The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-11-28, Page 10children of Lue.know visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Johnston Conn. The many friends of Mr. George Tif- fin and Mr. Russell Gaunt in this com- munity will extend congratulations that they received an acclamation to Kinloss Council on Monday at the nominations there, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chamney were able to bring their little daughter Claire, home from London Children's Hospital on Sunday. Mr, Walter James and Mr. John Gaunt started out this week with their circular saw outfits to cut wood. Mr. Raymond St. 'Marie of Kitchen- er, spent the week-end with hs par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. St. Marie. SIXTH LINE FORUM The 6th line Forum met at the home of Albert Cook with 28 present. We believe more research is needed in many lines of agriculture. The social aspect of rural life needs research in our community, as we have no provis- ion for recreation here. We would be willing to have taxes raised if neces- sary if we would derive benefit, from it. We think city people should share this cost as they share the benefits in better grades of produce, Agnes Mason had charge of re-cre- ation. The next meeting will.be at the home of Orval Taylor on Monday, Dec. 2nd. HURON-BRUCE FORUM Show starts evenings at 8 p,m. Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 28, 29, 30 ANNA NEAGLE DEAN JAGGER - In - "A Yank in London" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 2, 3, 4 (DOUBLE BILL) SIGNE HASSO JOHN SHEPPARD - In - "Strange Triangle" 4 EDDIE BRACKEN - VERONICA LAKE - In - "Hold That Blonde" KINGS-The Shopping Centre in Wingham can solve practically any Gift problem for the whole family. KING DEPT. STORE "THE FRIENDLY STORE" bi ea - FREE DELIVERY - Smith's Economy Food Store Weston's Golden Brown Sodas, 11 oz. 19c, 6 oz. 12c Old South Orange I Pat-A-Pan and Grapefruit Juice, 20 oz, 22c PASTRY FLOUR, 25 lbs. 83c Wholesome, Tasty, SWEET BISCUITS lb. 35c Ginger Snaps Butter Bars Currant Cookies Oatmeal Cookies Aylmer Fancy I Edison Mazda LAMPS, TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz. tin 11c I 23w, 40w, 60 watt, each..,..,...,.15c Ground Fresh REX COFFEE, lb. _ - . . .... 49c Medium Yellow CANADIAN CHEESE, lb. ..39c . Neilson's Jersey Brand COCOA, 1-lb. tin „ .29c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETA4LES Site 216's Eatmore Cranberries, lb, -... .... .65e Florida. ORANGES, dos, 37e Firm Mb lb. .. „.4c E. C. Delicious Apples,doz. 39e Cabbage, - . " .......... Thornson's Watecl Turnips, lb 4e Choice 800's Letrions, 3 for 12e Green Celery, large, 2 for 2k pipe TOIVIATOES, 115.......„.,.25c I2AV/011 COUPONS VALID "TIVIESDAlt, N'OV`EM11ER 28 EUTTER--Nos„ 29 to 33 MEAT-44os, 56 to 01 SUGAR N • s. 1 to. 32 PAGE TEN THE WINGHAIVI ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, November Up 1840 LY qriltrE7R E *KAKWAKOV:44t04MAMMAK4r uf441efstaik ti 46°- IcE, *44 rilnisrm Fis 640 ter was left over for further thought and to gain more information regard- ing the project. The Chairman intro- duced Mrs. 011ie Moffatt of Ingersoll, who favoured with a piano Solo, and also accompanied Mrs, L. C. Jorgen- sen who played a cello selection, Ross Smith was the soloist for the program accompanied by Mrs, Carl Johnston. The guest speaker was Mr, Nelson, the assistant Agricultural Representa- tive from Clinton. After outlining some of the work, accomplished by the Jun- ior Farmer Clubs in Huron with 93 members and their achievements at Guelph _0.2-1,.C„ and at the Royal Win- ter Fair, lie spoke on "The Qualities of a Good Leader", pointing out that leadership will play a large part in Peace time problems, Among the sug- gestions given were:---A knowledge of Community requirements; an ability to think clearly; freedom from poltcal and religious prejudice; to study human nature; an ablity to develop other lead- ers; to keep up the interest in all phas- es of the work and to get others jnter- ested. A discussion followed on bow to en- courage younger meinbers. Robert Shaw strongly urged the early start in life and concluded his suggestion with reciting a poem memorized when a 1:!0Y..John L. McEwen moved, a vote of thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mathers and daughter, Kincardine, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will John- ston and other relatives. Mr. and- Mrs. Eddie Waddell' and familyr -spent Sunday with Mrs. Wad dell's parents at Preston, Mrs. Eldred Nichol is a patient in the Hospital at Walkerton. Mrs. William Elston spent last week in Toronto. WHITECHURCH Mrs. Aldin Purdon spent a fe'w days with Mrs. Fred Newman, Wingham. The Farm Forum met on Monday PIPES ALGERIA BRIARS $2.00 - $2.24 Several Styles .01011•Ii Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP The Question and selection of a Christmas Gift for the Men folk can easily be solved at Kings Quality Branded Lines of merchan- dise are featured evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer with 16 present. Two groups discussed the topics for the evening. Many wanted research work on water supplies in wells, and conser- vation of water, and all decided that if through agricultural research farmers are able to supply better food products at lower cost to both producer and con- sumer, that both urban and rural peo- ple will be vitally interested, and that there should never be any let- up to agricultural research in all lines. Mrs. Robt. Purdon and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul visited on Sunday at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Irwin Hen- ry of Lucknow. Mrs. Wallace Conn went through an operation in. Wingham Hospital on Monday and has been progressing favourably. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and Gifts that she will appreciate From KINGS A grand 'selection of FANCY and PRACTICAL GIFTS that will de- light the most exacting. Leather and Plastic HANDBAGS Fine leathers o calf, pigtex or alli- gator finish. Nicely lined, show- ing the newest in frames. Zipper pocket and change purse. A mul- titude of styles and colors. $3.95 to $14.95 The regular meeting of Huron-Bruce Farm Forum was held on Monday evening, November 25th., at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred McKague, with an attendance of 27, The topic was "Is Research Meeting Farm Needs"? It brought forth a lively discussion, The first question was "What Problems in your Community require Research?" We are of the op- inion that our community needs fur- ther research in marketing of farm produce, farm costs and farm prices, farm management, and also social as- pects of rural life. The second quest- ion (a), "Should more money be spent on agricultural research even though it means an increase in taxation?" We all agree that it shorild. (b), "Is it fair to tax city people for agricultural research " We think it is fair as they benefit by it also. Progressive euchre was then played with high prizes going to Mrs, Harold McCormick and Bob McKague, low to Mrs. Oscar Holmes and Bill King. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McKague. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, December 1st The Veterans' Christian Fellow- ship from London, will have charge of the services at 11 a.m., 7.30 p.m. AU Veterans cordially invited. Es..IMMDatIV'A-Zi=..W3t.tediDiMa2a.11..12i-SOW FINE GLOVES of imported kid and cabric kid. Wool gloves and Angora Gloves. A variety of styles, colors and prices $1.00, to $4.50 BUNNY MITTS in flaming reds, yellows, whites, blues and blacks. Sheared Lamb Mittens and Woollen Mittens. $1.00 to $4.25 HOUSE COATS 'Me Gift Supreme that is bound to please. In Quilted Satins, Rich Figured Rayons, Plaids, Glazed Chintz and Chenilles. Colors rich and pleasing and exceptional styl- ing. itmezmoglave.texvmv,g44-kgc-temakcvmasemovrors-cammirmgmm.temjc., Your Xmas Shopping will be a pleasure at McKibbons IN STOCK S 4,2 tg di nip Marconi & RCA Victor Radio - Phono v., COMBINATIONS Ep Grahani RANGETTE MAKE YOUR GIFT SELECTIONS NOW from Our large stock of VICTOR and COLUMBIA RECORD ALBUMS Records for Children B LATEST POPULAR it /SIM ki RADIO 1SERVICE a A ,Ja BLUEVALE The Bluevale and District Men's Club held the first meeting of the sea- son in the Community Hall on Friday evening, Due to weather conditions. the attendance was not as large as was. expected. The 'president, J. C. Hig- gins; presided and secretary, George Thomson read the slate of officers, which was recently elected. The only item of business was the„ouestion of installing a public library. This mat- For LADIES PERFUMES, COLOGNES, and COSMETICS are sure to please "ADRIENNE" "RUBINSTEIN" "TUYA" "LENTHERIC" and "YARDLEY" are famous names in the world of Cosmetics See the complete lines in Christmas array-arrang- ed for your convenience. Brush, Comb, and Mirror Sets $4.95 - $25.00 CUTEX, PEGGY SAGE and REVLON NAIL ENAMEL SETS, 50c - $8.00 HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. Serving You Since 1935 Telephone 171j Wingham 15 0 d3 tociewstawevmovemempawczawat-T, $5.00 to $16.95 BED, JACKETS in soft quilted Satins and Varied Colored Chenilles or Brushed Rayon $2.25 to $4.50 SKI or SKATING JACKETS and SPORT SLACKS Vine Wool or Wool and Gabardine and all-weather Twills HANDKERCHIEFS Multitudes a them. Vine quality Linens, Sheer Swiss Muslins, Lace and Linen Dress Numbers, brightly colored Cottons and pure Irish Lin- ens. Many hand-worked and hand- blocked. Up to $1.00 SCARVES of sheerest voiles, satin finish Pure Silks, Wools and 1.ayons. Won- derful shades and you can be sure to match any winter apparel. 69c to $6.95 moctociwocc-woopamicloovesetwatocc HANDKERCHIEFS Fine Cotton, Lawn or Pure Linen, White or colored bordered, from- 2 for 25c to 70c SPORT APPAREL All-weather Cotton Twill Gabar- dine Jacket and Parkas, Gabardine Ski Slacks, or Woollen Windbreak- er, A MUST FOR SPORT ! - For MEN- SHAVING SETS BACHELOR, SEAFORTH and GUARDSMAN The last word in Toiletries for Men- Beautifully Boxed for Christmas .. $1.00 -- $7.50 BILLFOLDS-Genuine Leather and Plastic-from $1.00 to 47.50, FITTED LEATHER TRAVELLING CASES- Lovely to look at-Brushes with Nylon Bristles- $5.00 - $17.50 Smokers' Supplies and Sundries PIPES, LIGHTERS, ETC. WATERMAN, REYNOLDS, and SHAEFFER ' PENS and PENCILS Singles and Sets SETS-from $2.75 - $22.50 Christmas Cards and Gilt Wraps Choose "CARDS OF CHARACTER" The RUSTCRAFT kind Decorative Candles will brighten your home. This year dress your "table or mantlepieee with these lovely little iewels. TIES Fit for a king. A grand and glor- ious selection from soft shades in silk and wool to rich gleaming sat- ins. Arrow and Brophey creations Diagonal Stripes, checks and plains at $1.00 All-over Scroll and Figured designs $1.50 to $2.50 Large design deluxe quality with silk facings $3.50 Hand-painted Motiff or Mexican designs. $4.00 BELTS Plastics or All-Leather. Various width of Currie or Paris make. '$1.00 to $1.50' • BRACES Plastic or All-Elastic. Leather ends or clip-on. $1.00 and $1.50. SCARVES Fine Woollen in plain shades of wine, yellow, white or fawn. Spun Rayohs in pleasing Paisley design and double ply. $1.75 to $4.50 GLOVES Unlined capes and' deer skins. Woollens. Lined capes or lined horsehides. ' $1.25 to $4.95 SMOKING JACKETS In wine or brown of soft corded' velvet. Nicely finished and full corded rayon-faced lapels $17.95 All-wool in. contrasting trim and corded finish. $12.95 BATHROBES To keep any man in good humor. In rayons, spun cords, paisleys, all- wool and wool tartans. $7.95 to $17.95 HATS Crean make, in snappy shapes and colors. The Miniature HAT-BOX GIFT and Certificate may be the answer to your gift problem. 0 PLEA URE IS IN SERVING YOU Pologietow,vottottovottirete.4),..g.,4totottott m octortiviviettimettottrx .4.1.,41, 1,70.4" .