The Wingham Advance-Times, 1946-06-20, Page 90 Thursday, June 29th, 1946 4.4,4,-, 11 .14 it 44, ! T1-1.WINGPIAM VANM-T I IVIES PAGZ 14INn. 0=1E0 1:=01=01==10=01"1"7"",0 0====(011 11 0=101===20=0 0 0 0 Or o=0 "THEY CAN STILL WEAR WHAT YOU CAN SPARE" 0. U * „,• 11 0 The g am Lions Club are , iponsoring the National .a Junel 7th to June 29th For Town of Wingham and District Rural Residents are invited to bring their contributions to Wingharn and leave at any of the three depots: 0 0 i Carmichael's Grocery Reavie's Service Station COLLECTIONS IN WINGHAM In case of rain the following evening. icfn The Hydro • g .11 Monday Evening June. 24th It • • W. R. pliamilton, Chairman, of Committee 0 1 This advertisement is contrjbuted by The a Wingham Advance:n*11es 031=0=310=0=301=0==10)=Ori-I'W=201=M1=01:=101=C=01=0 1 1 Thursday Evening, June 27th i q lo 0 1 Or leave your donation at one of the above depots, or call any Lion for pick-up. 4 11 ri fi o a