The Wingham Advance-Times, 1947-01-30, Page 7*WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. . Head Office - Toronto H. C. MacLean, Insurance Agency Wingham A. CRAWFORD, I 11.• PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 • 1110S. FELLS AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE THE BEST OF SERVICE PLENTY OF EXPERIENCE hone 231 Wingham A. N. HAWS!! Teeswater, Ontario Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone - Teeswater 120J J. W. ENFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office -- Meyer 'Block. Wingham J.N. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All sales ,capably Handled Phone 49. Ripley, Ontario Phone 150 Wingham DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bank Of Commerce Open Daily The Wroxeter Branch of the Canad- ian Bank of Commerce, commencing on Monday, January 27th., will be open for business daily. Formerly the staff were at the Fordwich Branch, Monday and Friday and part of the staff on Wednesday's. The newly arranged daily service will give excellent service to the village and community. Ford- wich Branch will be open 'Monday, Wednesday,„Friday as usual, United Church Service Rev. J. L. Foster was in charge of Morning Service in the United Church, and spoke from the words, If any man will come after me let him deny him- self and take up his cross and follow me. St. Matthew's Gospel, chapter 16, verse 24. In keeping with the subject the choir sang, the Master 'is calling. The annual meeting was announced' for Tuesday, January 28th., which will commence at 7 p.m. with a Pot Luck Supper, Grandmothers Meeting Mrs. Reginald Pacey will be hostess to members of the Women's Institute on , Thursday, February 16th., at 2.30 p.m. Thought for the month, #lGrow Old Along With Me. The Best is Yet to Be. Miss Ellen MacEwen is in charge of Current Events. Roll Call, Memories of My Grandmother. Mrs. Vernon Denny will be in charge of. . Grandmothers' Day Programme. Mrs, 'H. I. Durst will take charge of music period. During the social hour Mrs. J. H. Wylie, Mrs. A. Mofftt and Mrs. M. Sellers will assist the hostess. Young People's Union There was a good attendance on Monday evening at the Young People's Union, United Church, which was held in the church school-room. The 'meet- ing opened with quiet music by Mar- garet Wearring, Helen Sawtell, presi- dent was in charge and opened with the hymn, The Lord's My Shepherd, Margaret Moffat chose for the scrip- ture lesson, John chapter 4, verses 1 Business and Professional Directory A. J. WALKER Funeral and Ambulance Service FUNERAL PARLORS UPSTAIRS Office 'phone 106 residence 224 J. WALKER JOHN HEAL 'Phone 189 'Phone 307 WINGHAM YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examin- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. SCOTT'S SCRAP sooK, • SWAPS NAME, PLEAS'S By R.J.SCPTT. fa. ENt_ FrEN SHE F FLO CENSUS WAS (AKEN IN 1HE U.S., WilAi SorAlt. HAD TtlE LArt4 EST PoP U LATION ? VIR.4INIA 4, 0 rikE MAKER erftlE EARLY &bra! CENTURY- TS MAKE FIRE faEIrti4dER oF Noll.fkribil A4RICULAI Rt. (CAS FIAT PISTOL WAS PULLED STRIKE i7R EArLY AIWA N go opt 601.1lig AN OLD S•fYLE SULDRUR MAICiI siNe.e. r..044 110.. M:41 ty,J. No.01 0 714AUGGS AND SKEETER ' y III 111111 "11-15. SCHOOL BOARD POINTS WITH 1::$RIDB f THE FACT THAT LOCAL SCHOOLTEACHERS ARE AMONG 1145 HIGHEST RATED IN THE COUNTOW" BY WALLY BISHOP MY NEXT REPORT CARD!! Mill Y. WAS PLANNING 10 BLAME 1111! EVERYTHING ON !NCO ENT TEACHERS! HEY, MUGGS... LISTEN TO 'THIS n werman $27.35; H. C. MacLean, prem. Road Ins. $1.00.00; Municipal World, acct. $14.00; McKibbons, acct. $7.05; Wingham Advance-Times, acct. $9.36; Can. Bank of Commerce, fees collect. taxes 1946, $5.20; E. S. Lewis, acct. $12.00; W. R. Cruiksharik, B.D.M. $10.50, Fed. Agr. $22.00, Postage $4.00, $36.50; A. H. Erskine, arrear tares, $89.75; W. V. Roy, Fed. Agr. $248.03; W. A. Cathers, roads $450.00; Adair Transport, roads $90.00; D. Rae, roads $2.00; A. D. Smith, roads $6.00; W. R. Cruikshank, road, trip to Toronto re tractor $15,00. Moved by King and Fischer that we adjaurn to meet at Bluevale, Feb. 10th, 1947, at 12.30 noon. Carried. , W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk. W. H. Woods, Reeve. JAMESTOWN (Intended "for last week) The community was sadly grieved on Friday evening when it was learned with deep regret that Mrs. Ewart Mac- Kercher had passed away suddenly in Stratford. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the immediate relatives and friends in their hour of bereave- ment. Miss Hazel McDonald is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Robert McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Warwick and baby' of Morris spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave McLennan. Mrs. Wm. C. King spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Douglas at Delmore. Mrs. Cameron Adams underwent an operation in Wingham General Hos- pital last week. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Gertrude Payne of Hanover spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B, Payne. Miss Viola Bradshaw spent the week-end with her sister Mary, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron. Adams. Miss Mary jacklin who has spent some time in Lucknow is spending a few days at her home, Miss Jessie McDonald of Wroxeter and Mr. Jack 'McCleary of Harriston spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert McDonald. 1. Form 6. Cut 11. Anxious 12. Large artery from heart 13. Worship 14. Bracing 15, Supports 16. Flesh of swine 17. Manacles 21. Estimate 24. Solemn wonder 27. Stops 28. Courage 30. Coin (Swell.) 31. City (N, J.) 33. The Welsh, collbetively 34. Strike heavily 37. Desire 41. Variety of willow 43. Thread across field of view 44. Reigning beauty 45. Rind of °reap tree 46, A dish Of greens 47. Oravish.blue DOWN 1. Make fast 2. Angle of fault vein 3. Eager 4. Persevere 5, 'Before 6.Potohed ACROSS 7. Folds In 24. High (rms.), thread 25. Court 8. River (It.) 26, Sea eagle 9. Agitation 29. In any 10. Cut manner irregularly 32. Ream 18. Covered (Abbr.) with rust, 33. Pincerlike 19. Coordina.t. organ ing con- 34. Cuts, as junction the hair 20. Not ever 35, On the 21. Unit of ocean conductance 36. Part of a (Elec.) window 22. Audience 38, Like a wing 23. Malt 39. Scolds beverage persistently E3 El awls C113 lin >:10 4'4113 taillgairMIESI IAMOCIGW15113101 MCIIIIELI,PCIN 01111:1111131161031 '011illinlIC111101 ra GO' DWI de,.4 511211A1MCI21 „AAP tom EittlIgQ1 ' ram :11:IES.@ it ILO lEtia T El 4. s 0 RD 1 . - 40, Wotidy perennial 42. A primary color 43. Dandy ,Thursday, January 30th, 1 047 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE SEVER talk on HoCkey instruction, The art- icle says the, public .school teachers of St, Catharines, since. 1939 have dente double duty in the class room and training and guiding in the plap-ficlds, They believe this is the answer to de- linquency, Mr. and Mrs, D.. S. MacNaughton, and Mr. John MacNaughton were Sun, day visitors with Mrs. I. J. Gamble at Fordwich, ,0 Miss Thelma Denny accompanied by Miss Alice Howes, spent the week- end with friends at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt and fam- ily of Belgrave, spent Sunday with Mrs. Eli Bolt. Mr. and 'Mrs, Gordon Greig and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munroe. Friends of Mrs, J, Lovell will be pleased to know her health is much improved. Mrs. Lovell is spending the winter season with friends at Blen- heim and Ridgetown. Do Your Hogs Suffer From Mineral Deficiency? Stiffness in hogs is a common experience at this time of year. When hogs are fed a straight grain ration, they do not receive sufficient quantities of minerals. This frequently causes stiffness. Similarly, hogs fed on skim-milk and grain are mineral deficient. GIVE YOUR HOGS THE MINERAL BALANCE THEY NEED, BY USING OUR SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Hogs CANADA PACKERS, WINGHAM VICTOR CASEMORE, WHITECORCII McifINNEYBROS. BLUEVALE E. McNEE' BELMORE DAUPHIN & GRANT TEESWATER WROXETER to report he is improving. His dau- ghter, Mrs. W. A. Spence of Toronto,' is with him at his home, Mr, Thos. ,Burke was in Toronto Mrs. F. Sanderson returned early en Monday last attending the funeral last week from Winnipeg, where she of Mr. Gold, father of Albert Gold, had gone to attend the funeral Of her who is well known here. sister, the late Mrs. McLaughlin. Deep sympathy of neighbours and A very interesting item was featured OtD' ' ds is extended to Mrs. Eldon in the Globe and Maile last week which n, 2nd. line of Turnberry ,in the told of the Sports programme sponsor- h of her • mother, the late Mrs. ed by the public school teachers of St. Cunningham of Belvave. Catharines. The picture of Mr. Ash- „Mr, R. J. Rann, manager of the local ton Morrison a former Wroxeter boy, Telephone Office has been seriously is shown giving an after Four chalk ill for the past week, We are pleased HARRY FRYFORE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 'Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH ' Offices: Centre St., Wingham . Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. K. M. MaciENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office -- Minnie St. Opposite and South of the United Church. PHONE 196 Wingham, -:.• Ontario to 24, Thelma Denny led in' prayer. O For a Closer Walk with, God was sung, Edythe Weir gave a fine ad- dress on the subject, "Our Means of Acknowledging God." An article was read by Gilberta Howes under the title "Swing the Hammer". During the business period it was decided to ask Gorrie Group to be guests at a skating party, Wednesday, January 29th. The committees were set up. Programme, Helen Sawtell, Thclrn Denny, Jean Moffat. Lunch, Gilberta 'Howes, Edy- the Weir, Bud Stewait. The meeting closed with a Sing Song. TURNBERRY COUNCIL The minutes of `Council meeting held in Bluevale, jan. 13th, 1947. Memb- ers: W.H. Woods, Reeve; R. J, Pow- ell, J. V. Fischer, R. ,J. King and G, N. Underwood, Councillors. Reeve and each Councillor took his declara- tion of office. Rev. L. C. Jorgensen, Bluevale, was present and offered prayer. • Reeve Woods extended a vote of thanks to Mr. Jorgensen, Moved by Fischer and King .that the minutes of last meeting be adopted as read. • Carried. The following letters were received and read: Mr. and Mrs. A, Wilson, Wingham; Mrs. D. Temash, Toronto; Huron County. Xmas Seal Conimittee, Wingham; Dept. Highways, Stratford; Geo. W. Crothers, Ltd., Toronto.., Sealedapplications were received and opened for Road Supt., the follow- ing were received: Win. G. Mundell, Bluevale; L. G. Bryce, Wingham; Ha- rold 'Moffat, Wingham. Coun. Underwood withdrew for the selection of Road Supt., leaving it to the Reeve ,and three Councillors. Sealed applications were received and opened for Assessor for year 1947, the following were received: 1'. Ed- ward Powell, Wingham; John K..Afac- Ta.vish, Bluevale. Councillor R. A. Powell withdrew for the selection of Assessor, leaving I it to the Reeve and three Councillor, Moved by J. V. Fischer and Und- erwood that By-law No. 1, 1947, be passed, appointing the following offi- cers: Clerk, W. R. Cruikshank; Treas,, W. B. Craikshank; Board of Health, W. H. Woods, Wilbur Hogg; Audi tors,. Monteith and Monteith; Drain, Inspector, Road Supt; Trustees Com- munity Hall, Bluevale, W. B. Woods, f • V. Fischer, along with ,Y, C. Hig, gins, John L. MacEwen, Me, Kinnon, Alex. Corrigan, and Presid- entBlnevale Women's. Institute, Car- ried. Moved by Powell and Underwood that By-law No, 2, 1947 be passed, ap- plying to Ontario Govt. for subsidy on Township Roads for year 1947 at $15,000,00. Carried. Moved by King and Fischer that By-law No, 3, 1947 be passed author- izing theReeve and Treasurer to bor- row from Can, Bank 9f Commerce, Wingham the sum up to $15,000.00 for current expenses, and School Area ]hoard to be repaid from taxes levied in 1947. Carried, Moved by Fischer and Powell that By-law No. 4, 1947 be passed, author- izing the Reeve and Treasurer to bor- row from the Can, Bank of Com- merce, Wingham, the sum up to $5000 for drainage purposes, to be repaid from taxes levied on Debentures sold in 1947. Carried, Moved by Fischer and Powell that By-law No, 5, 1947 be passed, that we adopt the ReVised Assessment Roll for 1946 as the assesment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1947 shall be fixed and levied, carried. Moved by King and Fischer that By-law No. 6, 1947 be passed, that we accept the application of Harold Mof- fat as Road Supt. for the Township of Turnberry at 75c per hour, he to furn- ish his own conveyance. Carried. Moved by Underwood and King that By-law No. 7, 1947 be passed, that we accept the application of T. Edward Powell as assessor for year 1947 at $50.00, the Township to furnish the postage. Carried. Moved by R. A. Powell and King that we hold Court of Revision on as- sessment roll for 1947 at 2 o'clock in afternoon at Community Hall, Blue- vale, of 10th Feb., 1947. Carried. Moved by King and Fischer that we extend the time for Collector to re- tcaririiiedRo.11 of 1946.to Feb. 10th, 1947. Moved by King and Fischer that the Council meet the Wingham Council regarding a Horse Shed. Carried. The following accounts were paid: W. J. Dettman, refund wood lot $4.29; Salvation Army, grant $10.00; Robt. Hopper, refund on. fire truck 02;50; Ont. Good Roads Assn., membership fee $5.00; N. W. Miller, hosp. G. Bo- Wroxeler, Ontario Announces Improved Service Commencing MONDAY, JAN. 27th This Bank will be open daily for the 'convenience of the village and surrounding area, R. R. A. HUNTER, Manager Wroxeter Branch Do You Want Relief from SINUS TROUBLE? A new and wonderful remedy for speedy relief from Sinus and Antrum trouble. Also for Head Colds. This 'Remedy Is Known as SINULIEF Sinullef is a White Powder to be used as Snuff. Simple and Clean to Use. Priced at $1.00 AT PRESENT AVAILABLE ONLY BY MAIL SINULIEF CO. BOX 582, LONDON, ONT. Please Find Enclosed $1.00 in Payment for 1 Box Simile! DEP. NAME ADDRESS FEED SERVICE 5HUR-GA1N F. F. 110MUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston