The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-27, Page 2Wing itam Ativancealn ttr. V73:X.GRAM -- ONTARIO Sierleseriezetiza Rene--Zaiti raze $e:'...A0 NO.aeres ete a.N.ar-re .1-to 17_ eoer year rt'rere-&-on Rate...„'Sfeen per year eseareele.:-..-re tereets St'ZZVP.Zi c loos P.:St r-N'r'EiZt SET:PARR 1=0=0===10=01't WINGHAM LIONS .Street - WEDNESDAY Evening, 0 JULY 3rd Amusements Jitney Dancing Bert Worth and his cKNX Ambassadors Auspices Wingham Lions. Club All Proceeds for Lions Welfare Projects NO ADMISSION CHARGE 51i1JR GAIN BIG PROFITS FROM Egg Production POULTRYMEN—There is a good market for your eggs! Are your hens producing all they should . . . All they can Have you some feed "robbers" in your flock? Here's How - For Greater PRODUCTION (1) Cull those feed robbers get them out of your flock, Feed is precious. (2) Feed high quality , balanced . production lifting SHUR-GAIN Laying Mash. CANADA PACKERS, YAM VICTOR CASEMORE, MIITECHURGII McKINNEY BROS. BLUEVALE JOHN ENNEAD, DELMORE The second floor will have the coun- cil chamber, school inspectors' offices, coat room, Crown Atetorney's offices, law library and service stair. rPovision is made on the third floor for Provincial police and the magistra- tes offices, witness rooms, -court room, petit jury, barristers' and judges' rooms. Plenty of vault space and spare offices are also included in the plans. Thebuilding will take up just the area of the present building and the beauty of the park 'n-ill not be marred, Mr. Bridgman assured_ The recommendation of the property committee, approving the plan, was en- dorsed, on a motion by Reeves B. Tur- key and A. Alexander. Ask $10,000 For Hospital A deputation composed of G. L. Parsons, president, C. H. Saunders, secretary, and W. Helsirop, treasurer, o f Alexandra Hospital, addressed the council in support of a request for a grant of moo toward a proposed ad- dition to the hospital, to relieve the congestion there. it was pointed out that the capacity is taxed and some patients hare beds in the corridors and sunrooms. The building would cost (Continued an page seven) YOUR EYES NEED ATENTION Our 25 pant Scientific Emmy' 1- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F. E MUTH Optometrist Phone 113 Hatriston arlowirmormwrommirrimmormsevormis on. YOU'LLE AMAZES' ' r; moors vrturnz Pra Itheredly verricrtzr4 valuate "with -warden aria Atiliht. ICS eh, ocaon.-- i-cabloatarrs istreavgarcloliags., Art arialuto *maim:MT Sar itrart*- raantliv. 'tired surzeors by crerranuits ierezrerherrh. 25e. We 'ant Sim? .Ecomorrcy I ?AG TWO THE wiNoRANt ADVANCE-TIMES imarimminammlholamear:rimomormoonammilmormi Thunday, June 21th, 1946 „Zeortenzereel Eteree nta..ee :tee. &eat beren.l' -hes tr2 the tereas ten= dereeenreooe., les tee t_ nerteleie tonetelle, 17' wS2 *title 1.1z7,1iret, Staer7ies and East Wa- -ILVSZar:tia. Scalzentht "The teem z Szeorth,11:2- Ine.ip. pereriera A linlieet, Tneker- =aith. Enerter: Exiner, Hens n'e and all of Have. Setinhen eenal.:7shierne Teunslipe, therseateeetion hes plat* i. the iseltnee erects. la tags V.Z•refa erAl. 1= resulted in .1:13 atteeadanre, enee its .:".ipttra.- the attend- attee fent; thee tevenaltip ea e-iecier- eleit holegeee „has lneeensell from :Z.; to Sateeereh school he'd over flOD Fire za she yews. age. anti Stereteetel ee SS. 'et 21-nne last year, A bias urea pet in opiretaion hle,Ki2op eirerresitdee this 7,1.1:7 t-.7 7.7:Z17,16; newle1.7), eanielia, ;Le t: wet Gehlenealt, Celherne therteshir and iportiens. oI th e tya-p. 3ia7lettl, Starley and F-an h•teks ever:urn-ante in a resolution re- . the Iteenartment of Highways to gram the same swirly of 50 per , cent. for road trrimteeta-nce to towns and villteg ze now received by *Iowa. _ • The Oreariz.) Agricultural Commis- sion 5.1.lb:tamed repot DM Me rural youth organizations in which forums, Int.= c:'+-operative enterprises in the! emnzeumily ier the improvement of apol riereenteal. pratz6't7es, and religious org- ,roliza6orza for youth, were stressed. A -resoleteee from the county ai eeeatie.e. the federal and pro-6 ';-final governments to take action to prohibit the :hale of ley grans and pro- 'tests 'so-called" remit- strips that ice- • titre can play, stabbing, eta Correspande-n. Read Car-m7pondenee was read by clerk S. W. Miller fallowing the warden's address, and refer-'e3 to rations cam- 0 control, was the .stibiect of a resolut- ion .. from Simcoe County. 0 • A letter was read from Hon. T. L. • Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture,. ap- oving the appointment of G)er.n Eck- r, McDougall, and .0-eurge Armstrong as corn borer inspectors,. The Ontario Hotel Association en- -eloaed a copy of a brief regarding the - nada Temperance Act The reveri- e derived from the sale of beverages had been used to renovate premises, tl 0 purchase furnishings and modern equipment, and helped to offset the losses from guest room and dining room departments. The Department of Highways ap- an Ii • • -• 11, currence in a resolution requesting government action in returning pope. !lotion to, rural eonummities by taking measures to relieve congestion in lob- au areas; by giving .more help in e.gric- htiteral pursuits; .esteblisliment. of small (tradesmen in rural districts; and by educational and Ipleroalvitifiurgenritereest.eational, R. Ayres, inspector of jails and pris- ons, reported ;hat considering the age of the Huron County jail, close to 100 years old, it was in good condition. :Better visiting .facilities 'were .recom- , mended, also lighters of the folder ; . type of safety match, for lighting cig- arettes, as matches are unsafe, i G. W. Little, pi the Univers'ity of Western Ontario, submitted a state- ' anent of the proposed building pro- gram, as follows; school of nursing, $550,000; physical education building, `:$680,000; ,science building,' $=5,000; libraries, 250,;000; residence for :medi- . cal students, $300,000; social science building, $'=5,000; residence for wo- , Mere $800;000; changes in Meek lab- oratories, -$115,000. The County Federations ,of Agricul- ture of Grey and Bruce ask endorsa- flan of a resolution demanding from the Department of Agriculture an im- mediate increase in present selling brought an influx and 1,700 were en- rolled. 700 of whom were returned pers.onnel. As many more can be ex- • pected in 1946. The university is trying to meet the its students, the university must be prepared to provide the courses which will meet their requirements, and thus check migration to the United States. Following an investigation by a committee appointed by the board of governors, a plan for ouilding was pre- sented at an estimated cost of $2,000,- 000. The plan evolved to meet this cost was explained by Mr. Little. Prof_ Landon, in answer to a ques- tion, stated that the enrolment front the county of kuron is betwwen 80 l and 90. Bigger Health Staff Urged Dr_ Struthers, of the Department of Health, addressed council on the coun- i ty school nursing service. Health units have proved their value' eral office and the trend has been more and more room. toward preventive medicine. He com- mended the work of the Huron Coun- ty unit but declared it has not enough nurses. What is required in Huron are two full-time doctors, who have had one year's special training, 10 nurses, two sanitary inspectors, and an office staff of three. He outlined the duties requiret of the doctors, wild would take the place of all the Medical" Officers of Health in the county and would supersede them; so would the' sanitary inspectors the local ones. In every town and village there are. conditions which should be cleaned up., A trained sanitary inspector can use, diplomacy in giving proper informa-• tion, and, if not obeyed would not be. hesitant in forcing action. • Cost One Cent A Week The full county scheme if inaugur- ated would cost one cent a week per, person, or five cents a month. The total cost is •estimated at $51,-; 750. The government grant is 50 per cent, which would reduce the cost to the county of $25,000. This can be further reduced -to $10,000 by the -municipalities eliminat-• ing the individual M.0,H, and sani- tary inspection services. The amount can be raised by adding 113 to .1i2 mill to the rate, A commenicalion was read from the Ontario Plowmen's Association advis- ing that an imitation had been extend. ed tooViscount Alexander, Governor- General of Canada, to visit the Inter-: national Plowing Match in October... The Governor-General's Secretary had informed them that, while it was not possible to give any definite assurance f the dale, arrangements would be made to visit cities and towns in Ont.. ark and it was hoped to include Gode-• rich, The association requested the coml. il to support the invitation with a rine- olution. It was referred to the legis- lative committee, A tentative tax rate of 5 mills, plus cost of .secomiary schools for rorall municipalities, was set by Huron County Council, after reeeivImr revised eetimetee from treasurer A, Tl, hrs. line, On Thursday afternoon council aP-i Droved the plans of the proposed court house presented. by L. G. Bridg. architect of tolidoll, which lmve also hen approved by Hugh T1 . Don' aid, inspector of legal offices, liased on present prices, the estimat. eat cost will be tm.,2„oot). The, :05,4.111.foot lifidgman leave a stone! facing, with a fully modern interior, The materials used will the similar to those in the public library at London, and Me building' will he of reinforced ,6 Concrete ;mal steel construction. He Said it UM tale AMON1111,110y a 'SAW a nd Not to Ntwoktv, C.)o the gronmi floor, provision it Made for public toilet rooms' with en. ttanee ,rat the east side from the vet• Fide only dI in t1 kilimim for the MO. 1:1101; and liNtitW; Ntlipmmt, VtAin moor The Main (loot' will heat a cortidor iltrounil"enttl Nook a small comv1 for a Memotial eltap.‘1, if tiesilksil; t'tf , bakes fot eennte aeeeseor, lvon. nror, 1•41(k tteuslojt, Vhildtell's Aid,' iga $utiltt‘ Vottrt ;Atlit the :uteri t`, .e‘A‘tv, ty tivinere, with th\lttiu t611til, A resolution from the county a - Hastings urged compulsory mechan- ical inspection, and the enforced carry- ing of public liability and property damage -insurance for all motor vehic- les, Wingham Asks Scheel :Area Wingham High School Board sent in a resolution requesting that a high school area be established in the dis- tniet with Win harp as a centre., This was reenenntended in a letter, also from the Town Council of Wing,hain. Concurrence was ael,ed for a resph otion from the County of Gorey object- ing so the _eduction of the premium") eiade hogs by- $1.00 and to a sindliar zreznarit on grade "la". Lennox and Addington asked con the rence in a resolution asking the De, .0mmte' of Perth seeks VJIWIlr- p3r11111,1It 'Of Highways to Subsitlige the expenditure for emistrtietien an t0111 , 1:t tctlle e.rto75pereent for a iioftlettthLeytars, "AS the mentally unfit are on the tee, .ale County of Dufferin asks. crease and 'hospital facilities inaele- approval .of a resolution that a system of sterilielatien of the unfit be .adopted by the Legislature of Ontario. Endorsation was asked in a 'county of Oxford resolution requesting the Federal government to stop the large scale minchasirig of materials for home building in cities as it tends to central,. ire industry and many returned sold- iers and civilians ie towns and. rural 'areas would like to build homes if mat- "erials were available. 0 ....1,f+cal Tourist Camp Licettsea That noupicipalities be allowed to license tourist camps, is the subject of a resolution front Peel county to the Ontario Legislature. The county Yerk submitted resolution for endorsement, protest- ing the mile-air) of radio lieense fees, eiaireing it is "unjust unnecessary, end constitutes in reality a nuisance 'tax. e A communication from the Depart- ment of Health was read, outlining the . proposed new hospital grant for main- " price of beef to 25 cents red brand tenance. The amount of the grant will quality, 28 cents for blue, and 21 cents be effected by .the percentage of pupils - for tommercial.. ward beds in the hospital. In support of a request for a grant Ask Higher Old Age Pensions to the building fund of the university, • A county of Ontario resolution ask- a deputation from the University of ,ed concurrence in requesting. a revision l Western Ontario, composed .of J. B. •of Old Age Pensions to 'make the pen-' Hay, Prof. Fred Landon, and George aeon $1:00 a -day at the age of 65. W. ,Little, appeared before Huron That the Weed Control Act be 'County Council on Wednesday morn- amended to :obtain 'In ere effective weed ing. The deputation was promised con- .sideration of their request by Warden Shaddick, and on 'motion of Reeves B. W.. Titckey. and Stanley Meehan, it • was referred to the executive •commit- - tee. The university bad the largest at- ' tendance in its history this year, Prof. '•Landon stated. When the original buildings were erected the enrolment was 600. Through the years it ad- vanced to 14000. The coming of peace . proved the by-law -authorizing the ex- situation in Western Ontario, 471:r2iM he, Cfintene. burl] as that ea a .4-teeeeama .aa G66.. The zacert.:m.. „pi Northeariber.tane . perulimre $250,•000 county roads, is the territory the province has as- " • ee' igned to it, In addition to caring for With so many p/aces go,,,afferyears of restricted motorng, the carefree, =mance you get fitten Goodyiw fi is now mare inincidant than ever• e res The sbc -features Estee helowteR you why Gandyearsa-e afferent • s'• MOM dependable: imPoiztorr: 4/pre..r„mt-c747 t.Fre;, mama= le =rah carrect iverSou ectesliai . for rac:Asugat mile4ge ozene senvm Con.teRtypArr Givolyear deaerforproperpftssure. col. unequalled istpERIORIV st:A:, 043043Yotir :nce. %Itintod 'P61 aolowlimmina and road commission's • VITAMIN BI -Pde MiXibboes trat Store