The Citizen, 2007-03-01, Page 20Healthcare professionals atStratford General Hospital took time away from their work on Friday, Feb. 23 to provide about 75 students from the Avon Maitland District School Board with an explanation of their work. The event was dubbed Grey’s Anatomy, a reference to a popular hospital-themed television show. Cindy Carlson, a teacher for the board’s gifted program, says she spends a portion of her time as “an event planner.” And last Friday – in one of four “modules” offered every year to the Grades 7-10 students in the program – this was certainly evident, with Carlson bringing together the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA), HealthKick Huron and the University of Western Ontario’s Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry to make Grey’s Anatomy happen. Participants in this first-time event sometimes acted as patients – such as the session on orthopaedics, when a cast was applied and then removed from a student’s arm. Or they received hands-on training from healthcare practitioners and then tried those skills out on specialized mannequins – including “resuscitation Annie” and “Noelle” the birthing mannequin. “They’re bright kids and they do well in sciences, so why not expose them to the life sciences?” Carlson said in an interview. “It’s new; it’s exciting. They never get to see these things.” Dianne Walkom, an HPHA clinical educator who helped co-ordinate Grey’s Anatomy, added, “Ithas given them a taste of what thedifferent careers are . . . besides theones you usually think of – being a doctor or a nurse.” Other topics of discussion and demonstration included pharmacy, dietary concerns, pediatrics, occupation therapy and speech language pathology. There was also a presentation by HealthKick Huron and the Schulich School about MedQUEST, a five-day summer camp for Grade 10 and 11 studentsrunning July 9-13 in Seaforth.Walkom couldn’t say whetherGrey’s Anatomy would be repeatedin future years. But she credited the health professionals at the Stratford hospital for donating their time and experience, and recognizing the importance of passing on their knowledge to potential future practitioners. “We’re very fortunate that we do have so many people here willing to donate their time,” Walkom said. PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 2007. North Huron council was told at its Feb. 19 meeting to expect a letter regarding a problem with ATVs. Councillor James Campbell, council’s representative on the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority board of directors said that MVCA has become quite concerned about damage being done to properties in the watershed by ATVs. “They are going to be asking for municipal support in banning ATVs,” he said. Councillor Arnold Taylor said there had been a lot of discussion lately about a province-wide legislation being necessary. “It might be taken out of our hands if the province does act.” While it was agreed that the best route would be for a provincial regulation, there was also concern that it would be too far down the road. “Our concern is that there is too much damage being done in the conservation areas,” said Taylor. 75 students participate in Grey’s Anatomy Life saving Stratford General Hospital hosted 75 participants in the Avon Maitland District School Board’s gifted program on Feb. 23 in an event called Grey’s Anatomy. Learning how to intubate an emergency patient for artificial breathing is Robyn Nicholson of Blyth. Providing instruction is respiratory therapist Ken Thorup of Stratford General Hospital. (Stew Slater photo) Brussels Flower Shop 519-887-8538 Tues. - Sat. 11 am - 5 pm Brussels 38 King St., Brussels 519-887-9740 Sale in effect Thursday, March 1 - Sunday March 4 McCain Delite Cake 284 g. 3/$400 Compliments Pudding 4 Pack 4/$300 Compliments Pop 24 Pack ~ Assorted Flavours $499 Swanson Dinners 284 g -338 g 2/$400 Pringles 170g ~ Assorted Flavours 2/$300 Humpty Dumpty Chips Chefmaster Margarine 454 g 3/$200 Heinz Soup 284 ml Tin 3/$100 2/$400 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 9 pm Sat. 9 am - 6 pm; Sun. 10 am - 5 pm By Stew SlaterSpecial to The Citizen MVCA has issue with ATVs says NH councillor By Bonnie Gropp The Citizen CCllaassssiiffiieedd aaddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss ppuubblliisshheedd iinn TThhee CCiittiizzeenn aarree nnooww aavvaaiillaabbllee oonn oouurr wweebbssiittee aatt wwwwww..nnoorrtthhhhuurroonn..oonn..ccaa