The Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-05-10, Page 4OUR °T4.111TIS Jug 50 YOU'LL REMFMBER TO WY SOME 09000040r 101=0 0=0, t0=01==101= 0L7f FOR SALE-Wingham, solid brick house, 7 rooms, all conveniences, newly roofed and decorated, garage and garden. Possession June 1. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE - Equipment of small Glove Shop, Ladies lined and un- lined dies, men's work glove dies, blocks, button machines, fine and coarse machines, large quantity pat- terns, some stock, good clientele, good investment, opportunity for fine glove cutter, owner going over- seas. Replies confidential. Box No. P. FOR SALE-A bath-a-babe table in good condition. Apply Box 43, Wroxeter, Ont. FOR SALE-Pontiac car 1927, good mechanical condition, good tires. Apply to Advance-Times. FOR SALE - 300 New Hampshire and Light Sussex mixed chicks, 4 'weeks old, also 500 Rock and Leg- horns, three weeks old. Apply to Garfield Finley, "B" Line, Turn- berry. GIVE HER FLOWERS - Mother's Day-Tulips at David Finlay's, Vic- toria, St. LAWN MOWERS-repaired, sharp- ened, etc. Jenkins Lawn Mower Re- pair, Minnie St. LOST-Ancient silk hat, property of late Mr. Joseph Leech. Been lent for character costume in plays and dialogues. Please return to Mary Duff, Bluevale, or telephone 609r11. 'TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, sewing machines, cash registers, scales, bought, sold and repaired, Safes opened. J. W. Locking, Owen Sound, phone 2096W, WE CAN QUOTE-Special prices on dayold pullets immediate delivery, from Kitchener Big-4 Hatchery. Immediate also on cockerels, Leg- horns x B.R. $2.90 per hundred; Leghorns $1. Premium Grade $1. per hundred more. Agent, Fred Hogg, t'ilWANT ADIS THESE yvAitt, 11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. 6. Introduce a scientific course of studies on the effect of alcohol. 7. Assist in organizing a "Youth's Temperance Post" for each commun- ity. 8. Assist in arranging public speak- ing and poster contests, 9. Use motion , pictures whenever practical. 10. Stress the use of the Autumn National Temperance Study Course. An effort will also be made to have a series of motion pictures shown in the various centres of the County showing the most scientific explana- tion of the effects of alcohol. A new series of lantern slides are also to be secured, and at the next County Con- vention a speaking and poster contest will be held. The Officers of the County Organi- zation R. H. Lloyd, Wingham, A. T. Cooper, Clinton, and Mrs. Geo. John ston, Goderich, were in charge of the meeting, and Cecil Skinner of Cen- tralia acted as Minute Secretary. WALTON MINISTER NAMED CHAIRMAN OF PRESBYTERY Goderich Summer Camp Dates Announced Rev. R. G. Hazelwood, Walton, was elected chairman of Huron Presbytery for the next conference year, at a meeting of Presbytery in Victoria Street United Church, Goderich, on ThUrsday. Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Egmondville, was named secretary, and F. S. Savauge, Seaforth, treasurer. Rev. Andrew Lane, Clinton, and Rev. H. J. Snell, Auburn, were nominated as members of the settlement com- mittee. Rev. G. G. Burton, Clinton presided. A request was received from Rev. A. S. Colwell, Bayfield, to retire on ac- count of ill health. Presbytery gave approval, and members spoke in high praise of his splendid pastoral work. Rev. R. A. Brock, Hensall, reported the following calls: from Dungannon to Rev. W. J. Rogers of Little Rapid, Ont.; from Ashfield to Rev. Clarence D. Woolley-, Corbetton; from Gorrie to Rev: G. G. Rowse of the Ashfield charge. The salary in all three calls is $1,000 a year. Mr. Rowse accepted his call. Rev. R, C. Copeland, Gorrie, presi- dent of London Conference, took charge of the worship service and gave a. fine discourse based- on the 103rd Psalm. Rev, G. G. Burton was ap- pointed to convey greetings to the members of Huron Presbyterial W.M.S., meeting in North Street 'Unit- ed Church, Goderich: Rev. H. V. Workman, Seaforth, presided during his absence. Rev. Hugh Moorhouse, Fordwich, reported that Goderich summer school camps would be held on the following dates: junior girls, June 30 to July 7; boys. Aug. 4 to Aug. 13; C.G.I.T., Aug. 13 to Aug. 27; Y.P.U., July 16 to 23. Rev. R. H. Turnbull, Goderich, re- ported. that the receipts of Goderich summer school for 1944 amounted lo $669.12 and expenses were $295. F. S. Savauge's -report showed Presby- tery finances to be in healthy con- dition. Rev. W. A. Beecroft, Wing- ham, reported that the giving to the missionary and ntaititenance fund were on an increase since the beginning of the year. Rev. W. J. Woods, reporting for the committee of evangelism and social service, recommended that the Cana- dian troadeasting Corporation be commended for keeping the traditional hour of worship on Sunday evenings free of bigh-pressured tommercialiaed programs. This wax carried. Rev. Albert Johnson, Toronto, it, MOR POWER BATTERIES Quality at the Right Price. All sizes and types from $7.45 up We also carry a complete line of radio and electric fencer batteries. Canadian Tire Corporation M-4 Associate Store d Campbell's Garage Wingham, Ont. -;LT HEAR ajor D. R. Nairn, E. D. Federal Liberal Candidate for North Huron CKNX At' The Following Times; MONDAY - MAY 14 - 8.00 - 8.15 P.M. THURSDAY - MAY 17 - 7.30 - T.45 P.M. FRIDAY - MAY 25 - 8.30 - 8.45 P.M. FRIDAY - JUNE 1 - 8.30 - 8.45 P.M. THURSDAY - JUNE 7 - 7.30 - 7.45 P.M. FRIDAY - JUNE 8 - 8.30 - 8.45 P.M. (Cut Out For Reference) PUBLISHED BY The North Huron Liberal Association Victory Club; 8 from Fordyce; 12 boxes had been sent to our boys over- seas and 8 to our boys in Canada at Christmas. 11 ladies had been donors at the Blood Clinic and 37 ladies had received their diplomas for completing the Red Cross Emergency Reserve Nursing course. Rev. J. A. Ward was the guest speaker and chose as his subject "The SanFrancisco Conference". Mrs. An- drew Gaunt favoured with a solo and Mrs. Ball gave a reading, "The White Cliffs of Dover" and Mrs. Gordon Mil ler and Miss Doris Taylor sang a duet, At the conclusion a pleasant social hour was enjoyed over the tea cups, with Mrs, A. Gaunt and Mrs. C. Murray as hostesses. Mrs. George Stuart and Miss Math- arine McGregor of Lucknow, are spending the week with their brothers, Dr. William and Dr. George and Mrs, McGregor at Chicago. Your GOODYEAR dealer f reedefte4 AN OUTSTANDING ALL-CANADIAN RADIO PROGRAM THE G Ak Ofr-VEAR t! r'• E F SONGS" TUESDAY EVENINGS 8 O'CLOCK E.D.T. Over a network of Canadian Stations Bringing you the hit songs of yesterday and today melodies that live in your memory 0 • • THE GOODYEAR SINGERS -- and THE GOODYEAR ORCHESTRA • under the direction of STANLEY ST. JOHN with a touch of color added by GORDON SINCLAIR and MICHAEL FITZGERALD TUNE IN CKNX On Your Dial TUESDAYS 8 P.M. E.D.T. OR:ANY OF THE FOLLOWING STATIONS Brantford' CI(PC Brockville CFBR Hamilton CHML Kitchener CXCR Chatham CFCO Toronto C.IBC London CFPL Owen Sound CFOS Peterborough CHEX Port Arthur CFPA (7 p.m. C.D.T.) CKLW Windsor (10 p.m, E.D.T.) Cornwall CKSF Pembroke CHOV 4,1 WI-NM-TAU ADVANCt!-TIMES IN MEMORIAM MacKAY-In loving memory of Mrs. Hector MacKay, who passed away May 15th, 1943. There is no time that we could set For parting. We who must remain Are never ready for such pain Even our prayers would be: "Not yet! Not yet, dear God - another day With us let our beloved stay": We must believe, when falls the blow That wisely, God has willed it so. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Coffin and family. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Robert J. Breen and family wish to thank their friends and neigh- bours for the kind expressions of sympathy extended to them at the time of their recent bereavement. They also wish to express appreciation of the beautiful floral tributes and for the loans of cars. NOTICE TO CREDITORS # All persons having claims against the estate of John Andrew Johnstol! late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased,. who died on or about the eighth day of March, A.D. 1945, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-sixth day of May, A.D. 1945, full particulars of their claims in writ- ing. Immediately after the said twenty- sixth day of May, the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administratrix shall then have notice. DATED this fourth day of May, A.D. 1945. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. GLENANNAN Mrs, Wallace Morland and baby, Donald, of Kincardine, visited for a couple of days last week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Appleby. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffray were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. T. Weir, Wingham. Miss Audrey Culliton of Wingham, visited Friday And Saturday at the home of Mr. Samuel Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tay- lor, Bluevale. We are glad to report that Mr. Roy Hastings, who has recently undergone. an operation in Wingham General Hospital, was able to return to his home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw, also Mr. And Mrs. Albert Tone and daugh- ter, Annabel, of Toronto, were called home owing to the illness of their TAW- Iher, Mrs. John Metcalfe, We are glad to report she has been showing. a good improvement these past few days. SUGAR RATION IS CUT BY FIVE POUNDS This Cut Divided Over The Balance of 1945 The Prices Board announced a cut of five pounds in Canada's sugar ra- tion for the balance of 1945, The first reduction will be made in the June ration 'when instead of the usual two pounds per person consum- ers will only be allowed one pound, Similar cuts will be effective for July, August, October and December. The September and November ration will remain unchanged to allow as much home canning as possible. The home canning allotment of 20 preserves coupons 'will be left intact and the two regular preserves cou- pons will continue to become valid each month. In - addition to affecting house- holders, the reduction will apply to the armed forces, jam and wine manufac- turers, bakers, biscuit and breakfast cereal plants, soft drink manufacturers and quota users, such as restaurants and hotels. Decision to make the cut followed a recent conference in 'Washington at which it was reported that United Na- tions requirements are 1,254,000 tons more than available supplies. COUNTY TEMPERANCE MEETING VAS HELD Plan Three Year Temperance Program A somewhat unique meeting in the history of social service organization in. Huron County was held on Thurs- day last in the Mackay Memorial Hall, Goderich. Perhaps no more appropri- ate building in the County could have been selected, as it was for the pur- pose of the education of youth that this commodious building was erected and dedicated. At the last annual meeting of the Huron County Temper- ance Federation the Officers were made responsible for carrying out a scientific temperance program in each of the Sunday Schools of the County, where the Officers are sympathetic,- and for this purpose invitations werii, sent to all Sunday School Superin- tendents to attend this meeting to assist in outlining a three year pro- gram. Representatives were present from Goderich, Clinton, Wingham, Exeter, Centralia, Port Albert, Ethel, Walton, Bluevale, Blyth, Winthrop, Dashwood, Crediton, Ailsa Craig, Dungannon, Belgrave, Egmondville, Grand Bend, Lucknow, Brucefield, and consisted of busy men and women who came at an early hour to meet the County Officers of the Federation as well as Provincial representatives. Rev. Albert Johnston of Toronto, re- presented the Head Office and Miss Rosamond Duff the Provincial W. C. T. U. After due consideration the follow- ing outline of work will be under- taken the program to cover three years: 1. Teach and practice total abstin- ence. 2. Make clear that the Church is unalterably opposed to the liquor traffic. 3, Emphasize the quarterly temper- ance lesson, by having an address or temperance reading following the les- son period. 4. Use the temperance purpose card. 5. Display and explain temperance posters. Wool Growers' Organization wool, SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Obtain socks mid twine from Geo.Haldenby,Holyrood or direct front CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIIVIITED 21/ Bay Street, Toronto, Can. presenting the Ontario Temperance Federation, spoke briefly about a ten- paint program suggested by 25 Sun- day school superintendents from Hur- on Presbytery, who had just concluded a meeting in Mackay hall, Goderich. The pastor, Rev. L. H. Turner; and congregation of Victoria Street United Church, were thanked for their hospi- tality. The June meeting of Presby- tery will be held in Holmesville United Church, How True Professor: "What books have help- ed you most?" Student: "Mother's cook book and Father's cheque book!" ST. HELENS The May meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the. Community Hall with an attendance of 26. Mrs. Gordon McPherson presided and" the roll call was responded to by naming a "A Housecleaning Job I Detest". There were many responses to this but cleaning ceilings; stoves and stove- pipes seemed to be the least popular. Mrs. T. J. Todd with the president, Mrs. Archie Aitchison and District Representative Mrs. E. W. Rice are the delegates to the District Annual. It was agreed to send $5.00 to the Sugar Fund for Jam for Britain. May 18th was the date chosen for the Red Cross quilting. Mrs. W. A. Miller, war work convenor, presented the following report for the year May 1st, 1944, to April 30th, 1945; 2 turtle-neck sweaters; 32 pair socks; 15 pr, mitts; 2 scarves; 8 baby jackets; 14 pr. boy's pants; 41 pr. soakers; .4 pr. girl's drawers; 6 girl's nighties; 6 dozen diapers; 4 baby blankets; 1 afghan; 85 quilts, includ- ing 33 from St. Helens; 24 from 9th Con. Victory Club; 20 from 4 Corners Tbursdan .1Viar 10th, 100 0 O - 0 0 19=0= =CP fON'i ii ===0=0V CHARIS Foundation Garment Co. SLENDOR TABLETS - are effec- trained Corsetiere for Wingham, tive, 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' surrounding district and towns. If $5, at McKibbon's Drug Store. you need a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonable prices, call on. Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Minnie St., Wingham.