The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-11-07, Page 8RAPII 13 13111. TIP d;" THE WINGHAM ADVANCE,TIMES Thursday, November 7, 1946 foA:Gg ti OW By ligne J. *Ole Coming out of the house the other day I slipped some salt into a twist of paper. I had a sudden hankering for some ripe tomatoes off the vines. I hunkered down and selected, a big one, bit into it, poured on some -salt and thoroughly enjoyed. mayself, It's straw-. ge, but true that you can pick toma- ,toe.s right, from the vines . and take them into the house and cut them UP and eat them then but somehow or. other the taste can't compare with what you get when you swipe them off the tines, We always had plenty tomatoes at home. The. only time my mother .eyee complained was when she. was all set to make chili sauce or pickles only to. discover that the vines had.been raided of the choice ripe tomatoes. She was, pretty proVoked as I recall it one tittle, after having nursed along a handsome, bush of those small, yellow tomatoes only to discover that my brother and I haying had a taste of 'them, cleaned the bush up completly of ripe ones. There are a lot of things around that farm. that taste good when , fresh. Just take for instance those first few hills of potatoes a fellow digs in the spring. Wash them off and tumble them into' a pot and then take saMand- pepper and butter to them, hides and all, Could a king find a finer :delicacy anywhere, Along about this time of year here's another taste thrill. If I keep on us- ng words like that I'll sound like one of those fellows on the radio, As I was saying however, take along about this time of year and pick a night when there's just a threat of frost. It helps a lot if you have a full moon and a few skifts of 'cloud up in the sky. Pick up a few fellows and maybe some of the women folks and go back to the corn patch. Start a big, roaring fire arid put a kettle over it and then husk some corn and throw it in the pot along with a handful of salt. Sit around and talk and wait for awhile in the warmth of the fire .and then take some salt and pepper and butter to that and 'you've got something that tastes pretty darn- ed good. If I keep on like this I am going to make myself hungry all over again and supper only two hours past. I guess farmers are pretty lucky. in spite of everything. Sometimes I think-we overlook the things we have right here on the farm. It reminds me of the "fellow I saw 'the other day. at Tinattur, phy's store He sold Tim an eleven cittart 'basket of .tomatoes and then bought two tins. of. canned tomatoes. He said 'he 'didn't like the taste of fresh tomatoes 'from the.garden. Q:—What is the ceiling price of comb honey? A:—The maximum price at which anyone may sell honey in a standard . wooden comb' honey section of 4 114 by 4 114 inches or of four inches by five inches is '40 cents a section. Q:—When there is such a shortage of soap in Canada why do we export it to Newfoundland and other count- 'ties? A:—Under trade agreements which have been in existence for many years Canada-made soap is exported to the British West Indies. New- RATION• COUPON INFORMATION 77;10.•' l W 4111111 ‘te mum Electric Fencers Table Lamps Toasters Records and Record Players VilmliMe•Inard• McGILL Radio Service Phone 380. $11111111111111111111111111111111101111111 11111111111111•111111•11•11111111111111MIRRIIIIIIWIN PLASTER REPAIRING Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done. A. French & Son Plastering . Contractors Box 23 - 'Phone 187 Wingham Ont. ESTIMATES FREE Specialists in Cornice Work and. Decorative Plastering DRAMATIC STONES FROM EVERYDAY LIFE JOHN FISHER CANADA'S ACE COMMENTATOR EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, 'FRIDAY p v mu 7,25' u n P.M PRESENTED BY PURITY FLOUR. PURITY OATS SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR Nov. 12-20 TORONTO Good going—Nov. 11th to 13th inclusive. Return — Lv. Toronto not later than midnight Nev. 21. One-way fare for round trip. with certain. exceptions. Full information from any agent CANADIAN NATIONAL General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PDOPDSSICINAL MAN, and THE FARMER, S. J. PymE. P. 0. Sox 40 RIPLEY ONT. A C. C. F. BROADCAST Canadian Income Taxpayers Scam To Get Back 50 Millions Ottawa,Canadian income taxpay- ers are due to get $50,000,000: back shortly, but it was paid sp hang- ago that probably a lot of them have for- gottep about it. In 1942 the 1Governmeat introduced a compulsory savings plan as part of the income tax setup, The plan con- tinued until rrild:4944, They are scheduled to get the 1942 assessemitt 'back by March 31; 1948, with two‘per cent interest. .1•••••••••• Warns Living Cost to Rise If Controls Go Ottawa,— DOnald, Gordon, Prices Board chairman, :bluntly told. Canacl7 fans they had to choose betweeen"con- trolled readjustment and uncontrolled readjustment," Mr: Gordon dealt with general as- pects of price control in the first of a series of five broadcasts on the- CBC: Other broadcasts are scheduled to deal with specific controls. ' He said frankly 'that some price in-' creases were to be expected—"how- ever much we may regret it, rigid' stab.- i of prices is beyond achievement Land this is a . fact .eve should face squarely." He attributed difficulties and, criti, eism to the effect of inflationary ten, dencies in other countries, particularly' :United States; removal of the impetus. Of war and the pressure of various groups for the removal.. of controls. •••••••••"" Ghost of. Houdini Falls To Keep Appointment Detroit,—The ghost of Harry }loud- ini failed to appear at a seance held by a group of Detroit magicians on the anniversary of the great magician's • a death, Promptly at midnight, Robert. Ungerwitter, a Detroit magician called upon Houdini's spirit to make, itself known before 15 persons assembled in a darkened room, But nothing hap- petted, "Blue Baby" Operation Technique Improved Torooto,—Dr. Gordon D, W. Mur- ray of ,Toronto has, completed his ],Qth aueeessful "blue ,baby" operation in, re- cent 'months, it was announced .and some *observers said, his methods were an improvement on the Blaylock-Tau- ssig operation developed at John Hop- kins Hospital, Baltimore, Most recent child to undergo Dr. Murray's treatment is Gerald. Borden, 11, of Ontario. .1","1"..r.••••• Board, Is Considering Cut In Rutter Ration Prices Board officials are -giving creasing attention to the question of a plan .for Canada's butter ration this '-winter, but have so far come to no conclusion, and the prospects are there Will be no change in the present -six- ounce ration at least-during. November. One Prices Board official said 'that it was "touch and go" whether the Dom- inion would have to cut hack on the. ration. He, said it was expected de- cision would not -be made for a fort, night, ,holore,Sugar Possible' But Not Until' 1947 ' Ottawa,—Prospects of a. larger sug- ar supply for Canadians next year are :not likely to be clear until early in 1947, Price Board officials said. " General expectations are that th e world sugar supply will be Taster next year and if that is the case Canadians can exneet larger rations, but with that prediction goes the warning that web inpredietable happenings as a hurricane in an important sugar area could quickly change, the picture, Crerar Retires Front.Artur Post; effective Sttnday Ottawa,—G6n, H. D, G. Crerar, Who led the 1st Canadian Army,3 throUgh- mit its 'campaign' ilt ,NorthwestEttrOpe —from. the Normandy landings into Germany—has retired froM the Can- adian Army. Senior figure -on , the Canadian Mill- Lary scene at 58, Gen. Crerar's retire-. merit will become effective' Oct. 27th., although it was announced early last year that the General would lay down the 'honours of 'service, • PHIL OSIER OF LRY MEADOWS, TH E NEW 'HORIZON PRI., NOV, 8th, 9,30 p.m. CXNX Dial 920 mosomommommumior For Your 'BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work• Built-in CUPBOARDS —SEE -- Bennett & Gilmore 'Phone, 447 Wingham r fciundland and other British Colon- ies. The amount. shipped is approx- imately six million pounds as com- pared with a total. Canadian produc- tion of 225 million pounds. Q:—Are restaurants allowed', to incre- ase the price of milk by the glass? A:—No. Price increases for milk sold 'by the glass in restaurants will not be allowed unless approved by the Service Administration of 'the War- time Prices and. Ttade. Board. Ap- plications for an increase will not be considered_ unless the overall picture of any business warrants an increase. Q:—What group of items -is respon- sible for the greatest percentage of rise in the cost of living A:—Foodstuffs show the largest in- crease in prices of all commodities ineluded in the Official cost of Hiring index. am planning to spendthe winter in the United States and want to take some of my own•canned fruit with* me. Will you please tell me if I can take, them. A:—Ganadian export reghlations per- mit a Canadian citizen to take with him to the United:*States for his own personal consumption, butter, preser- ves and rationed meat up to $5.00 in value. For amounts of these foods over $5. an export permit is required from the Export Permit Branch, Department of Trade and Commerce, 220 Queen's' St., Ottawa. d However, both Canada an the Un- ited States have their own regula- tions and therefore the customs of- ficials of each country at border points are concerned. In view of this it is suggested that you com- municate with the American • cus- toms at her port of entry in order to avoid disappointment. Remaining. Dependents• To Be In. Canada Soon Repatriation ships are scheduled to bring ,3,500 before October 81st and the rest are expected in November. Their arrival will almost complete' the repatriation task. riapiernma 1 WORLD WIDE NEWS IN .CONDENSED' FORM CONSUMERS'Compiiments of OV Carmichael Superior Store RATION COUPON Dominion 'Stores Limited Red Front Grocery CALENDAR Smith's Economy Food 'Store 'SUN ' MON TOES WED 1 THURSDAY . * FRI SAT NO LONGER VALID: ALL SUGAR, BUTTER AND M COUPONS UNNUMBERED AND BEARING BEAVER DESIGN 1 2 .7 . SUGAR-PRESERVES S3 1 • BUTTER COUPON B31 3•, MEAT COUPON M58 Valid 8 • 10 11 12 13 14 MEAT COUPON M59 Valid 15 16 17 1:8 .19 20 - 21 s:TTAERR.PCROESUEPROVENS .53324, S35 MEAT, COUPON M60 Valid. ,2 ' - 2' 23 24 25 27 2 6 29 28 BUTTER COUPON B33 MEAT COUPON M61_ Valid t 30 • • 4071~W Re 21 124 1946 SEVESTY-FLVE YEARS OF BANEING From the days of the Little Red Schoolhouse to the - present age of scientifically.planned and equipped school buildings, The Dominion Bank has been promoting progress. With 75,years,of suckparticfnation in com- munity, betterment behind it, this Bank looks" to the with continued faith and.optimism. :1 We have a large, stock, of Lowe Bros. House Paints 44134ON itr.ViDER voirmaimeiloo Harold Finley 'PHONE 281 WINGHANI Pleasing' Display • of Suftwortity Papers 11111111011111111111111111111111111111111111181111111111111.11111111 Yemen's We like our pattous• to feel at home. when, they are ..our guegts,. ff yolk& new in town, why not Orne- fret dinner Seine eVettingt EIS att CHIPS Tuastity* And Fridays 'PHONE ORDERS, 176 Ke.tP wATelt AT THIS \. I I - Thanksgiving until taster if you plant your first narcissi now and continue to make plantings at three-week inter- vals until March 1st. The paper white narcissi or the gol- den yellow Soleil d'Or, are the only ones for indoor planting. These will bloom seven weeks from the time of planting, The bulha can be forced by growing them in bowls or saucers of pebbles and water. Place the bulbs so their tips are level with the rim of the bowl, as illustrated in the accompanying Garden.Graph. Press the pebbles firmly around the bulbs, covering the shoulders but leaving the tips exposed. Keep the water level over the roots, es linittated. but do not have the water quite touch the bulbs, for when Bulbs placed in water and pebbles should be put away in a dark closet where the tenmerature is et:tot, ibut there is no danger of freezing. This is necessary to stimulate root growth, Although the plants will flower if kept in the light, the results will not he as good as when' the roots are allowed to develop first, Leave the bulbs in the dark until the roots are two to three inches long. Theo place, the bowl hi the light, butt not in strong sulfdight, After the' tops have• become entirely trolly 'die plants can be .plated in a ttitiridOW hi ion sunlight; betotative containers for the plant., ifrgs:can be sound to. match oily COW te.heate, Pebblee Mee Can be In *Awl colour TIE UP FOLIAGE A4S PLANTS D€0401, Aft You can have indoor blooms from it does slime or decay will develop.' Tomorrow's schools will employ new facilities for enhancing; the„tChildre4hecdth and: hwinesst With wiridowsEaboVe.the roof°-oft the. tOtrid011i, Mir claiSSOMMWKiii:400400IfilhAlielltframAlolhisitlesi, fo tirin$499,94,•YRII0ht•alelotiCOVird0190 gh01.04101105i. Sealing arrangement will be flexible. Moveable desks and' 'choirs will: make It.. easy 'to ,, grouptiho _ pupils according,* noleli, for. greater, convenience i comfort and interest. Radio receiVersiviith beilfzin loudspeakers the niachsria., make full, usicof oductulonalltroadc.ts; Sikh things, combined' With itew Matericilt, modern heating and vontilationi plirstfirf011'iviitifootspirerv; will • , totioluselo."s000d oriosliihriovisdbosilOsr, int000det Schools of Tomorrow. gnittprisi will produce thins: This Bank Will provide enterprise with the teli0110t41$ needed .,to FOOL Infe prattlie., THE DOMINION BANK SOVINTINIFIVE YNARS 00 WAKING 1946 • •