The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-08-01, Page 2Wingham Advance-Tim
Published 4t
PAGE TWQ Thursday, August 1st, 1946
the !'race 're dear "indar Me,
thievea see wale:hes anti rings valued
at 82.0e8.
Mr. Glover fixed the time on the
rehreery between 2 Atiozic in the morn-
ing and daybreak. Thane.] there Was
a night e"erle en duty in the heeel,
which adjains the store. nothing was
heard while the thieve- were at ware:.
'oderich Girl Escapes
Serious Injury In Mishap
Kathleen Haakell, eeven-a-ear-old
daugater 3.1e. anal MDS.
Haskell. Ca a icla rs reenrieraaing En
Alexandra Matineneepirate where she
was taker: by Mike Pepeavich. driver
of the 'ruck that etrack her while site
and her playmates were on their way
taz the betaele was "earned that the
Construction Company has thel. WaS approved lay the ratepayers of • III Breaking a tear window 3114 then ' racd Ferges tillage at the municipal e]ec- N Phone 380. • ferzing a dear. which led from the Onlai two farm. house 1st the atetion ton Jaridare. when a large rizainritv n
Robbers Loeit
Misses Harrow, Storm
terns f Ldurf:r.a, am: of
Mrs. Mayrate Pei:a:ea.. Myth, 44.3 a
mirazzalena eicatee from death when
he slinned headlong ever the. edee of a
barn roof t-n he was weeking
and landed 2.2 feet below between a
disetarrow and a pile ef atonea,
He was basIlly shaken ern a.nd
ed. A splimered hee. 'I was his only
seeires injury. . ,Il
ereency landing field az the edge nf ,,., Canstrucrain of the 22 room school, il
Wanton. Transpert Department en- finciuding 12 class rooms, every detail in
IC' rdire St igineera are in charge and 'Scott-Jack- iof which is of the most mothers gn 111
StinseriptiOrt R.ate---One Year fa"4.0 itenowiclz tried to step his truck and letit of further danger. As it was, Gor-' Six M enthe $1:00 in aelvariee T at the sametime pulled tinier as far ae ition rezeited two nasty" CPIS on the j,
• he eauld. hfaze reqeiritie several etitehes. besides
ntany braises and lacerations. His con-
I Milverton Wnmen. Dies lition it: repnrted es favorable. 1.
"After Fall Dower Stairs
Mrs. Jetties Petters. O. watt fatale* Girl Swimmer Dies
teeps at her !tome an Par r is Ave., Niile ',,1 Ten-year-old Joyce Margaret El/i-1
• int:eared when she tell down the eellar ;,. Of Bronehial Spasm
., verten. !ate Tuesday night. She self-'son. daughter of a-M. and Mrs. R. H.
i tered a fractured skull and died' within Ellistin, Stratford, died 11"edneaday al ... aye 4,74r pen nainntes dialer the fall. :ter she was pulled from a swisnaning
ipie-ol in the afternoon. Reseuers ,applied
ierrifieial respiration for mare r.Iran sev-
en hours.
Dr. Maxwell. Fraser. coroner, said
oodeseetaiteetteetenemeetietiteenaaneente • i tineta nea r a ac nnew, su ff ere d a sever e he believed the girl was net drowned,
Falls TW2:11.1372rWo Feet
' amatatrwwEettear.savatop.tomiltultgetinmOunttos
Tm -1,7. S, A. 82.50 per year
Foreign. Rate. $3.00 per year
A;dveaising rates era application.
Authorieed as Second Class
Mail, Pest Office Departmert
:itempriaing sits farms below the escarp_ the school-
;merit along the south shore Cf:' Canny's 4, "----"
'Bay, has been selected, aer the airfield, London Boy's Head
.which will be completed by December! Cut While Diving
'1st. i Gordon Rearbby, son of Nfr. and
Two 4,00-font runways are being Mrs. Lloyd Raithby, London. received
constructed and each wee be paved to., a cut in his forehead when he dived -,
4a width of lag feet, woh praeiaion into shallow water while visitirig al
utalle fat widening of required. ; the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr,
!I — !and Mrs. Glen Raittzby, at Auburn.
,,,"theccinscious Ashfield Man. . He was taken to the effice of Dr. B.
!Badly Trampled By Horse C. Weir where several stitches were re- , i Gordon Reid of Aehtield, is a patient , (mired to close the wound.
,,tat Grader en hospnal, after having been I —
nd'ar death when he was trampled by alLocal Poultry Raiser
Ihnrse in the stable of his farm in Asia- ! Named Director
feel' tenteitaltip. He t; ash a weak spell Mrs. Letaise Porter of Brussels, was
'and fainted, falling alengside one of his named a director tai the Ontario R.O.
horees, Though the horse ordinarily ielFt' Poultry Breeders' Assoniation, at its
'a very quiet one, it was etartled and lianmaal rneelind ha Guel 11 On Wed!:
s,ltais'-ing up and were badly bru ise d but that she died from a bronchial
f whe n the car in which t hey we re re- lspasin broaght about by regurgitation
p turizine to their home struck setae ,,..); OaritY digested toed-
loose gravel, skidded and turned en its t .----.
side. The car finally came to rest .iFere-us Gets Approval
- against a tree. Tire condition 43i both For $165,000 School
[girls is said ta be improving. ) The Ontarin Municipal Board and I • -------- the Department of Eduratien 'have giv-
Work Progresses On ezi approval to the censtruetion of a
'New Airfield l new 5165,000 public school which will
Caret:ela te-at is advanci ng repeet y an replace a structure that has served the
;Traits-Canada Airlines' $2,00tohn ,...- .:Yaulq.,sters oi Fergus for 85 years.
I • c'!z i 10 een were..40 :iyini,,, on the C. 'P. R-;began to trample lain[. 1.."0.
..... ... ...
overhead hricie. The little early Go.rtien's brother, Stewart Reid, who
Sisters Injured In
Car Crash.
Two ,aster;, Kathleen aal Carol Gar-
net tintiee tine truck zoneing op the hill ';hy goad Itrek was not far away, gatir-
e.: they darted e.,:raas the bridge erect eenzethine was wraing end rushed!,
watein a train eta:tine, sit inner. Mr. limn the harn and quiekly dragged hint.
'Youth Is Recovering
Craig Scott, 12-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Scott of Peterbor-
tough is making favourable recovery in
Wingham General Hospital, after be-
ing critically ill fee a time from a rap-
„r tured appendix. Craig was stricken
1While visiting at the heme of his uncle,
Electric Fencers!
Table Lamps I
111 Toasters • a
1 Records and if' • • ri Record Players 1. • .. a a McGILL
n n • • a
Frozen lemon fluff or other anionnisaamiamianiu* frozen dessert
Service 'c Radio Service 'cm-mutes) remove groin tray and beat
Freeze firm. Serves 6.
Caramel Ice Cream
1 egg
2 cups milk
12 elm sugar
1 cup thin cream
12 cup macaresans
Caramelize "half the sugar. That is
put sugar in frying pan or eaucepan
over low heat and let brew-a alowly. It
will melt and become syrupy. Cent
!bine milk, beaten egg, sugae and car-
ltnelized sugar and heat the mixture to
boiling point_
When cool, add the cream and finely
[crushed macaroons. Beat well arid • 'freeze, either in ate ice and salt freezer
or in the zutentatic refrigerator.
Wallace Conn of Kinlosa. 'Tae lad
is a nephew of Airs. Harold Johnston
of town.--Lieeknow Sentinel.
:1-7 7eS.11
Salted PEANUTS, lb. ..33c
Choice Qiiality 20 or, ties.
,RED PLUMS for 29c
12 oz. Jae
L Will R iti C 7r: Cal; e era I
fn,:0. Sanbern zee bag 'Li de
COFFEE 23c 43c
lb. 31c
IZenads 3 oz. tate
INFANT FOODS ..... —7c
Heavy Dozen
Prepared MUSTARD .S
oz- bottle
CERTO — _ ..... ....25c
CV; OLTZ Ne. 1 Grade
Braeside BUTTER. lb. . .44c
Caelareetie Pannettet Reg. ziee
TOILET SOAP, 2 cakes lie
Porn -dree.
SOAP, reg. size, 2 cakes lie
14171 Grcwn ;,1=Irm
CABBAGE . _ 3 lbs. 1.k
4 Cai"ict.• Size tddile
r; MONS. — — _39c
Htenteetizziart Leer:e'er:ea raw ie
F. (tatateedite net d Praired Raelt
i;t2 * =eta; einetteg
eldiental tral.11948
can taete-a.e-alse. s,tili at aide
Stere trattertlititeiteny eve: lOaldO satisieteltizate
Whzle zr by the reieze
end tc
inedtatte To Haw e...Pic:du
The iteetelae meeting .;7 the Wont.
;en's grastinate vain be the fern al a,
:r3 afterat.--4n. Atzust ,
at th.e Mrs. Charles
tote a mutter 1::..WaTa the pr..:;rant,
"aatiati -. v.-01 be :-4,-.r.c22,
and C'eattle.S.
s=4. rentorst.-:,),,
a::.3 ittands::t.
Tilinneas &tee:an an...5
tY:',111 oni Mts. P.. S.
an! Mrs, Ed. Pink. 1.1r. and
,1rs. Harry Hey. HettaagniCa'itt
4,, 'mare Sun am trAah
Vli`ea!'est Faattie. the Mfeasee Peled rt
land 147.71coz?.
Terente. iC v--1 V10,4
ttNeilM.:Ea:item ar.5. szn, ac rc.1
LI ' Today's latent).
.,I Boiled Fish Sauce'
l French fried potatoes
Swiss chard Sliced totnatues
Frozen Lennon Fluff
2, packages prepared vanilla pudding!
14 cup lemon juice
34 teaospoon grated lemon rind
1 egg white, beaten
34 cup finely crushed vanilla wafers
2 tablespoons melted butter
2 cups milk
.., Put pudding powder in sauce pan,
add milk gradually, stirring constant-
ly. Cook and stir over medium hen
until mixture comes to a boil and is
thickened. Add lemon juice and rind,
cool. Fold in egg white and turn into:
Illfreezing.tray of automatic refrigerat-
illor„ When partly frozen &ahem:. 30
with rotary egg beater until fluffy and ',
Mix together vanilla wafer crumbs
ed .rnt • 18 "-.1 . CT"' .('‘'kelr:1;" ,..ettaten have been requite rt tated. Land approved issuance of debentures for , and butter. Line pan with mixture, red
serving 3 tablespoons for topping.
;Turn lemon mixture into lined pan and •
day of last week. Other dire.ctore I sprinkle remaining crumbs on top.
Magee Venole Ice Cream
2 3 cup sweetened condensed milk
1.3 cup water
teaspoon vanilla
1 can • light cream or evapor-
Mix sweetenetd condensed. milk, wat-1,
.er end vanilla. Chill. Add cream 07
evaperated raillmnd mix well. Freeeel i mpiety sag freezirag unit of re.frigeratter 1
,tareil half ir:Iriei . then scaape. istatut
Itreering tray inlet bowl
J :teat until smooth but not melted
lend replace in freezing unit. Before
'mixture is eneraplettly frozen. beat .1
.tietaira until sue:vet-h. then finish freer-
Serves- Eve.
O'earadon a , We'nar.. 3 Mrs. '.'.z..1fatner,.1
allatMat:Z.Lr.; airs. M. L.
lanif t. Two of the case
Reid anal. Mrs. Paisley are grand- t
;tierell.-tra.. Cr:ague .ateal tat of draersi
:a:: es were, played on the 2:i t'1. its the, a I:erg-sang was held areund.,
,edtee fireplace azcemparied by an aria-'f
tent 'ereent. lildetner was as the Come
rne.rzial featured by amusing lee-
:es and remiedszenzes.
Church News
The.mernieg service at £tscx Pres-
.ibyttaisrl Church, was cendented by 1
'Rtev. Leland C.Inraterettera le seeke, on
elle -Clatilat and His Shetip"..1
.1satsel am the text, John2T-artt.
iseetetteing nantnenl nese:grid= the
5:*:`..Ainli.ead area sweep and their zbed-
eenare. Staeti•St-..1 Garden aafl
'F.-per" waa.a.--reg at; a duet by Misses
Shirley and raine taleKiemeyal
The 1m: teeing service as the United
'aChreral was witliateawn dee te the mita
1datee, Rev. Aittleen Hewitt being enii _
Nanatizza... Next zit:at...lay the Rev. I. L.11
Fziatee. Wradatetr ridedotT the i! ▪ W ieNeet Saila; centatted the set,-
itice al Elenerer c!•...orch ettl
Change Crank Case Oil
Lubricate Chassis
Check Brake Fluid
Change Differential and Transmission Lubricants
Repack Spring Covers
Check Steering Gear Box
Repack Front Wheel Bearings
Edwards' Motor Sales
Victoria Street Wingham
Your Authorized Dealer for
Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks
Tune in to our Radio Program, 8.45 Wednesday
Evenings, 920 on your dial
home this week after spending two
months with relatives and friends in simple matter to estimate the supply of
Ontario. , hay required. If the cattle are in poor
Salvation Army Mit. Clifford Roth- condition to enter the winter the am-
erington. Mrs. Hetherington and lam- ounts fed should be increased accord-
Sault Ste. Marie, Spent the week- .ingly.
end with his father, Mr, CtHetherine- • In the case of a dairy cow, or where
ton, the beef cow is also fed for the farm
Mr. and Mrs. Harolde Harris and milk supply, a satisfactory ration is
trouttw sons of Holstein, spent Sunday two pounds of dry roughage for every
with Mr. and Mrs, Edward Johnston. 100 pounds of the animal's live weight,
31m McLean has returned to his home and concentrates at the rate of one
at Warabaushene. pound for every three to four pounds
Mee. Stanley Darling is a patient at of milk produced. Alfalfa hay and
the Walkerton Hospital. clover hay fit in very well with the
Mre. George Thomson is a patient , cereal grains and prairie hay, and
n the Wineham General Heapital. grain hays are m tae eatisfacror with
with her 14:7114 George. when the car ; Of the grain hays, all have approx-
n ro- an mate a 01,0 same feeding value for the
maintenance of beef cattle. Spring
rye cut in the early dough stage has
given good results. Some question has
arisen as to wheat hay being too
strong a feed fie- cattle, but no bad
results have been found and it is con-
sidered One of the best feeds for win-
itering, It is important, says the Sta-
tion, that plans should be made now to
conserve suitable roughages for winter
feeding from every possible source.
named were j,, Seaford: and Dr.
. E. Roe, Atwood: M. Fischer, Freeman;
• R J.Adams, Patia and 1, H. Fischer,
Ayeran, Leo Bevan, Thornhill was made
president and L, Henrich, Waterloo,
siecretary-treaataree. About 50 R.O.P.
• breeders were present from all sections
zii .the province.—Brussels Post.
Our point Scientific Eamnaitt,-
tiort enables us to give you
Crean, Comfortable
Phone 118 Harriston
Former High Sehozal Students Meet
Tee annual get-to;etater eat a nhari-
n High Scheel class efgirls was held
y?mis week at the ?ante of Miss Dolly
ICaratelfer. Clinton. The Ciintar. anent-
Ihera; in artendante were: The adisees
"Neatemare De it Cant-elan, Wirede 0' At the Dominion Experimental Sta-
., Neill.Sybit %Vinrie Themee 'titea.. Swift Current, Sask., inttanaive!
and Mrs. Faieley. t Mary linveznigatioria have been made into'',
MnEwenia faitedezieh; Miss Myna Mid-;the winter feedine of livestock. With
dleatta. Hersalla Mini Matttie En's.,!prospects of a liudted supply or rough-
strith a fractured aria. She was return- higher protein foods :Alai as bran and
BLUEVALE mg to her !name here frena Kitacardinne i, oiler/Int.
I was drivin went cut lE clt I d 1- ,
liarn, accompanied by their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Gerrow, Cleveland, Ohio; Mr, and
.1 Mrs, Thomas Field, recently returned
Ito Canada from California, were recent
sisitors with Miss Mary Duff.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fraser, Pilot
Illonnd, Manitoba, and Mrs. Joseph
Wroxeter, visited with Mrs.
James Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
!Davidson and other friends. Mr. and
Mrs, Fraser returned to their western
went into the ditch,
Mount Forest, were week-end visitors . age this coming winter many farmers
with Mrs. R. F. Garniss. are wondering what amount of feed
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elliott, Wing- . will be necessary to maintain beef
cattle through the winter.
The investigations of the Station on.
winter feeding have provided the fol-
lowing information: To maintain
beef cattle in normal thrifty growing
condition, it requires from eight to ten
pounds of hay per day for a calf; 12
to 14 pounds for a yearling, and 16 to
18 pounds for a mature cow or a two-
year old. ,The feeding period, if no
pasture is available, varies from 125 to
150 days, depending on winter condi-
tions. On the foregoing basis, it is a
• Frank Caskanette
"Free And Friendly Service”
ICa WO SOS 141180
EN nri
• -