The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-11-28, Page 4ORIMPINel.Mtlie AlcaleiflEVIglOill ogia per rieree,.. 44.72. AY(/.4 Velvet and corduroys trimmed with lovely shearing in blue, red and wine. Black and wine, crepe- 'trimmed with nail-heads Slip Him Slippers and you won't slip up on gett- ing him a wonderful present for Christmas. just the thing to go with his pipe and robe, giving him hours of relaxation, "X-RAY FITTED SHOES" Dunlop's Shoe Store "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" MtD47,ZiiraDi-l.11M-0"1.174-DetkaMDestnatrat7A-Wi'ai-kiriatIli-W.0210i-DilDtAMMIDIWANt2gtIV't.Sa4 CLASSIFIED ADS. BATTERY and Electric Radios, Toa- sters, Irons, Phone Larry Hiseler, phone 426. 1941 BUICK "8" — 4-Door Torpedo Body For Sole--With new tires all around, serial 1440900416, radio and heater; ceiling price or best cash .of- fer. Apply Carl Bondi, Wingham. FOR SALE-11 Pigs, 6 weeks old Phone 621r11. FOR SALE—House, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, cement cellar, good furnace, barn and. 3 acres of • land, near Foundry, immediate possession. Apply Miss j, Warwick, Box 317, Wingham. FOR SALE-1933 International half ton Truck, stake body, No. 120225, overhauled within 2000 miles, good tires. Apply Cecil Yeoman. FOR SALE-45 Pullets, Sussex and Rocks, laying, $1.65 each. Apply Cecil Yeoman. LOST—Red and White Heifer, from Mr. Downey's farm,( 6th of Turn- berry. Phone 609-4. LLOYD'S Corn and Callous Salve gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50 cents at McKib- bon's Drug Store. REPAIRS to Vacuum Cleaners, Wash- ing machines, motors, and all elec- trical appliances, Larry Hiseler, phone 426. "VIGORINE" gives new pep and 'vit- ality to men who feel rundown, ner- vous, weak. 15 day treatment $1.00 at McKibbon's Drug Store. WANTED—A Grocery Store, with Living quarters. Terms; Cash. Im- mediate ,possession. Write Jack L. Wilson, Longpoint Beach, Port Ro- wan, Ontario. WANTED—Comfortable Room and Board for elderly lady with pension, for winter months. Apply to Box A, Advance-Times, WEEK-END ROUND TRIP FARES Fare and One' Third GOOD Going—from 12 noon Friday until 2 p.m. Sunday RETURN* limit—Lv, destination not later than midnight follow- ing Monday. Good for First Class and Coaelt Travel .Available every 'week-etitt David Crompton JEWELLER Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM Phone 59 CHITTER-CHATTER FARM °FORUM The Forum of the first line of Mor- ris met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Peacock on Monday evening, with 51 in attendance. After listening to the weekly broad- cast on the subject, "Is Research meeting Farm' Needs", Mr. Harvey Robertson acted as discussion leader, and many helpful suggestions were rez-vamtemaciciemaneeimeeemeevcievictceetg CHORINE 17lowels 'PAqg rouR THE WINGITAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, November 2$, 1.940 WE HAVE QUAKER OIL COOK Stoves in our show rooms, liberal trade in allowance. Brown Furni- ture Exchange. WELL ESTABLISHED progressive Furniture Manufacturer has an un- usual opportunity for a young ex- perienced upholsterer; the man we require must have exceptional ability in leadership, Apply Box S, Ad- vance-Times. WE BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE new and used Furniture, Stoves, Glassware, Antiques, Brown's Fur- niture Exchange, Phone 239 or 21, Wingham. Every surplus Canadian egg is wanted to fill overseas orders at higher prices, Be prepared, Ask for price list and order HILLSIDE CHICKS now for early 1947, or even immediate delivery. Pure bre ds, cross-breds, Itobt. J. Douglas, R. R. 1, Wroxeter. "The Best CHICKS a Man Can Buy" That's what R bt, tuschet of 'rhed- ford says of it Kitchener Big 4 CHICKS It's going to take every egg and all the poultry meat we can produce to meet the markets, And at guaranteed good prices. Get the "extra" production that gets you that extra money. Buy Big-4 Chicks, but ORDER NOW FOR. JANUARY - FEBRUARY delivery, Canada Approved, Breeders pallor= tested. Wilbur Hogg, R, R, No, 4, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. James Adams wishes to ex- press her appreciation to her neigh,. boors and friends for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown during her recent bereavement, CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity of expressing our thanks to our neigh-hours and friends for their acts of kind• tress and many expressions of sym- pathy in our recent bereavement in the death of our brother, Mr, Peter Mo. Dougall, Mrs. McTavish and family. AN OPPORTUNITY • Established Rural Watkins District available, If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and b5—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a pro- fitable business of your own, For full particulars write 'today to The j, R. Watkins. Company, Dept, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que, TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders, marked "Tenders for Secretary-Treasurer" will be received by the undersigned up until midnight Tuesday, December 3rd, 1946, for the position of Secretary-Treasurer of the Blyth Farmers Co-operative Assoeia- tion,_Blyth, Ont, ,Tenders to state age, qualifications, experience and salary expected, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. B. Marsh, Secretary-Treasurer, Blyth Fal‘mers Co-operative Associat'n TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the Clerk or Howick Township for the sanding of the Township roads at a rate per hour, applicant to supply equipment. Tenders to be for all or part of Township, tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than 12 o'clock noon, December 3rd. The low- est or any tender not necessarily ae-, cepted. P. L. Durst, Clerk, Wroxeter. Voters' List, 1946 Municipality of the Township of How- ick, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up in my office in the Village of 'Gorrie, on the 23rd of November, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection, and I call upon all voters to take immediate proceeding to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 7th day of December, 1946. Dated this 26th day of Nov., 1946. PHIL. DURST, Clerk of Howick Twp., Wroxeter, Ont, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Bessie Jane Coulter, late of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the -County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on or about the third clay of November, A.D., 1,946, are notified to send to Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the fourteenth day of Dec cember, A.D. 1946, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediate- ly' after the said fourteenth day of De- cember the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of winch the executrix shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-fifth day of November, A. D., 1946, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGT ON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the executrix, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Peter McDougall, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the nineteenth day of November, A.D., 1946, are noti- fied to send to Crawford & Hethering- ton, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the fourteenth day of December, A.D., 1946, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fourteenth day of December the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-fifth day of November, A. D:, 1946. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingltam, Ontario, Solicitors for the executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having tlaims against the estate of William H. McKinney, late of the Village of Bluevale, in the County of Huron, Miller, who died on or about the fourth day of November, A.D,, 1946, are notified to send to Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the fourteenth day of December, A.D,,,1946, full par- ticulars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said fourteenth day of December, the assets of the said testator wilt' be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of 'which the ex- ecutors shall then have notice, DATED this twenty-fifth day of November, A. D., 1946. CRAWFORD & HETnERINvrov Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the executors. g Christian Book Shop ogs Why. not honor the One whose ta' birthday we celebrate by gifts which will be a blessing to our friends the whole year round. I CHRISTIAN BOOK SHOP When in Lucknow visit the and see the fine display of Bibles, 4, Hymn Books, Bible Concord- p ances, Bible Dictionaries, Moody Colportage Books, besides many fle editions by Spurgeon, Finney, Wesley, Goforth, Debbie, etc., Grace Livingstone Hill's and L. M. Montgomery's books, besides r. the hundreds of Children's Bible Story Books including Hurlbut's and Egermier's. Beautiful Per- mastone PLAQUES and MOT- TOES, SCRIPTURE NOVEL- TIES suitable for Sunday School prizes. brought out. The Forma felt Re.spar, ch had played a very large part in the production of farm products, and the marketing of farm produce and prices, But research Was. still in its early stages, But the forum 'believed that when farmers benefit through research that city people also benefit, as a finer and better quality of products could be produced, and that taxation of both rural and urban people would be the fairest way. Progressive euchre was enjoyed under the direction of Eva Fraser with Mrs. J, McLennan and Charles Mettl.ers winning the highest points, Mr, and Mrs, Fleming Johnston win- ing the consolation prizes, Lunch of sandwiches and coffee was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs, Harvey Roberton, Mrs, Walter Sniillle and Roma Breckenridge. Mr. Lee Breck- enridge invited the group to meet at their home for the next meeting with Charles Mothers and Fleming John- ston as a recreational committee. BLYTH Reeve—I?, Bainton,(accl). • Council—(Four to be elected) Har- old Vodden, George McNall, Louis Whitfield, Jack Watson, George Rad- ford, Stewart Robinson, Harvey Me- Callum. Edwin Cartwright, William Thuell, (ace School Trustees—Sam Creighton, Hydro Commissioner—Gordon El- liott, (accl.), BRUSSELS Recte—R. B. Cousins (acct.:). Council—(Four to be elected) W. A. Willis (qual.); A. M. Grower, L. W. Eckmier (qual.); R. W.. Kennedy, (qual.); Jacob Fischer (qual.); Mrs. Louise Porter, J. C. Long, Harry Bow- ler, E. N. McDonald, William Spiers. School TruStees—(Four to be elect- ed), Dr.:W. Jamieson, D. A. Rann, Albert 'Woods, William Martin, W. Williamson, William Leach, P.U,C.—William Little, D. M, Mc- Donald. MORRIS Reeve—Cecil Wheeler, (accl.). Council—Harvey Johnston, Charles Coultes, Joseph Yuill, Sam Alcock, (act's). School Trustees—Williiim Shouldice, Robert J. MCMurray, (accts.). WAWANOSH WEST Reeve—Brown Smyth (accl.). Council—Everett Finnegan, David McCollister, Gordon McPherson; Wal- lace Miller (accts.). School Trustee—Lorne don Miller, (accts.). GREY Reeve—Alex Alexander, Stanley Meehan, Thomas Doughty, Harry Keys, John McNab. Deputy Reeve—Stanley Meehan George McDonald, Clifford Rowland. Council--George McDonald, Clifford Rowland, Bert Johnston, Thomas Ward (accis,), School Trustees, (three to be elect- to be elected)—Kenneth McLean, Harry Bolger, William C. Ellacott, Smith,William Watson Brown. CULIIGSS Reeve—Lester Falconer, Joseph McGinnis, Council—(four to be eleeted)—Gor- (Ion Melvin, Michael Fischer, Earl Cas- lick, Joint Moffatt, Joseph H. Wall, KINLOSS Reeve—Alexander McKenzie, Dan T, MacKinnon, (both qualified). Council—John W. Colwell, P. A. Murray, George Tiffih, RUssell Gaunt, (abels.), • CARRICK Reeve—Jacob Fischer (accl,), Council—(four to be elected)-,-Carl Nieliolaa, I-lohnstela, Herbert Kuntz; Wallace *Wilton, Norman Sch- ChitileS Schofter, R. j, Morrison, (qual,). GREENOCK Ray Donnelly, (acct,): Council—James Doyle, Stephen Stliarbach, Ed Ward Alexander, I'(oraee Clatfr, (aotI.). ndtve-.1-XowtiM n2e iii e, Oot,), PeleteiCittnlaCtMelVeleieWleiCiVeveicryciciereicieigieleieleeetaiitliCieieligeeteaciaiveig tainton's Hardware And Farmers' Supply House "QUALITY, PRICE and SERVICE. Sell Our Goods" A Real SPECIAL! EXTRA LARGE CLOTHES HORSE, 3-fold— PLUS 3-piece EXTENSION , ... , . . . .$2.98 Also TWO OTHER STYLES, at, $2.98 Santa Claus — Buy your Toboggans NOW -4 foot 5 foot 6 foot $4.15 $4.95 $5.75 Noma CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, with 8 Mazda Bulbs Complete $1.30 Noma MULTIPLE SETS, with 7 individual-burn- ing bulbs $2.20 JIG-SAWS $9.75 Simple Simon JIG-SAW $17.95 "gm Fresh Mason's, Finishing or White Washing LIME Mason's, per bag • .60c Finishing, bag . . . .65c No. 3 Heavy GARBAGE PAILS or Ash Cans with cover $1.98 THE SENSATIONAL NEW Chieftain Auto Jack, $8.95 Easily lifts 3 tons from 4 3/4 inches to 14% inches MEN'S GLOVES and MITTS,-from 59c to $2.15 Royal Purple ROUP REMEDY 30c and 60c Royal Purple CONDITIONER for Poultry, Hogs, and all Livestock ... .21/2 lb.'pkg, 60c 8'/2 lb. $1.75 25-lb. bag $4.50 RAY-0-VAC, LEAKPROOF FLASHLIGHT' BATTERIES, each 15c ALADDIN TABLE LAMPS In clear Sparkling Crystal Glass—Complete' with Shade and Tripod $8.50 IVORY ALACITE GLASS—Complete with Shade and Tripod $8.95 OXIDIZED BRONZE—Complete with Shade and Tripod " $11.75 I METAL STORM SCREENS 55c, 65c I STEP-LADDERS 4-ft. $2.35, 5-ft. $3.00, 6-ft. $3.60, 7-ft. $4.25 Large Farm WHEELBARROW $8.95 , SUPER-PYRO —ANTI-FREEZE 45c qt. Gallons .. $1.72 Council—Elmer Graham, R. A. Grant, Mel. Dickson, Ray Dalton, (acels,). School Trustees—Roy McKay, WM» ter Alton, W. T. Hunter, Marvin Dur- nin, WalterTaggert, (accl.). ANNOUNCEMENT "WARREN HOUSE" WILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS THURSDAY, DEC. 5th SPECIALIZING IN ANTIQUES BOOKS OIL PAINTINGS LAMPS DRAPERY MATERIALS and FIXTURES Charles C. McKibbon Located on DIAGONAL ROAD OPP JOSEPHINE ST. FOR SALE—Two pair Goose Feath- er Pillows, good as new. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-2 Durham Calves. Ap- ply Bill Cruikshank, phone 377. FOR SALE—Pontiac Coach, model 32 4 new tires, hot water heater, serial No, 162289. Phone 89. FOR SALE — 1 Yorkshire Hog, 8 Chunks, 19 Suckers. Apply George Tervit, Bluevale Road. Phone 636r4. FOR SALE — Ladies' Black Winter Coat, fur collar, chamois lined, size 14, also Girls' Tweed Coat, fur col- lar, age 12, cheap for quick sale. Ap- ply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-125 New Hampshire and and Sussex Pullets, laying; 75 Bar- red Rocks, Phone Brussels 14-26. FOR SALE-1929 Chev. Sedan, good tires, Apply Norman I3ehrns, R. It 1, Wroxeter, Phone Fordwich 47r25. FOR SALE-,-.1 pair brown corduroy and leather snow boots, in_ good con- dition, Will fit foot size 51/e. Apply Advance limes, FOR SALE—Sideboard, Parlor Tab- le, Carpet Sweeper, six piece toilet set, Folding Screen, Call 2865, Wing- ham. FOR SALE—Brown, tailor-made belt. ed wool Coat, good as new, site 11. Apply A dvan HELP WANTED—Female—Capable girl, or middle-aged woman, as plain cook and housework, in small private home, Toronto. Two adults, prot- estant, cleaning-woman weekly. Pri- vate warm room, bath and radio, Character references required, Non- smoker. Please state age, all partic- ulars in letter to Box M, care of ,k(1- van cc-Times, IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose. Me-Ki bbotes Drtt... Store, WANTED Good home for two beau- tiful male kittens, either separately or together. Write }I either Society, fox 724, -Goderielt, or phone 285, Goderich, JAMESTOWN Mrs. Campbell Sr., of Winthrop, who spent sometime visiting her grand- daughter, Mrs. Gordon FIolt, returned to her home. Mr. Cecil Payn of Toronto, has been visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Payn. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Willis were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs, Har- vey McConnell of Minto. Mrs. Bernice Payn spent a couple of days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Fowler of Chesley, GLENANNAN Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Morland and two children; Donald and Doyle, of Kincardine, spent a couple of days re- cently with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Appleby. rF Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Jeffray of 1r Wingham, spent Sunday with the for- I mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. David Eadie spent the week-end in Peterborough, visiting Mulvey, who . is confined to a hospital with the latter's brother, Mr. Stewart there. Messrs. Ross Hastings and Glenn Appleby left on Thursday fro Kitch- ener, where they plan on spending the i winter months. NOMINATIONS IN DISTRICT HELD Op CHRISTMAS CARDS with individuality such as cards with personal messages, Canadi- an Artists' Series, Wedgewood Designs and Madonna Prints, Christmas Sympathy Cards and Cards especially prepared for children. See the beautiful FRENCH FOLDERS for personal messages. If we haven't the book you want, we will order for you—but please get order in early. The Christian Book Shop LUCKNOW ONT. allaatiliMMNIVIDadattn2=424U0atzar Beaver Collar Horsehide Sheepskin lined HANNA'S Men's Wear 0X1#hltltk;Raik Durnin, El- PINK-WriMArakez9nRIPAV*40401,1-211nZAkaaa0=2,Wa944041i9tMIUMalauVilnk242444 .... . . Council—Richard 'Martin, Eli Mor- gan, Gordon Finlayson, Archie Court- ney, (acels,), ASHFIELD Reeve—,Ceeit Johnston (acct.) .4.;,..t..) a 411 r.