The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-27, Page 511!' "MME WELWOODS Dry Goods Ladies' Wear Successor to H. E. Isard & Co. Telephone 414 "Quality and Service" GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sparling at- tended the Huron County Federation Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ferguson of Agricultre picnic at Clinton on Wednesday. Ivan Montgomery of Kitchener, is spending some time with his grandpar- ens, Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Walker of Coldwater, have been visiting the for- mer's father, Mr. Jas. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Walker. Mr. Jas. Walker is returning with them for a visit. East Huron Held District Annual The 44th annual meeting of•the East Huron Women's Institute was held in the Gorrie United Church on Wednes- day, June 20th. The District President, Mrs. Everettt Sparling presided. The morning session was given over to re- ports. Delegates were present from Ethel, Brussels, Bluevale, Fordwich, and Wroxeter. The afternoon session was opened by singing 0 Canada, followed by Devotional Exercises conducted by Rev. G. G. Howse. Mrs. P. Ashton gave the address of welcome which was replied to by Mrs, Ed. Johnston of Bluevale. Miss Edith Hopkins, De- partmental Representative, Toronto, was present and the district chose "Better Meals with Whole Grain Pro- ducts", as the topic to be studied at and son, John, of Columbus, Ohio, called on their uncle, Mr. Sam Fergu- son and other cousins on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gowdy and little daughters spent Wednesday in. London. NOW IN STOCK EXHAUST FANS I Sizes 10" to 24" GUARANTEED USED Refrigerators STEWART Home Appliances 'Phone 29 Wingham Clear Your Conscie:nce and Your Closets! NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION JUNE 117t029 OPEN YOUR HEART' TO THEIR NEED! They go in rags because war has destroyed their home- land. You can help clothe their suffering . . bring a smile to sad eyes. The clothes you don't need . . the boots and shoes you no longer wear . dig them out. Bundle them up today. Wrap, your bundle in paper. Tie securely. Tie boots and shoes in pairs. You can include a short personal message. Take your contribu- tion to your nearest Post °like or Collection Depot. CARMICHAEL'S 1> NZ 193 Free Delivery a.tn. and 4 p.m, NORTH END SUPERIOR MARKET Holiday WEAR . Cool, crisp Cottons, youth- fully styled in gay stripes, checks and flowers. Com- plete size range from 12-20 and 18% to 24%, $3.95 ,— $14.95 "BRUNCH COATS for cas- ual wear. Comfortable styles in seersuckers and prints with a floral theme. $4,50 For the "Pig-tail Set" Sizes 10 14 A nice selection of Cotton Prints and Seersuckers in light summer styles. $2.15 — $4.25 Choose your HOLIDAY WARDROBE from our large selection of - t.. BEACH and SUN WEAR. SLACKS SHORTS BEACH CAPES BATHING SUITS SUN-SUITS and PLAY SUITS TIRE RELINERS . $$21:2695 Locking GAS CAPS MOTO-MASTER OIL Gallon $1.14 5-gallon $5.45 Hydraulic. Brake Fuild Alemite GREASE GUNS $3.98 Moto-Master Spark Plugs 39c SCREW DRIVERS - All Sizes 15-plate BATTERIES-37.45 (Larger Sizes slightly BATTERIES, All sizes of MUFFLERS in stock. Canadian 'Tire Corporation Associate Store Campbell's Garage WINGHAM ONT, 111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 GET IN THE RUSH IF YOU WANT GROCERY BARGAINS Saturday will, end this BIG REDUCTION SALE. CANNED PEAS, Last Chance to Buy by the Case Betty's Pure Orange MARMALAlig, 4 lb, jar 20c Dalton's Horseradish Mustard 9c Embossed Napkins, box 70, 14c OLIVES, pimento, 6 oz. .. . . -.24c Corn Syrup, Beehive, 2 lbs. 27c OLIVES, plain, 6 or, size Marmalades Jellies Jams Lily White Corn S'Yrup ... . —.23e Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 for 19c Gillett's Lye; tin 9c Eddy's MATCHES (strike anywhere) 3 boxes 2$c Big Ben HARD WATER SOAP . .. .2 bar—s 9c FLYDED FLY SPRAY, 16 oz. tin 25c for ....18c Moody's Toilet Flush 22 oz. tin, sale ..... ..... .. . 22c Moody's Drain Cleaner reg. 35c tin—sale 27c Turpentine, pt. bottle 21c Diced Carrots, Devon choice quality, 20 oz. tins, 2 for 25c Nile, Viking Toilet. Tissue 2 - 9c Kippered Snacks in oil 3 1/2 oz. 9c 5 oz. tin for 11c White Cooking Beans, 41bs. 23c Toilet Tissue—Sant-White, Snow Cap, Sale, per roll 6c WAX PAPER, 50 ft. 12c PRESTO-PACK, 7c Aylmer Grape Juice, 13 oz. ...19c Kraft Cream Cheese, pkg. 16c Firm, Rripe Tomatoes, lb. 18c I Neilson's Bulk Cocoa, lb. 12c Aero FLOOR GLOSS, pint tin 49c for 43c Aero WAX PASTE, 1 lb. tin Sale price 23c Old English FLOOR WAX, 1 lb. tin- 39c, for . 33c Gold Medal FLOOR WAX, 1 lb. tin 27c for . 22c Cut PEELS, 8 oz. pkg., sale 14c Pure Olive Oil, 4 oz. size 29c Brooms, green corn, 5-string 63c Golden Wax Beans, tin 11c Cheddar Cheese, 1 lb. Roll 37c VanCamp's Tom. Soup; 3 for 25c Clark's Mushroom, Asparagus or Scotch Broth Soup-....-.....2 for 15c Jergen's.Toilet Soap 2 for 9c Palmolive 3 2 cakes 11c Red Front Grocery 'PHONE 17 and 2 FREE DELIVERY 0•011111•11M0111f, Oxo, 4-cube box 8c Javel Bleach, qt. bottle ..7c Vanilla Extract, 4 oz. reg, 10c White or Yellow Sugar, 5 lb. 39c SALE PRICE--2 for 15c Lime Juice, Gold Label, Vanilla Extract, 2 oz. size 3c 22 oz. 40c Sale for 35c READY-CUT MACARONI 4 lbs. for 23c Heinz Cream of TOMATO SOUP 3 for 29c Palm Garden) TEA, (Orange Pekoe) 1/2 lb. . .. 40c Rideau Hall COFFEE, screw top jars, lb. 47c Magic BAKING POWDER, 1 lb. tin, Sale ....25c Clark's Governor Sauce 21c Dalton's Jolly Good Sauce 8c Pacific Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 75c Sardines in oil 2 tins 15c Salted Peanuts, lb. 33c Herrings in Tomato Sauce Tall or Oval Tins, sale Lamp or Lantern Glasses 10c Success Floor Wax, lb. tin Success Floor Gloss, qt.' for 85c COCOA SALE—Cowan's Perfection, 1 lb. tin, 20c BLUE RIBBON COCOA, lb. tin, sale price . . .19c Neilson's Jersey Brand COCOA, lb. 26c, 1/2 lb. 16c 111!•111•0•01••• !Mill • with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Weitz, of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. David Martin of Cale- donia, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. CluM Martin and Miss Dorothy Piper. • Mrs, Pat Hamilton with five other Varsity students of Toronto, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. Parker, and also at the summer cottage at Pine River. Guests with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hastie last week were, Mr.• and Mrs, Russell Willobee, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Willobee, Ian Willobee and Keith Hackett of Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman Wilson and daughter, Marion of Hamilton, spent the week-end.with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Carr returned to Hamilton with them. Miss Jessie McDougall and Mr. Alex. Stark, Detroit, visited over the week-end with relatives in Morris and J. C. Edgar GORRIE has been appointed AGENT FOR THE Harriston Dry Cleaners Twice a Week Service Wednesdays - Saturdays town. Mrs. F. A. Stark and daughter returned with them after a week's holi- day here. Visitors with Mt. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin are Mrs, W. C. Barrie of Edmonton, also Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. McLaughlin of Larder Lake, who were married on June 13th., in Kirk- land Lake. Mrs, McLaughlin was the former Anita Laronde. KINCARDINE KINSMEN PRESENT Art Hallman and His New Sensational Orchestra —with — Loraine McAllister and The Quartette Direct from ROYAL YORK HOTEL, TORONTO Kincardine PAVILION Wed., July 3 Advance Sale Tickets $1. at CKNX, Winghant Hall's Restaurant, Lucknow Field's Variety Store, Teeswater Thursday, June 27th, 1946 Thursday, June 27th, 1946 THE WINONA:11(f ADVANCE-VMS THE WINONA:11(f ADVANCE-VMS I atul Mrs, J. Howes of Gorrie, leaves -pc:At-rend for Montreal to receive 'HAMILTON , is I ge, Dave was with the R. , , . . I - • C.A,F, Headquarters in England for OPTICAL co. almost foul' years, He enlisted in 1941,. trained at London, Toronto, Trenton, W. R, Hamilton, R. 0. Rockcliffe, and went overseas in 1942. He married Audrey Baird, an English girl, while in England. His wife and young son David Andrew, are expect- ed in the near future, His many How- ick friends extend to Dave the hear- tiest welcome home, Mr, Jim Howes of London spent the week-end with, his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, Howes. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dane were; Mrs. J. D. Pollock of RiPleYi Mr, and Mrs, Harold Pollock and children, Sharon and Fraser of Fordwich; Mr, and Mrs, FBoilrviclthWillison and daughter Phyllis of Messrs, MacNcwton, Edgar Dane, Stanley Hayes, John Steuernol spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. LaYrafette Darling of Treherne, Manitoba, spent the week-end' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Dane. Mr. and Mrs, Enosborough Bell of Fordville, North Dakota and Miss Lyda Johnson of Grand Forks, N,D,, spent the past week with the latter's cousin, Mrs, George Danes. Achievement Day At Clinton Mrs. E. E, Wellington, leader of the project "Cottons May be Smart" and Mrs, P. Ashton, asistant; Mrs. Ev- erett Sparling, leader of the project, "Dressing up' Home-grown Vege- tables"; Mrs. G. Johnston, Mrs. M. Edgar, and the following girls who took the course, Erland Gregg, Helen Strong, Ruth Kreller, Maxine Harris, Wilma Jean Edgar, Joyce Thornton, Grace Edgar,Eleanore Edgar, Grace Harper, Thelma Stafford were in Clin- ton on Saturday for Achievement Day, held under the direction of the De- partment of Agriculture and the Wom- en's Institute Branch. Erland. Gregg and Joyce Thornton have the chance to compete for Pro- , vincial honours in the Dressmaking Course. Erland also has the chance• to compete at Stratford Fair, having best examples of five ways to fix one vegetable, (potato). Four dresses made by the girls taking the course, were judged by each girl present, giv- ing the girls a knowledge of judging. Miss Roe, from the Department, judged each girl's dress, giving them great encouragement to continue. The afternoon session was taken up by comments on exhibits by Club rep- resentatives, discussions on Club prob- lems, demonstrations and skits. The Gorrie girls sang. their theme song for both courses and received great praise for their effort, The group had their picture taken and altogether it was a very profitable day for the girls. The leaders are in- deed proud of. the efforts of the girls and hope they may continue in future courses. Each girl who had finished two units or more received a certifi- cate and every member present, their leaders and assistants, received a War Savings stamp. No Job Too Large and No Job Too-Sinall. Prices REASONABLE We are as Near to You as your Telephone. PERCY CLARK 'Phone 255 Wingham Watch Repairs For The Present Watches Only PIPES ALGERIA BRIARS $2.00 $2.24 Several Styles Haselgrove s 9 SMOKE SHOP Plumbing Heating and Tinsmithing Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. , George Williams JOHN ST, Next to Masonic Hall 11111111111111 First Class the Local Leader Training School, It was also decided to have a District (?.ally for officers and members. Mrs. Norval Smith, Port Elgin, pre- sided for ,election of officers. They are: President, Mrs, Chas, Mathers, Blue. vale; 1st, Vice-Pres., Mrs. Jas, Arm- strong, Brussels; 2nd, Vice-President, Mrs, McKenney, Wroxeter; Sec,- Treas., Mrs, John Spier, Brussels; Federated Representative, Mrs, S. Mc- Naughton, Wroxeter; Conveners of Standing Committees are: Home Ec- onomics, ,Mrs, A. Pearson, Ethel; Ag- riculture and Can. Industries, Mrs, Gordon Steinaelcer, Fordwich; Social Welfare, ,Mrs. Glennn. Johnston, Gor- rie; Citizenship, Mrs. Harold Durst, Wroxeter; Historical Research, Mrs, Carl Johnston, Bluevale, Members of the Ethel Institute gave a Vocal selection, Mrs. (Rev.) Wilson, Brussels, gave a 'reading, and Mrs. Harold Durst, Wroxeter, a piano solo, Mrs, Lloyd Taylor, Exeter, spoke as a representative of the Federation of Agriculture, stressing co-operation of all societies interested in improvement of rural life. The Gorrie Women's Institute were hostesses at the dinner hour and also served tea when a social time was en- joyed by all. Mr. Jack Underwood of Bluevale, called on friends in town on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carson were Lon- don visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham, Betty and Alex,pf Toronto, spent the week end with their relatives here, Col. Leonard of London addressed the congregation of St. Stephen's church at the close of the service on Sunday, on the subject of the Anglican Advance Appeal. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and Miss Ella Perkins spent several days of last week and part of this week at their cottage, Bruce Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nichol spent the week-end with relatives in London. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T, L. McInnes and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McInnes were Mr. and Mrs. Robert McInnes, Mary, Will and Dan, of Teeswater, and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Fines and family, Mrs. C. Fines, and Mrs. N. Austin of Erin. United • Church W. A. The June meeting of the W. A. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Lynn with the vice-pres- ident, Mrs. H. Ashton, in the chair. The meeting was opened by singing Hymn 604, and all joined in repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. G. Edgar read the scripture lesson, Hebrews 11, 1-10; Mrs. Kaine gave a reading, "We Walked by Faith and not by Sight", Prayer by vice7president, hymn 263 was sung. A business discussion fol- lowed and it was decided to donate the quilt being quilted to the Clothing Drive. The roll was called with 20 -members and 1 visitor being present. Mrs. G. Brown gave a reading, "The. Odd Sparrow". Hymn 490 was sung, and all joined in the closing benedic- tion, Lunch was served. Sunday School Anniversary The Sunday School anniversary of. the Gorrie United Church was well at- tended and a real success. The altar was beautifully decorated with floviers. The two baskets of flowers in the centre were presented by Miss Pearl Stinson, in memory of the late Mr. R. H. Stephens and his daughter, Evelyn Stephens. The members of the Sunday School entered the church while the organist, George Gregg, played "Cathedral Chimes" and "Praise Him, All Ye Little Children". The special features for the day were the Elgar Quartette from Kitchener; Mr. Fred Beck of Harriston, the speaker, and the newly organized Sunday School orchestra. Mr. E. J. Farrish, Superintendent of the Sunday School, presided and wel- comed the large audience. The hymns for the service were "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus", "The Son of God Goes Forth", "When Mothers of Salem". The Scripture reading, Luke 10, verses 28-42 was read by the Su- perintendent, followed with prayer by Mr. Beck, The Elgar Quartette sang three numbers during the service, Mr. Beck, taking for his text, Luke 10, 42, "but one thing is needful, and Mary bath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away .from her" spoke of the efforts of our offi- cers and teachers with the life of the Sunday School but they never know un til later years how much their effort's have meant to the pupils, but the chil- dren do appreciate all the things that are done for them. Sometimes we may think we are lost, not knowing what. "way to take, and if we take the Bible as our guide, as in the verse "one thing is needful" the Bible is the only thing that is needful at all times. Jesus, alone, is the only one who can save us and relieve Us from sin. There are two ways which we can take and the right way is success and to win our success is through prayer. At the evening service the pastor, Rev, G. G. Howse, preached from John 12 : 35-36, The Elgar Quartette again sang and at the close of the service gave a rehearsal including many of the old favourite gospel hymns. ONA•I•00•:••=• Pte, Woodrow DUstow, son, of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Dustow of the 17th Cert. of Howick, attached to C.H,Q,, arrived home on Monday on the Ile de France, after spending some time over- seas. Later, he was with the Army of Oettipation, Flt.Sgt., David Howes, son of Mr. Mrs. Ida ,Hastie has returned home after spending some time in Toronto. Miss Bessie Wylie of Toronto spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. Wylie. Miss Ione Day was in Listowel on Monday. Messrs. Harry and Fred Deacon of Wingham, visited their sister, Mrs. T. Day on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wellington visited friends in Fergus on Sunday, it being the 'occasion of the 25th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- I don Brown of Welland, who were vis- iting Mrs. Browne's sister, Mrs. Dar- lington, Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Earngey and Miss Lambert of Harriston and Mr. Dean Earngcy of Fergus were visitors with Miss Kate Earngey on Saturday afternoon. Lieut. Bill Newton was home from Guelph for the week-end. Deputy-Reeve Farrish was in God- erich last week attending County Council, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Ashton spent Sunday with friends in Blyth. The name of Mrs. Winnifred King, wife of Pte. Len. A, King, Gorrie, is on the list of passengers on the steam- ship Letitia, which is expected to ar- rive in Halifax on June 26th. The members of the Elgar Quartette were guests on Sunday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. E. Carson and Mr, and Mrs E. W. Whitfield. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Robson of Dur- ham, a bride and groom of Saturday, are visiting this week with their cous- ins, Mr, and Mrs. Glad. Edgar and Mr. and Mrs. cordon Edgar. Mrs. Geo. Robertson -was a guest at this (her nephew's) wedding at Durham on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Downey, Mi. Enos Donaghy and Miss Laura Don- aghy of Firdwich were in Kinlough on Sunday where the former's uncle, Mr, WM. Dobson, passed away on Satur- day. Mr. Chester Bennett returned on Monday from his Western trip. He reports good crops in some Sections and in others, rain is needed, LOCAL AND PERSONAL Donald Hastie of Clandeboye, tpent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Gor- don Hastie, • Mrs, C. B. Armitage and her mother, Mrs. Martin of Toronto, have been visiting friends in Wallaceburg and Chatham this past week. Miss Jessie Currie returned home on Sunday after spending the past week grant to tue 'Mtn ng Witt of the just fitiswt by running second: The]