The Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-09-06, Page 70 IP
0 •
'Tbursday, September 6, 1.945
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Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
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Clear Vision — Accurate Control —
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Week-end guests of Mr. and Mi:s.
Allister Green were, Mr. and Mrs.
Elliot Cranch and Miss Vivian Cranch
of Rochester, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. J.
J. Weir and Shirley Ann, Pittsburg,
Penn.; Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques
and Nancy of Howick; Mrs. Wm.
Weir, Sr., of Salem; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wright.
Miss Gerty Bush was an Owen
Sound visitor on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards visit-
ed with Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm. Brown at
Fordwich on Sunday.
Mr. John MacNaughton and Mr.
Jack McLaughlin, were Sunday visit-
ors with friends at Bayfield.
Miss Rona Vanvelsior returned to
Weston on Monday where she is on
Phone 150
Phone 19
on_ Its Mr. and Mrs. J. Sangster,
Mrs, H. Waller, held on Thursday,
a very successful sale of household
furnishings, Mrs, Waller and June in-
tend moving to Toronto in the near
We welcome to town Mr, Harold
Hamilton and bride, formerly L. T,
Church of Fergus, Mr. and Mrs,
Hamilton will reside at the residence
recently purchased from Mr, Lorne
Kaake. Good wishes are extended
from Wroxeter and community for a
long and happy married life,
Mrs. Laurie Vanvelsior is the new
member on the staff of Continuation
School. Mrs, Vanvelsior who comes
from Hamilton, was a former valu-
able member of the staff. The other
three teachers have been re-engaged,
Mr, H. Knight as principal of C. S.
Mr. H. Hamilton, principal of public
school and Mrs. G, ,A, Wearring,
primary teacher.
Miss Evelyn Hupfer, recently spent
a week with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hup-
fer, in Detroit.
Miss Mildred Griffith of Toronto, is
holidaying at her home south of the
Mr, and Mrs. J. Douglas had for
their guest last week, Mrs. West of
Goderich, who was formerly Miss
East, teacher at Douglas School in
Miss Alice Howes spent the week-
end with Miss Thelma Denny at
Point Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jackman of To-
ronto, were holiday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Deans of Parry
Sound, were 'week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. G. Davidson.
Mrs. J. J. Allen, Marjorie and Jim-,
my, also Miss ,Ross haye left for
their home in Toronto.
Mrs. Clarence White, Toronto, was
a visitor in town last week.
80th Birthday Celebrated
A very happy surprise party was
given on Tuesday afternoon and eve-
ning at the home of Mrs. Robert Hup-
for in honour of a guest, Mr. Jack
Hupfer, of Sault Ste. Marie, who was
celebrating his 80th birthday. Mr.
Hupfer, who was born and spent his
younger days on the Hupfer home-
stead, at one time conducted a black-
smith. shop here, but for the past 45
years has carried on the same business
in Sault Ste. Marie and boasts he can
still swing a 6 pound hammer, His
wife, the former Ada Paulin, of Wrox-
eter, died 17 years ago and he now
resides with his daughter Margaret,
at the Soo. In the afternoon the Hup-
fer families gathered and enjoyed a
programme of games, horse shoe
pitching, etc. This was followedby
a picrlie lunch on the lawn. In the
evening the Paulin families, also neigh-
bors and friends gathered to offer
their good wishes. A lovely birthday
cake was enjoyed by all. ,Many gifts
were received by the guest of honour.
Relatives and many old friends of
Wroxeter and Community 'extend to
this grand old gentleman best wishes
for many happy returns of the day..
Woman's Assodiation
Sixteen members gathered on Wed-
nesday last for the monthly meeting
of the W. A. with the president, Mrs.
C. McCutcheon presiding. The scrip-
ture lessen was taken from St. Mat-
thews gospel, chapter 24, and the
Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The
roll call was answered by a verse con-
taining the word Compassion. Plans
were made to have a bee to clean the
basement walls and ceiling on Sept.
18th at 1.30 o'clock, and all women of
the congregation are asked to give
assistance for this work. Mrs. Mc-
Tavish and Mrs. Foster were in charge
of the meeting. Pot 1=0 lunch was
enjoyed at the close.
Guild Meeting
The September meeting of the W.
Guild of St. James Anglin Church
will be held on September 11th, at
3 p.m. Mrs. Nobes of the Rectory at,
Gorrie, will be hostess and Rev. 'G,
K. Nobes will give an address.
W. M. S. Meeting
The September meeting of the
M, S. United Church, will be held in
the church parlours on Friday, Sept.
14th, 3 p.m. All the ladies of the
congregation are welcome ,at the W.
S, 'Meeting.
United Church Anniversary
The Anniversary Services of Wrox-
eter United Church, will be held the
third Sunday in September, the 16th,
at 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.m. , The guest
Speaker for the occassion will be Rev.
J. B. Gardiner of Egntondville,
Special music is being prepared by the
choir under the direction of Mr, G. A,
Wearring and Miss Mary Gibson,
organist, and the guest soloist will be
Mr, Henderson of. London, All are
cordially invited to join "United Church
congregation in worship on this special
anniversary occasion,
tbeal Minister iitmoitted. At
Rev.. J. L. Foster of United ehutel
was honoured by his home church at
Greenway when on Sunday evening,
sponsored by the Women's Association
a candlelighting service was held, at
which he was one of four former
members invited to be candlelighters.
The lovely modern country church,
situated five miles from Grand Bend,
could not begin to accommodate the
congregation gathered for this unique
service, The chancel was banked with
late summer flowers which made a
fine background for the large cross
on which was set 600 or more white
candles, To one side a large V sign
was placed in memory of service men.
By the gifts of the congregation' and
those who had formerly been mem-
bers of the church, the cross and V
were completely covered with candles
placed in memory of pioneers of the
church, loved ones, Sunday School
officers, for blessings received, in
gratitude for world peace, for boys
who sacrificed their lives for freedom,
for boys in the service, for former
ministers of the church. As the names
were read the candles were lighted by
four former members.
The service which was conducted by
the local pastor, Rev, W. T. Cleave,
opened with the hymn "As darker,
darker fall around the shadows of the
night. "The Litany of Lights" I am
the light of the world was read re-
sponsively. Rev, J. L. Foster led in
prayer. Other hymns chosen were "I
know not what the future hath" and
"Lead kindly light". The guest speak-
er was Major Roy Essex, padre at
Ipperwash camp. Two guest soloists
were Mrs. Donald Carrothers of
Appin, and Mr. T. Harry Hoffman of
Dashwood. The former by special re-
quest sang "Going Home", following
the benediction. Those in attendance
were presented with a booklet cover-
ing the complete programme.
This beautiful service of candle-
lighting and remembrance with its
flaming white cross and V linking the
past and present in the life of the
church, will live long in the memory
of those who were privileged to attend.
Mr, and Mrs, Ned Thompson of To-
ronto, spent the holiday with friends
Mrs. Lloyd Workman of Weston,.
was a week-end visitor with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Grainger.
On Friday evening of last week, a
good number of friends and neighbors
gathered to spend a social evening with
Mr. Turner and son Stewart, before
leaving the farm. The main feature of
the evening was a presentation and ad-
dress was read by Mrs. John Fraser.
Mr. Turner was presented with a pen
and pencil set, and Stewart with a.
suitcase and globes, The best wishes
of the community was extended to-
them and the hope was expressed that
they would often return for a visit.
B. C. To Vote October 25
Victoria, B.C., — British Columbia's
20th Legislature was dissolved and a,
general election called for October 25:
Voters' lists will close September l't
and nomination day will be October 4. .
Don't overlook Factory-Specified
• • • more than ever
ial while await* essent
your New G ENERAL
the public school staff.
Miss Alva Hupfer who has spent
the vacation months with her mother,
Mrs. Robert Hupfer, returned to Sud-
bury on Monday. •
Mrs. Marjorie Travis of Stratford,
was a week-end visitor with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Tennant and son
Lloyd, wife- and' daughter Nancy, of
Dearborn; Mich,, also Mr. and Mrs.
Will Ringler of Whitechurch, were
visitors at the home of Mrs. Robert
Hupfer last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gold and son
of Toronto, were week-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. G. Paulin and other
Rev. J. L. and Mrsa 'Foster, Mrs.
Marjorie Travis, Miss Donna Hudson
also Mr. and Mrs, D. S. MacNaugh-
ton, attended the candle-lighting serv-
ice at Gi.eenway church near Grand
Bend, on Sunday.
.Miss Frances Wylie and Master Jim
Wylie, spent the last two weeks holi-
daying with Toronto friends.
Mr. Roy Hennings 'has recently re-
turned from Saskatchewan and is
visiting his grandfather and other
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kemp, (nee
Margaret Anderson) of Toronto, spent
last week with Brussels and Wroxeter
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Town of Ohio,
called on friends here last week.
Neil and Jack Campbell of Ridge-
town, spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Milligan and other friends.
Miss Gertrude Sangster left on
several weeks holidays with her par-
Mr. Aldine Holt, also Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Holt, attended the funeral of
a relative in Toronto, on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wilson were
recent visitors with friends at Port
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald and
son Clifton, also Mr. Maxwell, spent
the week-end with relatives at Lang-
ton, Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Metcalfe and
children of Glenannan, spent Sunday
with Ur. and Mrs. George McKay.
Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rat-
tan, a son. Congratulations.
Miss Lola Willis has gone to Lis-
towel, where she has accepted a posi-
tion as an assistant in the hospital.
Mr. Stewart Turner has disposed of
his farm to Mr. Cecil Raymond, who
gets possession the first of October.
School is started again with Miss
Doris Galbraith as teacher at S. S. No.
4, Grey, while Mrs. Thomas McDon-
ald of Molesworth, is the teacher at
S,S. No. 10, Morris.
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