The Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-12-20, Page 10AE TEN :ROD StRVICE BEST WISHES For a Chriitrnas Day filled with Happiness and Blessings. WINGRAli4 ADVANCE-1111AS Thurs., Decemlnir 20th, 1945 MIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111110 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 20, 21, 22 IDA LumNo SYDNEY GREENSTREET — Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December,24, 25, 26 —_Special — "Pillow 'To Post" There will be TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT at 7.00 p.m., and 9.30 p.m. December 27, 28, 29 "OUR VINES HAVE TENDER GRAPES" December 31, January 1, 2 "WHAT NEXT CORPORAL HARGROVE" MGM'S Xidereirt-MIRTHQUAKE FRANK KATFIRYN SINATRA•GRAYSON clic KELLY AIL 0 116 The management of the Lyceum Theatre wishes to take this oppor- tunity to extend Season's Greetings to its patrons and friends. JOSE ITURBI OlRECIED Si GEORGE SIDNEY PRODUCED BY JOE PASTERNAK to Kitchener, Hamilton and eastern points, the bride donned a figured silk -crepe dress, green tweed coat and black accessories. Upon their return the couple will take up residence on a farm on the town line of Wallace township. Pleading guilty before Magistrate McClevis in police court here two an- licensed deer hunters, Thomas Inglis, of Whitechurch, and Chas. Hamilton, of Hamilton, were assessed -$20 and costs of $1.75. Charges were laid dur- ing the deer season- here, Hunting on Sunday and not having a gun license proved costly to several other offenders for infractions of the Game and Fisheries Act, each paying $10 and costs of $1.75. Convicted were Clayton Taber, Trowbridge; Clayton Johnston, R. R, No. 2, Listowel; Earl Tucker, R. R. No. 2, Listowel; Ron- ald Woods, R. R, No. 2, ListoweVand Thomas Smith of Listowel. Pleading guilty to hunting without a gun license, Ray Loutitt of Wroxeter„ also paid $10 and costs. Prosecutions were made by Provincial Game and Fisheries Overseer W. H. Cantelon, of Wingham, and Overseer W. H. Flynn, Mount Forest. DISTRICT DEER HUNTERS FINED BLUE VALE NicKibbons Cristmas Theme At Institute Miss Margaret Curtis was .the hos- tess this week for the monthly meeting' of the Women's Institute, when a Christmas programme was arranged by Mts. Carl Johnston and Mrs. Geo. Hetherington. The president, Mts. j. H. Smith presided for the opening and business period, when some donatisons were approved, including one for the National Institute for the Blind. A Christmas Gift .was presented in anSwer to the Roll Call,, and Mts. Ed. Johnston, Mrs. Curtis and MISS Duff were named a committee to arrange the distributing of the gifts. 'Mrs. Carl Johnston gave a paper on the Origin of Christmas Legends. A Christmas QI:tiz was conducted by (Mrs, G. Heth- erington, the prizes going to Mrs. Geo. Thomson and Mrs. J., H. Smith, A Christmas Carol sing song was a pleas- ing feature., Sunday Services The regular morning service at the United Church was conducted by the Rev. /, S. Bridgette. He based his message on the parable of "The Tal- ents": At a mast meeting of the Moron Presbytery of the United church of Canada, the Rev. j. S. trid- Otte was appointed to supply the cOna gregation of tluevale and tbeneter for the balance of the Conference year, Rev, Pied Williamson of London, oecupied the pulpit at itnox Presbyter- ian Church,. His theme was "How a changed heart could overcome many customs and difficulties" as shown by ,Sittiert Peter being in the hoe Of one SlitiOti, a tanner, The attendance at both churches was small due to a rag-I lag snow storm and road conditions. read responsiyely by all,. and Mrs. joint S. Craig led in the Glad Tidings pray- er. Miss Annie Laidlaw led in the ;Meditation period._ speaking on Christ- mits, the World's One ope awl Miss Annie Kennedy and Mrs, Ezra Wel- wood gave Christmas as readings, Mrs, Mowbray closed the meeting with prayer for missionary workers, ed by the Lord's prayer h unison. The following officers were duly appointed for 1940, lion.-Pres„ Mrs David Ken- nedy; lion. Sec.- Mrs, A. Errierson;, Pres., MM R.Obt, MOWbray, 1St: Vice- Mm, Albert Walters, 2nd. Vice- Mrs. jas, McInnes; Sec., Mrs. Albert Mc- Quillin; Assistant Sec., Mrs, Welwood; Treasurer, Annie Laidlaw; Hcalle Helpers Secy., Mrs. Eobt, Koss; Wel- come and Welfare Sec„ Mrs. Murray; Supply Sec„ Mrs. A. E, Purdon;. Lib- rary and Literature Sec., Mrs, 'W. j„ Coulter; Pianists, Miss Annie Kennedy and Mrs, Jas Laidlaw; Mission' Band Supt., Mrs. J.as. McInnes, Glad Tidings See., Mrs. J. S. .Craig. Don't forget the Sunday School con- certs of the Presbyterian. and United Churches to be held this Thursday evening in the United Church. Rev. Newton will provide three reels of moving pictures on The Christmas Story, The Prodigal Son, and the Twenty-third Psalm. Lunch will be served, You are invited, Mr. Clarence Chamney, met with a nasty accident on Friday when he was dehorning cattle. One slipped and fell over on him, twisting 'his left knee and tearing the ligaments. He will be con- fined to the house for some time, with a cast from ankle to above the knee.• ' Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer spent Thursday last in London. GORRIE Presentation To Mr. and Mrs. N. Wade Some fifty friends and neighbours paid a surprise visit to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade on Tuesday night last, prior to their leaving to reside in Gor- rie. Following an evening of cards and dancing, Mr. E. Parrish read a suitable address, while Mrs. Percy Ashton and Mr. -Sandford Zinhmerman presented a beautiful Coffee Table, Lamp Table and Tray to the honour- ed couple, Both Mr. and Mrs. Wade thanked all for their troughtfulness and gifts. Mrs. E. J. Parrish spent the week visiting relatiVes at Mt. Forest and Holstein. Mrs. R. A. -Ashton left on Tuesday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs, E. Radford and Mr. Radford, Palmerston, and will visit other members of her family before returning home. Christmas Theme Of W.M.S. Meeting A Christmas Carol Service was con- ducted at the December meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society at Mrs. R. G. Dane's home. Mrs. Howse, as leader, sang as a call to worship, a solo, "0 Sing a Song of Bethlehem", Scrip- ture passages pertaining to the Christ- mas Story were read by Mrs. Howse, Mrs. H. Ashton, Mrs. Strong, Mrs, R. Dane and Mrs. G. Dane. These read- ings were interspersed -with Christmas Carols, Mrs, Harrison, Mrs. Day and Mrs. R, Ashton sang as a trio, "Silent Night, Holy Night"- Prayers of. Thanksgiving for the ending of the War, and of dedication to the cause of a lasting Peace were offered by Mrs. Whitley .and Mrs. Ashton. As a ben- ediction for the devotional service two verses of the hymn "0 Little Town of Bethlehem'-' was sung. Mrs, A, A. Tay- lor resumed the Study Book on An- gola. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. W. W. Strong. Mrs. H. E. Ashton as Temperance Seey. gave a very interesting reading on Temperance. The W.M.S. and Evening Auxiliaiy plan to unite as a Women's Mission- ary Society at the January meeting, which is to be held at the parsonage. The nominating committee will present a slate of officers for the year 1946. The meeting closed with the Mizaph benediction. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Watson and baby of London ' moved their furniture to the Bricker farm on the 6th con- cession last week. Kenneth has re- cently been discharged from active service in Sicily, Italy and Germany. The Post Office Staff here presented Mr. Robert Ferguson with a pair of gloves recently in honour of his 21 years of service as mail man on Route 1, and which has been purchased by Mr. Alex. Edgar, Jr. Institute Held Christmas Meeting On Wednesday last the Women's Institute held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. J. W. Hyndman, when twelve trietnbers and six visitors Were present, The president, Mrs. Melvin Taylor, presided and iMrs. Percy Ashton took charge of the Seey. book in the absence of 'Mts. Norman Wade, Mrs, Glenn johttston reported the Institute New Year's Dance would be held on the Friday' night previous to New Year's owing to the fact no music could be obtained for the usual night. Mrs. C. B. Gregg brought the members up to date on the doings of the day by giving the Current Events, Rev. G. K. Nobes, was the guest speak- er, his subject was in keeping with the holiday spirit, "Christmas Music and Their Composers". The usual -exchange Of gifts was the last item on the pro- gram and closed- with the National Anthem, Lunch was served by Mrs. Bradnock and the hostess, Plans were made to hold the January Meeting in the Orange Hall, Mr, and Mrs. Harry King and son, Wayne, have moved to their new home on the ninth concession pur- chased some iriontba ago from Mr. and Mrs, R. W. N. Wade, Messrs. William Townsend of Shot- bourne, Alvin Townsend of Stratford, and Mr, and Mrs. Norman Townsend of Listovvel, attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs.- 1, M, Carson on Tues. day last. Mr. Phair of Blenheim, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Carson and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Newton visited on Friday last with Mr. and Mrs. Jack MusgtOve at Hanover. Skating for the first this Season got under way on Saturday. Mr. I-Writer" again, has charge of the :ice. ..11.1111 4•1•10111D 1111•••• elONOMO 11111111•110 =N.M. •••••• ••••••11 MM. ••••••• •••••101, MOP.. 11//•4•61 111•11111111•1 ma. Onme• IMIMY 11111MINO WWI./ •••••• =MOW INEMO 411110111.11 MM.* PRIMO lial•••• OMEN. elm* gismo immON• 1•1•1111•• Pl•••• MM. 101•11•0 .•••••• 'mums immen. Mr. Edwin Ellis, Drayton, spent Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera. Friends were sorry to- learn that Bobbie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Peel underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis in, Listowel Memorial Hospi- tal on Friday. He is, however making a ,satisfactory recovery. Dietz - Bartman Trinity Lutheran Church, Gorrie, was the scene of a pretty wedding re- cently when Arnetta Pearl Bartman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bartman, R, R. 2, Gorrie; was ?tufted in marriage to Norman' Dieti, son-of Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz, R. R. 2, Gorrie. Rev. Richard Scholtz offic- iated. The bride chose for her wed- ding a powder blue two-piece wool crepe street length dress with black accessories. She woi2e a locket, a gift of the bridegroom, and a corsage of pink carnations, Miss Ruby Schinbein of Listowel, as maid of honour, wore a light blue alpaca dress, with 4black accessories, and corsage of pink car- nations, Howard 'Kaufman, Gorrie, was best man. A wedding supper was served after the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Bartman received in a blue crepe dress, and the bridegroom's mother chose a navy blue sheer dress. For a honeymoon trip 1.111111.111111111111111M1111111111111.111111111111111111111111 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. N. H. Norton, Pastor SUNDAY, DEC. 23rd 11 a.m.—"The Manger". 7.30 p.M.—"His Nativity". "Come and Worship" IMIII1111111111111.1111111111111111111M111110111111111111111111111 X4V0MOPA--ltrg--,0-110,20-4,,A .44,010111 .01•111 maga. 41=1•11. ONION. wangil .p.o00111 omillOMO MENEM WOMEN A111•0001 =NNW Pi WPM MOP. .111111•101 .01011•••• aimm• Odffil woinion 1••••=1.1 MM.= 9011••• tan.. IRWIN* lan1101.0 ••••041 O1•10.111 41110111111111l WEN= .1•1•1111 ••••••••• .11011e ,r1101 ••••••• SOMME MINIM IM.111111 11•1111.11 4101111111.• •••••••111 Mote/ Presbyterian Sunday School Concert ,Arnold .Lillow, visited with Mr. and The annual Sunday ,School entertain. [Mrs. Iallow at Stratford. Miss Mae Davidson, Wroxeter, was ment and Christmas tree was held in a recent visitor with her brother; Wal- the school room of Knox Presbyterian ter and Mrs. Davidson. church on Friday evening. J. C: Hig- gins acted as Chairman. The smaller pupils contributed recitations, vocal and instrumental numbers. The senior girls' class rendered a quartette, Mes- srs: Harold Grant and Lloyd Felker favored-with violin and guitar music. Awards for memory work and attend- ance were Llresented to several pupils. The presentations were made by the superintendent, Mrs. Harvey Robert- son. Following the program garnes and contests were enjoyed: Santa Claus • arrived in time to -distribute gifts and treats from the tree. The serving of aclose. refreshments brought a happy evening to Mrs. I:Mow and son, Jack and Mrs. • It's Time to Think ot Xmas Let us help you to solve your Xmas problems with XMAS FLOWERING POTTED PLANTS AND FRESH CUT FLOWERS from our own greenhouse. We are carrying a com- plete stock of Plants and Cut Flowers. Please take notice that our last delivery will be Sp. m, Dec. 24th. Order early to save disappointment. Let these beautiful Potted Plants and Cut Flowers / make your Xmas Cheerier and Brighter. LEWIS - Florist Frances Ste, Wingham Pone 101. There's no male shortage in "Pillows to Post" and if it's laughter you're after here's the happiness hit. Also "Short Subjects" There will be a FREE MATINEE for the children this Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. This is a child- ren's matinee. Adults please take note. WHITECHU,RCH The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held last Tues- day in the Hall with the President, Mrs. Cecil Falconer in charge of the meeting. The roll-call was answered Iv a gift for the Children's Shelter. Considerable discussion was held con- ,cerning the building of the addition to -the Hall, and it was agreed to proceed -with the work if the weather allowed. Mrs, Ben McClenaghan gave a very -interesting paper on Christmas Day Celebrations, and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz led them in Carol singing.1 The pres- ent caretaker, was hired for another six months and the meeting closed by -singing the National Anthem. Mr, and Mrs. Relison Falconer of You will find a Gift for every occasion conveniently displayed in our store. Every woman loves Toiletries and Fancy Perfumes. Men welcome a gift of a Shav- ing Set, Billfold or Smoker's Sundry. We really mean it when we say - we have Gifts for MOTHER or DAD, SISTER or BROTHER, SWEETHEART or BEAU, GRANDMOTHER or GRANDFATHER BOY or GIRL Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mrs. Sam Morrison from the Luck- now Road has been in Wingham Hos- pital -over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray and Mr. Hector Purdon motored to Tor- onto on Tuesday and spent a few days there. Miss' Roberta returned home with them. Tpr. Irwin MeClenaghan reported at London last Wednesday and spent the week-end with relatives at Glencoe and London. The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church held their annual meeting last Thursday in the S. S. room of the church, with the President, Mrs. Robt. Mowbray in charge of the meeting, The Christmas Story in Matthew was Be sure to see our Christmas Cards — the assortment is large and handsome — Truly Cards of Character, This year Candles! of all kinds!! 11•▪ 11411•11 41119011.114 011,11.• 2111.111••• Md01•111 AMNON. Yeailtwal 11.111•••1 111•1•1141. IM10.1•11 =MEM 111111011110 11•110M &NONNI NEM.. =11•111. •••••• IM.11.11 Mao. 01•101•1 1111•1••••• 11/•••• *NNW! •••••11 11.111, 1110111 MINOR 4•11111011 .1.1•11110111 •••••• AMMO mom roma .111•1•110 NOME* May we wish you Christmas joys to last throughout the year. limintimmuummillimilimitilliiinimmumuipmmmunimmitiiiimmimminummomminimimitommummimmimmiummumommion First' Class atch Repairs For The Present Watches Only George Williams JOHN ST. Nest to Masonic Hall Oft- Another Christmas -- and another wish May you have most of the best to brighten the Holiday $eason. Smith'iEconomyhod Store ae- tm...mse moo*