Times-Advocate, 1980-11-19, Page 9""m.rfe.N.PeT11/17afftlfiff.:Tik.
Al Epp and family.
Thank You for
supporting Al during.
his election.
Al, promises to use his. abilities to the
fullest potential and work for the.
Citizens of Exeter.
A special thanks to all the girls
and boys who wore the Epp
LIONESS AWARD — Ruth Eveland, president of the Exeter
Lioness club presents an award to Doug Willard at Friday's
Commencement at South Huron District High School.
Scouts enjoy trip
Scout Leader, Joost Drost,
and Scouts Roger Fell and
Tom Laing represented 1st
Cromarty Boy Scouts
Association at the
Remembrance Day Service
in Mitchell, A wreath was
placed by Robert Dearing of
the Cub Pack.
Friday night Cromarty
Boy Scouts, with their
leaders Joost Drost and Pete
Vandervliet enjoyed a trip to
the YM-YWCA in Stratford.
While there they Went
swimming in the pool and
played games in the gym.
Several from this neigh-
bourhood attended the
second Old-Tyme Dance of
the season in Staffa Hall on
Friday night. Dances are
held the second Friday night
of every month and everyone
is invited to come out and
learn the square dances,
seven-step, minuet, etc,
Weekend visitors with
Mr. & Mrs, Robert Laing
were Margaret Laing,
Kitchener and Scott and Erin
Zimmer, Stratford.
Itathy Douglas, London,
spent the weekend with her
parents Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Neil McIntyre and
Mr. Clifford Chappel of
Moose Jaw, Sask. were
guests at the Chappel-
Harburn wedding and have
been spending some time
with their brother Filmer
Chappel and his wife and
Mr. & Mrs, Jim Chappel
and family of Terrace Bay
visited with his parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Filmer Chappel and
attended the Wedding of his
brother, Alfred.
Parents and group com-
mittee members were in-
meeting Ron Hardie and
Steve . Ready, were invested az- 1.1)
is Scout Leaders by Com-
Refreshments were enjoyed
by all.
Church beef dinner
Approximately 525 adults Ori O In
and children enjoyed a og
bounteous hot beef supper
sponsored by the Board of
on We'dfieSdaY even-
Granton United
Stewards, assisted by the
missioner Ketelaars. Oitk
vited to attend, and special az.
guest was Cub Leader Mrs.
Ron Hardie. The visitors 41
were asked to take park in ci
the .games, and the scouts
put on a short skit.
At the conclusion of the
New world
of gardening
under artificial light opens Oig
A Growing houseplants Cli
v414v.a.wittillivggiagilgtemestigtwomiaitttaevqsatamigkvama?,(4.0mvxmaFitizmiamamitgidzilimmtv.atFAiar. cm.gilemsit,;taRwemcga-cmamtgitcRtillm=?Avagtomf4tstel
up a new world of gardening qi ' A
Agriculture and Food hor-
Fleming, Ontario Ministry of
ticulturist. i Gig ....., ENTER OUR CHRISTMAS DRAW i ..„„ n
for hobbyists, says Bob qi
During the dull, short days
;t: ..10
of winter, many houseplants
V vkaftsvo,NomotAmcflamfittleauisza.N:mtav,ilzwcacii:4.io ozplievolima.vihz.lwaotaarci:0;vitx;wow..izsgzi.P.iaa.si .vka.;,..w.ia,wa gmv.i.ialio: . A A
light, Using artificial light, Vi: ;ear No wpm irowea..p li A
n suffer from leek of natural
"The better -known
I tA
conventional incandescent
Many items are on sale (Check our
U flyer) and hundreds at our every A
day low prices. n
b: n
n n
home gardeners can
maintain plant growth.
Although artificial light is
no match for natural
sunlight, many common
houseplants will grow
successfully with 12 to 16
hours of artificial light daily. lei
For light gardens, Mr.
Fleming recommends
flourescent lamps. They are w
more economical than
Oi Phone I AS you WISH.
light as plants grow in ci
thousand or more people for ut,
a ride at. the
bulbs because they provide gig.n
more illumination per watt
of electricity used.
Most flotirescent lamps
provide a good spectrum of
light, and are also cooler
iliorescent tubes designed
IENT L CATIONS There are a variety of
than incandescent bulbs. NVEN
for plant growing, but Mr.
Fleming says plain "cool
white" tubes are satisfac-
tory for most home gar-
houseplants such as
philodendrons, African re.
violets, German ivy, -v.„,
begonias, pothos and scin- ito:
artificial light," he says. AND FRIIDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. dapsus will grow well under Og
Lights should be set about
0.3 metres directly (one foot)
directly above the plants for
niaxirnum light. Raise the
A race horse is the only
animal that can take a
same time.
has been touched off by an
Col 444 Main St. Exeter 235-0160
Old flame.
Many a domestic explosion U.
oqrZfg.f .hlt4.ittPje4.gtlhrfiWffiO4t10KfttRFkktWiftf:t#S'St*:f4kVga14gjgA4-4"CgtiiAtigte'SWCf.ektW4.C.**Srbg.tkv15jli.dt.
Those people who were
waiting to go downstairs to
eat, were entertained, in the
church with music provided
by Bob and Lila Foster. This
project has always proved a
success, and the Stewards
would like to offer their ap-
preciation to all who helped kce.
in any way to make this un-
dertaking so successful.
Black & Decker Standard Workmate valued, at $69 A CHANCE TO WIN
Gas - Barbecue and tank valued at $229
11 UNTIL- DEC. 24 AT 3 P.M.
......... '
Times-Advocate, Noverrikoor 19, 1980
.,Granton residents join in Remembrance Day service,
Grantor and area
residents gathered in front
Of the Menierial Tuesday,
November 11 to honor the
Men and women who had
given their lives in two
World. Wars,
The Lucan Legion was in charge of the service, which
began with a Parade led by
the Legion, from the Scout
Hall to the monument, 3oin-
ing the Scouts, Cubs and
Beavers, were the Lucan
Beavers all carrying small.
Canadian flags that they had
The service opened with
the singing of Co Canada,
followed by prayers offered
by the Rev. Elwood Morden
Minister of the United
Church and the Rev. Gregg
Smith, Rector of St, Thomas
Wreaths were placed at
the base of the Cenotaph by
the Legion,•Province of On-
tario, Legion Women's Aux-
iliary, the Granton Lions
Club, St, Patrick's School
Lucan, the Granton Beavers,
by Christopher LeBlane, and
a wreath in 'memory of
William Lambourn, was
placed by his great
grandnephew Joshua (Josh)
Bev Morden gaVe a short
meditation, mentioning the
"Thank-you" flowers that
had been• sent from Holland
to all Canadian cities in ap-
preciation for the liberation
of Holland by the Canadians
in the last war. Rev. Morden
said he had visited a Cana-
dian Cemetery in Holland on
his tour of Europe this
summer, and remarked on
how beautifully these were
kept, lovely rose beds, etc.
concluding with, We must
keep the Faith, and. prove
that these men and women
did not die in vain.
Cub news
One leader, and six cubs
were invested Tuesday even-
ing in the Scout Hall. With
parents and Visitors in atten-
dance, also the District Cub
Commissioner Larry
Ketelaars, who invested
Mrs. Fred Hardie as,,a Cub
leader. Mrs. Ron Hardie was
in charge of the investiture
of the following boys, Steven
Nixon, Robert Parkinson,.
Jeff Leblane, Victor Kop,
Jeremony Noon, and Jason
Leplante, who became cubs.
Carol Gobal of
Shakespeare and a member
of theCub Service Team was
also a . visitor at this
meeting. Following some
games in which the visitors
also participated and
refreshments, the meeting
closed with a campfire sing
C.G.I.T. news
The Granton C.G.I.T. held
their meeting at the home of
their leader Mrs. Robert
Harloff Tuesday evening.
The Meeting openedwah. AC., high values, and promotes. A number of. people frotu molly when they Friday evening, put on by this.concert wash akt of. he
bon songs led by Shannon idolatry, it sets people Grantor were treated to an attended ' a concert at the the Men of Accord and the London Middlesex Lung
Fied o re c and Bon.ni e against people, causea. wars, 'reciting of "Barbershop Lucan Community Centre on Sweet Adelines of London, Association.
Harloff; creates disatiafaction, and in
In their preparation, the present day, Is responsible
theme for this night was in our country for greed, ex-
(Sin). Chris Currah read a ploitation and cheap labor,.
prayer based• on. the fifth, also pollution.
petition of the Lord's. Prayer communit*,c.horch. "Forgive our sins as we
forgive". At the Grantors . Coromunif
Mrs. Harloff presented the ty Bible Church Pastor Glen
lesson froinProverbs Fretz entitled his message
which showed that "The Emblem of the Holy
sometimes our motives for Spirit". Mr. Frets taught
doing things are right but about 3 symbols which
our methods are wrong. represent the Holy Spirit,
Each girl had done a project the dove pictures, the power
on sin, and gave her preSep, and gentleness of the Holy
tation. Spirit, Fire tells us of the.
Chris Currah and Melissa refining and melting work
Harding gave background in- done by the Holy Spirit, Oil
formation from the Bible speaks to us of the healing,
and told. how .God gave His cleansing and annointing
Law — when He created
man He wrote the Law into
man's heart,. and later He
arranged the LaW in Ten
Commandments, wrote
them on two tablets and
made the Law known
through Moses,
Christine Jones and Jenny
A d i te i d th n erson n ry ewe ree
adults in the community to
find out what they thought
about sin. Joanne Goos, Bon-
nie Harloff and Shannon
Fiedorec prepared
arguments ,on various ex-
amples of Sin, and debated
why each thought their topic
was a worse sin,
4-H news
The sixth and final
meeting of the Granton 4-H
Club the Forget-me-knots
was held at the home of
leader Mrs. St. Dennis on
Tuesday, November 13 at 7
p.m, The meeting opened
with the 4-H pledge,' followed
by the Roll Call which was
answered by nine members.
The girls were asked to
have their books and Free
Choice articles turned in to
Mrs. St, Dennis by
November 31 for Achieve-.
meet Day which is
December 13. Each member
answered a decorating
"Know How" quiz, then split
into two teams and played
the Decorators Dilemma
game. The meeting closed
with the 4-H motto. Press
reporter and secretary
Margaret McGuffin.
Church news
At the United Church the
Rev. Elwood Morden con-
ducted the morning worship
Sunday taking the theme for
His sermon, "the last in a
series on the 10 com-
mandments" from Exodus
20:17 entitled it
'"Everybody's and Nobody's
"Thou shalt not covet"
there is no commandment
broken as often as this one,
said Rev. Morden, it is as old
as Cain, it applied to Saul
and David. It is a true saying
that money is the root of all
Covetousness destroys
Celebrant of the Holy Com-
munion there.
Scout news
Six Granton scouts were
invested on Thursday even-
ing by Commissioner Larry
Ketelaars, the folloWing
boys were received into the
group, Dennis LeBlanc, Rob
Harloff, Chad Menard,
Richard Moore, Peter
Schuller, and Paul Wright. CI&
power of the Holy Spirit
Each Christian Was. en-
couraged to allow the Holy
Spirit to work in his life to
make him more like Christ,
' Anglican
The service was
withdrawn, at St. Thomas
Anglican Church' Sunday so
that the congregation could REMEMBRANCE DAY BANQUET —; Rev. Roger McComb of Ingersoll was the guest speaker at Tuesday's.onnual Remem-
attend the Communion Ser- brance Day banquet at the Exeter Legion. From the left are padre Rev, George Anderson, Rev. McComb, branch president
vice at St. Paul's Chuich MurrayGreene and Comrade Reg McDonald. T-A photo
Kirkton, where Bishop
s of the
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nual visit, and was the Vilik