The Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-07-05, Page 4Stainton's Hardware
And Farmers' Supply House
"The Store Where You Get The Most For The
Money You Spend"
Hayloader Rope, per 100 feet
318 inch Rope, per foot „ , . ,
7 inch Rope, per foot . ,
Beatty Hay Forks . ... .
Scythe Snaths . . .
FLY SPRAY telsvm,A,
Stockaid, gal.
Shell Fly Spray, gal.
Fly Nose Guards, pr.
Fly Sprayers
(01= 0=0=0= =If
Scythe Blades
Carborunclum Stones (more knife), Scythe Stones
• • .0. • •}, h•• 90c
.. • 1$c and 35c
Bug Finish, 20-lb. bags 65c
Climax Bug Killer, 20 lb. bags 70c
Climax Bug Killer, 50 lbs. $1.65
King Special. Bug Killer, 10 lbs. „.•—• — 45c
Sudan Grass Seed
Sorghum Seed
Rape Seed ,
Richmond Paint, . qt. 75c; gal. $2.45
Roll Brick Siding (red or buff) sq. $4.15
Roll Roofing, roll $1.75, $2.25
10c lb.
10c lb.
25c lb.
• } • • • • • • • 60c
. • ..}•••••• • R-• C
.. . . „ 7c
. $6.00
1 1/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
12:191==91014) tOr10=====101:201====411:101
Owen Sound
Sept, 29, Oct, 1 2
Grand Stack Show
Trials of Speed
Hurdle Horses
Gray's ./sIiidway'
Garden Brothers
Raclbourne, •See'Y, Court Hoopes Qwen Sound
Phyllis Johns, teacher.
Promoted from Grade III to IV
Gwen Arthur; Reginald Baker; Lin-
netta Bennett; Donald Beaton; Don-
ald Biggs; Dorothy Booth; Bobby
Carrick; Joy Cowan; Robert Gam-
mage; Donna Gerrie; Robert Gibb;
Fred Hopper; Catherine Keating;
Teddy Kress; Billy Laidlaw; Jean Sue
Lee; Teddy McLean; Donalda Mac-
Donald; Harold McClure; Frances
Newman; Joan Seddon; Genevieve
Skien; Nancy Spinal; Dorothy Stone;
Pauline Swanson; Betty Wheeler; Ro-
berta Wheeler; Audrey Wilson; Jim-
my Ziegler, ,
" V. M. Shera, teacher,
Promoted from Grade IV to Grade V
Jean Allen; Sammy Bondi; Jimmy
Bowman; Mary Buckman; Bob Bush-
field; Betty Calvert; Jean Campbell;
Amy Carrick; Eleanor Crompton;
Lloyd Crompton; Bob Deyell; Shir-
ley Foxton; Yvonne Gardner; Ken-
neth Gregg; Jim Henderson; Jack Hil-
bert; Fred James; Bob Hoppe s; Jean
Irwin; Joan' Irwin; Helen Meehan;
Donald Machan; Ronald Machan;
Francis Moore; Douglas Newman;
Larry Owens; Ronald Richie; Elmo
Sanderson; Billie Sanderson; Max
Sanderson; Kenneth Saxton; Walter
Scott; Jim Seddon; Hugh Sinnamon;
Helena Sts.inn; Ronald Stacey; Neil
Stainton; Donald Thorns; Esme Tuck-
er; Martina Willie; Bob Wilson; Bob
Promoted from Grade I to II,
Bennett, Carmon; Buchanan Greg-
ory; Campbell, James; Carr, Douglas;
Chittick, Marion; Clark, Billy; Cruick-
shank, Lynn; Currie, Mary Frances;
Derbecker, Carol; Foxton, James;
Fryfogle, Barry; Gibson, Douglas;
Hayden, Alice; Hetherington, Ian;
Jarvis, Nelson; Jenkins, Earl; Johnson,
Carolanne; Lockridge, James; New-
man, James; Newman, William; Rae,
Mary Catherine; Rintoul, Billy; Scott,
Marjorie; Slosser, David; Spittal,
Peter; Stacey, Lois; Stainton, Mar-
lene; Wild, John; Wrigglesworth,
Marlene; 'Wheeler, Verna; Seddon,
A. G. Williamson, teacher,
Promoted from Grade II to Grade III
Joan Armitage; Teddy Buckman;
Donald 13reckenridge; Louise Camp-
bell; Patsy Carmichael; Billie Carrick;
Shirley Chettleburgh; Billy Connell;
David Gage; Mary Hotchkiss; Ross
Hayden; Doreen Latronica; Doreen
Machart; Isabel Massey; Merilyn Mel-
lor; Frances Merkley; Douglas Mur-
ray; Betty Newman; Gail Purdon;
Jim Platt; Anna Porter; Sally Slessor;
Geraldean Stone; Bobby Stacey; Ray-
mond Sanderson; John Sitinainoti;
Douglas Thom; George 'Waive; Doris
who died on or about the 19th day of
April, A.D. 1945, are notified to send
to j. H. Crawford, 'Wingham, Ontario,
on or before the seventh day of July,
A.D. 1945, full particulars of their
claims in writing.
Immediately, after the said seventh
day of July, the assets of the said in-
testate, will be distributed amongst
the parties entiteld thereto, having re-
gard only to claims of which the ad-
rninittrator shall then hate notice.
DATED this nineteenth day of June,
A.D. 1945.
J. H. cRAwronr$,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the adttinistrator.
'Steamship Special' for Child War Guests .
BACK TO BRITAIN: Child war guests Who came to Canada from. Great Dritairl in 1940, When 6,600 of them were Carried in Canadian Faeifin ship* now are returtun_g to the Old Country. A group of them are thoWn above at dinner in the indoor Station coffee shop pnor boarding a CPA. "'steamship spetial" for the &tat toast. Also making the trio were n•Ax,„ dependents, like the Wee Scottish-Canadian (right), enrouto to Falkirk and her B.A.T. father, who trained and married in Qat
Y01,1 RAP LIFE '
OYEA MIA-' WOULD YC1) WRott4 ? .
ThurschtY, July $th, 194$
CTffCK ElARGAINS for this week
and next: Non-sexed: Barred Rocks
9.95, pullets 15,95, cockerels 10,95.
Assorted Heavies: Non-sexed 8,96,
pullets 13,95, cockerels 9.95. Ship-
ped C.O.D. This advertisement
must accompany your order. Top
Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont.
CHARTS Foundation Garment Co.
nntrained Corsetiere for Wingham,
surrounding district and towns. if
you need a new garment, any size
or type of figure at reasonable prices,
call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Minnie
„ St,, Wingham,
FOR SALE-5-foot Deering Mower,
7-foot Deering Binder. Thomas C.
Vittie, lot 2, concession 13, Howick,
phone Wroxeter 9R11.
FOR SALE—International Threshing
Separator, 28 inch cylinder by 26
inch body. Perfect running order.
Good belt, etc. Ready for work.
A, 5, Pearson, Ethel, phone Brussels
FOR SALE—About 8 acres of stand-
ing hay, alfalfa and timothy. Apply
to Robert Vint, phone 259.
FOR. SALE—Black Marboletun 17x
10; about 30 feet of dark oak wains-
cotting; 2 standard doors, 3 small
doors, spool bed and wash stand,
small desk, folding wardrobe. Phone
FOR SALE — Table fowl, one year
old, Apply to Mrs. George Baird,
Town Plot.
FOR SALE—Used 7 foot Massey-
Harris binder, cheap for quick sale,
Apply Advance-Times.
LOST—Black fountain pen with gold
top. Leave at Advance-Times.
PIANO FOR SALE — Price $100.
Apply Advance-Times.
SLENDOR TABLETS — are effec-
tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks'
$5, at McKibbon's Drug Store,
painting the exterior of Wingham
L;nited Church, applications will be
received up to July 10th, 1.945,
Specifications may 'be had on appli-
cation to the undersigned. Lowest
or any tender not necessarily ac-
cepted. W. A. Galbraith, Secretary,
Board of Stewards.
WANTED — to 'Purchase pullets
weeks of age and older all pure
breeds and hybrid crosses, Good
prides paid. Apply Twaddle Chick
Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, On-
furniture and equipment, Cash in
on items riot in use. Highest prices.
M. Brown, phone 239.
WANTED TO BUY---Ten to fifty
acres on highway or near town, or
small grocery business. Apply K.
Vaughan, Creditott, Ont,
apartment by yohng married couple,
• Apply Box 141,, Wingham,
GRASSY—In loving memory of a
a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Mar-
tin Grasby, who passed away July
5th; 1942.
Three years have passed since that
sad day,
The one we loved was called away;
God took her home, it was His will,
But in our hearts she liveth still.
—Ever remembered by husband and
Tenders will be received by under-
signed up to July 14th for caretakers
for the following schools in West
Howick Township School Area: S.S.
No. 1, Howick; S.S. No. 4, Howick;
S.S. No. 7, Howick; U.S.S. No. 10
Howick and Wallace; U.S,S, No, 13,
Howick & Turnberry; U.S.S. No. 14,
Howick & Turnberry; U.S.S. No. 15,
Howick & Carrick; U.S.S. No. 16,
Howick & Grey; S.S. No. 18, Howick.
A list of caretaker's duties will be
available from secretary.
West Howick Township School Area,
Wroxeter, Ont.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Eli Casemore late of the
Township of Morris in the County of
Huron, Farmer, who died on or about
the tenth day of June, A. D. 1945, are
notified to send to J. H. Crawford,
Wingham, Ontario, on or before the
twenty-first day of July, A. D. 1945,
full particulars of their Claims in writ-
ing. Immediately after the said
twenty-first day of July, the assets of
tine said intestate will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the administrator shall then have
DATED this twenty-ninth day of
June, A. D. 1945.
ghare, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administrator.
All persons having claims against
the estate of William Henry Roberts
late of the Township of Turnberry in
the County of Huron, Farmer, who
died on or about the thirtieth day of
May, A. D. 1945, are notified to send
to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario,
on or before the twenty-first day of
July, A. D. 1945, full particulars of
their claims in writing, Immediately
after the said twenty-first day of July,
the assets of the said intestate will be
distributed amongst the parties en-
titled thereto, having regard only to
claims of which the administrator shall
then have notice.
DATED this twenty-ninth day of
June, A. D. 1945,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor 16r the Administrator,
Annual Meeting Was Held In Baptist
rshurels Here
The Wingham Baptist Church, love-
ly with baskets of beautiful pink and
white peanies, roses and other summer
flowers, was the setting for the annual
convention of the County 13ranch of
the Women's 'Christian Temperance
Union held on Tuesday afternoon last
week, Mrs. R. A. Brook, county presi-
dent, was in the chair. The opening
hymn 'Rescue the Perishing" was fol.
lowed by the Lord's Prayer in unison
and the scripture reading Matthew 5;
Miss Purdy of Wingham extended
a welcome and the response was given
by Miss A, Consitt of Hensel!, The
minutes of the last meeting were read
by the secretary, Miss Consitt,
Rev. W. A. Beecroft, minister of the
Wingham United Church, addressed
the meeting and presested a very stir-
ring and informative address, dealing
with the evils of the liquor traffic.
Mr. Beecroft stated that the liquor
traffic was a deadly menace to the
life, body and soul, home and com-
munity, an enemy to be resisted and
fought by everyone. To meet this
menace we must have faith and be-
lieve in God who would show us the
way in combating this evil,
Miss MarOrie Falconer of Wing-
ham, sang two lovely solos, "My
Heavenly Father Watches over Me',
and "I am Amazed", which were much
enjoyed. Mrs. Currie of Wingham
accompanied at the piano.
A memorial service was held in
memory of five valued members who
had passed on: Mrs. R, J. Tyndall,
Mrs. A. E. Lloyd, both of Wingham;
Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, Mrs, Henry
Anderson and Mrs. C. W. Christie,
immediate past president, all of Exeter.
Miss Purdy of Wingham, and Mrs.
Brook of Hensall, conducted the mem-
orial service.
Wingham Union are contemplating
having a couple of lectures dealing
with social diseases which will be held
in the near future.
The following officers will form the
1945-46 slate:
President—Mrs. R, A. Brook, Hen-
1st Vice-Pres.—Mrs. George John-
ston, Goderich.
2nd,Vice-Pres.—Mrs, William Field,
win gham.
Recording Sec's,—Miss A. Consitt,
Hensall. s. • .
Corr, Sec'y.—Mrs, Cantelon, Gode-
L.T.L. Sec'y.--Miss Eva Penrose,
Treasurer—Miss Ruth Lewis, Wing-
Press Representative—Mrs, Maude
Heddon, Hensall.
At the conclusion of the convention
a most delicious supper was served in
the basement of the church ;by the lad-
ies, The tea tables were very attrac-
tive with vases of roses, pansies and
other flowers.
recently released from a P.O.W. camp,
and B. C, Neice, a P. I'. .instructor in
the R, 0, A, F,
Mr. Bert Harris was. chairman for
the evening and the programme start-
ed with "a minute of silence" in honour
of the boys not coming 'hack. Mr,
Harris then explained the reason for
the social evening. The boys were in-
troduced by Mr. George Inglis and
words of welcome were given by Mr,
E. H, Strong. for the Howick councils
Mrs. A, A, Taylor for the Gorrie Red
cross; Rev, H. Moorehoese for Fords
wich Red Cross; Mr, V. Denny and
Mr. A. Moffatt for Wroxeter Red
Cross, Shirley Denny accompanied by
Miss Lemon sang a solo. The main
event of the evening was moving pic-
tures. Some comical ones, and two
reels taken by Henry Finley, (one of
our local boys) while "over there,"
These pictures were very interesting
showing such things as Windsor Cas-
tle, Eaton College, thatched roofed-
houses in Wales and beautiful bits of
The tragic news by the telegram
received that morning was brought
more vividly to mind when pictures of
Frank Warrell flashed on the screen.
Frank and'Henry had long been pals
and were on the same station for 4'
A bountiful lunch was served to all
present. The legion request that the
public let them know as soon as the
boys come home, so that •they may be
all entertained in a fitting manner.
Mi7d Mrs. Robbins, Toronto, and
Miss Romelda Taylor, Wingham, were
guests on Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. .E
W. Carson,
Mr. and Mrs. Scotchmor of Bay-
field, and Mrs. McPhedran of Petrolia,
were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Arm-
strong •on Wednesday last.
Misses Shirley Newton and Eleanor
Stephens are spending this week at
the United Church Camp for Junior
Girls at Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Brown and son,
Jack spent the week-end in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. George MacKay, also
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDermid and
sons, John and Donald, all of Paisley,
were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Grainger.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coates of Good-
lands, Man., are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Carson and other relatives
in the community.
Mr. and Mrs, Herman Ewald of
Fort Erie, are guests of her sister,
Mrs. R. G. Dane and Mr. Dane.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edgar and
little daughter, of Toronto, spent the
week-end with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Gordon Edgar.
Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Stephens and
son, Jim, of Thorndale, spent the week-
end with his mother, Mrs. R, S. Step-
Miss McKee has returned home ac-
companied by her niece, Miss Marion
McKee of Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Spence of Seaforth,
were guests of Mr.] and Mrs. Thos.
Bradnock on Wednesday last.
Rev. and Mrs. House and family
have settled in the United Church par-
sonage, coming to this charge from
Pte. Lorne Hall, Burlington, ac-
companied his friend Pte. Glenn King
of Brampton borne for a few days, this
Mrs. Ernest King. and Mrs. W. C,
King accompanied the former's <laugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Calmer to
Muskoka over the week-end, from
where they took a three day cruise on
the Muskoka Lakes.
Friends of Miss Alice Gowdy will be
pleased to learn she is improving after
suffering from a severe attack of
pneumonia. She is a patient in Lis-
towel Memorial Hospital, Little Rubye
Taylor, small daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Alex' Tayipr, who has also been
suffering from the same illness is re-
ported to be on the mend, Little
Karen Michel, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Cloyne Michel is in quarantine
for scarlet fever, having had a mild
Mr, and MN, M. Gilkinaon, Han-
over, Mrs, Hardy, 'Mr, Cecil Hardy
and daughter, Eleanor, of Mt, Dennis,
were guests over the week-end with
relatives in the village.
L.A.C. Vern ',Clark of St, Jeans,
Qtregec., spent a few days with Mrs.
Clark and baby daughter this week,
Master Ronald Short of Fergus, is
spending his summer vacation with his
grandmother, Mrs. Thos, Short,
Mrs, Robert Ashton spent the week-
end with relatives at Caledonia,
Miss June Brown was in Kitchener
on Saturday attending the wedding of
a Normal School churn, Miss Brown
heft for London -on Monday where she
will attend stutterer school.
Pte. Bill Heibein, Hamilton, is
spending his furlough with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Albert Heibein,
Congratulations are extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Laurence Short on the birth
of a daughter at Fergus General Hos-
pital on June 27th.
Celebrated 27th. Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Reg, G. Newton cele-
brated their 27th. wedding anniversary
at their home on 'Wednesday last,
when nearly 70 guests sat down to sup-
per served on the lawn by Misses Dor-
othy Edwards, Jean King, Doreen
Harrison, Greta Hyndman, Helen Ir-
win and Olive Campbell of London.
The tables were nicely decorated in
pink and white for the occasion, the
head table being centred with a three
story . wedding cake, Among the
guests were, Mr, and Mrs. Cloyne
Michel also Postmaster and Mrs, Gor-
don Brown each celebrating their wed-
ding anniversaries. Mayor Lorne
Campbell of Listowel was toastmaster
for the event and called on Mr. Michel
who gave a toast to the bride and
groom of 27 years ago to which Mr.
Newton made a suitable reply.
Following the supper, Mr, and Mrs.
Newton received until later in the ev-
ening when all retired to the township
hall where the Happy Gang of Lake-
let supplied music for dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton, (nee Retta
MacArthur) were married at Empress,
Alta., by Rev. John Pybus. Six child-
ren bless the union, namely, Flight-
Sergt. Jack MacArthur Newton, re-
ported missing March 27th., 1943;
Lieut. William in England who was
unable to be home, cabled his congrat-
ulations, Tom, Shirley, Betty and
Nancy at borne. Friends were present
from Listowel, London, Ayton, Drew,
Clifford and Harriston. ,
We take much pleasure in extending
to all these couples our congratulations
on the occasion,
Mr, Phil. Daley of Ottawa, late of
Empress, Alta., called on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Newton, On
Monday Mr. and Mrs. Newton visited
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doig at Drayton
where Mrs Daley is visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and
family and Miss Margaret Ruttan all
of Toronto, spent the week-end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson
Miss Reilly, Toronto, was a week-
end guest of Dr. and Mrs. Whitley.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington spent Sun-
day with friends at Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs, T. H. King also Mr.
and Mrs. G. S. Xing spent the week-
end in Toronto.
Ford T Timers . 09c
K. W, Coils . .. .......... • .. $2,65
K. W. Points 390
Transmission Lining 720 & 82c
Spark Plug Wrenches 12c & up
Screw Drivers .... 12c and up
Steering Wheel Covers 29c
Tire Pumps.
Car Polish 39c
Sealed Beam Headlamps , ....
$13,65 pair
Wedge Cushions $1.29
Buoy-O-Boy Safety Cushions
Canadian Tire Corporation
Associate Store
Campbell's Garage
Wingham, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Graham and fam-
ily, Toronto, spent the week-end with
relatives here.
Miss Ruth Brown and friends of
Toronto, spent the week-end with her
parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brown,
On Tuesday last Mrs. Harry Temp-
leman received word of the critical
condition of her husband in England,_
he having suffered from a ruptured
ulcer. No further word has been re-
ceived and we trust that he is making
a satisfactory recovery.
Word has been received this (Tues-
day) morning of the return to-night of
Glenn Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Austin, who has served over-
seas and is home for 30 day leave.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley D. Kirkland
and two boys of Fort Erie, are spend-
ing two week's vacation with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Reid
also with Mr. and Mrs. David Kirk-
land, Teeswater.
Miss Louise Reid of Toronto, spent
the week-end with her parents, Mrs
and Mrs. Will Reid.
SKINN—At Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Sunday, July 1st, to Mr.
and Mrs. George Skinn, Wingham,
. a son.
ROBINSON — At Wingham General
Hospital, on Monday, July 2nd, to
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson, R.
R. No. 2, Lucknow, a son.
Teacher, V. McLaughlin.
Promoted from Grade V to Grade VI
Jean Bain; Raymond Bennett; Patsy
Brophy; Jim Chittick; John Crawford;
Graham Everick; Diane Gage; Ger-
ald Gerrie; Murray Gerrie; Betty !Cor-
bett; George Hall; John Hall; Jack
Hobden; Jean Hobden; Florence Hud-
son, Larry Hutton; Edna King; Clin-
ton Lowey; Jean McPherson; Ronald
Murray; Iris Newell; Shirley Platt;
George Porter; Margaret Sanderson;
Arthur Simmons; Shirley Templeman;
Florence Waine; Josephine Willough-
by. sss — -; •- •
Grace E, Webster, teacher.
Promotions Grade 6 to Grade 7
Billie Bain; Betty Bell; Glen Ben-
nett; Esther Bowman; Helen Breck-
enridge; Marion Bridges; Mary Bush-
field; Grace Campbell; Jacquelyn Cur-
rie; Mary Finlay; John Hanna; Ron-
ald Holman; Donna Jeffs; Floyd ,Jen-
kins;, Shirley Lockridge*; Barbara Mac-
Kay; Kenneth MacLean; Raymond
Merkley; LeVerne Newman; Marilyn
Newman; Stewart Nimmo; Willard
Platt; Dorothy , Sanderson; Joyce
Sanderson; Jessie Scott; Robert Sin-
naman; Vervil y Skims; Claire Smith;
Mary Somers; Barbara Stainton; Mau-
rice Stainton; Mary Tofting; Billie
Waine; Ben Wells.
Teacher, H. Twatnley.
Promoted from Grade 7 to Grade 8
Beaton Lauchlin; Brophy Desmond;
Brown, Joseph; Buckman, Alice; Cal-
vert, George; Crawford, Mary; Chit-
tick, Donna; Cleland, Mary Ann;
Cowan, Maxine; Culliton, Audrey;
Gerrie, Marion; French, Jim; Hall,
Lorraine; Harcourt, Jaok; Hayden,
Lois; Henderson, Donald; Hilbert,
Ross; Hudson, Grace; Hudson, John,
Hiseler, Stanley; Irwin, Marion; Kress,
Bob; Lockridge, Billy; MacDonald,
Donna; Parish, Alice; .Richey, Doug-
las; Riehl, Fred; Sparling, Marie;
Templeman, Barbara; Tervit, Jack;
Willoughby, Bonnie;,
Myrtle Deans, teacher.
Won Music Priae
Grade V received the ball and bat
donated 'by adr. A. W. Andertott,
music supervisor, for having the high-
est marks in Musk.
Legion Honours Soldiers
A social evening, tinder the auspices
of the Hosisick Legion, Branch 307 of
the Canadian Legion was held in the
Township Hall, Gorrie, on Tuesday,
June 26th., in honour of some of the
boys recently returned from overseas.
The Legion are planning these Social
evenings for all the boys of Howick
as they return.
Those present were: Hilliard Litt, R,
C. A. F.; Earl Baker, tonavlesing after
service in the R. C. Army; Clayton
Brown, R,C.A,F.1 Carmen Nickel, ter-
'ed in the R.CA.F, recently released
from' P,O.W, camp; Clarence Gibson,
R. C. Army; Henry Finlay, on leave
after Service in the R.C.A.F.; Jasper
Parrish, on leave from R,C,A.F„ join,
ed for Japan; ,Roy Pritchard, on leave
from R,C, Navy, joined for Japan,
Two guests were also present, Gibson
Armstrong of belgrave, a native of
Howick, who served in the R.C.A.F,
All persons having claims against
the estate of Martha Lavinia Warwick,
late of the Township of Morris, in the
Connty of Huron, Married Woman,