The Citizen, 2007-02-22, Page 2Another month shot for 2007. Don’t you just wonder what happens. You’re pleased to see the new month arrive with all the possibilities it has to offer, and then it seems that the next breath is getting you all psyched up for the next new month. Even the winter gales weren’t able to stop the speed of time. This year February seemed to storm and blow but it too, is soon gone. Sometimes I think time is like the socks that get lost. You think you have things in control, all seems to be going well and then just when you least expect it you’re standing with one blue and one red sock. The mystery remains where do the socks and time really go? We all have theories but so far no one has come up with the answer. Perhaps that could become a tradition – have a February swap the odd sock day. Let me know I have several to share. Travelling was a little better last week so folks were able to reschedule their missed appointments and get on with life. Be sure to keep in contact with your friends during the winter. A phone call or visit is just the right thing to make someone’s day. Take that extra five minutes, it really is appreciated. Enjoy the week. PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2007.President Ruth Bauer opened themeeting for the Majestic Women’sInstitute on Feb. 14 at the BrusselsLibrary.After the minutes and treasurer’sreport, the correspondence was read.This included an invitation to a soupand sandwich luncheon in Fordwichon Feb. 22 to help celebrate the 110th anniversary of the Women’s Institute sponsored by the Lakelet branch. An evaluation paper was given to each member to return to Leona Armstrong by the March meeting.Kathy Bridge introduced the guestspeaker, Jean Fraser. Miss Fraserbrought an article about, Whatwould Grandmother Think? Wouldshe be shocked by the careers of thewomen today, or the modern gadgetsin the home or the equal footing ofwomen on the farm? Agnes McPhail was the first woman in Parliament, showing that women could have many different kinds of jobs. The Red Cross nurses set up mobile homes, the milk bank and contributed to the farm women.Miss Fraser told of many waysthat grandmother would both be inshock and awe, how women hadadvanced over the years. She alsoshowed a book, It Happened inCanada, which has many interestingfacts.Edna McLellan thanked Miss Fraser for her informative talk. The quilt was set up at Jean Bewley’s on Friday, Feb. 16. Quilting began Monday, Feb. 19. Mrs. Bridge gave the District directors report. Some of the highlights include: the quilt and craft show to be held on April 21 at Listowel Ag. Hall; ACWW Church Service, Sunday, April 29 at Milverton United Church; upcomingcompetitions information in theHome and Country; no fun andlearning workshops will be held inthe spring but will likely have a one-day workshop in the fall.Mrs. McLellan was the auctioneerof the brown bag. There were manylaughs over the prices and unique items. Happy Birthday was sung to Helen Topham. This was followed by Grace and O Canada. Ruth Sauve-Schade and Ruth Bauer provided lunch. The next UFO will be at Jackie Mirotta’s on March 13. The next Branch meeting will be on March 14. By Jo-Ann McDonald It was a busy week at the Brussels Legion Branch. On Monday, the Huron County Dairy Producers had 61 members attend their meeting and enjoy a roast beef dinner. Helpers in the kitchen for the day were Judy Lee, Deb Cann, Sharon Robbins, Helen Brenie, Cecil Moore and Jo-Ann McDonald. The Cadet drill team practised on Monday evening and regular Cadets met on Tuesday evening. Wednesday was Valentine’s Day and the Valentine’s Luncheon. The hall was decorated in hearts, cupids and red tablecloth by decorating committee Nanci Ducharme. There was a good attendance to enjoy the ham and scalloped potatoes and the desserts. The kitchen help was Judy Lee, Deb Cann, Nanci Ducharme, Marg Bennett, Ross Bennett and Jo-Ann McDonald. The Thursday night darts had nine brave the stormy weather. The first place team was Gord Jacklin and Alex Mawhinney. The second-place team was Roger McHardy and Marlene Little. The high start of the night was by John Harrison shooting 80. The Friday night supper had a good-sized crowd enjoying ham and scalloped potatoes. This week is roast beef. A correction to last week’s reference to bursary applications. They are available at the Branch and they do have to be signed and stamped by the college or university. Applications must be submitted by March 15. Comrades put your thinking caps on because the silent auction is only six weeks away. Unique and unusual items, crafts and thinking spring are just some suggestions. The general meeting is next Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 8 p.m. All comrades are encouraged to attend. Don’t forget public speaking is Monday night. Everyone is welcome to attend. Get-well wishes go out to Comrade Charlie Thomas who has been in Seaforth hospital. A bit of Italy It was lasagna night on Friday at St. Ambrose Roman Catholic Church. Among the diners were two-and-a-half- year-old Andrew Buehler from Conestoga and Scott Dolmage, nine, from Brussels. (Vicky Bremner photo) Grandmother’s thoughts topic of WI At the Branch Busy week at Brussels Legion NEWS FROM BRUSSELS By Betty Graber Watson Call 887-6236 887-9231 A NOTE FROM BETTY NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The 131st Annual Meeting of the Members will be held in the OFFICE BUILDING OF McKillop Mutual Insurance Company 91 Main Street South, SEAFORTH, Ontario on Wednesday, March 7, 2007 at 1:30 p.m. • To receive, consider and approve of the 2006 financial statement and auditor’s report: • To appoint Auditors; • To elect three qualified Directors for a term of three years; • The retiring Directors are Walter McIlwain, Murray Armstrong and Steve Kennedy who are eligible for re- election. Steve Kennedy will not be seeking re-election. • To transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting and present motions amending the by- laws of the company as follows: By-law Amendment to the By-laws-Permit the Manager to be called President; Amend By-law No. 33-Remuneration • Any qualifying policyholder wishing to seek election must file their intention to stand for election in writing with the Secretary of the Company at least seven days in advance of the Annual Meeting (by the close of business on February 28, 2007.) (By-Law No. 21 (d) ). By order of the Board of Directors McKillop Mutual Insurance Company Seaforth, Ontario Ken Jones, FCIP Corporate Secretary Karen’s Necessities Karen Mitchell Certified Aesthetician 770 Ainley Street, Brussels 519-887-6449 * Gel nails * Manicures * Pedicures * Waxing * Gel toes ** Gift Certificates Available ** µT h i n k i n g o f R e t i r i n g f r o m y o u r f a r m o r b u s i n e s s ? Attend this Exiting Strategies Seminar Wednesday, March 7, 6:30 p.m. Soup & Sandwich Supper ~ $10 each Lucknow United Church RSVP to 519-528-2222 nancy@nancyackert.ca HOSTED BY NANCY ACKERT &COLLEAGUES 439 Turnberry St., Brussels 519-887-9682 www.solacespa.ca email: info@solacespa.ca Now open Saturdays Wellness Spa February Special: Pedicure and Reiki Treatment, $85.00 Reiki is Japanese for “universal life energy” Benefits: creates balance, harmony and a sense of well-being Coming soon — Chocolate Body Treatment BBrruusssseellss SSkkaattiinngg CClluubb FFuunnddrraaiissiinngg DDrraaww WWiinnnneerrss 1. Elsie Carter - Norwich Steaks 2. Francis Kling - Hockey Stick from Canadian Tire, Listowel 3. Tim Waechter - Spa Day for 2 at Solace on Turnberry 4. Darryl Morrison - Digital Camera from Oldfield’s 5. 1 night for 2 at the Idlewyld Inn, London - donated by Kathy Nichol TThhaannkk yyoouu ttoo eevveerryyoonnee wwhhoo ppuurrcchhaasseedd ttiicckkeettss oorr ddoonnaatteedd pprriizzeess Sometime between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. on Feb. 17 , vandals used some type of blunt instrument to destroy or damage five mailboxes along McNaughton, Line Huron East Twp. The value of the mailboxes destroyed is in excess of $600. If you have any information that can assist Police with any investigation, please call the OPP or CRIME STOPPERS at 1-800-222- 8477. (1-800-222-TIPS). Vandals target mailboxes