The Citizen, 2007-12-20, Page 18By Jo-Ann McDonaldMerry Christmas and Happy NewYear to everyone. We, at the BrusselsLegion, hope all have a great Christmas season. The Branch will be closed Dec. 24 at 6 p.m., Dec. 25, Dec. 26 and Jan. 1. There will be regular hours for the rest of the days. Thursday night darts had Roger McHardy and Sandra Josling in first place. Coming in second were Marlene Little, Heather Little and Catrina Josling. The high shot was by Roger shooting 129. The third skunk of the year went to Marlene, Heather and Catrina. The Friday night supper of ham and scalloped potatoes was enjoyed by a good crowd. This week is a potluck with the meal at 6 p.m. Following supper, those interested can participate in a gift exchange. Bring along a $10 gift and after some twists and turns, take one home. There will be no meal between Christmas and New Year’s. Saturday afternoon euchre had 11 tables of players. The first-place team was Marie Stewart and Eileen Sellers with 81 points. In second were Rita and Verna with 75 points and coming in third place with 68 points were Joann MacDonald and Dorothy Carter. The low team, with 38 points, was Jim Coultes and George. Lone hand prizes went to Deanna Bacon and Lloyd Appleby. The next euchre is Dec. 29. There was a good turnout crowd on hand for the Christmas meat draws on Saturday. There was over $300 worth of prizes so most every- one was a winner and some were extra happy winners and will eat very well over Christmas. The draws were looked after by Santa helper Lisa Glanville and elf Anne Pelletier. The wings and fries cooks were Glenn Bridge, Jim and ChristopherBrown.It was a fun evening and theBranch would like to do this once a month. The Sunday night dance was can- celled due to the bad weather. There’s only two weeks to gobefore the end of the month and thedeadline to pay dues.New members are always wel- come. Pick up an application form and apply to be a member of the Royal Canadian Legion. PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2007.At the BranchBrussels Legion closing at 6 p.m. Dec. 24 The Christmas meeting of Morning Star Lodge was held Dec. 11 with 20 members present. A delicious turkey supper, catered by Beth Earl, was enjoyed by all. Acting Noble Grand Sister Joan Bernard opened the meeting. Sister Carrol Fowler and some helpers are busy delivering Christmas gifts to shut-ins. Generous donations to the box for the food bank were given. Sister Sarah Stephenson has been a member of the Rebekahs for 50 years. Happy anniversary was sung to her. After the meeting, a program of readings and games was enjoyed. Santa arrived and everyone present received a gift. Secret Sisters were revealed. Punch and goodies were served by the lunch committee. Bingo! Turkey bingo was in full swing last week in Belgrave. The streets were lined with cars containing would-be turkey-win- ners all at the community centre. Amelia Pletch was a nine- year-old with a plan as she monitored her three cards. (Shawn Loughlin photo) Bob, Donna, Mike, Trever and family Bob Wattam's Backhoe Service Inc. Belgrave 519-357-3069 SEASON'S GREETINGS Joy to your home this Christmas. We value your patronage. D & J Construction Jim McDonald Brussels 519-887-9607 M e r r y C h ris t m a s & H a p p y N e w Y e a r ! Join us Mon. - Sat. 7:00 am - 2:00 pm ~ An Eat Smart Facility ~ Holiday Hours: Closed Dec. 24-27 & Jan. 1 Call 519-887-9517 We just wanted to say “Merry Christmas”, and “thanks” for calling on us this past year. We appreciate your kind patronage. from Ron, Betty, Paul and Dianne K.M.M. FARM DRAINAGE Walton 519-887-6428 (Shop)519-527-1633 Blyth Printing Inc. 411 Queen St 519-523-9211 Seasons Greetings To You and Yours Imprint Cavaliers 307 McConnell St 519-523-4532 Morning Star enjoys Christmas meal CCllaassssiiffiieedd aaddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss ppuubblliisshheedd iinn TThhee CCiittiizzeenn oonn oouurr wweebbssiittee aatt wwwwww..nnoorrtthhhhuurroonn..oonn..ccaa