The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-11-28, Page 9Your local co-operative ------ presents the 1946. RECORD of consolidation and progress of Ontario's co-operative wholesale The United Farmers Cooperative Co., Ltd. Over $200,000 patronage returns for affiliates and farmer patrons whose bride is arriving from Scotland. Mrs, W. T, Elliott and Mrs. Has- tie returned, on Saturday from Clifford where they visited Mr. and Mrs. George, Miss Edythe Weir spent the week- end at the home of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Jacques, Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, [George Yeo 2nd. line, Turnberry, were Mr. Arthur Brown and Miss Angie Brown ofSt, Marys, also Mr, and Mrs, Austin Raynard of Ethel. - Mr. Wm. Mines left last week for the home of his son, Mr. Cecil Mines, where he will, spent the winter season, Work on 'highway 87 is almost com- pleted for this season and extends from Wingham to the farm of Mr, Harvey Timm, 2nd, line of Turnberry, A num- ber of the large machines have left the district. The long fall of open weath- er was a• great help to the contractors in their work. Mr, and Mrs, Blake Young and dau- ghter, Da Jean, of Pleasantdale, Sask., also Miss Amy Smith of Molesworth, were Sunday guests of Mr, Thos. and Miss Beatrice Shearer, Cannon Wallace of London, had charge of St. James Anglican Evening service on Sunday last, in the absence - of the rector, Rev. James Caley, who was invited to take part in ae dedica- tion service for a new organ in Wood- stock parish, for which gr. Caley wase partly responsible while .rector there. Women's Institute The December meeting of the Wo7 inen's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Vern Denny on Thurs- day, December 5th,, at 2.30 'p.m. Thought for the month. Our gifts create joy in the lives of 'others. Mrs. H. Timm will have charge of Current Events. Roll Call, A Christmas Thought and donations for Shut-ins, Topic, "The: Christmas Story" will be given by Mrs. Allen Munroe. ,ConteSt Most Original Home-m.ade Christmas Table Centre. Women's Association The November meeting of the Wo- men's Association United Church was held in the church parlours on Wed- nesday last. Two quilts were quilted, Mrs, McTavish and Mrs. Fred M'ont- gomery in charge. The W. A. have Purchased a new stove for the church kitchen. Plans were completed for the presentation of the play, "She's My Daisy" by Young People's Union of Walton. The president, Mrs. Wm. Hart presided over the business per- iod, Pot Luck supper was served at the close. Certificates Presented At morning service at the United Church, three certificates were present- ed by the pastor, Rev. J. L. Foster, to three girls, who attended the recent Regional Young People's School. Those awarded certificates were Misses Thelma Denny, Helen Sawtell and 'Gilberta Howse. Wroxeter Community, Association Wroxeter Community Association will meet on Friday, November 29th.,' YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION ' VIMS4NTS The Scrapbook FOR Champ Cleaner Wednesdays '° 9.30 p.m. For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS S E E — Bennett & Gasemore 'Phone 447 Wingham General 'Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, and THE FARMER. S. J. Pyrnm P. O. Box 40 RIPLEY ONT. es, .0 at 8 pen, in the Red Cross Rooms. It is the wish of the' vael&iqseeeoltemittoes at work for the good of the village and community that more of our lad- ies would show their interest by being present, in the short time the Assoc- iation has been active much has been accomplished. Everyone is interested in better citizenship, Let us all give our support to make our village and community a better place in which to live. Belgrave Co-Op. Association WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Foster and son, spent part of last week with the former's parents, Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Foster. Mr. and Mrs Prewer and baby dau- ghter of Fergus, were recent visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hamilton, • Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rae of Brant- ford, were ,week-end guests of Mrs, D. W. Rae. Mr. Jack Gibson and daughter, Gwen, spent several days with Brant- ford friends, on his return lie was ac- companied by Miss Helen Milligan. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Timm and family, were London visitors on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Malcolm e\lacPliail of Melfort, Sask., was ,a guest part of last week with Mr. Thos. and Miss Beatrice Shearer, Mrs, MaePhail is the former Minnie Young, and formerly lived on the 9th line of Howick. Born—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, November 19th., 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grieg, (nee Wright), of Bluevale, formerly of Wroxeter, a daughter, Hilda Anee Mr. and Mrs. Kinlay MacNaughton have been in London the past few days, where their daughter, Mary, is a pat- ient in Victoria Hospital, having under- gone a major operation on Thursday. We are pleased to report Mary is mak- ing good progress though she will, be in a caste for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jamieson, Tor- onto, were week-end guests with gr. and Mrs. H. V. McKenney, and with them attended Ladies Night of Blyth Lions Club. Mr. Dave Draper of Tor- onto, 'was also a week-end guest at the McICenney home, Mrs. F. B. Millward and children are in Torontto this week where they will be present at the wedding of Mrs. Millward's brother, Mr. Hartley Higgs A. J. WALKER Funeral and Ambulance Service COMFORTABLE and COSEY FUNERAL PARLORS Office 'phone 109 residence 224 J. WALKER JOHN HEAL 'Phone 189 'Phone 301 WINGHAM TELEPHONE CALLS HAVE MUSHROOMED N LAST TWO YEARS Business and Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. A. H. McTAVISII Teeswater, Ontario Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office:, Grafton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.80 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 120j J. W. B11311F1ELD HARRY FRYFOR Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH PHYSICIAN' AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Lpan Office -- Meyer Block. Wingham Offices: Centre Osteopathic and ments, Foot Phone 272. St., Wingham Electric Treat. Technique. Wingham. DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 JAI. CRAWFORD Builder, Solicitqt, Notary, Ett, Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Winghatn Ontario J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC BOLT/PMErrk coMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191, Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. e. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham ORDER YOUR DEKA 13 TODAY FROM erington, K. C., Chester McWhinney, and a former agricultural representa- tive, F. B. K. Stewart. Warden R. E, Shaddick introduced the members of Hensall Council, and tEanked the members of County Coun- cil, the officials, and the press for their co-operation. The busy session was concluded with the signing of the nat- ional anthem, • nursday, November, 28, 18/16 THE WINGUAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAM NINV Experienced Auctioneer Liceritted for CoUniiet of HURON ft: BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49, Ripley, Ontario 1. Largest volume in the Company's history with an increase of over two million dollars. 2. Earnings of over three hundred thousand dollars, exceeding those of any previous year. 3, Substantial improvement in cash position; bank loans considerably reduced, paid up capital and surplus accounts increased. 4. Launched new petroleum program. , 5. Started hardware department and extended electric- al deportment. 6. Established co-operative policy as a central market- ing,co-operative and consolidated poultry-and dairy products departments to assist growing export trade. 7. Purchased building to accommodate Co-op Universal Milker. 8. Commenced canning fruit and vegetables. 9. Further extension of Premix Feed Plant. 10. Established employee retirement annuity plan. 11. Continued support of such agencies as Federation of Agriculture, Co-operative Union and Farm Radio Forum. 12. Reached a total of 105 affiliation agreements with incorporated co-operatives in all areas of Ontario eXcept the far north-west, THUS. FELLS AUCT1ON,EER and. REAL ESTATE THE BEST OP SERVICE PLENTY O1 EXPERIENCE 'Phone 231 Wingbarn Veterinary Surgeon Wee Minnie St. Opposite and South of the United Church, P1-101111 196 Vingbarn, Ontario Young People's Union Miss Edythe Weir, convener of Cul- ture for Young People's' Union, pre- pared the weekly programme which was presided over by the president, Helen Sawtell, Jean Moffat gave the Topic, Thelma Denny read a story, Gilberta Howes read the Scripture les- son, all in keeping with the Theme. Thelma Denny was pianist for the meeting which closed with "Taps." Contest Community Contest Great Success, The Spirit of Good Neighbouring was abroad in the village of Wroxeter, on Tuesday night when groups from the three branches of Women's In- stitutes met in the town hall for a con- test Concert. The community gave the event their usual whole-hearted sup- port, the local branch realized from Door and Booth receipts, $194.75. Each branch gave thirty minutes pro- gramme. Following the singing of the National Anthem, the president, Mrs, H. V. MacKenney graciously welcom- ed the audience. Gorrie Group pres- ented "School Days", in colorful child- ren's costumes, with music and song, Mrs. Wellington as teacher of the old school and Mrs. N. Wade at the piano, they carried the audience 'back over the years, delighting youtg and old, POrdwich presentation took the form of a Broadcast from station FWI with Mrs. Ii'. Deinmerlieg as announ- cer, giss Jean Gadehe as pianist, The News, children's bedtime stories, and songs and music transcriptions was unusual and (very much enjoyed. The highlight was the singing of five small' girls without aecompaniineett, Wrox- eter group presented a variety pro- gramme, which opened with a chorus, "It's a Hap, Hap, Happy Night, fol.. lowed by girls trio, Readings, char- acter Song, Irish Dance, 'rile final number a quadrille, by eight members in the costumes of 100 years ago. Miss Hazelwood was pianist. The judges Were, Mrs. Harold boig, rordwich; Mrs, A. Stevens, Gorrie, Ur. R. B. Hunter, Wroxette, Mrs, W. 13. Me- Cool, ingliain, who announced the decision placing Wroxeter 1st,, Genie, 2nd,, FordWieh 3rd., all will be award- ed cash prizes, Dancing followed with Wilbee's Orchestra supplying ineele, Mrs. W. T, Maclean and her booth committee served sandwiches, pie, cof- fee and chocolate Milk. Decorations were tarried out in W. I. eolote (Continued from page three) tug traffic not to take 20 and 00-ten loads over old bridges that were .de- signed originally for eight tons. The rebuilding of old steel btidges must be given attention as soon as ties- sible," Years will be required to com- plete them, and, with the scarcity of steel and other building materials and high costs, it will be some years be- fore many can be replaced. Last year our weed-spraying was concentrated on exterminating the leafy spurge, and Russian napweed in the county. When this is accomplish- ed, it is proposed to devote attention to bindweed and other bad weeds that have 'not yet infested all the farms. Where farmers have clean farms, an effort has been made to keep .the weeds on thnadjacent. roadsides under control. It has been noted; however, that general weed destruction on road- sides adjacent to fields full of weeds does not appear to do any good. Abolish Inspector's Post EndOrsation was given the recom- mendation of the committee that a by- law be prepared- abolishing the position of County Home Inspector and in- stead, the County . name Committee meet every two months instead of qua-. rterly, Ervin Jacob, County Home as• sistant was authorized to obtain the cost of purchasing, and the perpetual upkeep, of a plot of graves in Clinton cemetery. Reeves Cecil Wheeler of Morris and John Winter of Howick, gave a report of the Ontario Municipal were meeting to which they were delegates. Both expressed disappointment in the lack of consideration given to rural areas at the convention. Port Albert Airfield Opposed Strong opposition was expressed at the closing session of Huron County Council here Thursday afternoon when the question of the possible purchase of th.e Port Albert airfield by the county was again introduced, On Wednesday the council had unani- mously adopted the .report of the war- den's committee that no action be tak- en now, since: no concrete proposals' had been presented in favor of the Plan. Thursday's move took the form of a resolution that thescouncil appoint one man from each municipality, not county councillors, to study the agric- ultural possibilities of Port Albert air- port, and from this group seven be ap- pointed to submit a concrete plan to the council at the June session. The motion was lost on a division vote of 23-3, A. D. MacWilliam To Wingham High School Board The recommendations of the educa- tion committee were adopted, as fol- lows: Concurrence in a resolution from Wellington county requesting the De- partment of Education to give free supplies to primary and secondary schools; appointing the following re- presentatives to high school district boards; William L, Campbell to Lis- towel, P. J, leicEwan to Goderich, A. D. MacWilliams to Wingham, A. M. Knight to Clinton, and Dr. H. H. Cowan to Exeter. A grant of $1,000 was authorized to the Huron County Tuberculosis Com- mittee, along with grants to the Cen- tralia, Belgrave and Dashwood public libraries. A supplementary report of the Coun- ty Home committee recommended that no action be taken on the letter from an inmate, as "it is not the intention of the committee to hold anyone in the institution if he has a place to go where he will be properly cared for." A discussion on the recommendation of the legislative cotninittee on a reso- lution from the county of Waterloo regarding amendments to the Assess- ment Act resulted in a vote of non- concurrence. Sallee objection was tak- en on the ground that the, proposal would mean revealing personal busi- ness matters, Ask Uniform Standard Time A motion by Reeves Alexander and Johnston that the County Council en- dorse a province-wide standard time was carried. The council endorsed the recommen- dation of the executive committee that a grant of $5,000 be given to the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, .earmarked to be used when construction is started. Clerk N. W. Miller was reappointed to represent the county on the senate of the university, On a motion by Reeves Berry and Nicholson tee auctioneer licence fee was set at $25 a year. There are 20 issued in I4uron county, Plowing Match Deficit $2,000 Hugh Hill, chairman of the Huron County Plowmen's Association, appear- ed to Ask for a grant to assist in pay, ing off a deficit of $2,000 incurred in connection with the International Plowing Match. His request for a grant of $1,000 and was referred to the executive committee with power to act. Guests present for the annual war- den's banquet hi the evening were in- vited to address the council. They in- cluded I, E. Cardiff, Me. V., Dr. R. H. Taylor, M.P.P.; John W. MMs,. M. M.P4 Hz-Wardens N. W. Trewartha, It. J, Bowman, I. M. Eckert; Ex-Contt- cillors J. Whitmore, A. MacDonald, V. I), Falconer and Moffatt; R. 5, Reth7 Ithlft tie( •* Please return empty beer bottles to your nearest Brewers' Retail Store or phone for pick-up service. Refund price is 720 for 2 claz, pints, 600 for 1 doz, quarts. PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY JOHN LABATT LIMITED . and they're still zooming! That is one reason why when you pick up the telephone, you can't always get through to your party just as promptly as you (and we) would like. Operators are working at top speed—present equipment is being stretched to itsfullest pos- sible use—and we are working against time to hurry the highly complicated installations which are essential to handle the ever-growing number of daily calls. So, when you use the telephone, will you please remember these facts if your operator sometimes seems slow to answer, or your call is otherwise delayed. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA WALTER * WOODS KM. 1, Wingham, Ontario, Canada • Ge SPEIR R.R.2, ilrussoli, Ontario, Canada purple and geld, A large W. L in gold and perple background at back of stage was attractive. Officers and members of the local W. I. Branch who eponsors ed the concert and dance are grateinl . to all who by their help and suppprt contributed to the success of their an- nual "Open Night", COUNTY COUNCIL Our 25 point Scientific Examin- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F. F. HOMUTII Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston DONALD B. BLUE IL M. tciENNAN