The Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-09-27, Page 4DRY BATTERIES For radio, flashlight and telephone. Flashlight Cells 11c No. 6 Drycells, 3 - $1.00 Hot Spark. Batteries — ...... . . $2.20 Radio B Batteries . — $2.29 and $3.22 WHY PAY MORE Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store Campbell's Garage Onto Yemen's Grill WINGHAM Will serve DINNERS -- AND SUPPERS October 2 and 3 Teeswater Fair Days The Show You Have Been Waiting For The Owen Sound Exhibition OCTOBER 1 and 2 "The Show Window of Grey and Bruce Counties" HORSE RACES $700.00 IN PURSES. Monday, October 1 2:27 Trot or Pace Tuesday, October 2 Free-for-All and 2:22 Trot or Pace HORSE SHOW Ontario's best Road, Carriage, Saddle and Heavy Horses STOCK SHOW Come and see the choicest cattle in Shorthorn, Aberdeen Angus, Hereford, Red Polled Angus, Black & White, and other Dairy Breeds. Special Sheep Show—October 1 Swine Show—October 2 Hurdle Horses Poultry Show Pet Show SADDLE RACES — GRAY'S GREATER MIDWAY — Garden Bros. "SALUTE TO VICTORY" Show each Evening Comic Performance in Front of Grandstand Each Afternoon BANDS IN ATTENDANCE DON'T MISS THE GREATEST ATTRACTION OF THE YEAR Come to OWEN SOUND FAIR—Oct 1 & 2 V. C. PORTEOUS, Pres: E. V. RADBOURNE, • Sec'y. Address inquiries to Secretary, Court House, Owen Sound. I Market Your Grains Through Hogs! If you have plentiful grain this year, it will pay you to investigate all means of marketing that grain, to pay you the best returns for your labour. Consider these figures: 1. Only 650 lbs. of grain are required with 50 lbs. of SHUR-GAIN Hog Concentrate, to build a 200 lb. hog. With hog prices currently at $18.00 for an A, your hog is worth $28.80 (dressing out 160 lbs.) plus a $4.00 bonus, or a total of $32.80. If you paid $8.00 for the weanling pig,.and 50 lbs. of SHUR-GAIN Hog Concen- trate cost you $1.70 — you clear $23.10 for your grain, or $70.92 per ton! Balance your home-grown, grains with SHUR-GAIN Hog Concentrate More Hogs — At Less Cost — For Bigger Profits! Shur-Gain 41% Hog Concentrate Sold by *KINNEY BROS, BLUM JOHN BUNTEN) 'DELMORE CANADA-PACKERS WINIAM ALEX MANNINO BERN WINGliA4 ADVANM7TIMUS Thursday, Sept, .27th, 1945. -CLEARING AUCTION SALE— of live stock, horses, cattle, poultry and hogs, at Lot 29-30, Concession 13, Hullett Township, 3 miles North West of Londesboro, and 2 miles West of Blyth, Friday, October 5th, commencing at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, the folloWing:—Dairy Cattle: 33 Holstein cows, 3 to 7 years old, including 13 Springers; Balance . milking, and supposed to be in calf. NOTE: This is a choice herd of dairy cows in good condition. Beef Cattle: 10 Hereford cows, calves bJ their side; 5 2-year old Hereford heifers; 2 purebred Hereford bulls; 20 2-year-old feeder steers; 20 year- old steers; 15, 2-year-old heifers, Durham; 15, year old heifers, Dur- ham; 10 Holstein year-old heifers; 10 spring calves. Horses: Brown team geldings, rising 4 and 5; Black colt, rising 3; Yearling colt; Brood mare, foal, by her side, Pigs: 34 chunks, 80 to 125 lbs.; 5 sows, in pig; 11 weaners. Poultry; 300 white Leghorn pullets; 75 Rock pullets. NOTE: This sale will start on time and comprises a choice lot of dairy • and beef cattle, Attend one of the largest stock sales of the season. Terms: Cash. Positively no reserve. Wilmer Howatt, prop.; Harold Jack- son, auctioneer. CORNS — instantly relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous. Salve — the effective corn remedy. 50c at McKibbon's Drug Store. CHARIS Foundation Garment Co. trained Corsetiere for Wingham, surrounding district and towns. If you need a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonable prices, call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Minnie St., Wingham. .ARM ,FOR SALE-100 acres, more or less being lot 10, Concession 7, Grey Twp., ' 2 storey red brick house, bank barn 60' x 60', litter carrier, water in stable, never fail- ing drilled well, driving shed 26' x 40', 2 hen houses, land in good state of cultivation and all natural drain- , age. For further particulars apply to Chas. A. Lamont, Ethel, Ont. FARM FOR SALE-200 acres, Lots 12, 13 on the 12th Concession of Howick. Good brick house, bank barn 53' x 56' with straw shed 38' x 45'. 135 acres of tilable land, 30 acres of bush, 15 acres is hardwood. Farm is watered with 3 wells, one with windmill and • one drilled well at barn. Cement stables with water , installed. Terms: Down payment, balance on mortgage. Apply to R. J. Waerell, R.R. No. 1, Wroxeter or T. H. Crawford, Wingham. FOR SALE — A beautiful sky blue Talking Budgerigar and cage. Phone 611r31, Wingham, FOR SALE — 50-acre farm on 6th Con. of Culross, 41/2 miles west of Teeswater. Good land, fair build- ings, never-failing well. Price $1,100. Apply to A, Bonnett, R.R. 3, Tees- , water. FOR SALE-40 small chunks, about 12 feeder steers. Apply Bill Pease, R.R. 2, Blyth, phone Brussels 45-17. FOR SALE-11A horsepower Inter- national gas engine in excellent con- dition, also 1 horsepower Gilson engine. Apply to Douglas Heming- way, Brussels,., phone 23x4, FOR SALE Purebred barred rock pullets. Apply to Jas. Paisley, R.R. No, 1, Glenannan, FOR SALE—Purebred Oxford Ram or would exchange for another ram. Apply to Dave Deacon, phone 629r5. FOR SALE—Standard typewriter in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Wal- lace Agar, R.R, No. 2, Blttevale, Phone Brussels 11-7, FOR. SALE Storey and half brick veneered house, also a quantity of tulip bulbs. Apply to David Finlay. FOR SALE -- ten good pigs, just weaned. Apply to John Potter, Lower Wingham, FOR SALE—Furnace blower, com- plete with motor and automatic regulator, 60 cycle, Phone 279, FOR SALE—Two heifers, one three- year-old, and one four-year-old, fresh in. Apply Advance-Times, HOME FURNISHINGS — as prizeS in Kincardine Kinsmen draws Satur- day, October 6, Andrew Malcolm 9-piece walnut dining room suite, value $450,00; 6-piece ultuus bed- room suite, made by Andrew Mal- colm, value 8225,00; r5 sttidio couch. 10 other prizes, igot neces- sary to attend to win. Tickets by return mail, 25 cents, 6 for $1.00, Send to PHIL BEDENHAM, Kin- cardine, Ont. ,'AID WANTED—for general Work, Bood with children. Apply Mrs. H. edford; phone 213, „ (0 SLENDOR TABLETS — are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at McKibbon's Drug Store. SHOE REPAIRING -- Have your shoes repaired by James Haugh. work done at his home Diagonal Road. SMALL FARM FOR SALE—Good land, good buildings; hydro, drilled well at Fordwich, Phone, Fordwich 55-2, F. J. Gadke. SCHOOL GIRL W ANTED—To room or board, by Oct. 1st. Apply to Advance-Times. WANTED — to purchase pullets 8 weeks of age and older all pure breeds and hybrid crosses. Good prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, On- tario. WANTED — Applications for the position of Junior Lady Clerk at the Rural office of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, Wingham. Must be a good typist and have a good knowledge of book- keeping. Apply in person to Mr. M. T. Somers, Rural Superintendent, Wingham, Ontario. WANTED—First quality home rend- ered lard, any quantity. Phone 145, Wingham. WANTED TO PURCHASE—Garage for removal. Phone 129. WANTED IMMEDIATEY—Woman for housework. Apply to Advance- Times. WAR NERVES, long hours, hurried meals, bring indigestion, acid stom- ach, digestive ailments, Get relief with soothing, tasteless Wilder's Stomach Powder. 50c and $1 at McAvoy's Drug Store. "800 DEALERS EARN—a comfort- able income by selling Familex Pro- ducts from door to door! How about starting a business of your own, in your spare time, with the same advantages, in the district of your choice? For free details and catalogue: Familex, 1600 Delori- mier, Montreal." regard 0111 it) the @Wins of which they shall t eft haife nad notice. DATED at Wnigham, Ontario, this tenth day of September, A.D., 1945. J. W. BUSHFIELD, • Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of Ethel Loreen Chamney, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Housewife, who died on or about the 29th day of July, -A.D., 1945, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-ninth day of Sep- tember, A.D., 1945, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-ninth day of September the assets of the said testa- trix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice, DATED this tenth day of Septem- ber, A.D„ 1945. J. H, CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Alexander Bryans, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Hur- on, Drover, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Alex- ander Bryans, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly veri- fied, to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the Executrix of the said Estate, on or before the twenty-ninth day of September, A.D., 1945, and that after such date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wiegharn,. Ontario, this tenth day of September, A.D. 1945. I. W. BUST/FIELD, Wingham, Ontario,, Solicitor for the Executrix. CARD OF THAT Mr. and Mrs. Come Sproal of De- troit, and Mr, and Mrs, Earl Sproal of Exeter, wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for the kind. neta and sympathy shown them dur- ing' their recent tad bereavement. HONEY BEE SUBJECT AT THE INSTITUTE Presentations Made To Mrs. T. Bower And Mrs. S. Campbell The September meeting of the Wingham Branch: of the Women's In- Stitute was lield in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, Friday after- noon, the 21st, with an a ttendance of 40 members and guests, The president, Mrs. A, R. DtiVal, presided, Among the business discus- sed was the National Clothing Collec- tion taking place in October, in which the local Institute will co-operate, It was decided to hold a bridge and euchre in October, to raise funds to provide' boxes for the Wingham boys still overseas, The roll call was answered by the introduction of new members which re- sulted in ten new members being add- ed to the membership. We were fortunate in having Mrs. H, I. Durst, of Wroxeter, as guest speaker. Mrs, Durst gave an interest-. in g and informative talk on the "Honey Bee" bringing out the many instinctive characteristics peculiar to this intelligent insect which is the only insect that contributes to the food of mail. Mrs. Durst pointed out that the bee and its product date back to Biblical days, for we read in the Bible of a swarm of bees found' in the car- cass of a lion and of a land flowing with milk and honey. Continuing she said it is not known just how the bee changes the nectar taken from flowers into the flavour and consistency we are familiar with as honey. Mrs. Durst also described in detail the dif- ferent types of bees an.d their respect- ive duties and demonstrated with a hive, kindly loaned for the purpose by Mr. Mundell. The manner in which the comb is first constructed then fil- led, A sample of a comb of honey was on display. Two highlights of the meeting were the presentations of a life member- ship to Mrs. Bowers, the oldest mem- ber of Wingham Institute, and a re- membranct.gift to Mrs. Sam Campbell who will shortly be leaving town. The presentation to 'Mrs, Bowers was made by Mrs. DuVal, who spoke of her faithful work throughout the years. The address was read by Mrs. Wil- liamson, a life long friend. Mrs, Halli- day presented Mrs. Campbell's gift'and Miss Irene O'Connor of CKNX read the address. Lois Lockridge sang a IN MEMORIAM CURRIE—In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. W. J. Currie, who passed away September 20th, 1944. Dear Mother, you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more; Still in memory you are with us, As you always were before. —Ever remembered by her son George and family. IN MEMORIAM BAKER—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thomas J. Baker, who passed away, September 27th, 1942, , We have lost our soul's companion, A life linked with my own; And day by day I miss him more, As we walk through life alone. —Sadly missed by wife and family. Ingersoll, Ontario 41111111111111111111MREMEIMMEN Notice Experienced man will undertake accountancy - audit - installing book- keeping system for gen- eral merchandising stor- es or small manufactur- ing plants. By Contract Only. S. J. Pyinm P. O. Box 40, RIPLEY, ONT. solo very sweetly, accompanied by Leslie May Wall. A delicious salad plate luncheon was served by the hostesses and a pleasant social half hour was enjoyed. WORK OF THE W.C.T.U. WAS MEETING TOPIC Interesting Meeting Of The W.C.T.U. Was Held The W.C.T.U. met for the Septem- ber meeting at the home of Miss Ruth Lewis with Miss Purdy, the president, in charge. The meeting opened with the hymn "Dare to be a Daniel" after which Mrs, Gemmil offered prayer. The secretary's report was read for the June meeting, also a report on the Convention held here in the Baptist Church. The roll call was answered in the usual way by a verse of scrip- ture.. Mrs. Wm. Field read the scrip-titre lesson taken from Matthew 7:21-29, and brought a short devotional on "Be ye doers of the Word", which was ap- preciated by, all present. Miss Purdy sang a solo entitled "Life would be empty without Him". Clip sheets were conducted by Miss Purdy and they were very interesting and helpful. Mrs. Pryce gave the topic 'which was very instructive, ex- plaining various activities of the W. C.T.U. financially, also social work, and the different homes that are spon- sored by the W.C.T,U. of Canada. The offering was received while hymn "None but Christ can Satisfy" was sung and prayer by Miss Purdy closed thp meeting. PICTURES ASSIST WITH EDUCATION Interesting Films Shown To High ' School Students . During the past week a number of excellent films have been showh at the Wingham High School, The fol- lowing titles will give some idea of the educational values ,of the ,films shown. Plant Growth; The House- fly; Posture and Exercises; Oxidation and Reducation; Jumps and Vaulting; Weights and Throwing, On Friday afternoon the assembled school saw a coloured film "Ottawa on the River",' The high school is very fortunate to have splendid movie sound equipment. During the past week Mr, Fowler, the Inspector of Commercial. Classes, visited the school. He spoke very favourably of the commercial work in the school and of the vent valuable equipment which had been added, JA1VIESTOWN Presentation • Mrs. R, jacklin, Mrs, Bradshaw and Mrs. Lawrence Willis, were the host• esses for the monthly tea of the War Workers unit. During the afternoon Miss Hazey McDonald, who was home on furlough, was presented whit a Waterman Pen anti Pencil set, as a emembrance from the Society.. IVIiss. Mary jaciclin Inade the presentation. Miss McDonald is a member of the C,W.A.C. and will be returning to ber post in Edmonton, Alberta, The f ol- lowing goods were packed for ship- ment; 12 sailors ditty bags contain- ing 30 items each; 4 women's night- gowns; 2 boys shirts; 1 pr. son, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bradshaw and family, were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shurrey of Brussels, Miss Aveline Mann of Glen Orch- ard, is visiting with her friend, Miss Betty Wilson. Mr, and Mrs, Robert McDonald and son, spent Sunday with Wroxeter friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ned, Thompson of Toronto, also Mrs. Lloyd Workman of Weston, spent the week-end with their parents here, Mr, Mervin Forman of Port Carl- ing, is holidaying with his cousin, Mr. Ted. Wilson. SUNDAY SCHOOL AWARDS MADE During the Sunday School period of the Baptist Church five young people were presented with rewards for their splendid efforts in repeating 10 verses from the Bible. The Superintendent, Mr, Jno. Falconer, gave these verses in the past weeks to .be memorized by the scholars. The five who took part were, Jessie Scott, taking 1st place, Lois Burchill, Grace Hudson, John Hudson, Helen Louise Pocock, all made a splendid effort and great credit due to all. (, . . Miss Grace HudsOn, S. S. pianist for sometime, is leaving town andlt is with much regret the S. S. and Church Rise these three splendid young people and the prayers from the Church and S. S. will follow them. CAR ACCIDENT ON BRUSSELS GRAVEL Result of a car crash on the Brus- sels gravel road early Friday morning, Miss Carrol, of Listowel was slightly injured, while the driver of the car, Charles Bryans, Brussels, escaped in- jury. The Bryans' car struck 'the left fender of a car driven by Lloyd War- wick, who was accompanied by Miss McDonald, both of Brussels. The Bryan car skidded 150 feet, catapulted over a fence to land upright on a ploughed field 40 feet from the fence. Occupants in the Warwick car escap- ed injury. County Constable Gordon Deyell, investigated, BORN O'MALLEY—At Culross, on Thurs- day, September 20th, to Mr. -and Mrs. Thos. O'Malley (nee Jean Moir), R.R, No, 2, Teeswater, a son, James Thomas. SCOTT—At 'Wingham General Hos- . pital, on Tuesday, September 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott, R.R. , No, 1, Belgrave, a son, WHITECHURCH Cpl.. George Currie, of.. Hamilton, and Mrs. Currie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tiffin. Pte. Alvin Currie of Manning Pool, Toronto, who spent the week-end at his home, East Wawanosh, received his discharge this week 0 , 0 '3,1/2 cents a word per insertion, with a raiaimpra charge of 25c. a 0 401210=10P"g0 ocnto=nenzio, AUCTION SALE—of farm stock and POTATOES FOR SALE—Buy your implements will be held at north winter supply now. Iianna's, Bel- .balf Lot 10, Concession 2,, Morris, grave, phone 622r3 Wingham; 14r9 3. at o'clock, Thursday, October 4th. Brussels, Terms: Cash. Matt Gaynor, auc- tioneer; Robert Warwick, Propri- etor, , NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TH EMATTER OF THE ES- TATE of THOMAS W. WALK- ER, late of the Township of Turn- berry in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the 'late Thomas W. Walker; are required to send particulars of their claims, duly veri- fied, to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the Executors of the said Estate, on or before the twenty-ninth day of FOR SALE—A few young cattle and September, A.D., 1945, and that after a cow. Apply to Andrew Casemore, i such date the Executors will proceed R.R. No. 4, Wingharn, Phone Ito distribute the said Estate.) having 627r11, FOR SALE — Broilers, good barred rock stock. Apply to Mrs. George Baird, Wingham Town Plot. 11.111101011111, ATTENTION HORSE DEALERS We are in the market to buy old Live Horses. Write for price. William &one . Sons Limited SEE US For RADIOS REFRIGERATORS WASHERS We have been appointed agents for the coming Spartan line. •••••••••••••“••••• ,McGILL Radio Service Phone 380. Second In Beauty Contest Mary Prentice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Prentice of Galt, former Wingham residents, has scored again in a beauty contest held at Guelph, Recently she came second and receiv- ed 425.00 and a cabinet of silver. In this same contest a year previous she won first prize. Hit By Car William Proctor, Brussels business- man, was seriously injured on Friday while crossing Main street, when struck by a car driven by Miller MC- Arter. Mr. Proctor suffered head in- juries and fractures of both legs above the ankles. Mr. Proctor was removed to Clinton Hospital. Shower and Presentation Thursday evening of last week a number of young ladies gathered at the home of Miss Mary Brophy in honour of Mrs. Ross Jamieson (nee Alrita Smith), bride of this month, and presented her with a lovely kitchen shower. Mrs. Jamieson expressed her appreciation and a dainty lunch was served. Prior to her marriage, the staff of the Bell Telephone held a din- ner in her honour at Miss Lela, Leg- gatt's, and presented her with an occasional chair.and a picture. Plaster Repairing A. French Wingham Plastering Contractor Specialist in Cornice Work & Decorative Plastering Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done. Box 23 :-: Phone 187