The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-08-22, Page 8AT----- Smith's Economy Food Store Heinz Strained Vita-B 3 lb. pkg, INFANT FOODS 3 tins 25c WHEAT GERM CEREAL 25c Nutrim 16 oz. pkg. roodsaver 100 ft. roll BABY CEREAL 49c WAX PAPER .......... ... ........ 27c Rose Brand Spirit or Blended VINEGAR, gal. ,39c Royal Manor Mixed Pickling SPICE, 4 oz. pkg. 10c 14-cut Heavy Red RUBBER. RINGS, 4 doz. . .25c HEAVY GRADE ZINC RINGS, dozen ......29c FRESHLY GROUND WHEW Stokley's Fancy 20 oz. tin YOU ORDER HONEY POD . PEAS ...... ,......19e REX COFFEE lb. 49c Chateau or Velveeta ..... CHEESE, 1/2 lb. pkg. ..„........,..21c Neilson's Jersey Brand COCOA 1 lb. tin .... ...„..29c Requires 3 Tokens Smith's Four Veld& "`YORK BOLOGNA Black TEA, 1/2 lb. .`. 40c 25c for 12-oz. tin Kellogg's VARIETY PACKAGE CEREAL , .25c Nabisco SHREDDED WHEAT . , , ...2 pkgs. 25c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES 126s GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c 300s LEMONS ..-...-..,A for 16c C8s ORANGES, doz. .......-.40c Nnw CABBAGE, lb. .................46 ELBRY IMARTS, 'bunch i'te EIZX CARROTS, lb. -...-.66 PEACHES, PLUMS, TOMATOES, POTATOES RATION 0011136N8 VALID T1.11111,81)Alt, AUGUST 22 WITTER-440,10 to 18 • SUGAR-Nos, Si to 823 IVIEAT-44oa. M40 to 14180, Q1 1 FREE DELIVERY PHONE 161 Sow the Seeds of Friendship with GREETING CARDS Remember your friends with RUSTCRAFT "CARDS OF CHARACTER" 1r Front our large and varied assortment you will find a card for every occasion-A greeting that is sure to please your friend or 'neighbour 'under any circumstance. SCATTER SUNSHINE WITH GREETING CARDS- "They Cost So Little and'Mean So Much" McKibbons CAR CHARACTER "A woman should get a Mall first,.. then want .him! " All-Weather Coats THE RAIN-GUARD- All-wea- ther cloth, wind and shower proof Fully selflined.. Raglan cut. . Dressy and Practical. Fawn. - $17.95 - All-weather Fine. Twill Cotton Gaberdine Top or Shower-proof Coat. Plaid lined, full cut. Easy fitting. Fawn. - $17.95 - 11. 1111.11Mm iplomm MINIM MM. OMR. pM1=•• .I.•••••• •••••11 1.1••• al•••••• Mous. le.•••• 1 ••••••.• ••••••• 01•••••1 ..1111111 WWI NM* NNW. ••••=•• •••••••=1 11•111•1110 *mime 0•1•11•110 •••••••• •2118111111. • 0101•110• meeting andthechildren for their splen- did programme. 29 answered the roll call, Mrs. Harold Snell closed the meeting with prayer, after which lunch was served. Mr. Wm. Bush of Toronto, assisted at the Church service on Sunday in the service of song, by rendering two solos which were much appreciated. BELGRAVE Miss Donna VanCamp spent the week-end with friends at Port Sydney. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Smith and fain-. iiv haveas their house guests this week her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John E. Al- len of Windsor, also Mrs. Smith's sis- ter, Mrs. Doris Bell and sons, Morley and Vernon of San Diego, California. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnston attended the CKNX Barn Dance at Lions Head and spent the week-end there, Mrs. John VanCamp Sr., and Miss Nora VanCamp spent the weekeend with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fairservice, Londesboro, The Triple V Sunday School Class had charge of the service in both the Brick and United Church here on Sun- day. Bill MeClenaghan, Don Watt, Norman Higgins, Charlie Higgins; and Geo. Michie took the lead in the ser- vice and their class teacher, Stewart Procter took the topic. The class sang an anthem and a quartette sang "I Belong to Jesus". The service on Sunday, August 25, will be in charge of Rev. Beecroft of Wingham, Belgrave W,.MS. Meets The Presbyterian Church Women's Missionary Society met in the elturch on Tuesday afternoon, with the presl- dent, Mrs. R. J. Scott, in charge.. The scripture lalsson was read by .Miss Ag- nes Mason, and Mrs. Scott led in pray- A‘Achapter from the study book on Africa was reviewed by Mrs. Jos- Dunbar. - BLYTH Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Kyle ,have re- turned from a two weeks vacation, The second annual Lions Frolic held on Thursday evening, was an outstand- ing succesS. A special feature of the program was the Boys and Girls Band under the leadership of Mr. Robinson of London, our citizens are real proud of them. Bingo And games and danc- ing at your pleasure. Splendid prizes were given, two former Blyth ladies, Mrs. Minnie Lyon of Man., and Mrs. The Canada Lite Assurance Company ANNOUNCES THE APPOINTMENT OF • Frank C. Hopper As Representative in North Huron and Bruce Counties with headquarters in. Wingham. BAPTIST CHURCH Rey. J. N, fl, Norton, Pastor. Sunday, August 25, 1946 10 a.m,-Bible School, 11 am,--"The Great Multitude". 7,30 p.m,-Third in Series: "What I Believe, and Why" Nms E sERreg PATTISO? , Radio Service Phone 171 Westinghouse RADIO TUBES ii1 I T.9 I nininia IBI THE WINGI A ADVANMIIMES • Thursday, August 22.0dp 1940 GORRIE LYRE R Show starts evenings at 8 p.m,, Saturday, 7,45 p.m, Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p,rn. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 22, 23, 24 SUSAN HAYWARD PAUL LUKAS - In "Deadline At Dawn!! There is suspense and thrills in this action melt:). drama of a case of murder and mistaken identity. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 26, 27, 28 mommonommonommilim JUST INSTALLED ! THE NEW AMICO ELECTRIC Sole Vulcanizer for Ladies' and Fine Shoes No Nails - No Sewing Workmanship Guaranteed IMINIIIIIIIESSInsuncionsimmimmumminmumun a . a aa TUE ' Niii FACIA ' 1 is peos mi e • SIT I I E . is a • a a Ely SLATER NI If • le r Ladies' l• ,v IIII In • In Eine Black SUEDE . • in • a • Low Style • is P a at Is UMP • • • 28 • Ili with Open Toe and • is • Cuban Heel. • AI is Widths AA and B • mi si • • Sizes 5 t o 9 ' a mi mt me $9000 am . a al i Rhys Pollock im - a "SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY" s el ai • im • * • gi2e • • I Featuring HA FA TIT for Men 1 im = That Touch of Fall Calls For -3 -.. 41 A NEW TOPPER .... = _ _ = .._.= = _ MEN'S • = E TOP _ _ vi, _ b. _ coATs vetiv-":, .11 Yorkshire British Tweed. Brown with plaid overcheck. Fly front with full drape effect $35.00 Beveridge English Cloth Top 'Coats in Barathea weave. Fawn shade with set-in sleeves, Loose- fitting model with fly front $35.00 SCHOOL DAYS Are Approaching The beginner and teenr ager will want to, start the school term in smart and good wearing apparel. OUR STOCK CAN SUPPLY THEIR WANTS and we sug- gest you • see the JACKETS, SWEATERS, SLACKS, JUMP- ERS, SUITS, HOSE, SHIRTS NOW ON DISPLAY. •••••••=2 6.0.•1=. TUNIC DRESS Practical and smart for Fall days or school wear. Mostly in Alpine Rayons-Browns, Greens, Blue, Peach. Sizes 12 to 18 $5.39 - $7.39 KING DEPT. STORE "THE :FRIENDLY STORE"' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111MIIIMM W. 5. Sheffield of St. Catharines, re- ceived prizes, the latter a beautiful col- ored bed spread, After paying. expen:. ses the LionS will have for their work $1100'00. Mrs. Sheffield and daughter, Lillian McLean R,N., visited the formers sis- ter, Miss A. Gillespie and returned to their home in St. Catharines on Satur- day. Miss A. Gillepsie visited friends in London during the week. RESTORE PIG INDUSTRY Northern Ireland is being urged to restore pig production and, writes the Canadian Trade Commissioner, the restoration of the industry is being considered by the Minister of Agricu- ture there as the .most immediate re- quirement of that territory. JSY2Oe n immoummullmummunnummandm .67t,n• •' , -rmfee.a. PRts GENE TIERNK • Mitten-for rro scowl-111er% arld'cirg,cocr ,py, inukt • vnimomrami Mr. and Mrs. Carter McKee of Galt, • are holidaying at Mr, •Geo. Mapes. Members of St. Stephen's W. A, enjoyed a pleasant afternoon at 13,ruce Beach, on Wednesday, where they were •entertaine.d by the President, Mrs, H. V, Holmes, Mr.and Mrs, D. W, Dane and Mrs. Mrs, A, Miles of Toronto, were,in town several days last week, Jimmie Marshall of Stratford, is spending holidays with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall. Mrs, Patrick .of Brussels, is 'renew- ing old acquaintances in town. Mrs. Etta Pyke and Mrs, Patrick, were guests recently of Rev, and'Mrs, Button. at their cottage at Bruce Beach, Rev. J. C. and Mrs, Caley and Dav- id, returned on Friday from • their vacation which included a motor trip to New York City. Misses Olga and Mary Eilliott of Vancouver, are guests with Mrs, B. Stinson. They made the trip by mo- tor, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Jermyn and Mr. and Mrs, Walter Huggan of Brussels, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall. Recent guests at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henry of Richards Landing, and Mr, and Mrs. W. Johnston of Clifford, Mr. R, W. N. Wade is in .Toronto this week, Rev, and Mrs. G, G. Howse and Bert have returned from a week's holi- day in Ashfield.township, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Johnston and other friends. Mr. Thomas Gilmour, Mr. and Mrs. EMerson Shera and Mrs. J. T. Len- nox of Wingham, were 'Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Gallaher. Mr, and Mrs., Milton Pocock and children of Bayfield, Mrs. Copeland, Sheila and Paul, Mr. J. G. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald 5, Armstrong and Dawn, of Toronto, were callers at the home of Dr: and Mrs. Armstrong on Sunday. Bobbie Stephens is returning with Mr. ,and Mrs. Mervyn Stephens for a weeks holiday in Thorndale. Miss Helen Watson of Fergus, is visiting Miss Wilma Heibein. Mrs. Watson and Mr. Lyle Watson were Fergus visitors over the week- end. Mr. Jim Anger of Listowel, was in town on Sunday. Misses Ruth Heininiller and Barbara Ferguson of Southampton, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. V. Hein- miller. Mr. Geo, Heinmiller and friend, Miss Joan Blanchard of Baie Comeau, Quebec, are also guests at the same home, Mrs. Faucett and son, Wayne, of Chatham, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur tephens. Mrs. Farr and chil- dren, Kennett, Roy, Louis and Caro-' lyn of Agincourt, and Miss Cora Scott of Toronto, were also guests at the same home. Little 'Miss Evelyn Simpson of Molesi:vorth, is•visiting her grandmoth- er, Mrs. T. Simpson.. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bergman and Mrs. George Herd of Detroit, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Day. • Mrs. Archie Scott visited friends in Blyth on Wednesday. • A large crowd attended the auction • sale on Saturday afternoon of the •I household effects of the late Mrs. 111 Rosalind Wade. Mr. Hec. Hamilton spent Sunday • in Belgrave, Mrs. Hamilton and little son returning with him after visiting • with relatives for several days. Mrs. Riehl of Toronto and son, Mr. Earl Riehl of Guelph, were week-end visitors with friends in and around town. Mr, and Mrs. R. Nash and daughter, of Newbury, are spending some, time with the former's mother and other relatives. Mr, Arthur Miles anddaughter, Miss Audrey, were week-end gtiests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. N. Wade, Mrs. Minnie Irwin of Toronto, is holidaying with relatives here after spending a few weeks with her daugh- ter, in Detroit. Mrs. Irwin travelled from Toronto to Detroit by plane. Mrs. Lulu Sanderson and Mr. Leon- ard Sanderson, were guests at the Jen- kins-Bennett wedding which took place on Saturday afternoon in St. James Anglican Church, Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neilson. and little son, spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. L, Neilson and David. Misses Emily and Beatrice Potter returned Sunday after a holiday spent with friends at Paisley. Miss Jennie McKee of Whitby, is visiting friends in town. SALEM Mr, and Mrs. D. L. Weir and (laugh., ter, Fannie Belle, spent last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Weir at their cottage at 'Grand Bend. A nutriber from around here attend- ed the wedding in the Wroxeter Angli- can ,Church last Saturday of Miss Laura Bennett, daughter of Mrs. U- win Bennett to Mr. John Jenkins at the hour of four o'clock. After the ceremony some thirty.five of 'the friends went to ihe home of the bride's ,brother, Mr. Zen Bennett, where a dinner was served, The Rev. Mr. Cal- ey officiated. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Dane and son, Edgar, called on friends at Teeswatcr last Sunday, Anniversary services will be held in the church. here on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Rev, D. A, Vacey of Tecswater, will occupy the pulpit Services will be at 11 aan, and 7.80 p.m. Mr, W. H. Campbell is spending a couple of weeks "with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Crozier of London. Mr. Albert Nethery, Misses Norma and Dorothy Nethery of Hamilton, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook. Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Crozier and Joan of Crewe, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Horne of Wind- sor are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell and other friends. Mrs. R. Stonehouse, Mrs, N. G. Ain- slie, of Goderich, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph McKeen of California, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor and other friendson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E, W. Brawn of St. Thomas, were week-end guestS at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. W. F. Campbell and Mr, Campbell. The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. and Baby Band was held on Wednes- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Norman Radford. The meeting open- ed iv singing When He Cometh. Pray- er by Mrs. Win. MeVittie. The pro- gramme was given by Mission Band, solo was rendered by Barbara Smith, readings by Johnny Buchanan, Gordon Smith, Gwendnolyn McDowell, Ger- ald McDowell, duet, Lois Campbell, Ruth Cook, Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Wm. Carter, Mrs. Harold Snell told the children a story. The collection was taken by Harvey and ltotiald Snell. 'The business part of the meeting was conducted by Mrs. Wm, McVittie, who thanked Mrs, Radford for opening her home for the I BROWNE'S Shoe Repair FRY-In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, August 15th., to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fry, Witigham,( a son. FORSTER-In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, August 17th., to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Forster, of Lucknow, a son. YEMEN-In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Sunday, August 18th., to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yemen, a son. CROMPTON-In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, Anugust 18th., to Mr. and Mrs. David Crompton, a daughter. NELSON-In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, August 20th., to Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson, R. R. No, 7, Lucknow, a daughter. BORN WESTFIELD • 1111m1.1 ammo limakom, 111.11•0110 =MIMI •••••=111 Impopon .111111 11••=11.1 .1••••. •11•1111=1. mama •11••••• ••••••• •••••• 1110111•1111111 •••••1111 2111•0112111 IMM11101 1•••••• •••••• •••••••• 04.611•11 ••••••••• 111111101101 MINIM Niminnoniumulliiiimonimuo• llmollionimommigoommollollonimunininilluninomiiiminomminnue.4 MOM 111111•••