The Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-02-08, Page 4of cake, Share the wealth plan goes
over here,
Well I guess I had better close for
* a a
The following letter is from W. B.
Abram of I3eintore, now overseas, to
Mrs. curie of llelmore, expressing ap-
preciation of a box sent by the Red
Shield group,
Mrs. Curler
Just a few lines to let you know
how I am, well I am fine and hope
this finds you the same.
I received the parcels that you sent
me from behalf of the Red Shield
group. I sure was surprised to get it,
things are 'ere going to be different
this year from Xmas than last year, it
will only be like another day to us.
Last year I was on leave in Manches-
ter for Xmas and New Years, but
things have changed since then, We
didn't have much of a summer in Eng-
land, it rained for weeks and weeks
and not much sunshine, It will be
nice to get back to Canada were the
sun shines at least three days in a,
row, I would liked to have sent each
and everyone a Xmas card, but we
could not get any over here this year.
Well that is about all the news I can
think of to write so I will close for
now and thanking you very much for
the parcel, wishing you a happy New
W. B. Abram
Kincardine Girls Down Locals 5 to 1
In a battle of the fairer sex on
Monday night the Kincardine girls de-
feated the Wingham girls to the count
of 5-1. Dorothy Wilson proved to be
top scorer for Kincardine with four
goals, while Ann VanWyck notched
Winghams one. In the first period
Dorothy Wilson scored two goals with
Helen Wilson scoring the other making
the count 3-0. The second period saw
no scoring with the Wingham girls
strongly on the defence. In the third
period Dorothy Wilson scored two
goals while Ann Vanlaryck scored for
Wingham ending the game 5-1. The
Kincardine aggregation plays a good
game of. hockey with combination and
aastem showing the fact that they have
been playing together for some years
The local girls did very well although
not having such long experience they
put up a good battle.
In the Lakeshore town last week the
score was '7-1 for the Kincardine girls.
Line Ups—
Kincardine—goal, Wrightson; def.,
Morrison, McSween; centre, D. Wil-
son; wings, MacKay, Stewart; altern-
ates, Wall, Vines, MacDonald, Newell,
H. Wilson, Johnson.
Wingham — goal, Ridley; clef., H.
Brown, E. Deyell; centre, N. Brown;
wings, Cowan, VanWyck; alternates,
R. Lockridge, L. Lockridge, King, D.
Lockridge, M. Deyell, Yeo, Culliton.
W. Garfield Case
Progressive Conservative
Plurality 1,239 votes
Air Vice Marshall Earl Godfrey
C. C. F.
Gen. A, G. L,MeNatighton
Case 7338
McNaughton 6099
Godfrey 3136
House Standing
Liberals 156
Progressive Conservatives ... 40
C. C.F.
Social Credit 10
Local Club Down Ripley In
Exhibition Game
Ernest paced the Wingham Midgets
to victory in an exhibition game here
on. Monday night when he was top
scorer with three goals. The local
team played classy hockey to dispose
of their rivals by a score of 7-4.
In the first period Ernest set up
Wingham by scoring two goals, the
first from Seli and the second from
Thorns. This superiority however did
not remain long as in less than a
minute Strathdee taking a pass from
'McLeod slipped one past Johnston
ending the period 2-1,,
In the second encounter the score
was see-saw with Wingham notching
four to Ripley's two. Sell started off
the scoring by .taking a pass from
Kress, then on a lone rush Wilson
stormed the Win ha defence and
rang the bell. Ernest promptly re-
taliated in less than a minute by scor-
ing unassisted. Ripley then got its
second goal of the period with D. Pol-
lock scoring front. Stratlidee. Wing-
ham retaliated by scoring two goals,
Kress from Seli, and Lockridge from
Stainton ending the stanza Wingharn
6, Ripley 8.
The third period saw only two goals
scored, the first by Wingham. by Ed-
gar from I<ress and for Ripley Strath-
dee front Wilson and McLeod.
It is well worth noting that of the
twenty points of the Wingham play-
ers 10 were gained by the line of
Kress, Edgar and Sell, Only one
Wingham goal was scored unassisted
which is evidence that the boys are
putting up sporty hockey which is
fast, clean and well worth watcling.
Lifte Ups..
Ripley-goal, Little; def,, Wilson, R.
Total ...... ..... ..... . 245
McLennan; centre, C. Coiling; wings,
A. Coiling, Neeham; alts.,• D. Pollock,
Strathdee, R. McLennan, W. Pollock,
Culbert, -McLeod, Farrell.
Wingham — goal, Johnston; def,,
MacKay, Thorns; centre, Kress; wings,
Edgar, Seli; alternates, Stainton, Oren-
non, Ernest, Lockridge, Harcourt,
Economize with
Long Life
Th. ursday, February 8, 184$
Stanton's .„.. Hardware
And Fanners' Supply House
"The Store Where You Get The Most For The
Money Your Spend"
No. 3 Galvanized Garbage Cans, good weight $1.69
Galvanized Bushel Baskets $1.39
8 in. Cadmium Plated Pliers only • . , , 35c
10 in. Screw Drivers . 25c
!D 14 in. Screw rivers ' 30c
Splitting Wedges, 5 lb. $1.00
Axe Wedges , 8c
Clothes line rope, 50 feet 35c'
50 foot Red Ribbon Rubber Belt (endless , . $23.25
3/8 Repair Links for Logging Chain , . , ' 8c
Logging Cha...'fis $3.25 - $4.50
5 foot Step. Ladders . ... — . — $2.39
6 foot Step Ladders $2.95
Beatty Brooder Stove (300) .... $12.50.
General Steelware Monarch Brooder (500) $15.00
Sootfoe Chimney Cleaner . ........ . .. 25c
Shin Pads $1.50
1/4 Horsepower Robbins & Myers, 60 cycle
110 - 220 $32.00
1/4 Horsepower Leland double-end shaft, en-
closed, nearly new $22.50
1/4 Horsepower 60 cycle used motor $10.00
1/4 Horsepower 60 cycle new motor $15.00
3/4 Horsepower 60 cycle new Westinghouse $75.00
3 Horsepower 60 cycle Can. Gen. Electric
with starting switch $157.50
1/4 Horsepower 25 cycle new rubber mounted $19.00
1/4 Horsepower 25 cycle used' $27.00
IN THE MATTER of the Estates of
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others having claims
against Mary 'Jane McKenzie, late of
the Township of Turnberry in the
County of Huron, Married Woman,
who died intestate. on or about the
sixth clay of January, A.D., 1938, and
of John Robert McKenzie late of the
said Township of Turnberry, Retired
Farmer, who <lied on or about the sixth
day of November, A.D., 1944, are re-
quired to send particulars of their
claims, duly verified, to 5. W. Bush-
field, the solicitor for the Administra-
tor and Executors of the said .Estates,
on or before the twenty-fourth day of
February, A.D., 1945, and that after
such date the Executors will proceed
to distribute the said Estates, having
regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have bad notice.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
third day of February, A.D. 1945.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor, for the Administrator and
Sealed tenders will be received by
the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon,
February 17th., A.D;, 1945, for the sale
of the 100 acre farm. known as Lot
No. 2 on the Sixth Concession of the
Township of Turnberry. On the said
premises there is said to be situate a
cement block house with all modere
conveniences and Delco lighting —
large frame barn and strawshed, dril-
led well an.d about 13 acres of hard-
wood bush and is situated 1% mile
from school, 1 mile from Church and
3 miles from market. The highest or
any tender not necessarily accepted.
TERMS: 10 per cent cash deposit
to be made on acceptance of tender
and balance payable 30 days there-
after without interest.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
fifth day of February, A.D., 1945.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Vendor.
Marked sealed tenders will be receiv-
ed up to February 13 for body wood
half maple and beech.
No. 1 school-15 cords, 16 ins. long;
No. 3 school-15 cords, 16 ins. long;
No. 4 school-15 cords, 16 ins, long;
No. 7 school-12 cords, 16 ins, long;
No. 8 school, 15 cords, 16 ins. long;
No, 9 school 12 cords, 16 ins. long;
also for furnace coal: Np. 2 sch00%
12 tons; No. 6 school, 12 tons; U. No.
1, Nile, 12 tons; No. 5 school, stove
coal, 6 tons, 'Wood to be delivered by
June 15th; coal by September 1st.
Any tender not necessarily accepted.
WM. Watson,
Secty.-Treas, for Colborne Township
School Board, Goderich, R.R, No, 5.
The family of the late Charles
James, wish to express their sincere
appreciation of the kindness and
sympathy shown to them by their
many kind friends and neighbors dur-
ing their recent sad bereavement.
Order YOUR Fertilizer NOW!
LABOUR: 'We have men for shipping now. De-
lay means a Shipping Peak, Later—
Extra Men — When Men are Most
BOX CARS: Government Broadcasts have warn
you that Box Cars are scarce.
RESULT :—Shortages for bringing
in Materials and Shipping out your
MATERIAL: The "Stepped Up" war production
program in Canada and the United ti States has reduced production of
fertilizer materials.
Shur-Gain Fertilizer tow ready for shipment is in
perfect drilling condition packed in special moist-
ure-resistant bags. If stored in a dry place, it will
# be in perfect condition at seeding time. . • „ . .
Cittada Packers Limited ,Fertilizer Division
Toronto 9 Ontario
FOR SALE—Sliding couch, new. Ap-
ply Herb White, opposite Howson's
Mill on Water Street,
FOR SALE—Bed with springs and
mattress, also dresser, mohogany
finish. Apply Mrs. John Knox,
phone 212.
,FOR SALE—Two cutters in good
condition, good light sleigh with flat
rack; 2 buggies and fanning mill.
Apply Advance-Times.
FOR SALE—Steel bed and springs,
also small dresser. Apply Mrs. Ben
FOR SALE—Cancelled orders of
Marshall Five Star Chicks, 400 mix-
ed L,S. & N.H. delivery March 15;
150 mixed L,S. St N,H., delivery
May 24th; 200 mixed L.S. & N.H.,
delivery April 25th. Express paid.
Apply to Roy Porter, Wirighane
KEEP YOUR EYE on the poultry
markets 5 or 6 months ahead, when
egg and poultry prices are higher.
Plan for them now with Kitchener
Big-4 antics. Order through agent.
Poultrymen all over the country sing.
the praises of Big-4. Fred Hogg,
LOST—Yellow Scotch Collie answers
to "Sandy". Apply Advance-iTmes.
Dealers are making more money to-
day than ever before. Enjoy the
security and benefits of affiliation
with the OLDEST and. LARGEST
COMPANY of its kind in the world.
All sales records were smashed in
1944—generous bonuses were paid to
all Watkins Dealers. Get into busi-
ness for yourself on our capital in
your home or adjacent locality.
Suitable travel outfit required. Write
now for further information to the
5. R.. Watkins Company, Dept.
O-W-2 2177 Masson Street, Mon
PIANO TUNING — tuning price
$3.00, repairs extra, factory experi-
ence. By 'Wingham Bandmaster,
Geo. J. Wright. Must leave orders
at Advance-Times.
es better breeding for all animals
and poultry. For sale by Stainton
WANTED—Coal Oil heater. Apply
WANTED—Dresser with mirror in
good condition. Apply Advance-
IN THE MATTER of the Estate
of Allan M. Fralick, late of the Town-
ship of Turnberry in the County of
Huron, Farmer, deceased.
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others having claims
Against the Estate of the late Allan M.
.Frodick, are required to send particu-
lars of their claims, duly verified, to
j. W, Bushfield, the solicitor for t he
Executrix of the said Estate, on or
before the twenty-fourth day of Feb-
ruary, A.D., 1945, and that after such
date the executrix will proceed to dis-
tribute the said estate, having regard
Only to the claims of which she shall
then have had notice.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
fifth day of February, A.D., 1945.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executrix.
IN THE MATTER of the Estate, of
Ida Alberta M. Stokes, late of the
Township of Turnberry in the County
of Huron. Married Woinau, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant
to The Trustee Act that all creditors
and others having claims against the
Estate of the late Ida Alberta M.
Stokes, are required to send particulars
of their claims, duly verified, to 5. W.
Tiushfield, the solicitor for the Excel:,
for of the said estate, on or before the
twenty-fourth day of February, A.D.,
1945, and that after such date the
Executor will proceed to distribute the
said Estate, having regard only to the
claims of which he shall then have had
notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
fifth day of PebruarY, -A.D.! 1945.
Solicitor for the Executor.
. .
IN THE, MATTER of the Estate
late of the Town of Wingham in the
County of 'Huron, deceased,
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others Navin; claims
against the Estate of the late. Herbert
L. Mitchell, are required to send par-
ticulars of their claims, duly. verified,
to 5. W. Buslifield, the solicitor lot
the Admittistratrix of the said estate,
on or before the twenty-fourth day, of
bruiity, A.D,, 1945, and that after
(Continued from page one)
hit off the side of the road in the mud
there wouldn't have been so many
hurt, When you are down like that
and can hear your buddies who have
been hit and you have got to leave
them there and move off without them,
welll We were just lucky though
that there wasn't 20 or 30 instead of
just 3.
Well enough of that. I'm O.K. and
am going continue to keep on being
0.X, I guess if I have lasted this long
Jerry is apt to have quite a time
knocking me Out. I haven't actually
been on German soil, bet a matter of
200 yards front it.
We are having a pretty good time
here, of course we are out for a rest
and are in houses. We have a little
ove in the room which when it is
going it is too warm here, but it only
takes it a very few minutes to go out.
The coal we are using isn't very good.
I've got a girl here only trouble is
she is only 2 .. 8 years old. Cute little
girl too. She comes into the room here
and comes over and sits ort my knee.
Yt sure is surprising the English words
they can pick up (hello, etc.). They
can learn a lot faster than the older
people. I guess its just another avietd,
ao they learn it. One of the boys just
petted a parcel and I got a Mot piece
Bellinger. 0
First Period
Wingharu—Ernest (Seli) 8,00
2 Wingham—Ernest (Thorns) 18,20
3 Ripley, Strathdee (McLeod) 10,05
Second Period
4 Wingham- -Seli (Kress)
RiplereeWilson 3.40
6 Wingham—Erngst 4,50
7 Ripley—D, Pollock (Strath,
dee) .„ 8,00
Wingham—Kress (Sell) 9.05
9 Wingham—Lockridge
(Stainton) ..... 18,00
Third Period
10 Winghetri---Edgar (Kress) 3,00
11 Ripley—Strathdee (Wilson,
McLeod) 8,55
Trustees For Bluevale Hall Named
The minutes of council meeting held
at Treasurer's February 5, 1945.
Members all present.
Moved by Fischer and King, that the
minutes of last meeting be adopted as
read. Carried.
The following letters were received
and read: Salvation Army, London;
Dept. of Highways, Stratford; Hartald
Newell, on active service; Hydro El-
ectrice Com., Toronto.
Moved by Woods and Powell that
the following are the trustees for•Bluea
vale Community Hall as follows: Geo.
Thornton, J. C Higgins, Jno, L, Mac-
Ewen, Hugh 'Mundell; president of
Bluevale Women's Institute, Harold
Moffat, Jno V, Fischer. Carried.
Moved by , Fischer and Walter
Woods that we give a grant of $400.00
to Bluevale Community Hall. Carried.
Moved by King and Fischer that
by-law No, 6, 1945 be passed authoriz-
ing the assessor to return assessment
roll not later than 1st July. Carried.
'Moved by Powell that we instruct
the assessor to increase each assess-
ment of the Township to 10 per cent..
Moved by Woods and King that we
instruct the assessor to increase each
assessment of the Township to 40 per
cent. Carried.
Moved by King and Fischer that we
accept the tender of J .C. Higgins at
salary of $125.00. Carried.
Moved by Powell, that we defer the
purchase of No. 70 horsepower diesel
caterpillar tractor with bull dozer,
bucket scraper and snowplow attach-
ments and. that we buy $2,000 Victory
Bond in the next issue to be used when
machine is purchased.
Moved by Fischer and Woods,- that
the Reeve and Road 'Supt. attend the
Good Roads Convention in Toronto on
28th February and 1st of March, 1945.
Moved by King and Woods that
Mervin Marshall he patrolman from
Glenannan west to No. 4 Highway and
Baird and Eadie sideroads and Boyd
Marshall be patrolman from Glenan-
nan east to Wroxeter gravel and Muir
and Hastings sideroad, Carried.
The following- accounts were paid:
R, 5, Lovell Co., $12.98 account;
Salvation Army $10 grant; W R.
Cruikshank $25,00 pt. salary; Isaac
Metcalfe $2.00 ,dog tax, refund 1944;
L, 'Robertson $8,25 roads; H. Mundell
$1.75; A, Lincoln $3.50; B. Marshall
$3.25; M. Marshall $5.00; G. Glousher
$18.85; J. Austin $11.05; 5. McKinnon
$7.15; A. Sproal 11.05.; J. Morrison
$16.25; J. Moir $1.05; Jno. Sproal
$4.55; j. Molt $3.90; J. Moir $1.40;
C. Hennings $6,24; W. Willets 61c;
L. Hennings $14.40; W. R. Taylor
$2.27; J. T. Wylie $18.00; G. Day
$6.00; S. Paisley $3.00; Harry Elliott
$400.00, grant Bluevale
Moved by King and Powell that we
rescind the motion of 6th Jan. 1945 of
j. Breckenrdige and J. V. Fischer on
tenders on drain that the assessment
on Henderson drain on report of
Eagleson Report, be figured on.
Rogers Maintainatiee 'Report of 1911,
Moved by King and Fischer to
adjourn to meet at Treasurer's Office
on Monday 6th March, 1945, at 1 p.m..
W, 12. Cruikshank, Clerk.
Moffat, Reeve.
(Continued from page one)
with the request of the Holmdale
Creamery to move the wall of the
Creamery five feet north. The com-
mittee to report back to council. The
motion was made by Councillors Spry
and Johnson.
The treasurer's bond for $2,000 was,
laid on the table and examined and
was approved on notion of councillors
Kennedy and Spry.
A numbar of accounts were present-
ed and were passed on motion of
Councillors Spry and Johnson. Mr.
Spry reported the financial position of
the WWII' about $4,000 better than a
year ago.
Councillor Johnson for the Street
Committee reported that the' mow
presented the worst problettt in years.
FOR RENT-150 acre grass farm.
10th of Turnberry, good water and
fences. Apply to Wm. Brecken-
ridge or Albert Bacon, Belgrave.
• -. —,
11/4 gents a word per imertion, with a **Mani ChalVa of ;Sc. O
.CKARIS Foundation Garment Co. such date the Administratrix will pros
trained Corsetiere - few Wingham, ceed to distribute the said Estate, have
surrounding district and towne. If ing regard only to the claims of which
• • rata need a new garment, any size she shall then have had notice.
or type of figure at reasonable prices, DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
call on Mrs. Wm, Kennedy, Minnie' third day of February, A.D., 1945.
St., Wingham, j, W. BUSHFIELD,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the' ,A.Caniiiistratrix.
He said consent at Owners risk was
given to installing drain, sewer, and
water connections in the new house
being erected on Shuter tSreet. He
said that cars narked on streets were,
causing much trouble for the snow
Councillor Wilkinson reporting' for
the property committee said that the
]allies' rest room was cleaned up and
in good condition. He suggested that
a new light be installed in the fire-
men's room it being very poorly light-
The fire truck froze up one night,
Councillor Kennedy reported, This
could not happen again as corrective
measures had been taken. He wonder-
ed if council were considering the
building of a new fire hall which would
be more modern and give better -serv-
ice. This could be heated from the
town boiler, he said.
Councillor Reavie gave a report of
the band. He said that four of the
instruments used in the band were
owned by the players themselves.
Three instruments are now out on loan
to beginners. The hand had purchased
12 new stands and had $75.00 in music
on hand.
The Mayor, ReeVe and chairman of
the Street committee were authorized
to attend the Good Roads Convention
which is being held this month, on
motion of Councillors Lloyd and Ken-
The clerk was instructed to write a
letter of, congratulation to CKNX on
receiving the Beaver award for com-
munity service, topping all stations in
Canada in this regard. The motion
was sponsored by Councillors Lloyd'
and Wilkinson.
Reeve Evans gave a very complete
report of the activities at the January
Meeting of the County Council. He,
said the rate was set at 4.25. mills not
including secondary school levy. He-
is chairman of the Children's Shelter
Committee and a member of the police
committee. Wingham Hospital has-
a grant of $700 and the Horse Show
$100. Mayor Fred Davidson was ap-
pointed to the Hospital Board for a.
term of one year and R Hobden
the High. School Board for a term of
3 years.
Mr. W, H. Haney, the assessor, was
present and addressed the council, He
said the Association of Assessors was
on a purely Canadian basis now and
that this was much more satisfactory.
'On motion of Councillors Johnson'
and Wilkinson it was decided to re-
quest the Ontario Government to pay
the same subsidy on road maintenance
and purchases of machinery for vil-
lages and towns similar to that, paid
to Townships which amounts to 50
per cent. A copy of this motion is
being sent to the Department of High-
way, The Good Roads Association and.
Mr. John Hanna, M,P,P.