashfield. Townslits, sh,-,wed how ;on pt.r...e two an ete.g het; he ve made
"Cottons Can Ile Smart" by displaying itt the price ,t. Swim Suits, it stead('
i.i. number i ,f dresses, beautifully made iretel .S3.98 to 88.95.
by the „Ads in that Institute.
''. Miss Durnin commended the moth- Engagement Announced
,ers fur their coe ,perati,,n, 7,tatin4 that i Mr. and Mrs, W. G. VatiComp, Bel-
•'479 girls will take part in Achievemtut :grave. wish to anneunce the ette;nze-
liay at Bayfield in June. F rte ;Art- :mem of their eldest .11,r.„7:ter, Norma
are now members of the tiaiden ,'hilt .1 tel, Rev. N,. to Kennb !I Charle4
and there are 27 in the It.,ine-In'tk;n:; .'I.hoilson, ...ecamoec ,,L ..i Mr. :a:a
!elass .if th Colwanotsh Jutlior Institute. Mrs, C. E. I laeids 13. 1 ,i ti7, new. 'flue
' The f,,11-tviti;.; submitted rep i'ts of 'marriatte to take plaee in 1.•,41,1,,,it the
ithuir departments, Mrs. F. Ihane'y .of latter ;'art , f June.
!Clinton on Agriculture: Mrs. Petri \n-'
",ter-•,u of Ileigrave, citian,,h i p: •m,..., Brother Dies In California
A. R. Du\ al ..1 \\ In gham, Ihistorical" Thtlt! i.'as-A''!, nu4 at t 0.%0,1. eal-
jt t.s earch; Mrs. t..% II.nto,1 , 4 olad e r-lif.a.nia. Mari,: E. Ii,,,,!h,..,:. .., June
icie Remy Ecsittoa.cs; Mr.. .1olatu 3r.I.. in hi-. 75:I: year. ll .rum ..t_ Turn-
J. laistoot of Kintail. So6al Weitare;11,errY l-'0.11•4±o. s •.tt •of the !ate Me.
`,Mr-. Fred le. se „.1 Auburn. Publicity; and -Mrs. I tavt.I Iia.:tim..,. an-1 tweezer
.o: R. A. liastn..... ,4 "....,::...,. nt pre-tut:A by Mn'-. T. McNall.
Dinner was -erved at the n-_-.41 lour Mr. ati4 MI-s. Hastiti,s left • •:. Frilay
lo. the Woman'- .\,...-iati• a ...f ti., i-r oktislan i. CO.
church. 'vital the le7.e..ates were %wt..' Huron Old Boys Picnic
90 90
a very intere-till.: tall; ,.At I--t. e‘73,4 .' "'rain ' t . •W In-titut T
-director conducte I titc n e d fr Vte.111,.t-.1.1:. jute
Mrs. John Raby of town, received
word of the passing of her brother,
David Small, of Grand Rapids, on
'Friday, June 4th, following a lengthy
illness. Mr. Small was a member of
Winghant Lodge A.F. esi A.M., the
Wingham Court of the Canadian Or-
der ,of Foresters, and the I.O.O.F.,
Grand Rapids. He is survived by three
sons, Bert of Detroit, Frank of Lud-
ington, Mich„ and Herb of Grand
Rapids. The funeral. IvrO. held On Mon-
day at Grand Rapids.
Committees For the Year's Activities,
Were Formed
The monthly meeting of the Cath-
olic Women's League was held Tues-
day evening, June 1st, at the home of
Mrs, John Brent. Father Bricklin and.
a good attendance of ladies were pres-
ent, The President, Mrs. C. Newman,
opened the meeting with prayer, after
which the committees for the year's
activities were formed as follows.
Social Committee, Mrs, M. 'Gamble,
Mrs, J. Brophy and Mrs. Forgie;
Membership Committee, Mrs. M.
Gamble, Mrs. M, McPhail and Mrs.
J. St, Marie; Educational Committee,
Mrs, J. Ernest, Mrs. C. Richey, Mrs.
J. Brent; Visiting Committee, Mrs.
A. Skinn, Mrs. J. Ernest, Mrs. Jos.
Fitzpatrick, Plans were made for the
annual fall tea and baking sale. Mrs.
J. Ernest spoke briefly on Current'
Events, and gave a short sketch on the
life and work of the late Monsignor
Flannigan, the founder of Boys' Town.
Before adjournment it was unanimous-
ly decided there would he no meetings
during July and August. Lunch was
served by the hostess, Mrs. John Brent
assisted by Mrs. M. McPhail. A social
hour was enjoyed. Activities will be
resumed early in the fall.
H. II. Lteti d. Gurney and Mrs, H,
Mrs. H. Campbell was convener of The
tea room. Mrs. A. M. Peebles and
Mrs. A. W. Irwin were at the apron
table, and Mrs. G. Tervit, Mrs. Hail
and Mrs. McKenzie at the baking
"Palace Gardens", Formosa
The ideal spot for your family re-
union or picnic. Management can fur.
nigh ice cream for parties. Athnision
to grounds 10 cents. Special rates for
large groups.
The foil-'w is the 'et4:e muni-
- Nuts occupied b-Ret. Mr. ae- ; tt
Donald of Nova Scotia. ton Wilkinsen, S. S. No. 5, Morris; Itrussels
Allan Campbell, S. S. No. 5, Morris. Dance At The Royal T. # 30n 4oet
295 St.15 Oddfellows Holding Decoration . Girls' solo grades 6, 7, 8, Louise Carriek
Thursday, June 10th, to the music
of Eric Seta and his orchestra, vocals
by Joan Peckham. Dancing 9.30 to 1.
Admission 50 cents.
Morris; Marjorie Carrie, S. S. 9, ..
Accepts Secretarial Position
Miss Velma Cober of Fordwieli, has
graduated from Canada Business Mr; 04'22 NOTICE
tarsal position with the Toronto -tans- found on itag, 4,
portation Commission.
Attended Convocation
,Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Galbraith at--
tended Convocation at Toronto Uni-
versity* last Thursday when their son,
Bill, received his degree of Bachelor
of Applied &knee in Chemical Engin-
Attended Fur Farmers Course
Mr. A. R. l)uVal attended the fur Successful In Receiving
farmer's short course held in the Ont- His B.-A. Degree
Word has been received this week
by Mr. Kenneth Jackson, of ins sue-
cess passing his Exams at Toronto
University and receiving his II. A.
Degree. Ken attended High School
Item and then enlisted in the R.c.A.r.,
doing serivee overseas. He is the only
son of Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Jackson,
of town.
At 11.e aftern tvn M. v7t:r r mitt, tn the ;
k'ge, Toronto, and is new tit a, scene- The vrinotte vote tky pars a l be 1,,trt. In a kite! tgeselentiall ire-, tee it tegez:: FR'e, 1.;
210 231 W 114 S MEETS Myth
173 837
0s2 574
4'N 207
3S3 2s4.
;120 515
BIN 245
414 304
1311 119
234 207
357 31S
352 :141s
i4ut-lplt last tit 1:•tL.solit..=4
East NV'tm anoelt
Grey .
M 'ri-is
Every Saturday night tlw 'Royal
T lie sttspentletl Until the fall.
\Vault f,g annottneement of re-open-
ing date.