The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-27, Page 4c'oc$°66 Ire tsloosoe e 0%,4,1 01064. 100-ito0 David Crompton 'JEWELLER Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM Phone 59 Rhme In accordance with ware o-prices 6 trade board reg. What Makes GOOD Dry ACleaning? ... Dry Cleaning in crystal clear solvent, free of all impurities, and followed by a thorough rinsing.. . . . Dry Cleaning that includes spotting by an expert who knows how to remove the spot without harming color or fabric. Pressing and restyling the garment into the smart lines it had when new. ... In other words, dry cleaning that gives you maximum wear and smartness from your garm- ents. When you compare the tiny cost of the dry cleaning with the value of the garments, it is plain to see ARMITAGE CLEANING is the only cleaning you can afford. "SEND IT TO A MASTER" Armitage's WINC41101 ONT And Farmers' Supply House "QUALITY, PRICE and. SERVICE Sell Our Goods" 50 ft. All-rubber Hose, complete with couplings $3.95 50 ft. 1-ply Bonicord Hose, complete with couplings, $4.95 1-burner OVENS $1.89 1-burner HOT PLATES $4.50 2-gallon OIL CANS 59c Fishing Poles (casting) 45c - 9 95 21/2 gal. Compressed Air SPRAYERS $4:50 Evereachr HOT-SHOT BATTERIES $2.40 Stanley Overhead Garage Door Sets . .$16.00 7/8" HAYFORK ROPE, per foot 61/2c 1-inch HAYFORK ROPE, per foot Sc HAYLOADER ROPE, (tarred) 100 feet . . . .60c HAYFORK PULLEYS ' $1.25 20-1b. bags BUG KILLER 70c King - Suddendeath - Climax ' 'AAGE POUR THE VcrINGHAM ADVANCE-TM ES Thursday, June 27th, 1946 c, Sanderson p, Knapp cf, Eithier If, Manser 3b, Estwick ss, Pulleyn rf. Wingliam 0 1 5 0 0 3 3 2 0 -14 17 4 Clinton Radio ' 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 -2 5 7 Umpires, Eagles, Fenton, Clinton. Listowel Wins Exhibition Playing their first exhibition tilt of the season here Monday evening, Wingham Hurons -were nosed out by the Listowel nine, 12-11 in a game which went ten innings to decide -the issue. • Both teams were evenly match- ed and proved to le an exciting affair all the way. Batteries, Wingliaiti; Lediett, Grov- a a a U U I a a O e-4/ a NOTICE TO CREDITORS Al persons having claims against the estate of Annie Gannett, late of the Village of Bluevale in the County of Huron, Married -Woman, who died on or about the twenty-fourth day of May, 1946, are notified to send to Messrs. Crawford &. Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the sixth day of July, A.D. 1946, full particulars of their claims, in writing, Immediately after the said sixth day. of July, the assets of the said testatrix will be dig., tributed amongst the , parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice. Dated Vila thirteenth day of June, A,D, 1946. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingliam, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices. I IN TODAY OUT TOMORROW Always a "4-star. hit in the heart of any woman l'$47 Rogers Bros. is not only Canada's finest silverplate but the loveliest too. CLASSIFIED ADS. TREAT FOR YOUR FEET! Use Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt relief. 50c at McKibbon's Drug Store. BARGAINS in Barred Rock and Ass- orted Heavy Breed Chicks for this week and next. Barred Rocks: non- -sexed 9,95, pullets 11.95, cockerels 9,75. Assorted Heavy Breeds: Non- sexed 8.95, pullets 10.95, cockerels 9.50, per hundred. This advertise- ment must accompany your order to receive these special prices. Shipped C.O.D. anywhere. Top Notch Chick- eries, Guelph, Ontario. BOY OR YOUNG MAN WANTED -To learn printing and Linotype ' operating. Year-round employment. Apply Advance-Times. DON'T SUFFER with your feet with Athlete's Foot, burning or itching feet, corns, callouses, chilblains, poi- son ivy, or itching skin. Use PEMILAC the amazing new speedy remedy, at your druggists, -money back guarantee. FOR SALE-Grain Throi;er, Ebersol Special, complete with pipes, (40ft.) Elbows, etc. First class condition. Used very little. Apply Advance- Times. FRAME-HOUSE FOR SALE-In .good repair, maple flooring, to be removed from property. Apply to Andrew Gaunt, Lucknow, R. R. 1. FOR SALE-Massey-Harris Binder with new canvasses, chains, etc., $25.09, also 1% h.p. gas engine, $10.00. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-1 four section drag har- rows, new; 1 30 foot windmill, oil bath. Apply W. J. Clark, Wingham, FOR SALE-45 gal. Steel Drum, clean; two 18x5.50 tubes and one 20x4.75 tire and tube, good condi- tion. Apply Roy Manuel. FOR SALE-Kitchen Cabinet as good as new. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-Dining-room Suite; buf- fet, table and five leather-covered ' chairs. Apply to Wornald Finley, Lower Wingham, FOR SALE-Battery Cabinet Radio, Marconi, Excellent condition. Apply Jas. Mel3urney, R. R. 1, Wingham. ,FOR SALE-Ten Sowg, soon. Applyto Henry Wheeler, R. Yt. i, Bluevale, 'phone Wroxeter 16 r 9. FOR SALE-Chesterfield Couch and Chair, almost new; Piano, in good condition. Apply to Francis Frei- berger, Wingham; 'phone 230j. FOR SALE-Seven Chunks of Pigs. Apply Gordon McGregor, Lower Wingham, 'phone 297. FOR SALE-Used Hayloader, Mas- sey-Harris, Apply Campbell Rob- ertson, 'Phone Brussels 10 18, FOR SALE-Team of Horses, 4 T years. Apply Jas. De, *no ,,erea"ux 4 lelletlibw, R. R, 2. FOR SALE- 'CS- Mower,.,ded Massey-Harris ,,q-v.) cut, n i good working order, 'Phone 644 r 3. FAR SALE-Tomato and Cabbage 0 Plants. Get them while they last. Last chance, at David. Finley's, Vic- toria Street, JUST ARRIVED-New Dining room and Living room Furniture. Brown's Furniture Exchange, Wingham, IF BACKACHES are slowing you up; take RUMACAPS, Pains and aches are relieved' after the first dose. At McKibbon's Drag Store. • LOST-Wallet in Wingham on Tues- day afternoon, Pinder please leave at Advance-Titres. LOST-4)n No, 4 Highway, between 3rd tine of Morris and Wingham, 'End Board for trailer, License No, 44078T. Pinder pleaSe leave at Ad- Vance-Tintes or notify R. IL Coultes, 'phone 32 ) 4, Brussels. LAST Community Sale until Fall, at the Sale Barn, Diagonal Road, on Saturday, ,)line 29th., SLENDOR TABLETS are effective, 2 weeks' supply $1., 12 weeks $5., at McKibbotes and 14eAvoy ys Drttg , Stores, SENIORS WIN, GIRLS AND MIDGETS LOSE ' Midgets Lose Opening Game Wingham Midgets in their first base- ball tilt of the season here Satnrday , were defeated 13-2. by Goderich in a W.O.A,A. game. Feature of the game was a home run by Price of Goderich. Wingham-Stainton 2b, Lockridge ib, Seli ss, Lockridge 31), Gammage c, linuckman if, Brophy cf, McKay rf, Lau Oilcan p. Goderieli-Erskine cf, Doak c, Tul- ford lb, Meriam lf, Price ss, McPhail 2b, McEwan 3b, Westbrook ri, Need-, ham p, McDonald, Maxine Cowan, Alice Buckman, Patsy Wild, Ruth Harris, Winnie' Harcourt, Margaret Brophy, Jody Deyell, Millie Walsh, Ruby Saint, Gurney's 15-Foundry 9 Gurney Glove *defeated Western Foundry in a town league softball game here last week 15-9. The Gurn- ey team showed plenty of batting abil- ity, having to their credit three home runs, honours going to Niergarth, Loc- kridge, Ernest. Both teams used two pitchers for Gurney's McLeod started, and was relieved by Ernest in the four- th, while for the Foundry, Welsh was on the mound, :being relieved by Case- more in the fourth, Batteries, Gurney Glove, McLeod, Ripley Defeat Local Girls Friday evening here the Ripley girls defeated the Wingham Lassies 9-4 in a W.O.A.A. girls fixture. The locals showed considerable improvement over their previous tilt with Kincardine but errors proved costly. Highlight of the gamewas the playing of the five Mac- Donald sisters for the visitors, who by the way add plenty of punch to their team. Batteries?. Ripley, Wilson, MacDon- ald; Wingham, McDonald, Saint, Har- court. Ripley team, H. MacDonald, Court- nay, I. MacPonald, J. MacDonald, E. MacDonald, Ferris, D. MacDonald, Wilson, Meade, M. MacDonald, Blue. Wingham, Dorothy Webb, Shirley Yeoman, Peggy McDonald, , Beatrice Ernest, Lockridge. Western Foundry, Welsh, Casemore Miller, Mitchell. Lineups, Western Foundry, Case- more 3b, Welsh p, W. Seli ss, Miller c, A. Seli 2b, Collar rf, Hobden, Bennett, If, Mundy cf, Mitchell 113. 'Gurneys, Lockridge c, McLeod p, Ernest 2b, Smith lb, Brooks ss, Niergarth 3b, Cantelon cf, McConnell rf, Yeo If. Box score, Gurneys ..... .... .3 3 0 5 0 4 x Foundry 3 1 1 0 2 0 2 Umpires, Blatchford, Garrett. Wingham Continue Winning Streak In a Senior A . Softball game last Tuesday at Clinton Radio School, the Wingham Hurons continued' their winning streak by downing the Clin- ton squad 14-2 Lediett on the .mound for Wingham allowed Clinton five hits while the Hurons collected seventeen. Sanderson for the Radio School pitch- ed the entire game. Batteries, Wingham, Lediett, Temp- leman; Clinton Radio School, Sander- son, Marchand. Lineups, Wingham, Templeman c, Hamilton if, Hopper lb, antelon rf, Foster cf, Lediett p, McLeod 3b, Seli 2b, Niergarth ss. Clinton 'Radio School, Muir Lb, Parke 2b, Marchand fe. PS; Listowel, Oliver, Young. Listowel ..... 0 1 3 0 0 g 1 0 1. 1 Wingham 0 .8 0 0 1, .8 Listowel-Fratt 8b, Vanish ss, iceese. 2h, Game lf, Vick rf, Young c, Oliver p, Beacon ib, Pettit •cf, Wingltam, Templeman 2b, Hopper lb, Niergarth ss, Groves c, Lediett. p, Foster cf, Brooks Ob, Cantelon Tucker a •• Umpires Carmichael and Aitchison, Wingliam, Tiverton Girls Win The Wingliam girls in a W,O.A,A, Softball game here Monday evening, were outclassed by the Tiverton Ag- gies 19-7, The locals failed to click at the hat collecting their aeyen runs in the fourth inning. Tiverton had their field day in the Seventh scoring nine runs. Batteries Ripley-McKinnon, Hutton; Wingham-MacDonald and Saint. Tiverton 0 1 i 4 4 0 9 Wingham 0 0 0 7 0 BORN ANGER-In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Thursday, June 20th., to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anger, Gorrie, a daughter. PROCTOR-In Wingliam General Hospital, on Friday, , June 21st,, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Proctor, R. R. 4, Brussels, a son. LAPP-In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Monday, June 24th., to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Lapp, a daughter. FURNESS-In Wingham, on Thurs- day, June 13th., to Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Furness, a son. OBITUARY Miss Harriet Ward There passed away on Saturday, June 22nd., at her residence, corner of Victoria and Edward streets, Har- riett Ward. She had been in ailing health for the past five years, but only seriously ill for about a week. She` was born in Morris township, the dau- ghter of the late 'Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, and moved to Wingham 45 years ago. Surviving are one sister, Charlotte, with whom she lived, and two brothers, Donald of Kansas and James of Philadelphia. The funeral service is being held at R. A. Currie's Funeral Parlors this afternoon, (Wed- nesday) at 2 o'clock p.m. and will be conducted byRev. A. Nimmo of St. Andrew's Presbyter an Church, of which she was a member. Interment in Wingham cemetery. JAMESTOWN Mrs.' Nelson Plant spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Plant. Mr. Cecil Payne and son, Scott, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. Payne. Scott will re- main for the holidays with his grand- parents. Mr. and. Mrs. Will Savage have.: been visiting at the home of Mr. and • • n • • • • n n n • • n n • • • • an n n n n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mrs. Walter Savage. Mrs. Gordon Holt spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell at Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. William Grimmer, Eddie Johnston, also Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grimmer of Preston, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bradshaw. Mr. William Weir, Mrs. Gordon Weir.. and Florence, of Howick, also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffman and sons, of Peffer's Corners, were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Selah Breckenridge, Mr. and Mrs. Dave McLennan and • n a▪ : • n n is or at, n n n • n Keith, spent Sunday .afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Warwick, 3rd. line, Morris. Mr. and Mrs. R. MacDonald were recent visitors with relatives near Har- riston. Miss Helen Thompson of Wingham, spent last'week with her aunt and un- cle, Mr. and Mrs. Ned. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Willis, Lola, and granddaughter, Mildred Hall, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey McL Connell of Minto, Miss Mary Bradihaw spent Sunday. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sel Bradshaw. WHEN IN NEED OF Roofing and Tinsmithing Spray Painting and GENERAL Maintenance CALL A. L. FISHER 'Phone 411 or Box 92 (anytime) Wingham Our Motto : "At Your Service Any Time, Anywhere" We have a large stock of Lowe Bros. House Paints Harold Finley 'PHONE 281 WINGHAM Pleasing Display of Sunworthy Papers DON'T LET Sickness or Accident BLOT OUT YOUR INCOME CONSULT YOUR CANADA HEALTH • and ACCIDENT Representative Stewart A. Scott 'Phone 293 Wingham PIANO TUNING - Tuning price $3.00, repairs extra; factory experi- ence, by Wingham Bandmaster, Geo J, Wright. Leave orders at Advance Times. STRAYED-Two weeks ago, to my farm, grey 2-year-old Steer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. J. D. Beecroft. TENDERS WANTED - Ashfi e I d township School Board will receive tenders for painting the interiors of any or all of the following schools in the Area: No's, 3, 4, 7, 8 (two rooms); 10, 11, 15, 16, and 17. Ten- ders to be in by July 6th. For fur- ther particulars apply to Richard Kilpatrick, Sec'y, R. R. 7, Lucknow. VIGORINE-The "Pep" Tonic for men who are weak, nervous, exhaus- ted, 15 day treatment $1.00. At Mc- Kibbon's Drug Store. WANTED-Boy for farm work dur- ing summer holidays. Close to town. Apply Gordon Hastie, Blue- vale Road. WANTED-Pram or Stroller, in good condition. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED-A Child's Crib, Tele- phone 636 r 12. WANTED BY LADY-A room in quiet home, either to room or board. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED-Work by teen-age girl, for summer months. Apply at The Advance-Times. WANTED-Work as farm hand for first week in July, experienced. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED-Experienced Farm Hand, single preferred; 100 acres, elec- tricity, all modern farm equipment. Good, permanent home for right per- son. Apply Leslie Knight, Ford- wich, Ont. WANTED-TO purchase Pullets, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns, any age from eight weeks up to laying. Good prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55-have caii secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to bet. established in a pro- fitable business of your own, For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-W-2, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons havinn- ,titti ms ho;nst the estate of Jose .Jti the Townsh i p 11 ittltrSon ' late of County or HOwick in ;rr Huron, Faemer, decease the d, IY"°, ated on or about the seventeenth day of May, 1946, are notified to send to Messrs, Crawford & Hetherington, Solicitors, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the sixth day of July, A.D. 1946, full particulars of their claims, rn writ- ing. Immediately after the said sixth day of July, the assets of the said tes- tatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. 'Dated this thirteenth day of June, A.D., 1946. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. ..e1744'.;0 WE'RE PROUD OF/ 1 roonsuisommilamissisispammommusiisionstusionismoninsionio I U I a a a a U a I I The finest Panamas, backed by Hanna's reputation for quality and smartness. $5.50 Ir Ar a U a -• • a The New Panamas • M o Don't be a 441Hot-head" This Summer You'll welcome the "Cool Headedness" of these new STRAWS Straws by Shuttleworth Highest quality woven braids and attractive imported straws $1.75 $4.95 • "%•)'••• 111,Jft* Children's RUNNING SHOES Blue Straps, trimmed in white Sizes 6-10 1/2 11-2 69c 75c HEAVY CANVAS STRAP SLIPPER Brown, Non-mark sole, cork in- sole, blue and brown 6-10 1/2 • per pair $1.29 Blue and Brown Oxford size 6-10% 11-2 85c $1.00 Men's Sport OXFORDS in natural colour. Brown Non- mark sole, cork insole, size 6.11 pair, $2.85 Heavy CANVAS OXFORD Brown non-mark sole, cork in- sole, Wine. Sizes 6-101/2 11-2 $1.49 $1.59 n tainton's Hardware I n 11 TEA POTS 69c TENNIS BALLS 50c • I I TENNIS RACQUETS $7.50 I • • • 6-piece Cadmium-plated Wrench Sets, double $1.65 No. 57 Carborundum MOWER KNIFE STONES Each 90c SCYTHE SNATH . $2.00 SCYTHE BLADES $1.60 - $1.65 SCREEN DOORS $2.95 - $3.95 Screen Door Set, of Hinges, Pull, Hook and eye, 35c Ball-bearing CLOTHES LINE TIGHTENER 65c LAWN SPRINKLERS 98c HOSE NOZZLES 49c and $1.00 26x1% BICYCLE TIRES $1.50 14 and 41/2 ft. Maple Leaf PITCH FORKS $1.25 I gn Suninmer Footwear i PLAY. SHOES Leather and Rubber Soles in White, Wine, Blue, etc. o l°11 For the Beach, for Sports $1.98, $2.25, $2.98, $3.50 and $3.98 Ideal for Beach Wear MOCCASI NS and CANOE SHOES (Indian made) Moccasins with Rubber Soles for Men and Women WOMEN'S and 'MISSES' MEN'S 'and BOYS' RUNNING SHOES Blue and Brown Boots Brown, No-mark soles,, cork in- • soles, per pair, $1.98 'Brown Boots • $1.35 Boys' . .$1.19 and $1.85 WARRANTS SHOPPING EARLY. _ ithys Pollock' 0 Hanna s Men s Near 1.0 "SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY' ' 4emegtO O I) IN n n • I PICK HANDLES 35c a W CYANOGAS, a dust, (for ground-hogs) lge. tin $1. al a 111111111111011111111111111111111MiumniMUIMMMMI11111111111101