The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-07-20, Page 419467 Thursday, July 18th ..4•••••••1111111 1•1011.1111.00110MMOOP., TIM WINGHAX ADVANCU-TIME$ YEMEN'S GRILL RE-OPENED IN NEW LOCATION, opposite JOHNSON'S GARAGE • MEALS - LUNCHE FOUNTAIN SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN Fresh. Fried Potato Chips o Take home an order or two today. II New, up-to-date equipment enables us to serve you better than ever before. *MO 9 11 O O 11 01 1 01:20====0000) 401:20 01:20= 0 WANTED-House or building lot in Wingham, west side of Josephine St. preferred. Apply Advance-Times, WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheum- atic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rumacaps will give you quick wel- come relief. McKibbon's Drug Store. CARD OF THANKS To all those who so kindlly remem- bered me while I was a patient in the Wingham General Hospital, also to the nurses and ward-aides of the Hos- pital, I would like to say, "Thanks a Million". Mildred Ballagh, SALLY'S SALLIES ,,,p.stitered V, 8. Pdtddt Ordea " • r ,14 "the service was most ftepreislve; .110 .1 on,folhe getni6h 140 IOr th. MIRO " tainton's Haidwate - • And Farmers' Supply House 11 "QUALITY, PRICE' and SERVICE Sell Our Goods" Give Your Livestock Protection against Flies with SHELL LIVESTOCK SPRAY, 1 gallon - $1.60 PEARSON LIVESTOCK SPRAY, gallon . .$1.40 STOCKAID, per gallon $1.45 REXAID DDT destroys flies, mosquitoes, and other insects•_ .. gal. $2.75 qt ....75c CONTINUOUS •HAND SPRAYERS .......90c INSECT REPELLENT, bottle 39c GREEN CROSS TOMATO DUST, for insects, certain diseases and blight, 1 lb. pkg... , . 35c KOPPER KING for Blight (52% copper), lb. 55c 0=01=20370=101:20) (011:2If • 1'/ cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. SOUR ,1=0=01:201=:=20Te0=01:1 =====10=0 AUCTION SALE ASTHMA SUFFERERS-Enjoy a good night's sleep without coughing or choking as others are doing. For free information write F. L. Howey, 144 Catherine St., S., Hamilton, Ont. DON'T SUFFER WITH ECZEMA or Impetigo, use "KLEEREX" for immediate relief. ,50c $1.00. (Med- ium and strong). At McAvoy's and McKibbon's Drug Stores. DON'T SUFFER with your feet with Athlete's Foot, burning or itching feet, corns, callouses, chilblains, poi- son ivy, or itching skin. Use PEMILAC the amazing new speedy remedy, at your druggists, -money back guarantee. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-200 acre farm 3 miles from Belgrave on good County Highway, close to School. Apply Hugh Rinn, Belgrave FOR SALE-7ft. McCormick Deering Binder nearly new, 1 set of tractor disc, 1 13 disc fertilizer drill, 1 2 fur- row tractor plow, 400 bushels mixed grain, 2 good work horses will ex- change. Hugh Rinn, Belgrave. FOR SALE-Hot Water Boiler, suit- able for largebuilding. Cheap for quick sale. Apply at The Advance- Times. FOR SALE- 11/2 -storey 6-roomed brick house, modern conveniences, redecorated, Center St. 'Phone 281 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. FOR SALE-Massey-Harris Binder No. 5, 6-ft. cut; in good running con- dition. New canvasses. Apply to Fill Rintoul, R. R. 2, Lucknow. Tel- * tplione Wingham 617 r 22, WANTED TO RENT-URGENT- ' small house or apartment. Apply Advance-Times, WE BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE new and used Furniture, Stoves, Glassware, Antiques. Brown's Fur- niture Exchange. Phone 239 or 21, Wingham. VANtt15-TO purchase Pullets, Barred. Rocks, New Hampshires, Whtte Leghorn', any age front eight weeks tip to laying. Cood pricer' paid. Apply Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. Of House and Lot in the Town of Wingham. Household Goods and Furniture property of the late Marg- aret Nelson, will be held at the prem- ises on the west side of Minnie Street, in the Town of Wingham, on SATURDAY, JULY 20th., at two o'clock in the afternoon. The following is a partial list of the Household goods and furniture: 3 tables, 3 chairs, 4 rocking chairs, 2 couches, linoleum, 5 dining room chairs and 1 arm chair, 1 extension table, 1 sideboard, 1 three-way heater, 5 kitchen chairs, 1 kitchen table, cup- board, 1 cook stove, sewing machine, 1 two-burner electric stove, 1 Hoover cleaner, 2 bedsteads, springs and mat- resses, 2 bedroom dressers and wash stands, 1 tep ladder, 1 lawn mower, 2 tons hard coal, rugs, lamps, dishes, cutlery, mirrors, linoleum and numer- ous other small articles. At the same time there will be of- fered for sale the house and lot sit- uated on the West side of Minnie St., subject to a reserve bid. Terms: Chattels, cash. Real Estate, apply at ,office of 'the undermentioned solicitors. Crawford & Hetherington, Solicitors for the Executor. L. G.Bryce, Auctioneer. AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. If you "are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a pro- fitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-W-2; 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. TENDERS 11•11.••••••••11.011 Tenders will be received by the Clerk of Howick Township, for the re- pairing and improving of the Cathers Drain. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than 12 o'clock noon, standard time, August 3rd., 1946. Tenders to include a marked cheque of 10% of contract price. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications can be seen at Clerks Office or office of Drainage Engineer F. A. Edgar. Philip L. Durst, Clerk of Howick Twp. Wroxeter, Ontario. the guest of her sister and brother, Mrs, Cranston and Mr. Mid, Humph- rey, Mrs, Bert Tyson and sons, David and Jackie, of Geraldton, are spending a month with her mother, Mrs. Woods. Miss Eileen Sparks of London, is a visitor with her aunt, Mrs. Fred Mc- • The July meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the Community Hall on Thursday afternoon with the children as guests and with Mrs. Archie. Aitcheson in the chair, The roll call was responded to by the nam- ing of an act of courtesy. It was de- cided to hold the meetings in the hom- es for the coming year and to have three hostesses supply the lunch for each meeting. It was agreed to invite Lucknow Institute to be guests at the August meeting which will be held in the Hall. Mrs. E, W. Rice gave a splendid report of the district annual meeting held in Auburn. The follow- ing program by the children was much enjoyed, songs by Lois Webb, Kath- leen and Joan Forster, singing game by a group of girls, song by Donna Woods and Alison Webb, song by Bob Aitcheson and Barry McQuillin, read- ing Margaret Millan, two part song by the girls and a solo by Anne Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pickwood, Miss Jacqueline Smith and Mr. Edwin Pick- wood Jr., who are returning to their home in New York, after a motor trip to McAuley, Manitoba, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron on Sat- urday. _1111111111111.10141141 One special thing troubles me about feeding the family and an occasional guest, and sharing with our hungry neighbours overseas. We must make our allotments of sugar last. We must have bread and share our flour. We must sent foods overseas individually as well as •through UNRRA and other organizations. What can we conscientiously use and what should we give up? As I figure it, we can occasionally use •condensed or evaporated milk in cooking (of course our babies must have them), also corn syrup. Both of these foods are being sent overseas, but they also help us ,to make our sugar stretch. In the two dishes I'm suggesting today, either evaporated or fresh milk may be used. By the way, did 'you ever broil oranges for dessert Try them, prepared as you would grape- fruit for broilingp TODAY'S MENU Beef Loaf or 'Liver loaf or Pattiei Baked Potatoes Buttered Cabbage Carrot ,and Raisin Salad Broiled Oranges Coffee Beef Loaf 1 lb. ground raw 1% c. irradiated beef •'evaporated % c. finely- . milk or chopped onion 1% c. fresh milk 1 tsp. salt, dash 2 c. soft bread Pepper crumbs 1 egg Mix'meat, salt, pepper, egg, onion, milk and bread crumbs, turn into a well-greased baking pan, shape into a loaf and bake about 30 to 45 mins., in a moderate oven (350 deg. F.). Veal, lamb or mutton may be used in com- bination with beef. This loaf is econ- omical and is rich with milk. Se,rves 6-8. Liver Loaf or Patties 1 lb. beef liver 113 c. irradiated 1 small onion evaporated 5 slices 'bacon milk and 1 tbsp. bacon fat 113 c, liquor from 1 tbsp. flour liver, mixed, 114 tsp, salt or 213 c. bread crumbs 213 c, bottled milk 1 egg slightly beaten Buy liver in one piece, wash and skin, then simmer 45 minutes without adding water. Remove large veins and put liver through food chopper with onion. Dice bacon fine, fry out the fat, drain on absorbent •paper. Make a sauce of fat, flour, salt and milk. Com- bine all ingredients, mixing thorough- ly, Form into loaf 2 in. high, and place ingreases1 pan. Bake in a mod- erate oven (350 deg. F.), 45 mins. If necessary pour 114 c.' water GODDESS OF TIME IT5,33 Ovals 75 FRANKLIN Monis '3750 David Crompton JEWELLER Gifts For All Occasions WINGIIAM Phone 59 WHEN IN NEED OF Roofing and Tinsmithing Spray Painting and GENERAL Maintenance CALL A. L. FISHER' 'Phone 411 or Box 92 (anytime) Wingham Our Motto : "At hour Service Any Time, Anywhere" WIRE PROMOTION: D. L. Howard, of Winnipeg, who has been appointed assistant general' manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway's communications department with headquarters at Montreal. Forty years with telegraphs, the last four as assistant manager for western lines, he succeeds W. M. Thiampson, who has retired. The following were visitors last week with Mr, and Mrs, John Gowdy: Mrs. Ross Vogan of Hamilton, Mr, and. Mrs, Harry Vogan and Nancy, of Moncton, 1\l',13,; Mrs, Bruce Vogan of Ripley, Mrs, jack Inglis, Mrs. 5, S. Inglis, Miss Nellie Doiz and Mrs, Da- vidson, of Boston; Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Walkey, Mrs, Barren, Mrs, Pretty and Miss Ruth. Leopard of Harriston; Mrs, Wm. Peel, of Manitoba. Haying operations have been com- pleted by'a number of farmers. Mr, and Mrs, W E. Weir, Miss Edythe Weir of Wroxeter and Mrs. Allister Green spent Monday evening with Mr. -and Mrs.. D. L. Weir and called on Mr. Weir's mother on her 91st birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Neill called on friends in Wroxeter last Sunday even- ing. Mr. and 'Mrs. ,Charles Cathers spent Sunday evening with his sister, Mrs. Thomas McMichael of Wroxeter. JAMESTOWN ••••••••••=1.1110 Mr. Thompson of Blyth is spending sometime with Mr, and Mrs. Ned. Thompson. Messrs, Bert Wallace and George Rubinson of Detroit, are enjoying a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Willis. , Master Keith McLennan spent last week with his sister, Mrs. Wilfred Warwick, 3rd, line Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McFarlane and family have moved to their home on the• 4th, con, of Grey. BLUEVALE Church News At the•morning service in the United Church, Rev. Arthur Hewitt spoke from the text, Psalm 99-5 Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship-at his footstool, for He is Holy. Rev. Leland C. Jorgenson occupied the pulpit at Knox Presbyterian Church. He based his message on "The Life and Transformation of Enoch, the man who walked with God." Mrs. A. D. Smith sang a solo. Women's Institute Mrs. Carl Johnston was hostess on Thursday afternoon for the monthly meeting of the Women's Institute. The president, Mrs. J. H. Smith presided after an absence of two months. Amus- ing answers were given to the roll call, "The funniest scrape I ever was in". Miss Emma Johnston was applauded for her report of the District Annual meeting held at Gorrie in June. Mrs. M. L. Aitken explained the Blue Cross Hospitalization plan, but decision upon it was postponed until the next meet- ing. The August meeting will be a picnic at the home of Mrs. Charles Mathers, when each member will be responsible for a number on the pro- gramnie. Miss, Nora Fraser of the Junior Institute Home Making Club read a paper on "attractive ways Of cooking vegetables". United. Church Mission Band Church met 'on Tuesday afternoon, The .Mission Band of the United The meeting -Was opened with the Afri- can greeting, singing and prayer. The roll was called and answered' 'with a verse beginning with the letter B. Ex- ercises and practise period was follow- ed by, prayer by Betty Ruttan. Verna Johnston gave a reading on Temper- ance and Margaret Curtis told the story from the study book. Assisting in the worship service were Ruth Hew- itt and Cavell Ruttan. Mrs. G. Hewitt of Kitchener, is vis- iting her son, Rev. Arthur Hewitt and his wife at,the United Church Parson- age. She is accompanied' by her son, Fred Hewitt and daughter, Mr$. Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Watson and daughter, Dorothy, and the Misses Hybein of Gorrie, were Sunday visitors Immo 111=1•111 0•••••• ••••••• ININION• MOON. 11011•Yal WINNOW 111111•111•1111 .1•11181“ •••••• MOM. •••••• •11•1•1 FLY-CATCHERS 2 for 5c ANT TRAPS 35c ELECTRIC TOASTERS $4.75$ g , 4.501 an a ELECTRIC IRONS PYREX PERCOLATORS,' in stock again . . $3.65 SHAKESPEARE FISHING REELS $12.95 a. TELESCOPIC FISHING RODS $3.35 It ai MARLIN .22 cal. REPEATER (25 shot) . .$33.50 W' (Tubular magazine. Bolt Action) a a MEDIUM SIZE ANVILS $ ROPE & BLOCK STRETCHERS 2.8 $2.959 3-way SHOE LASTS 79c Ij a n n 111 • 2-slice AUTOMATIC TOASTER $11.95 it • 11011111101111MmINEUMINIININIIIIIIIIIIKamnt companied by a friend spent Sunday with his uncle, Mr. George Greenavcray. Mrs. Jas. Thynne,Morris, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kearney. We have a large stock of Lowerl3ros. House Paints Harold Finley 'PHONE 281 WINGHAM Pleasing Display of 6 Sunworthy Poitiers morwommtwommunmm Glorify your figure in/ a Molded Midriff SWIM SUIT Eye-catching winner in dazzle white, sunny pastels. tig group. The prices, are right. FOR SALE-9 small Pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Gordon Hall, Bluevale. GOOD WORK HORSE= for Sale cheap. Apply Advance-Times. HORSES WANTED-Laidlaw Fur • Farm. 'Phone 366j. PIANO TUNING - Tuning price $3.00, repairs extra; factory experi- ence, by Wingham Bandmaster, Geo J. Wright. Leave orders at Advance Times. TEN ACRES OF HAY-Will either sell or cut on shares. Apply Wm. Jenkins, Sr., R. R. 1, Wingham, tele- phone 637 r 12. NOT/CE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Nelson, late of 'the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased,, Who died on or about the thirteenth day of June, 1946, are notified to send to Iviessrs. Crawford & Hetherington, Winghatn, Ontario, on or before the twenty seventh day of filly,. 1946, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty- seventh day of July, 1946, the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this ninth day of July,A. D., 1946, Crawford & Iletherington,• Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Eexectitot CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Frank Stamper, Bluevale t wish- es to express deep appreciation for the many kindnesses of friends and neigh- bours during her illness; also grateful thanks to the nursing staff of Wing- ham General Hospital for their care. CARD OF THANKS Mr, George A, Dane and f atitily Wish to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to their many friends and neighbOttrs for the kindness and sympathy shoWn them in their recent sad bereavement, also for the many floral tributes. ST. HELENS Members of the W,M,S, were guests of the Brick 'United Church W.M.S. when Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft gave a most interesting report of the annual W,Tvf,S, conference, Mrs Mel. Brown of 1(itehcner, IS a visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs., R. Woods. - Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sebben and Mr. Wm. Sebben jr„' Stratford, were re- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Mil- ler. Mrs, Archie Anderson has been a visitor with her granddaughter, Mrs, Gordon Milton!. and Mr. Rintoul. Mrs. john Webster of Toronto, Household Hints By MRS. MARY MORTON • around the loaf to keep moist. Serve with tomato sauce if liked. Individual patties may be made instead of a loaf, and should be baked 20 to 30 mins., or until thoroughly heated. Serves 6. Broiled Oranges Oranges Honey or Corn Syrup Cut large oranges in halves. Run a sharp knife between pulp and peel and cut on each side of fibrous sections, as you would prepare grapefruit. Place on broiler rack and sprinkle each with a very small amount of honey or corn syrup, and broil 10 mins., about 5 ins. from heat, until lightlY brown. FLY MENACE Reminding . Canadians that -flies are germ-carriers, the Department of Nat- ional Health and Welfare, Ottawa, has issued a seasonable warning in the war against these pests. It is advised that special care be takenthis summer to check screening to keep flies out of buildings, particularly where there are young children. It is suggetted that parents use part of their Family Al- lowance money to provide adequate screens and mosquito netting. SALEM A large number from this locality 'attended the celebration in Blyth last Friday. 'Mrs. Wm. Weir celebrated her 91st birthday quietly at her home here last Monday, July 15th, Although advan- ced in years she retains all her facul- ties and does conOderable visiting among her friends, , A large number front this district at- tended the funeral last Sunday after- ; noon of the late Mrs. Ocorge A. Dane who neSided north ., of Gorrie. tire, Dane passed away very suddenly 'while sitting in a car at Myth tin July 12th. Slip-top JELLY JARS, dozen 60c BLUE PRESERVING KETTLES $1.35 WATER' JUGS . . 35c Grocery or Picnic BASKETS -39c Burric- BREAD KNIVES 85c with Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Johnston. Mrs. J, Curtis is at Mitchell nursing her cousin, Mrs. Cecil Rolph, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sellers and daughter, Susan, spent Sunday with cousins at Goderich. • Miss Elaine McKinney is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Cecil Griffiths at Georgetown. Mrs. Wilson SattarthWaite of Mc- Connel, Manitoba, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnston and other relatives. Mr. Arthur Wheeler spent the last week at London, and accompanied his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Walker, to her home here, after being a patient in Victoria Hospital, London for several weeks, following an operation, Miss Priscilla Mann of Listowel, is spending a week's vacation at the home of her parents. Pearson McIntyre of Toronto, ac- N11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f4 am: Wu • Boman IT'S SMART IT'S rUN to flirt with the sun. Your Sunny SEPARATES are here in our collection of SHORTS •SHIRTS and HALTERS 0111•11111111 1111••••• IMP= NNW= !W. OMNI. MM. WINN. IMMO MOO. 9.11,1111 11•10=1. •••••• • MOON smoll=1- 1 !MOM. 01.10. •••10.1 LADIES'HANNA'S . • ON•1140 11•1111M. Miimeimommomommommonommougiumilounionuoiminommummuifimiilii Hi-HMO D t. W.