Times-Advocate, 1980-12-17, Page 11off all /U Toys You'll Fin A Great Selection of Farm Machinery Toys Here! TRUCKS • TRACTORS • BACKHOES • EQUIPMENT Built To Scale with Working Parts . . . Just Like The Big Ones Dad Drives 'EXETER FORD Equipment Sales. Ltd. Thames Road East , Phone 235-2200 SPORTS EQUIPMENT MAKES A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT... and Rollies in Grand Bend has iti The World's Na. Selling Snowmobile Is Now On Sale. DECEMBER 1-22, 1980 OFF! Blizzard® 9500 by skidoo OFF Blizzard° 7500 or 5500 and Evers'® (all models) SOUTH BEND SPORTS On H'way 21 5 Mi. S. of Grand Bend 1 Mi. N. of Pinery PHONE 243-2550 SALE HOURS: WE ARE OPEN DAILY FROM 9 A.M. -9 P.M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS On. Wednesday, December 17 starting at 6:30 p.m, the annual hay ride sponsored by, the Granton Volunteer Fire Department with Santa also visiting the scout s hall will take place on qaturday at, 11:30 a.m. Santa. will be at the general store, and after that he will be treating at the Forester Restaurant, aecic and see two planes land. The trip ended with supper at MacDonald's, Santo Claus Is canting, to Granton Special Prices in Effect for the Evening on Accessories and Merchandise Items. 0 Innritilian1111M e Priced to Clear From Only 9699 ATTENTION Snowmobilers Open House Thurs., Dec. 18 at 7:30 p.m. Films on snowmobiling and snowmobile safety will be shown. An O.P.P. Community Ser- vices Officer will be in attendance to explain the new "Trespass to Property Act." We have a limited number of "The Snowmobilers Handbook" and these will be given out free of charge on a first come basis. Blyth 523.4244 Exeter 235-1115 Now on Sale At Only 9549 This 287-lb. firecracker of sled loves a good time. Simply throw your weight around, and Spitfire will immediately respond. Free-air 340 FireburstTM engine has direct drive. That's about 40 less parts for you to worry about. Ski spindles are canted for superb stability. There are heavy-duty shocks and aluminum slide-rail suspension to cushion your ride. CDI, butterfly carb, too. Stop in today for a test drive. Fire Up for Comfort with TRAILFIRE® STORY TELLING TIME — The youngsters on the Discount Dave float in Saturday's Santa Claus parade were listening to a story. From the left are Sheri Wells, Karri Case, Shelley Wells, Kathy Robertson, Kim Lewis, Tony Robertson, Andrea Pearce and Jackie Wells. • T-A photo CONKLIN HOME CENTRES now your dealer for FAIRFORD STEEL BUILDINGS .,„4',1:iiialittiED,11111,mii: mu.: • • 4410118_ PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT wi h a Fairford Steel Building for farm equipment, machine shop, stock or grail" storage. You have a big investment—it makes sense to protect it with the best. This top quality, corrosion resistant, galvan• 'zed steel, coupled with the proven dependable design will do the job for years to come, * Superior engineered roof system aid heavy duty end walls to withstand wind and snow load stress, • Tough, deep ribbed 8" corrigated arch panels easily bolt tdgether. • Heavy duty deep contoured trapezoid end walls. • Butyl sealer for weather-tight seal. • Wide, easy access door system with door lites, ball bearings and door guides. • Colour coded pieces for easy erection, • An obstruction free interior, • Sizes from 12' to 100'. • Also available in straight wall designs. Now available at these CONKLIN Home Centres: • HARROW Queen St. Ph: 738-2221 eRIDGETOWN Erie St. South Ph: 674-5465 • EXETER Hwy. 83 Ph: 235-1422 • SOUTHAMPTON Hwy. 21 Ph: 797-3245 Or ask at any of our 16 Conklin Home Centres 0.0.- , , / / . .. , _ _ OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: • Walk-In doors. • Roof Iltes. • Gravity vents. • Rotary vents. • Overhead door frames. r. rs lit;rante BY MRS, E. SUMMERS On Tuesday evening a pot luck supper, with invited guests, the leaders of the youth groups. Scouts, .cubs and beavers, also member of the C.O.I.T. and the plorers and their'leaders and the Junior Choir and their leader.' Following the supper and selections from the choir, unit .5 who were responsible for the prograM, gave a presentation, forming a Star, with unit members representing light, hope, serenity, peace, and love, this was interspersed with Christmas hymns, with everyone singing, Mrs. John Harlton, sang a Christmas solo in convection with the star presentation. The highlight of the even- ing was a concertput on by the Stevens family of St. Marys. This talented group consisted of Mrs, Stevens‘ leader, who also is the con- ductor of the "St. MarYs Bell Ringers" or better known as the Belles of St. Marys. The rest of the' group are daughter, Heather, eight years, violinist, son, Ray- mond six years; celloist, grandmother Mrs.., Rolston accompanist, and father, Harry who supplied the vocal part of the program. Following the program, mrs. Wilfred Garrett presid- ed over the business meeting, opening with a reading , entitled "Thoughts Lion's Club, to be held at the. Kirkton Community Centre February 16, Medway school concert A number of interested parents and their friends, from Granton and area, attended the , Christmas Concert '80 at Medway High School on Thursday. ' The program consisted of Church.news At the United Chureth Rev. Elwood Morden was in charge of the worship for the third Sunday in Advent, and entitled his sermon "The'Ac- tive God". Christmas is a joyous season, it is a time for giving and receiving presents, Christmas is also a time of celebration. We must remember, said the minister that God is an ac- tive God, He comes into every situation that we face, He walks with us. What is it that we have to celebrate (1) We have to un- derstand the Joy of Christ- mas, the Joy that brought us a Sayiour (2) God can take our efforts and our deeds and build something beautiful from them. (3) We celebrate the fact that God was active in saving Jesus from Herod's clutches, and that no obstacle can keep us from the love of Jesus, that is what we should celebrate at Christmas, said Rev. Morden. Diane Cook performed the ceremony of lighting the third candle in the Advent Wreath denoting "Joy!'. A presentation by the pupils of Mrs. Robert Garett's and Mrs. Kenneth Waugh's Sun- day School Class, was en- titled "Christmas wreath and Christmas packages": The following children- took part: Elearior Kop, Ginger McCall, Mark Humphrey, Jonathon Chovancek, _Tracy Urlin, Mark Wright, Cathy Fox, Carrie Wallis, Blair Fraser, and Bobby Fox. Special anthems were provided by the junior and senior choirs. At St. Thomas Anglican Church, Rev. Gregg Smith conducted the morning prayer service. Mrs. Jim Hodgins performed the ceremony of lighting the third candle in the Advent Wreath denoting "Joy". In place of the sermon, a presentation given by the the Sunday School pupils, on the "Christian Symbols of. Christmas".. Holding signs To pot luck supper W entertain number of youth groups time of fellowship was en- joyed over lunch served in the church hall, and a visit from Santa Claus, C.b,I.T. national • Vesper Service 1980 The theme for this year's Vesper Service, conducted by the Gianton C.G.I.T. was "No Magic Wand". This very inspirational and meaningful service was presented by the members of C.G.I.Tt with some assistance • from the choir and Explorers. A candlelighting ceremony with the theme "Pass it on", was most impressive. All the members had some part in the service. The service concluded with the singing of a special were Terry. Vicky and byrnn, "Love is .the 0.reatePt the girls and leaders, in the McRobert are to be con- gratulated for their gilidanee in the preparation of this service. Refreshments served by A COUNCIL FLOAT -- Councillor Jay Campbell and town employee Donna Glanville ride on the Exeter council float in Saturday's Santa. Claus parade, T-A photo Cub news Twelve cubs and eight beavers took part in a field trip to the London. Airport on, December fi, arents assisted the leaders with. the transportation and.' supervi- sion. The boys were taken on a guided tour by an R.C.M.P. officer, and had a chance the observation .MEMI!NWONV FOR THE BEST DEALS IN TOWN Fire Up for Fun with SPITFIRE® on Life . A number of items Keron Davis and Gary and Gift". Leaders Mrs. Robt. Church basement completed Janaie Hoar. Giving scrip- of business were discussed Harloff and Mrs. Gordon the evening, and taken care .of. It was ture readings in connection symbols w re e decided to cater to the Mr. with sponsored by the Granton Ken- and Mrs. Farmer's Dinner Helen, Marion and John ny Beatson the , Betty Ann, Herbert. Sylvia. Beatson played "Silent Night" on a mini monica. Scott Hodgins, Kayleen Warrington, Joanne and Jamie Hoar and Jeanine French took part in a playlet. Credit for this Sunday School presentation goes to the following teachers, Mrs, Don Beatson, Mrs. Kenneth Hoar, Mrs, Jim Hodgins,. and 'Miss S. the service a usan Noon. . selections by the senior and Following junior bands, senior and junior choirs, also numbers by choirs from Biddulph and Prince Andrew Public Schools, Following the per- formance a social time was enjoyed over refreshments. • TIMOS.AdvOCcItor DOCIPlbtr 17, 1950 Pogo 11