Times-Advocate, 1980-10-29, Page 13MICKLE Wm. L X EXETER1m6UESINESS IS BIG BUSINESS Big Business needs sound management. It requires management leaders with the planning, budgeting, organization and control skills necessary to meet the needs of all citizens. Bill Mickle your candidate for council has the needed qualifications He has proven skills built'during his 25 years in a variety of successful endeavours, both in private business and government agencies. Bill Mickle has the time and energc, needed to provide sound business practices at council. He is committing his experience to work for the benefit of all Exeter citizens. TIME AND EXPERIENCE VOTE MICKLE FOR COUNCILLOR z Bowling Scores Ladies Tuesday Night WH R Haines 511 3 23 PP P Haugh 538 4 41 RO C Cronyn 823 7 36 PK C Redegeld 574 0 20 BU S Kingrna 505 0 11 TB M Mathers 578 7 26 MM L Pincombe 636 0 35 LB L Farquhar 653 7 34 BB P Veal 513 . 7 18 SP R Eveland 518 022 JS J Parent 570 0 11 HD B Hearn 632 7 42 Wed. Morning ladies H Brown L Snell A Wilson D Hackney M Lovell D Kipfer Men'sVied. PE P McFalls 671 BS B Barnes 728 VW . A Cleave 701 8th R Dickey 637 TM A Everleigh 691 TR D Murray 568 Thursday Ladies Negrijn 519 D Skinner 509 P Scott 578 T RoosebOom 606 N Galloway 606 J Dougherty 636 D Daters 630 C Cooper 511 V Bakelaar 536 L Ambrose 645 M MacDonald 590 616 726. 550 2 25 518 - 5 24 490 0 17 512 0 14 WW W Dix 647 TE A Lawrence 495 SC H Faber 559 FT L Snell 563 OC R Stanlake 490 SN BL GT MP RC TA Mons A 0 21 C4 G Black 901 4 21 OB J Fuller 834 7 27 OP J Gage 572 2 31 CB G Ford 698 RO A Flynn 675 SU G Webb 729 SP B Hogg 756 OE RVan Damme 576 BR C Edwards 745 IN D Brintnell 660 CM T Gibson 604 H13 D Mitton 549 Lucan Ladies A Watt 602 M Young 614 B Smith 547 L Snider 556 S Disher 672 M Jeffries 596 A Scott 562 H Hardy 501 P McDonald 584 J Collyer 574 B Radcliffe 498 L Ellyatt 483 5 27 2 14 7 27 0 26 5 21 2 11 TB ST HH CE GF DS LO AC WR WW 2 47 7 30 0 27 5 27 5 26 3 12' Friday Mixed League 484 - CH C McDonald 653 k 7 41 Sunday Mixed League G Tripp 694 5 32 B Hockey 661 7 31 M Looby 575 0 30 L Mason 557 2 23 B Turnbull 622 24 -I-, 0 DM CO FS RO SP IS CC Ed RP CA HT Lo 7 35 5 25 2 23 5 22 5 19 7 17 2 17 0 16 7 15 2 15 0 4 0 2 26 22 21 21 17 12 11 11 10 6 4 Good Flexibility By LYNNE FA*QUHAR With the arrival of some. pretty nippy weather and the. completion of the World Series, everyone's interests are now turning to winter sports, HUM Park minor' hockey is now well. underway on. Saturday afternoons and the Stephen township figure skating pllib is occupying the. same time on Saturday mar, pings frorn 9-11 a.m. Registration now sits at 40 for figure skating and anyone still wishing to, register their youngster can do so. on Saturday mornings at the Stephen arena in Huron Park. We are trying to create. some interest in the sport of ringette for girls aged 13 and under in the area. Ringette is played on boys hockey skates and is quite similar tc,o, hockey with the exception of no body contact. Any girls 13. and under in- terested in playing ringette should come to the Stephen arena or Tuesday, November 4 'from 7-8. p.m, Bring a pair of skates and a Litton-Moffat Microwave Ovens EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP 2E372: FINANCING AVAILABLE THBOUGH . tr. ',17,I*V,, DONATE $4,000 The Crescent Rolls of the Exeter and areai mens' rec fastball league hove donated 54,000 to the Exeter community park grounds development committee. Presenting the funds to grounds development committee chair- man. Don Cameron was John Miners of the ball club. The Rolls won the funds in a boll league sponsored draw. T-A photo Skaters may still register Wintetsports starting in Stephen helmet -(girls skates are Ql for the first night until we find out how many we have interested). Their has .also been some interest shown in forming a ladies or mixed broomball league. Anyone interested in. playing broomball or enter- ing a team should call the Stephen township arena at 228-8425. 'There is no age limit for this league. The Optimists of Stephen. are holding a Skate-a-thon at the Stephen arena on Fri- day, November 7 from 8-11 p.m. All proceeds from the evening will go toward span- By the way, figure skating soring public skating on Sun- moms, if you have any days. skates lying around the For Hay Township Councillor To the Ratepayers of STEPHEN TOWNSHIP When casting your vote Nov. 10 please consider Ralph Weber for council FIGURE SKATING UNDERWAY — The 1980.81 season of the Exeter figure skating club is well underway. Shown at a Monday evening session are Kristin Strang, Becti Farquhar, Mikala MacDougall and Steven Farquhar. T-A photo RE-ELECT TOM . CONSITT for Reeve GRAND PRIZE Chrysler K-Car SAFE SECURE CG.nocla Savings Bonds are Q Kite, secure investment. They're backed by all the resources of Canada. CASH ANYTIME The new Bonds ore easy to cash anytime... so you're not locked in. NO INTEREST RATE PENALTY There's no interest rate penalty when the new Bonds are coshed after December 31, 1980—you will receive earned interest for each full month elapsed since November 1, 1980. GOOD RETURN The new Bonds earn a good return on your money-101/2% every year for 7 years. EASY TO BUY They're easy to buy for cash or on instalments in amounts starting at $100 up to a total purchce limit of $35,000. And you have a choice of Bonds. There's the Regular Interest Bond for annual income and the Compound Interest Bond for savings growth. Buy yours today wherever you bank or invest. NEW CANADA SAVINGS DONDS NOW ON SALE! IOW EVERY YEAR FOR 7 YEARS Times-Advocate, Oct9b9r 29, 1999 Palo 13 bouse"that are too small, br- Inn price taped on them and: ing them to the are.na.Satur- we'll set up a skate ex, day mornings with a name change. township • Good Security Good Return ALWAYS GOOD! Canadg EXETER DISTRICT CO OP Building a new home? Renovating your present one? Save your energy by specifiying energy efficient Dashwood windows and entry systems ... and you may be a winner in the "Dashwood Energy Drive!" Each time you purchase a Dashwood product before December 15, 1980, you gain an opportunity to WIN an exciting fuel-efficient Chrysler K-Car . or one of 20 quick-cooking micro- wave ovens from Litton-Moffat. On purchases, over $100.00 you receive one entry for every $100.00 Hurry, time is limited! Contest ends December 15, 1980 and entry forms (with probf of purchase) must be postmarked by December 31. Winners will be announced lanuary 17, 1981. Nimmimminw Electors of •%% Stanley Township It has been a privilege to serve you as Reeve arid as your representative on county council. If re-elected I will continue to be of help with our Township and County matters. I ask for your support at the polls on Monday, November 10. WHERE AVAILABLE