The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-11-27, Page 4-0- , 6. a- LOCKERS TO RENT ,,6- . Government Approved 6 .A. I • Reg. EGG GRADING STATION • i a I All Eggs Machine-graded M irs POULTRY • Live or Dressed I 741111111111111111111111sillsessummesustilliellh1111111131111111111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111114 CLASSIFIED ADS. I - ...COLD STORAGE. limaullictimitscipanate n a U GORRIE a a thereto, having reward only to claims sf which the caecutrix shall then hav ;oticc. DATED this 25th day of November A. I)., 1947. MESSRS. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTOIN.: SA"argl: Sri, Ontario. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED. Solicitors for the executrix. —Expert factory methods; al! makes, a , electric or treatl!e; 23 years exl,eri-' NOTICE O CRE DITORS ence. New nosellitte results guaran- teed reoardless of age or make. Sat- All parsons having chairs against the isfaetory work this viaiiiity for last estate of Clifford H. AlitAvoy, late of 15 years. Government licensed. TO.; the Town of Wingliam, in the County eplione 115w, C. W. Craig, tucknow !of Huron, Druggist, who tied on or about the eighth day of October, Al)., SLENDOR TABLETS are effective.; ma, are notifi ed to sen d to Me Messaei 2 we eks supply $1; 1 Weeks $5, at Crawford & Hetherington, Wingliati, McKibboti's and. Avoy , Drug i °ma-oat or beis,re the 13th clay .6j, Wingham, Ontatio. Do 1947, aremoaned to scial to Messrs. Caawford & Hetherington, Wit::;liarai,i altUasiaa, CHICKS—.we are agents Ontario, on or before the 12th day of .11;14 suggest you ,dace your ga, Deeenyber, A.D., 1947, full particulars sks- soon for 1948 t%icks. Cana da 'to their claims ht writing. Immediately ,b reeders vuitorni t,sted.iafter the-said 18th day of December, 4,aive you r tim e by gellinp.• pe k es and the 1.ssots. of the teatator will he othet detail's Ir.,tn us. Frank Greets, &Ara:AMA amongst the patties entitled CUSTOM BUILT. Kitchen CABINETS Wros.eter .Phone5R17. AllECSI.itTIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lan, tago emiekly relies ed by es7r.g Rum- tizaps. Recommended by thousands Ita) have gaited better health. Mc- Kabban'a Drug Store.. Stores. December, A.D.,' 1947, full particulars TEACHER wANTEr..)......s. S. NO. ,, of their Claims its writing. Immediately Morris, duties to commence January after The "d "th day 'a D'ber 5th, 3048. Apply stating qualifica- the asaets of the said testator will be tfon levak and salary to Ralph shaw, distribeted atnongst the patties entitled th thereto, having regard only to claims of tvhich the executrix shall then have w,AligTEr)—To buy, Sewing Maehines,,notice. for Cash. 'phone new, Lnettaiow. DATED this 25th -day of November, WANTED—Man for RaWleigh "(nisi- MESSRS. CRAWFORD & /less. Permanent if you ate trustier.' HET1IItRINGTON For partitelars write Rawliegh Dept.' Wingliant, Ontario. /ills•K-453-103, 1401th-eat 1 Solicitors for the executrix, "I •,,tomor. I Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom In Practically Evetv Colour RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices slid Stores. ESTIMATES FREE Norman. Rintoul ph. 251 Wingham VOTE TO RE-ELECT Robin CAMPBELL for COUNCILLOR We started something ! Give us a chance to finish it. It should be to your' advantage. To the RATEPAYERS of WINGHAM: Vote JOE CLARK Councillor If elected, I will at all times, act in the best in- terests of the Town. FOR A PROGRESSIVE WINGHAM VOTE FOR W. W. "Jim" GURNEY for COUNCILLOR for 1948 If you desire a car to call on Elotion Day, 'Phone 135 J. P. McKibbon would appreciate your Vote AND Influence FOR Wingham Town COUNCIL MONDAY, DEC. 1st BUT be sure you VOTE YOUR VOTE TO RE-ELECT I. Ron COUNCILLOR will be appreciated, For Municipal Progress Re-elect JACK eavie to COUNCIL Your Vote and Influence will be appreciated, Do You Have That After-Dinner Bulge? Are Your Taste Buds Listless? Does Your Vitality Need Tuning Up? Do Your Often Say; "I Just Don't Know What to get for Dinner? IF SO—Better drop in at Rutherford's SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET and look over the fine stock of Quality Groceries—at Lowest Prices ! Aylmer Vegetable Soup 2-20 oz. tins 17c Kellogg's RICE KRISPIES 2 pkgs. 27c Walker's SALTINES, pkg. 23c Catelli's Cooked SPAGHETTI, 20 oz. tin 15c MIRACLE SUDS FOR DISHES AND FINE WASAABILS 2-piece KNIFE SET Only SOc and I Box Top PER PACKAGE, 29c ( Interlake TOILET TISSUE, Ige. roll 10c Quick Quaker Oats Ige. box 27c BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP, 2 lbs. 35c 5 lbs. 79c Sinnott's Fancy Quality Tomato Juice 2-20 oz. tins '23c McCormick's BUTTER BIX, pkg. 20c Horne's COCOA, Ige. 23c Mother's Mincemeat lb. 24c Fair Harbour SARDINES 09c We are as near to you as your telephone—Call 193 'Phone 193 RUTHERFORD'S Wingham Free Prompt Delivery SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET (SUCCESSOR TO H. P. CARMICHAEL) Baby Foods HEINZ AYLMER CAMPBELL'S LIBBY'S NO. 1 SPY APPLES $2.98 bushel far New... and different too, this handsome Gift Cenifi4 cote is obtainable at Haat dealers coots Canada, Here's a gift to bring yoti repeated thanks for pleasant walking,- or -golfing--during the flew Yetar, When you give Hatt Shoei qr-0--54 you give the finest These Make Ideal Christmas Gifts Rhys Pollock 'SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY SHOE REPAIRING SHOE SHINE PAGE FOUR THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 'Thursday, November al,. 1947 mwoommirria, CHARIS Foundation Garment Co. trained Corsetiere for Wingham, sur- rounding district and towns. If you need a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonable prices, call on Mrs. Wrn, Kennedy, opposite Wingham Cemetery. CHECK YOUR DOORS for Drafts. We have rubber moulding for all makes of cars, We have a good stock of Seiberling Tires, regular and Mud and Snow tread. Chr,yco Batteries, all sizes, guaranteed by Chrysler Corporation. Edward's Motor Sales, Chrysler and Plymouth Cars. and Fargo Trucks. Phone 417, Wing- ham, Ontario, "Electric and Gasoline WASHERS, immediate delivery, from $139.50. Transportation prepaid, Budget Terms, special discounts to dealers. Christian's Electric & Hardware, Oshawa, Ontario." EGGS WANTED — Premium prices paid for white poultry farm eggs. Write for particulars. Player Pro- duce Co., 951 Ossington Ave., Tor- onto. FOR SALE—Pure Bred Registered Hereford Bulls, Rosny Farms, Gode- rich, FOR SALE—Grand Dual Heater, also Quebec Cook Stove. Apply P. 0. Box, 432, Wingliam or Phone 300j, FOR SALE-1934 Oldsmobile Sedan, new tires and battery. Apply Ad- vance-Times, FOR S.A.I.,F;-30 little pigs, 6 weeks' Apply j, McMurray, Phone 655r14, Wingham, FOR SALE—Boy's Overcoat, size 14, good condition, Phone 232j. FARM FOR SALE—East half of Lot 36, Con. S, of East Wawatiosh, con- sisting of 100 acres, more or less. There is approximately 20 acres of young hardwood bush on this prop- erty, the balance good farming land on which is suituated a brick house, barn 62 x 66, drive shed 28 x 40 with hog pen below, also e cement silo. This farm is situated on a County road, 21.i miles from Bel- grave, with school across the road. Hydro available. Apply Mrs. Eldon Kirton, R. R. I, Bluevale, Ont. FOR SALE—Two Tamworth Hogs, ready for service, eligible for regis- tration; also 9 Chunks, crossed with Tamworth, Apply to Stafford Pais- ley, Glenarinan. FOR SALE Engagementand Wed- ding king, yellow gold, $212. Apply Box R, Advance-Times. FOR SALE Registered. Hereford lull, 10 months old, reasonably priced. Geo. E. Sanderson, R. R. 2, Wroxeter, WANTED TO BUY—Child's kinder- garten table and chair. Phone 333, WE WANT AN AGENT IN THIS Locality for our chicks. One of Can- ada's largest and best known Hatch- eries. Operating under Canada Ap- proval, Liberal Commission. Adver- tising with agent's name in local paper, Write now for particulars to Box C 'W Advance-Times. WANTED-By middle-aged lady, 2 or 3 heated unfurnished rooms. Apply Advance-Times, WANTED—Reporter to send news of new buildings, fires and engineering information, Stationery and postage supplied. Interesting work for spare time. Write now stating qualifica- tions, MacLean Building Reports Ltd., 345 Adelaide Street, West, Tor- onto, Ontario. WE WANT an agent in this locality for our chicks.. One of Canada's largest and best known Hatcheries. Operating under Canada Approval. Liberal commission. Advertising with agent's name in local paper. Write now for particulars to Box C W, Advance-Times. WANTED—Flocks to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1948 hatching season. Flocks culled and blood- tested free. Guaranteed premium plus hatchability premium paid. Also wanted to purchase cockerels suit- able for breeding. For full details write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. WANTED Girl to clerk in store. Apply by let- ter only. Stating experience if any and school to, P.O. Box 178, Wingham. AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a pro- fitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept, O-W-2, 2177 Masson St., Montreal,' Quebec. INSULATE NOW EIGHT IN FIELD • FOR TOWN COUNCIL (Continued from page one) Duncan Kennedy He appreciated the honour of being Mayor of Wingham for 1947, and said that during the year a new equalized assessment had been made, which should have been done years ago, Pula ing the past forty years little building had, been done until this year when 19 applications* for building permits had • been received. He told of a meeting which discussed the possibilty for the erection of 75 houses in 1948. Charles A. Roberts He remarked on the parking situ- ation, which he said was not good. He didn't think that the expenditure of over $5000 on a new headstand was justified. The tax rate had not been, properly set, and taxes will have to be higher if the amount is properly levied to take care of all payments. Murray Johnson He said he lad gained a great deal of experience by being on the County Council this year, While there, he learned how the Wingham General Hospital had greatly assisted in the Children's Aid work. R. S. Hetherington The overall picture of the town is very good, he said, great progress has been made in the past few years. The taxes have not been increased greater than the cost of living, A. J, Walker Hydro at the present time, is a live subject. He said there was no short- age of Hydro, rather it was overcon- sumption. In 1940 the load in Wing- ham was 600 horsepower; in September of this year it was 1200. At present the local Hydro is in excellent shape, with $16,000 in cash assets. He was re- tiring after twenty years of service, Thomas Fells If he ran lie would do his best. He told of paying $600 too much each year for Hydro, and how it had been can- celled. He didn't think that the present was the time to be erecting town buildings, when cement and oth- er materials were in short supply, W. W. Gurney He disagreed with Mr.' Roberts and Mr. Fells, on the building of the new fire hall, as a heated building was necessary to house the fire truck and town truck, The purchase of the latter will save money on street plowing. Jack Reavie During the past year he had been Chairman of the Cemetery Committee and while their estimate of $3000 had been exceeded by $600, the money had been well spent, 3. Ronald Rae Being on the Street Committee lie had been hardened to take knocks. We have better equipment to look after the streets and the property purchased at the souls end of the town had practi- cally paid for itself, and will soon be Showing a profit. Robin Campbell •As a new member this year, he had received great assistance from older members, and had been Chairman of the Welfare Committee. He would like to be on the Council another year as plans made would be completed. John P. lisleXibben As Chairman of the Property Com- CARD OP THANKS The family of the late Alexander Wright wislt to express their sincere thanks to all friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown during their recent sad bereavement, for the beautiful floral tributes, loan of cars; also, to Dr. Palmer, Rev, Cronhidm tend Rev,. John 'Greig, Coltingwoad, GARD OP THANKS Mrs. lieralamiti II. Millet and Mr, and Mrs, R. G. Gannett wish to exs mittee, he knew they had spent more than usual, but it was well spent, and he was P11:0 44 of the condition of the Town Hail, but inure, work was still needed to be done. Norman Rintoul He had enjoyed the work on the Council and hoped thetcitizens would see fit to re-elect him, ti y — 01110/•=111•401•111n 01•111•1111•••••••eiMMIMIIMIIIMMIMINIMIIIMMIP Sam Burton Spoke in the interests of recreation, Wingham pioneered in this and other towns have the benefit of our experi- ence, It isn't just for children, it is a community enterprise, We should do everything to make Wingham the best town possible, Joe Clark He would like to see more young men in the Council, and also more houses .built in Wingham, W. T. Cruickshank We have a good town, he said, but you can't stand still; you either go back or ahead. If you don't want criticism, don't do anything. The work at the Public School had been neglected, too long. Others who spoke briefly were; F. L, Davidson, R. H, Lloyd, Herb. Full- er, Alex, Coutts, Ewart McPherson, H. T, Thomson, E. Wilkinson, Harold Wild, Chas. Lloyd, E. S, Lewis. CONTEST FOR REEVE IN EAST .WAWANOSH (Continued from page one) J. D. Beecroft While not dwelling at length on municipal affairs he explained the rea- son for increased taxation, and also how the taxpayers in the south, that were included in the Clinton and God- erich High School areas paid both in the county rate and the school area, explaining the county rate was for the previous year. ,Regarding county matters, the most important, he said, was the equalized assessment. This must be done by 1950 and an assessor will have to be secured. Replying to question on brid- ges, he said that in the next few years $500,000 will possibly be necessary. He also reporsted on the county li- brary, reforestation and children's shel- ter. He said he was definitely in the field for reelection, Lewis Ruddy Owing to the late spring the spray- ing outfit did not get a fair trial, and all were not in favor. Spraying the roads would not be a success he be- lieved. Some construction work heal been done throughout the township, $3,000 having been spent, He had not definitely decided whether he would stand for election or not. Lawrence Taylor. spoke on behalf of Elmer Ireland, who was ill, but said that he would qualify. Harvey Black said there was consid- erable complaint regarding increased taxes, but with work being needed to be done, and increased costs, there was nothing else to be done, The spraying outfit was responsible for about 1 mill, and in reply to questions regarding it, he felt that it was successful, Alex Robertson said he was glad to see so many out, and asked what they wanted, summer or winter roads, the answer was a little of both. He was in favor of keeping roads open until after the holiday season. The spraying of cattle came in for another discussion, Stuart McBurney, road superintend- ent, gave his report on the cost of roads and itemized the different work. With regards to opening roads in the spring. It was hard to know when to start, and not having our own plow we ,have to depend on others for equip- ment Norman MeDowell said he didn't know when he had attended a nomi- nation meeting with so much discus- siaon, and this was the place for it, He had enjoyed his years in the council but he would hot contest the reeveship. George Walker and Orville Taylor both were surprised at being nominated but had not decided whether to stand for election or not. Harry Sturdy said most queations he had been interested in had been ans- wered. Ha would be interested in hearing about the new Ceihrt House as many ratepayers were not itt favour of it. Douglas Campbell, Waiter Scott and Alfred Nesbitt, nominated for School `Trustees, spoke briefly. At the close of the meeting, C. R. Coulees, Cyrus W. Scott, Mason Rob- inson, Albert Nethery and Lawrence Taylor were called on for a few words, GORR} E Mr. Doran Thornton had the mis- fortune to have his leg brokett six inch- es above the ankle ott Monday morn-. ing when the horse he was riding stops ed and fell. He was taken to Wing- ham Hospital for XsRays where the bone as set. It is expected that he w will be permitted, to return home in a couple of days. Me. and Mrs, A, A. Greer and the Misses Elizabeth and Margaret Camp- bell of Glamia Also Miss Meldt Taylor of Wingham were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor. Your Vote and Support will be appreciated to Re-elect NORMAN RINI OUL COUNCILLOR For WINGHAM What's Best for Wing. itatn in Housing is My Aim, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of .the estate of Carroll Evans Gregg, late of the Town- ship of Howick, in the County of Hur-. on, Farmer, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Carroll Evans Gregg, de- FOR SALE—Low dowtt MasseyaHara ceased, are required to file their claims ris Spreader, in good working Order., duly verified with the undersigned on Apply to Les. Bolt, Belgrave- or before the twenty-ninth day of Nov- With Blown Rock Wool, Prompt installation. Estimates given with no obligation. Guaranteed workmanship and material. Phone or write Huron Insulating Co„ 117 Elgin Ave„ Phone 604w, Goderich, or phOne 426, Wing- ham. I CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity of thanking my friends who so kindly re- membered the at the time of my recent illness. • Jack Cook, ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' • ' s ' ' • ember, A.D. 1947, and that after said FOR SALE—Chrpzler Imperial, excel- -: ilate the T:a:ecattor-' will distribute the lent conditimt, p, .d tires, heater mei i ea eate :saving retard only to th e &erns rash,,. Apply W. G. Hamilton, Phone sof which they will have notice. 4. I bcr, A.D.. 1947. DATED GET REA,DY -FOR JACK FROST this tenth day of Nova A. H. McTavish, Have your CAR or TRUCK tutted' press- their sincere thanks to all their ,,, Teeswatert Ontatto. up for trouble-free Winter Drivieg.1 3611Cit6t for the Executors. frierela and eeighboura for the kind- _ Have your radiator filled with Chty- ,.' , ,. - - ress am, sympothy shown them during, stet Rust Resistant and trzated to!! NOTICE TO CREDITORS t °dr receot saft bereavement, also for retard evoporatPon of mitifteeve.1 An vets ms ligyinv t iagns a,zalust ti.( t re heatitiful floral tributes. Special Have ti our Oil Flier chatiged. Clians!orit f `is , nt`nd \‘,. can it late in allbearers and those who loaned their • - Hurtri Hardware Merchant, who died Members of the 'M.B.A. and friends met in the Orange Hall on Tuesday of last Week when three quilts were quilt- ed for the annual bale to be sent to the Orange Orphanage at Richmond Hall. The Women's Institute Concert giv- en in Gorrie on the evening of Novem. bet' 17th was repeated in Wroxeter on Monday evening when Fordwieh, Gor- rie and Wroxeter Institute each gave a half hour's program. The proceeds, amounting to over $57 were divided between the three Institute branches. and will be forwarded to the "Food. For fund. IA, 411.111