The Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-02-15, Page 2Vance:11W*
ilahed at
ii4atatnription. 'Rate. •One Year $2.00
ninntint# $1,110 in..• advance
'To .1,7. S,. A., $2.50 per year
VoreiArt rate, $l.00 per Year
Advertiiing. rates: on aPPlicatjOn,
The age worn argurnent, "should the
tOwn fathers receive some remuner-
ation for the ,Serviee they render" has
been di$cussed in many weekly papers
tecently. One town decided to pay
their elected representatives and then
the councillors donated this money to
n Worthy cause, They practically admit
that they did not need, deserve it, or
something. It has, een the practise for
townships to give a fee, but in most
small towns this is not the ease. Men.
Who serve on the council board give a
great deal of their time to municipal
affairs, They also are called upon as
councillors for many contributions
that they would not otherwise. They
." do all this for the fun of the thing or
from a sense of duty, They get little
praise and plenty of knocks, We are
of the opinion that they should re-
ceive some remuneration for their ef-
forts, not a large amount but sufficient
so that they would not be out of
pocket on the deal. It seems to us
that it would be a more democratic
way of ,doings things,
* * *
The St, Lawrence Waterway and
Power Development scheme is much
to the fore these days, Col, George
Drew. premier of Ontario, is the latest
to join the cry for getting this scheme
under way at an early a date as pos-
sible, This project will develop much
'electrical power which may be used for
industrial development. One of the
greatest considerations for use of this
power should be hydro in every farm
botne. Another thing that should re-
ceive much thought before the develop-
ment is started is the supplying power
to all parts of Ontario at the same
rate. By this means industrial de-
velopffient will not be so greatly
centralized but will spread throughout
the province. In this way all parts
of the province would benefit and our
industries would not be so closely
grouped as they otherwise would be
and thus would be less vulnerable to
air attack in case of another war or
other calamity such as earthquake or
fire. Another thing in favour of hav-
ing industry scattered throughout the
province is the better living conditions
offered by smaller centres.
* * * *
Just a reminder that the next Blood
Donor Clinic here is on Wednesday
morning, February 28th. Are you a
The Canadian Army in Holland is
in the thick of things again over there.
These lads are risking their all. We
must back them to the full.
• * * *
The Big Three conference has many
serious problems to consider but none
more important that the position of
the smaller nations after the conflict
,is over.
It will not be long now until the
Red Cross campaign for 1945 is under
way. This community has always
done exceedingly well in thiS regard
and will do so again no doubt, The
objective for Canada is $10,000,000.
llllllllll lll lllllllll lllll With tttttttttttt
MMUS t ttttttt llllllllllllllllll its1111.011111.1 llllllllllMS
Lucknow Barber Shop Sold
A business transaction of much local
interest took effect on Monday of this
week when Jack Campbell took over
Wes. Huston's barber 'business, It
was like a bolt from the blue on Thurs-
day when word got around that the
deal was going through. The necessary
papers were -drawn up that afternoon
and on Saturday night Wes. locked
the door for the last time, after four-
teen years as proprietor of this bnsi-
ness,---Lucknow Sentinel.
Southampton Snowplowing
Cost $1600
Nice round figure, isn't it Well
that's what it has cost Southampton
ratepayers for snow removal so far
this winter. At Monday's Council
meeting accounts paid since the snow
plowing started were totalled and the
teSult was startling, This winter,. of
course, has seen the heaviest snowfall
registered here in many years and
since the Ilighways Committee has
Made every effort to keep the streets
clear, the result has been. expensive.
Southampton Beacon,
Vernier Suicides By' Itartging
Iltrbert Johnston,, well-know and
respected Chatsworth tlistria farmer,
cornmitted suicide last Friday about )
Beef Ring 40 Years Old
The annual meeting of the McKenzie
Beef Ring was held on Saturday. The
members voted unanimously to carry
on for another year. W. A. McKenzie
stated that 40 years agb this -month a
meeting was called at his home to
start a beef ring which had carried on
every year since.-Mitchell Advocate.
St. Mary's Lad Saw Leyte Invaded
just home from the Philippines,
where for 42 days he and his ship-
mates lay in Leyte Gulf and saw the
invasion of Leyte Island from the
fourth slay of the fighting, Radio Of'-
ficer Everett McTaggart, Merchant
Marine,Marine, is now on a few weeks' leave
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry
IvIeTaggart, Wellington St., St. Marys.
Goderich Woman Fractured Ankle
After working all afternoon at the
Red Cross rooms, Mrs. J. Jerry, Gode-
rich, was returning to her ,home when
she fell on Hamilton street and broke
her ankle. She was removed to the
Kicked By Horse
Harold Norman, Kincardine town-
ship road superintendent, received
painful and serious injuries when he
was kicked by a driving horse at his
farm home. He suffered fractured
ribs and other. injuries, which are not
so serious as was first believed, -
Kincardine News,
Teeswater Man's 89th Birthday
Mr, Wm. G. Fowler, Tets'water's
grand .old man, celebrated his 89th
birthday at his home here on Sunday,
Feb, 11. Although Mr. bowler's eye-
sight isn't the best, he is enjoying fair
health and is to be seen out and
around quite frequently. Teeswater
Bagged "Cross" Vox
Mr. Frank Smith, who is one of
Walkerton's ardent rninrodS, and the
town's most successful hunter of red
foxes, bagged the prize of his career
recently when he shot What is known
as a cross between a black and a red
noon by hanging himself in the stable -
of his farm, He left the house about
11.86 a.m, and when he did not return;
for dinner,: Mrs. Johnston, went to find
him and found his lifeless body,
Durham Chronicle.
Formidable .1.3.ecor4
The following is taken from the .
Post Office Weekly 13011etin of Feb.,
ruary lard Another striking testimon-
ial to the safety and reliability of the
postal service to the 'armed forces
overseas comes front a Listowel, Ont.
family who informed the postmaster
that although. they have been mailing
a parcel weekly for over three years
to their son in the Canadian Army
Overseas, so far only a single parcel
has been lost in transit, The non-
receipt of only one parcel in over 156
in three years formidable record--
Listowel Banner,
Thrown From Car
Jimmy, 4-year-old son of Mr, and
Mrs, A. Tomlinson was hurled from a
car into snowbank and, rolled down
the sides of the bank unhurt. Jimmy
was riding with. Mr, Elmer Reeder
who was on his way to the Centralia
Airport and when passing over some
rough road Jimmy grabbed the door
which flew open dragging him out and
onto the snowbank. He was pretty
scared, but unhurt, when picked up by
Rd. Watson, one of the pessengers,-
Exeter Times-Advocate,
Fractured Leg
R. B, Holmes, Public Utility Com-
mission engineer, had both bones of
his left leg, -between the knee and.
ankle, fractured while doing some
electrical work at the home of Mr. J.
J, Cleary, he slipped, and. fell while
going down the stairs, and received
the fracture as the result of the fall,
Qur 25 Point Scientific Examin,
ation enables us to give you
clear, Comfortable Vision
Phone 118 Hariston
Thursday, .FebruarY IS, 104S
II 9 & Wawan'sh W -278.25 653.52
U 10- & Wawanish E 273.35 699.03
Totals ,,,.$2177,95 $5899.59
1' $ 817,24 $' 659,78,.
Cult-clop Township.
244,90 598,14 og•11,1•01.0 .....
. • ...... ••••11 ..... .....
329.26 752,49
227.10 570.31
5 ....... •••/•01•10011.•••• ......... Op.*
276,05 023,59
5- 237,16 596,52 4. • • ..
240,89 062.95 ..... ..... ......
261,98 641,39
274,62 701,14
808.53 687,28
349.94 501,81
T,.1 12 C, Turnberry,
Carrick &
Howick 270.82 628,36
Totals $3347.89 $7521.73
Carrick To*vnship
2 $ 245,47 $ 663.08
3 294,38 682.47
4 ........... ........ ..„„ 328.93 552,50
5 ..... „.„..„, ....... 269.19 457.02
, 264,16 • 591.24
7 .. . 389,12 .854.27
8 363.68 711.79
9 . 268.16 576,46
........... 288.74 699,72
279,73 613.58
12 265.82 592,07
13 305,10 604.04
Totals $3562.49 $7598,24
Ashfield .. ........... 10
'Ash, Colborne
Ashfield ..... 12
Ash, & Wawa, W.
Ashflekl, ........... 15
Ashfield 16
Ashfield ...... --, 17
Colborne -
Colborne ......
& Wawa. W.
Colborne .... 4
Colborne ........ ...„, 5
Colborne „.„.. ........ ..... 6
Colborne ........... ....„.„..„ 7
Colborne .... 8
Colborne 9
Col., Ashfield &
Wawa, W. U, 1
Grey 1
Grey 4
Grey .....
Grey..... 6
Grey 7
Grey ., 8
Grey , „ 10
Grey .. 11
Grey & McKop.0 12
Grey & W'lace U 4
McKillop, Hibbert
& Tuck'smith U, 1
McKillop 2
McKillop 4
McKillop 6
McKillop 7
McKillop 9
McKillop 10
McKillop 12
McKillop 13
Morris ..,.,.......».....1
Morris 3
Morris -.«....,...,,.,M 4 272.55
Morris .... .... .. 6 283.94
Morris ..... ..... 6 202,13
Morris 7 235.08
1.4Qtri$ • „ 259,54
Morris 268.65
Morris ....... ...... 10 244,14
Morris, Grey &
McKillop 15,11 235,44
Morris & Wiett V.12 214,02
Turnberry, Grey
& Howick 1 332.85
Howick, .......... „,„ V, 2 418.11
Turnberry & Morris
Turnberry .......+.......486,80
Turnberry &
Morris ... .... U.4 469,51
Turnberry 5 198,81
Turnberry 6 442.60
Turnberry & Wa-
wanosh E. U, 7 137.50
Turnberry &
Morris U.8 414,22
Tura erry 9 410.87
Turnberry . ...... ...„..„ 11 555.72
Wawanosh Bo,
& Morris U. 3 440.72
Wawa. East &
West U. 6 427,17
Wawa. East &
West U. 7 407,09
Wawanosh E, 8 463,88
Wawanosh E. ..... ..„, 9 477,98
Wawanosh E. 10 430,04
Wawanosh E. it 431.30
Wawanosh E. .... .„ 13 455,75
Wawanosh E. &
West U. 16 438.42
Wawanosh E. &
`West U. 17 549.18
Wawanosh E. &
Hullett U. 11 430,21
Wawanosh W. 2 206.92
Wawanosh W. 3 179,72
WaWanosh W. .... 4 174:32
Wawa, E, W. U, 12 236,23
Wawa. W.. E. U. 1.4 243.39
Wawa: W., E. U. 15
211,83 689.93
209.48 603.22
276.89 alli‘la
86.00 123,06
21205 700.77
276,02 012.1.2
204.50 575.73
288.00 .691.02
450.:99 1,004,53
568.93 417e,a1
554.87 998,66
385.25 786.58
410.89 803.41
526,01 957.60
481,85 '769.57
392,26 , 697,46
895.70 782,15
425,70 8780
205.13 676,89
233.91 556.05
253.27 744,97
249,89 826,55
252,52 648.35
214.93 640.48
214,75 718.89
227.19 666,17
803.03 789.60
294,22 834.19
258,48 877.49
217,81 589,70
255,97 687.35
215.51 628.41
178.26 471,28
250.69 731.43
177.43 526.91
314.62 794.53
331.78 856.82
1'72.17 481;30
334,39 789.26
207,02 , 554,18
243,29 698,96
Howicit Township
812.84 Howick is a part of the Bruce In-
spectorate although a ,portion of
928.54 Tioron, Its grants are as follows;
198,81 1 .............. ... 475.59 $ 695,88
728.57 2 ..„, 511,72 1077,91
3 ' 452,59 622,07 150,00 4 551,16 875,82
5 438,12 642,39
451.30 1171,19
7 ......... „.., 926.53 1491.63
8 ' 443,07 656.8$
9 488.58 1024.09
866,50 U 10 & Wallace 499.65 963,40
11 ..........................««», 496.82 830.95
780,74 12 , 456,16 784.54
U 13 & Turnberry 472,06 774.04
843.13 U14 & Turnberry 979.63 2069.42
852,20 U 15 & Carrick. 430.35 632.40
909,57" 1.716 & Grey &
835.30 Turnberry 454,34 865,98
868.56 17 1081,63 1516,77
851.4.4 18 392.04 534,73*
Totals ....,.....•_ .. .... . ... 10001.44 17220,69
Grants to other municipalities in this
district which are a portion of Bruce
are; •
Kinlois Township
U 1 & Greenock $ 261.41 $ 707.09
2 271,89 '793,03
3 259,83 617.11
4 277.65 677.34
5 (Closed) 266,16
6 (Closed)
Wawa, West
• Ashfield V.17 290.37 .673,85
Rural to O. .......$26306.10 61706,94
131Yth P. S. 439,18 13210
Brussels .„ ..... 697,18 2630.15
Seaforth ........ 1484.14 5003,56
Wingham ,,.•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,.. 1089.23 6759.02
Urban totals $709.91 16814,08
Grand totals $30016.01 78520.62
AURORA, otrrARto.
SGT. BLM41( .
Write clearly or -
print in black letters; -giving
complete details. Write your own
name and
er loft hand Corner.
address on UP?,
*k20,4,44:344•1;40.0.0,...V.9X40{. AZ4,4,0,1451,
in toko a chance on poor "handwriting'
You may save a Minute..-ot the cosi Of .many Yo
weeks' delay.
THIS is a war of rapid movement. Overseas mail must
be handled many times before it reaches your man. If
you write a wrong or incomplete address, it may cause
weeks of delay in spite of all your Post Office or Canadian
Postal 'Corps can do to speed delivery. You can save much
heart-ache by following these simple rules:
1.1 Write clearly or print lull address in block letters.
2 Make sure the address is COMPLETE, many delays we caused
in Arny mail by senders omiffing name and number of unit.
3E1 10 yea are writing to a wounded men In 'WOW Overseas,
unite the usual .0hIPLETE address, then ADD the words "IN
HOSPITAL" In largo letters on the envelopo4
reynard, The fox, which fell a victim.
to the local hunter's unerring aim in
the 'vicinity of the old stone quarry,
south-west of Walkerton, was a beauti-
ful specimen of his kind with a 'brush
of outstanding demensions. - Walk,
erton Rerild-Thnes,
Head Teeswater Cemetery Corp.
The annual meeting of Teeswater
and Culross Cemetery Corporation was
held in the Town Hall. Mr. Wm, S.
Case, a member of the Board for 20
years, and president for the past num-
ber of terms. handed in his resignation,
which was accepted with regret. Mr.
M. A. Donahue 'was named as presi-
dent to fill his place,-Teewater News.
Minors Had Liquor
Permits - Fined
Possession of liquor, beer and wine
permits cost two Kincardine minors
$14.75 and $24.75, respectively, in
Magistrate E. W. Walker's court.
Crown Attorney 5. W. Freeman point-
ed out the seriousness of the offense
and declared, "The sooner everyone
realizes this, the better it will be for
Hensall Flier Killed
Mr, and Mrs. John Passmore, of
Hensall, have received further word
regarding their son, PO. Gerald
(Mike) Passmore, reported missing,
believed killed in, action over enemy
territory. Word from the Red Cross
revealed that Gerald, while on a bomb-
ing mission in a typhoon fighter-
bomber and about to drop a bomb on
a target was spotted by the enemy,
Who fired o'h his plan'? killing him'in-
Listo47e1 Flier Missing
Flying 'Officer Carl Howald, R.C.A.
F., aged 22, is reported missing after
air operations on February 5th, ac-
cording to word received by his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Howald,
R. R, 2, Listowel. He has been over-
seas since March, 1944.
Grand Bend Men Arrested
Carl Carruthers and Kenneth Dawe.
arrested at Grand Bend on Wednes-
day, were charged with intent, the
Bossenberry Hotel. They appeared
bdore Magistrate A, F. Cook, The
case was adjourned a week with bail
,set at $500,
Drayton School Principal Dead
George A. *Clark principal of Dray-
ton Continuation School for more
than 28 years, died in hospital at
Guelph. He graduated from Hamilton
Normal School and taught in public
schools in Angus, Elmvale, Cooks-
town and Haileybury, Surviving are
two daughters ,two sisters and two
$48,000 More Will Be Received In
This Inspectorate
It is anticipated that legislative
school grants for Huron North in-
spectorate will be increased from $30,-
016,01 in 1944 to approximately $78,-
520,62 in 1945. The latter figure is
calculated from actual expenditures
made in the district in 1943. Grants
for 1945 will. be based on 1944 ex-
penditures, the totals of which are not
yet available, The inspectorate in-
spectorate includes Blyth, Brussels,
Seaforth and Wingham,
The grants which averaged $300 for
each rural school sand $925 for each
urban school, will be increased to over
$700 per rural school and to $4,200
for each -urban school if 1944 expendi-
tures were the same as those of 1943.
The systetn of calculating the' new
ants was explained by the Hon. Les-
lie Frost, provincial treasurer.
Individual. Totals
.A breakdown of the inspectorate
totals to show approximate grant in-
creases by individual schools follow.
Grants on re-
vised schedule
as applied
!Grants p'd to 1948
School in 1944 conditions
Ashfield 1 $283,07 091.30
Ashfield llllll llll S 243./5 653.43
Ash. & 'Huron IL 1 387.84 /60.91
Ashfield 5 18314 534,38
Ashfield llllllll ..... 6 209.45 5/8.28
Ashfield ....... 199,15 561.85
Ash & Wawa, W,
U. 8 628.99 1,421,65.
Want Say. In Reich Fate
Paris, - French n Foreign Office ..
quarters expre'ssed astonishment .and
disappointment that the Big Three,.
were deliberating Germany's fat with- •
out consulting France, A spokesman
from Quar d'Orsay declared that
France demanded "a predominant role'. .
in the .occupation of Germany.
Your parcel must stand the weight of thousands more
pressing down on it in the hold of a lurching ship at tea.
It must s stand rough transport,, often under fire, over
shell-torn roads. Pack,your parcels in corrugated con-
tainers, wrap in several layers of heavy paper and tie
with strong twine.
DON'TS for SENDERS: Don't pack machos or lighter
Iluids. Don't send foods that edn spoil. Don't send
Nytulds /4e saosotis at' gloss. Don't forget to agro: co*,
Pieter, eastonts declaration, Don't nse "shoe hoe",
they crush easily.
Named Clinton M. 0. H.
At the regular Council Meeting, Dr.
F. G. Thompson was appointed to the
office of Medical Officer of Health,
succeeding Dr, 3. W. Shaw who held
the office for the past fifty-two years.
Lt. Col. Thompson served in the First
Great War from 1915 to 1919 and in
the present war from 1939 to 1944, the
greater portion in overseas service.-
Clinton News Record.
Fire At Brussels Theatre
The speaker, screen, stage and cur-
tains were destroyed in a matter of
minutes when fire believed to have
been caused by overheated pipes, broke
out in the Cozy 'Theatre here. The
fire was discovered by Bill Sullivan,
an employee of the Theatre. it was
in operation again within „a few days.
-Brussels Post.
Body Found In Car
The lifeless body of Irvin. C. Ernest,
44, town clerk of Elmira for the past
nine years, was , discovered in his car
in an Elmira garage. Death s was at-
tributed to carbon mortoxide poisoning.
Well-known throughout Waterloo
county. he is survived by his parents,
his widow and two small sons.