The Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-05-24, Page 7at the local Red Cross rooms.
"church of the Mr" Broadcast
Some months ago Rev, J. L. Foster,
pastor of the United Church, had
charge of the Church of the „Air
broadcast over CJNX . station, His
subject was "The Church's claim on
you". Mr, Foster had different in-
quiries asking for a copy of his ad-
dress, one coming from a gentleman
in Kitchener, who asked for the pr1vils
ege of having copies printed and dis,
tributing to those who wished them,
Mr, Foster has now received a num-
ber of copies which he distributed
among his congregation. The address
comes under the following headings;
The Church has a claim on you as
a responsible citizen; the Church has a
claim on you because as a good citi-
zen you must be interested in the
bringing into being of a better world;
The Church has a claim on you be-
cause she is a divine institution set
in the world by God to do a specific
work, and it is God's command and
Will that you be rightly related to her;
The Church has a claim on your sup-
port to enable her to do the work
God wants her to, do; The aini of the
Missage 'is to present the Church's
claim on you. 'The message closed
with the following verse:
Rise up 0 Men of God,
The Church for you cloth wait;
Her strength unequal to her task,
Rise up and make her great,
A meeting in. favor of the C, C. F.
was 'held at Elmer Zinn's Monday
Mrs. Wm: Abram and Mrs. Nelson
Hunkin attended the clinic in Wing-
ham, Wednesday.
Those calling on Mrs. John Harper
and mother on mother's day were, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Weir, Wingham;
Mr. and Mrs: James Darling and
Dorothy of Drew; Mrs, John Brad-
well and Howard Lentz of Clifford;
Mrs. John Willow of Otter Creek;
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harkness and
Bruce of McIntosh.
At Robt, Jeffray on mother's day,
Ferne of Clifford; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Rutherford and John, also Minnie
A meeting was held in the Presby-
terian Church 'Thursday evening for
the 'purpose of joining with Bleuvale.
Norm and Mrs. Balers took tea on
Tuesday evening at the McNeil home.
Mrs. Cecil McNeil of Maple, i$
quite ill with heart condition, Mrs
James Austin is caring for her.
Minnie Jeffray was a visitor with
Mr; and Mrs. Mundell, Winghatn, on
Wednesday and Thursday,
Mrs, John Harper was called to
Toronto Friday, her sister-in-law hav-
ing dislocated her shoulder-blade,
Mrs. Albert Haskins is nursing a
broken- wrist,
Rate Will Be 5 14 Mills. Board
Advertising Pot Two '"teachers
Minutes of meeting of Board of
Trustees of Township School Area of
Turnberry held May 17th, Members
all },resent. -;
Minutes of previous meeting were
read and on motion of Johnston and
Willits adopted..
Resignation. of two teachers being
reported, it was moved by Willits and
adin that we advertise for two teach,
ers, one for S.S, g, and 'one for S.S,
Advertisement to appear in three
issues of Globe and Mail and one is-
sue of Whishatt Advance.Thries.
IVIotion by 'Willits and Walpole that
the following accounts be paid:
TOOK how much Canadians have
plished, here on the home front, even
witbout the energy and initiative of all the
vigorous young people now in uniform, and
their zest for daring! What is there Canada
can't do with them back on the home team?
Why, with their help, we Canadians are
headed full speed for the greatest period in
our laistory!
rrHE all-important question today is the
civilian staff-work and leadership which
we call "government.", The Liberals have a
working plan. It's big and bold! Parts of it are
outlined for your judgment in the left-hand
column. It has ,been designed with the aid of
the keenest minds in every phase of industry,
agriculture, labour and learning. The plan
will work. In fact his already bringing results:
It will continue to do so! The Liberals can
tell you this with confidence because they have
had successful experience in operating nation-
wide plans.
industrial Development Bank—Year Liberal Gov-
ernment has set up machinery to help enter-
prising Canadians develop new business.
Firm loons--One man in
every three in Canada
works on the farm. To
help them get better
equipment, your Liberal
Government has ar-
ranged that they can
borrow the money they
need for better working
and living conditions.
Offices: Centre St., Wingham
Osteopathic and Electric Treat-
ments, Foot Technique.
Phone 272. Wingham.
Chiropractor and Drugless
Phone 191,
PAGE $ vg4 'Thursday, May 24th, 1945 WINGHA1K AI VANC4-V10$
Wool Growers' Organization
Our Registered Warehouse No, 1.
Reliable, grading
Prompt Settlement
Obtain Oohs and twine' from
or direct from
217 Bay Street, Toronto, Can,
will receive
$492,000 Per Year
Payments start in July 1945
, '14Avis NO BOUM MARKS"
F. F. Reed 64 Son, school supplies,
$13.30; Stainton Hdwe., net, $20.60; J,
Chilvers, acct. supplies No, S.S. 4,
$1,50; 3. Waechter, cleaning toilets S.
S, U, $1.50; J, Falconer, wood 5,5, 11,
$18.50; Donald Rae & Son, coal S.S.
41, $110.70; Machan Bros., acct. S,S.
6, $1X8', Roy Adair, transporting,
piano 5,5, 11, $3,00; Wingham Public
School Board, fees. Derbecker, $15.00;
MacLean Lumber & Coal Co., coal
S.S. 11, $13.65; J. Nicholson, trans-
portation, $39.10; C. Derbecker, trans-
portation, $9,75; Win. Montgomery,
transportation, $13.60; Roy Sanderson,
transportation, $48,45; Mae Johann,
teaching music, $63.00; 0, Hayden,
piano S.S. 11, $100,00; Jean Dickison,
bat $1.00; Mrs. Picket!, teaching
music, $14,00; Mrs. Schneider, care-
taking S.S. 8, $12,50; Mrs. Selling,
caretaking S.S. 4, $11.00.—Carried,
Motion by Willits and Eadie, that
the teachers at present serving in sec-
tions 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, be re-engaged and
that secretary have agreement forms
with them edmpleted.—Carried,
Motion by Willits and Johnston that
the mill rate for school purposes in
the school area be 5% mills,—Carried.
I J. Wright reported that 'because
of the rain no action had been taken
regarding repairs at S.S. 4, also that
at S,S. 8 repairs had not been under-
taken for the same reason.
J. Willits reported on conditions for
supply of water to S,S. .2 from well on
farm of J. McTavish and a motion by
Johnston and Eadie that water from
this well be tested before taking any
Motion by Walpole and Willits, that
D. Eadie secure outside door for
school in S.S. 8.—Carried,
Motion by Johnston and Eadie that
J. Willits place order with K. Hueston
of Gorrie, for 350 ft. of lumber for
ceiling repairs S.S. 11.-r•Carried.
Motion by Walpole and Willits that
the report of E. Johnston be accepted
and the necessary lumber material for
construction of wood shed at S.S. 6 be
ordered from Beaver Lumber, Co., at
Paints and Enamels
ing the business period plans on bring-
ing a play to the village at some date
in June, were discussed. The after-
noon was spent in quilting followed by
a pot luck supper, with Miss M. Lin-
ton and Mrs, Alex Wright in charge.
FLO ,GL&ZE PAINT will do a
grand job around the house and
garage. Flo-glaze is easily applied,
covers more surface per gallon, and
will last years longer.
For porch furniture, there's noth-
ing ' better than Flo-glaze Four
Flour Enamel. On porch floors,
Flo-glaze Floor Enamel, will stand
lots of wear and scuffing. JUNE 1111
Published by Huron North Liberal. Association For Sale by:
mossisr The Wallpaper Shop
Phone 228 Wingham, Ont. of $98.67.—Car- estimated figure Motion by Willits and Walpole that
Johnston and Eadie arrange for dis-
posal of old piano in S.S, 11.—Carried.
Motion by Walpole and Johnston at
7 p.m., that we adjourn to meet Wed.-
nesday, May 30th, at 8,30 p.m.—
J. Walpole reported having made ar-
rangement with A, Hart to repair
fence at S.S. 7.
J, Walpole also reported that he had
been unable as yet to get the desired
information on the installation of
toilets in S.S. 11.
Canada, who has spent the past few
months with his sister, Mrs. Arch Mc-
Michael, is very ill. His many friends
hape he will soon regain his health,
Mr. Arthur Green of Mount Forest,
was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Al-
lister Green part of last week.
Mrs. H. Waller and Miss June
Waller, spent the week-etid with
friends' at Acton.
Guests at the McKenney home for
the week-end were, Mr. and Mrs.
William Smeaton, Miss Isobel and
:Master Billy, Pte. and Mrs. Dave
Draper, all of Toronto; Messrs Nor-
man and Ross Stevenson of Brussels,
There was an enjoyable dance held
in Kirton's School on Friday night,
sponsored by the Fourth Line War
Workers, Local talent provided good
Article For Bale
The W.M,S. United Church, plan to
send their annual bale early in June.
Good second hand clothing for men,
women or children is needed, ' also
knitted goods which must be new. If
there is, any clothing for which. you
have no further need, please leave at
Mr. Ra.nn's store. These bales are
sent to isolated places in Canada.
W. I. Sponsor Fat Salvage
The war in Europe is Over but still
the need for explosives, 'medical sup-
plies, etc., goes on. The Waste Fat,
has so many uses. The need for it is
still urgent. • The W. I. has sponsored
this local project for some years and
are glad to help the good work along.
If you have Waste Fats no matter
how small the quantity, please 'leave
Mrs. Robt. Cathers of Gorrie, is
visiting her daughter ,Mrs. Alvin Mof-
Miss K. Hazelwood • returned last
week from a visit with TorOnto
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMichael
were in Toronto this week for the
graduation exercises at the General
Hospital. Miss Georgina McMichael
is a member of the class. Friends
here extend congratulations and best
wishes for success in her chosen pro-
Miss Mary Howes who has spent
the winter months in Torbnto, has re-
turned to her home here.
Robert MacDonald of the R,C.N.V,
. is spending a months furlough with
mother, Mrs. Vern MacDonald,
and grandmother, Mrs. Robert Mac-
Mr. Alvin Moffat was a Toronto
visitor early this week.
Mr: and Mrs. Doan, parents'. of Mrs.
Isorne Kaake, who have spent the past
week at Watford, are again with Mr.
and Mrs. Kaake before returning to
their home in British Columbia:
Mr. George French, who spent the
past week with friends at London and
Leamington, returned home on Friday.
The Howick Legion sponsored a
well-attended dance in town hall on
Thursday of last week, Willoughby's
Orchestra provided 'good music.
Mr. and Mrs: Leslie Douglas and
Ann, visited with. Mr. Frank Green
and family at Mount Forest on Sun-
Mr. Hugh Harris from Western
I. J. Wright, Chairman,
Thos. Gilmour, Sec'y-Treas.
JOBS!_ Jobs with bright futures for the
young men and women coming out of the
Armed Services with the best part of their
lives before them! Jobs for all! jobs with big
prospects and good, reliable money that will
keep its buying power! After all the hard work,
sacrifice and self-discipline which has brought
us through the war, the people of this country
have earned a brighter future in a better, juster,
grander Canada than we have ever known!
Liberal Working Plan
for Full Post-War Employment...
her Veterans--$750 000,000 to get them started
in good paying Jobs in industry, on the land or
in business for them-
selves as each of them
to finance the biggest
building scheme this
country has ever known.
Family Allowcattos—$250,000,000 a year to lessen
the burdens of parenthood and to equalize the
opportunities of young Canadians for success
and happiness. 'Business and Professional Directory
Licensed Embalmer and
Funeral Director
Furniture and
Funeral Service
Ambulance Service
Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J.
Teiswater, Ontario
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
and Conveyancer
Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter
every Thursday afternoon. L30 to
4.30 and by appointtnent.
Phone --- Teeswater 120J.
Insurance Company
Est. 1840
Au all Canadian Company which
has faithfully served its policy
holders for over a century,
Head Office -- Toronto
IL C. McLean Insuranc
i Agency
Export Credits—We've got
to have exports if we're
going to have jobs.
Your Liberal Govern-
ment has arranged to
finance war-wrecked countries who will be
good customers later.
Telephone 29
Floor Pates—The Liberal Government's policy is
that when farmers and fishermen prosper, so do
other Canadians. It has therefore taken action
fishe prodry .
Redaction of Taxes—Your Liberal Government
believes in jobs first. To this end, taxes will
collie clown to free spending power.
* * * *
These are just some of stony steps in the
Liberal. Government's Working Platt to
ensure full employment after the me. In
addition it has stimulateciteethendotisAri-
vate savings in Victory bonds and War
Savings Certificates; put through Men:-
ploy:non Insurance, set up 4 special De-
partment of Reconstruction staffed by
experts. In fact ail itSpolkies are directed
to the same end—a "high and .stable level
of employment and income,"
barrister, SOlititOro Notary, Etc.
Bonds, Investments & Mortgages
Wingham Ontario
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc
Money To Loan
'Office Meyer Block, Wingham.
lflfli Wingham
VOTE for your tiberal candidate. Make
V sure the team which made this plan for
full employment shall see it through and
WO the peace/
ssssos s'ssy DI. it M. CONNELL
IfilliielltitAht AND elptift0b1
Photo ill
Ekperienced Auctioneer
Melted, for counties of.
IttI1t014 & BRUCE
Ail Sales Capably Handled
Phone 49,
Yeteikary Sorgeon
Office Victoria St, West.
Fortneirly. the Hayden nab:knee
PHONE 19fi
lAtinithntni .44 °Mink
Women's Association
The May meeting of the Women's
Association, ,United Church, was held
on Tuesday afternoon in the church
paroltirs with fifteen. members present.
The president, Mrs. Charles McCuch-
eon, presided and opened the meeting
with a hymn, followed by prayer. The
president read a very timely article on
"Do you know your ,Bible? The roll
Call was responded to by a .verse con-
taining the word righteousness, Dur-
Women's Institute
The June meeting of the W. I. will
be held on Thursday, June 14th, at
the home of Mrs. M. Sellers, The
motto for the day, "A thing of beauty
is a joy forever," Mrs. E, Sparling,
district president, will he a guest.
Roll call—suggestions for local im-
provements, Topic—what a good home
means to the community, to be taken
by Mrs. F. Sanderson. There will be
a manual training exhibit under the
leadership of Mr, Hamilton. ' The
hostess will be assisted by Mrs. Sang-
ster and Mrs. Maclean. Member
please note that owing to the date of
district annual to be held at Fordwich
on June 6th, our regular meeting will
be on June 14th,
Former Rector To Be Honoured
Rev, A. H. O'Neil, former Rector of
St. James, St. Stephens and Trinity
Anglican parish and now principal of
Huron College, London, Ontario, was
the preacher on Sunday evening at the
service in St. Paul's Cathedral in that
city,'bringing a special message*to the
young people. At a recent meeting of
the Synod it was announcbd that Mr.
O'Neil is to be honoured with a D.D.
Degree at the coming graduation at
Western University. Friends from
this parish will join in ,wishing Rev.
A. H. and Mrs. O'Neil continued suc-
cess in their work.
Women's Guild
The May meeting of the Women's
Guild, Anglican Church, was held on
Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs,
H. Waller, The vice-president, Mrs.
H. V. McKenney, presided and open-
ed with a hymn, "0 Master let me
walk with Thee" followed by the
Lord's Prayer, The text and story as
taken from the "Forward" were read,
Mrs. McMichael had charge of the
study period. The fourth lesson from
the Apostles Creed. During the busi-
ness period plans were completed for
the Minstrel show to be held in town
'hall on the evening of June 1st. The
meeting closed with the hymn "Crea-
tions Lord we give thee thanks". The
prayer for victory and the Guild
Creed. Tea was served, Mrs, Durst
and Mrs. McKenney assisting 'the
Butter coupons 90 to 107 now valid,
No. 108 due May 31st.
Sugar coupons 46 to 59 now valid.
Preserves 33 to 56 (including can
ning sugar) valid.
One preserve coupon' is good for
12 fluid ounces of jam, jelly; marma-
lade, fountain fruit, 20 ounces of can.:
ned fruit, 1 quart molasses, 2 pounds
of maple sugar or 40 ounces of maple
syrup, 2 pounds of cut •comb honey or
extracted honey, honey butter 1 pound,
15 ounces of blended table syrup, cane
syrup or corn syrup.