The Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-10-26, Page 1With Which Is Amalgamated The ,9 orrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. RALLY HELD AT LUCKNOW Mrs. A. MacDonald Of Ailsa Craig, Guest Speaker At Maitland Presbyterial The annual rally of the Maitland Presbyterial of the W.M.S, of the Presbyterian Church in Canada was held in the Presbyterian Church, Luck- now, on Wednesday afternoon, with the vice-president, Mrs. Guthrie Reed, presiding. The opening .devotional period on the theme "The World Needs the Light of God's Word," was conducted by 'members from South Kinloss. Words di welcome were extended by Mrs. Porteous of Lucknow. The roll 'call was answered by represent- atives of 14 auxiliaries giving a brief account of special features of their work. A most encouraging report was presented by the treasurer, Mrs. John Bell, Kincardine, showing the financial standing to be better than last year at this time. The conferences were of special interest and educational value. Mrs. C. McCarrol, Molesworth, outlined some' essentials for a- good W.M.S., namely: definite Christian leadership; untiring devotion; prayer; well-plan- ned program's with variety; givings in order to carry on; "Victory can't be ours if we let God down.'; Mrs. K. MacLean, Wingham, gave some worthwhile suggestions on "How to present our study book." They were: make a thorough study of the book, If you do not know it yourself, you cannot impart it to others; put real life and personality into the sub- ject; prepare questions on the subject; by means of posters; in the form of a radio broadcast. Prayers were offered "For a spiritual revival," "For 'teen-age girls" and "For those who are struggling for victory" by Mrs-. McCarrol, Mrs. John Mc- Kibbon and ,Mrs. Linklater. The guest speaker was Mrs. A. B. MacDonald, Previncial :finance secre- tary of 'Ailsa Craig. She based her remarks on 2- Cor. 5:20, "We are am- bassadors for Christ." She spoke of the W.M.S. as the first women's so- ciety to sweep across Canada and ask- ed for increased membership in order to meet the increasing demand for finance. She said it is necessary "to build a strong church to meet the needs of postwar conditions. Christ must be the foundation for lasting peace." The W.M.S., as ambassadors, must be filled with the power of God and have a vision "if we are to win Canada. for 'Christ and Christ for the w r lhed." T report of the provincial board meeting held recently in Toronto was presented by. the Presbyterial presi- dent, Mrs. F. G. Fowler, Bluevalc. She outlined the highlights of the re- ports of the different 'secretaries, and the main points- 'of the addresses and, rep6rted the provincial finances in good shape with good prospects of go- ing over the top in Ontario, She spoke of the valuable work of the deacon- esses, and asked for special prayer for the success of their labors, A vocal solo during the program was enjoyed. At the close of 'the meeting refreshments were served by members of the Lucknow auxiliary, Euchre Powell's School Friday, October 27th. Play at 8.30 sharp, Admission 25 cents, Attended Mildmay Rotary Mr, John Hanna, M.P.P., and' Rev. E. 0. Gallagher attended the Rotary Club .at Mildmay, Monday evening, when the latter addressed the mem- bers of the club at their regular meet- ing, Bowled At Seaforth Five pairs from here took part in the Blanket Tournament held at Sea- forth on Wednesday last week. Wally Miller and Art Wilson won second prize with three wins and a plus of 19. Omar Haselgrove and 3, H. Crawford won third prize with 'two Wing plus 23. Three 15 end games were played. INSTITUTE MEETS FRIDAY THIS WEEK The October meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be 'held in 'tire cotto.cil tharribers at 3 &cheek, Friday afternoon this week, Mrs, F. A. Parker will give a book review and the roll call -will b,e answered naming a Canadian' Author, , The' program detilitiittee IS; Mrs' '!1.- Halliday and Mrs, W. a Prastr. The 05 Mrs, "'Cr; Carry Mrs. W.' 'Mrs, G, Orvis, Mrs. Walpole, a and Girls Back Ho e 00 4,11N ito r el 'Single Copies Five Cents. WINGI-IAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1944 ,Pubmiptimi WO Per Year ; 1101VICK COUPLE MARK FORMER MINISTER GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Gibson Celebrated 50th Wedding Anniversary A happy event took placepion Octo- ber sixteenth, when Mr, and Mrs, T. A. Gibson, of the 9th concession of Howick, celebrated the fiftieth anni- versary of their wedding at the home of Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Wearring, of Wroxeter. About ninety guests called during :the afternoon and evening to extend their congratulations,and best -wishes. Those from a distance were, Mrs. Robt. Gibson, Calgary; Mr. and Mrs. 7, Dalton; Mrs. F. MacPherson; Mrs. Brown (who was the bridesmaid for -the wedding party); Miss. Janet Wat- on, and , Mr. Vernon Miller of To- Tonto; Mr. and Mrs. J. noble, Miss Norma Vanstone, of Owen Sound; jack Dobie, who has been on active service in the airforce for over three years; Mrs. J. MacNangliton "of Lon- don; and Mr. Geo, French, a former resident of Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson' received many gifts including flowers, also cards, telegrams and cables, the first received being from Glasgow, Scotland. A gift of special interest was a book of golden memories composed by three :nieces, Mrs. L. Ruttan, Mrs. W. Mac- Donald, and Mrs. A. Ruttan, Their own family Mr. and Mrs, A. '12 Wells and. Miss Jean; Miss Helen *Gibson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bob 'Gibson, 9th concession, Howick; .Agnes and Margaret Wearring were -all able to be present and enjoy the day with them. EVENING AUXILIARY HAD THANKOFFERINfi The Autumn "Thankoffering meeting 'of the. Evening Auxiliary of the VVirighan. United Church, was held Tu es day eveMns, October' 17tit,., th e 'home of Mrs. G; L. Torrance. Mrs. 'W.- W: Currie •was. in charge 'of the meeting and conducted a Devo•!" tional period of prayer and Thanks- 'giving assisted by Miss Boe, Miss Twamley, Mrs. Hall, Miss Herd, Mrs. :Sparling, Mrs. Howson and Mrs. Beattie, followed by a piano solo by :Mrs. W. A. Galbraith. Miss Marion Simpson very capably .concluded the .study book. The president, Miss K. McGregor, 'conducted the business. Mrs. J. Reavie gaire a very interest- 'in report of the Sectional meeting "held recently at Ethel. At the conclusion a social 'hour was enjoyed. .Extend Blue Air. Letter Service Mr. A. M. Peebles, local postmaster, 'informed us on Tuesday that, the ex- tending of the Blue Air Letter to civil- ians within the Empire will be a great convenience to Many in this district. Formerly these Blue letters were only available to those sending mail to those in the forces. Now at the same price they can be used for civilian use. BRIDGE CLUB HELD FIRST FALL GAME 'Officers Elected For The Ensuing Year TO. PREACH SUNDAY Rev. J. F, Anderson of Sarnia Will Preach Anniversary Services In The United Church Sunday Next • • , .The congregation of Wingham United Church are looking forward to their anniversary services which are being held Sunday next, October 29th, at 1,1 aim, and T p.m, There"will also be a •sacred concert at 3.45 o'clock in the afternqpn. The guest speaker will be Rev. J, F. Anderson, who was minister of the church for six years leaving here for Sarnia, July 1940. The Elgar Quar- tette of Kitchener will be present at both services and will take a leading part in the sacred concert. Special music will also be rendered' by the choir under, the direction of Mr. A. W. Anderton, organist and choir leader. BLOOD URGENTLY NEEDED Next Clinic Will Be Held Here November 25th The Red Cross 'Blood Donor Clinic held here October 11th was the third in the standing of such clinics held- that week in the province. This is an outstanding achievement .for a district such as ours considering the size of the population in comparison to other places which held clinics that week. However the committee has inform- ed us that- there are many who have not as yet taken part in this service and it is impossible to keep up to the mark of, the last :clinic unless there is a great increase in new donors. , Mobile clinics are• providing about one quarter of the blood serum obtain- ed in Ontario. It is the objective to do much better. You may save the life of a soldier, airman, or sailor by your ,donation... .The next clinic here' will be on Wednesday, November 15th, FLIER WELL KNOWN HERE IS MISSING Sgt. T. H. Peers Formerly Stationed ' At Port Albert, Missing Miss Mabel Alta has received word that Sgt. T. H. Peers was reported Missing on September. 12th following air operations. Tom was well know here, He was a member of the Royal Air Force and came to Port Albert when it was first put in operation. He was mostly the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John W, Hanna on his many visits here. Two years ago last July he was transferred to Inclia and served there until he returned to England about the 'first of this year. His home was at Blackpool, England. Underwent Operation Mrs. Ross Orvis underwent an oper- ation for the removal of her 'appendix in Wingham General Hospital on Sun- . day. Won Scholarship Congratulations to George Thomson of Bluevale, a student at Western Uni- versity, London, who was awarded the Huron County Scholarship of $100 for making the highest marks of any course in the pi'eceeding year at the University. Phyllis Herman of Clin- ton was the winner of a similar scholarship for girls. George gradu- ated from Wingham High School in 1943. RATION BOOKS WERE ISSUED LAST WEEK About 11,000 VICTORY LOAN DRIVE IS NOW IN PROGRESS Campaign dot Underway Monday. Be Sure You Invest In Victory The 7th Victory Loan with an 013- jectiye of $1,300,000,000 is now under clay. The salesmen started on Mon- day to make their calls to raise the largest amount Canada has ever undertaken. The quotas for the various munici- palities in the county are: Canvassing District Quota 7th Loan Ashfield Township $ 104,000 Wawanosh West, 69,000 Colborne' Township 66,000 Goderich 435,000 Wawanosh East 69,000 Wingham 191,000 Turnberry Township 76,000 Howick Township 226,000 Morris Township 94,000 Grey Township 118,000 Brussels 76,000 Blyth 46,000 Tuckersmith Townshi 101,000 McKillop Township 101,000 Hullett Townslip 101,000 Seaforth 166,000 Stanley Township 102,000 Goderich Township 85,000, Hensall & Hay East 100,000 Zurich & Hay -West 91,000 Usborne Townshiv 100,000 Exeter • 151,000 Stephens East *66,000 Stephen West 66,000 Clinton 180,000 Air Schools 133,000 $ 3,113,000 Organization Honorary Chairman, Warden Fred Watson; Chairman, Rev, W. A. Bee- croft; Vice-Chairmen, Robert 'Bow- man, Dr. A. R. Campbell, James Kin- kead, W. L. Whyte, F. Fingland, H. C. MacLean. Town of Wingliam Chairman, Frank R. Howson; com- mittee, R. H. Lloyd, Charles • Roberts, -Mayor- ,F.: L. Davidson; secretary, Fred W. Spry; payroll savings, R. H. Lloyd, W. Gurney, E. S. Copeland; public relations, E. S. Copeland, chairman, W. W. Armstrong, W. T. Cruickshank; salesmen, J. J. Fryfogle, M. McPhail, H. V. Pym. Township of Turnberry Chairman, David Fortune; commit- tee, Rev. F. G. Fowler, John L. Mac- Ewan, George Lane, Roland Grain, Harold Moffatt, I. J. Wright, J. T. Wylie, Roy Porter; salesmen, Thomas Gilmour, Frank Powell, David .For- tune. Township of Morris , Chairman, Cecil Wheeler; salesmen, Menno Jackson, Cecil Wheeler, Ralph Shaw, Lyle Hopper. Township of East Wawanosh Chairman, John S. Scott; committee, R. R. Redmond, Adam Robertson, Alex M'cBurney, J. D. Beecroft; sales- men, Frank Marshall, John. S. Scott, Frank Thompson. Township of West Wawanosh Chairman, Thomas Webster; sales- men, Durnin- Phillips, Thomas Web- ster. Township of Howick Chairman, K. J. Hueston; commit- tee, J. W. Kreller, Robert L. Marshall, Allan Munro; salesmen, J. H. Wylie, W. E. Whitfield, Robert Gibson, W. Patterson, A. M. Harris. Township of Grey Chairman, Russell Knight;, commit- tee, Thomas Wilson, C. Rowland, Wil- bur .Turnbull, Geo.' MacDonald, Alex. Alexander, Stanley Machan; salesmen, Harry sear, Kenneth MacLean, Wat- son Brown, R, W. Whitfield. Village of Brussels Chairman, Robert Bowman; Com- mittee, Roy Cosies, R. W. Kennedy; salesmen, Robert Bowman, Robert Warwick, Village of Blyth Chairthan, L. Kilborn; committee, Jack Watsotn. Herb. McElroy; sales- men, Ray Dobbyn, Gordon Augustine. NEW MINISTER AT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. N, H. igorton Commenced Pastor4te Here Last Sunday Re1v, J. N, H. Norton, who came ',here ftem Wiarton, com- mended ,his pastbra.te at 'the Baptist Church, Large 'eongregations were present 'to welcome him. Next Sunday he 'will have as his subjects "Helping God Against •the Mighty" and "The Wounds of Jesus". At the morning service a ladies' trio from the London ,, Bible Institute will assist with the, service, BINGO BiNhO - BINGO • Attend the Legion Bingos held each Saturday night in, the Council Chtmb- ers. Good Prizes. -Proceedi for overseas smokes or post war work for new army veterans. - Euchre And Da4e In the Sacred Iieart• Hall, on Mon- day -evening, OctclIber 30th, Euchre at 8:15, followed b*dancing • to Brown's Orchestra.- Spoke At Chatsworth Rev. E. 0. 'Gallagher addressed the Deanery of Grey Sunday School and Young People's Association annual meeting at Chatsivorth on Thursday night. Made Donations • From proceeds of activities at Holmes' School recently the following donations have been made: Red Cross, $12.00; ,..Red 'Shield, $12.00; Navy League, $10.00. Bride Honoured By Friends The home of Mrs. Geo. R. Scott, was the scene of aslal'rely party in hon- our of Mrs. Roy Morgan (nee Alberta Walker). There were about 55 pres- ent and they presented her with' a miscellaneous shower of lovely gifts. During the evening' a musical contest was held which was won by Mrs. Harold Kerr and Mrs. Hartley Smith, The hostesses were: Mrs. Norman Rintoul, Mrs. James Carr, Mrs. Edna Carr, Mrs. J. Zeigler, Mrs. Marvin Sinallman, Miss Marjorie Herd, Mrs. A. Lunn and Mrs. Geo, R. Scott, PLANS COMPLETED FOR HORSE SHOW Will Be Afternoon And Evening Performance lite show has been extended this year to have afternoon and evening sho*Ws. The afternoon show will coinhietted at 8 o'tloek and thittlitti wiit,.he, admitted tree, Th6 everAng show gets: 'Under. way at T:86 o'clock and there, will be... something doing. until the final of hurdles at BUSINESS ClIANHES ON MAIN STREET Howard Sherbondy Purchases Williams Restaurant Two eating places will be under new ownership and management here in the near future, 'Mr. Howard Sherbondy, who has operated the Queens Coffee Shop for the past nine years, has pur- chased the Williams Restaurant, and will take possession this week-end. It will be a few days however before it will be Open for business as the new proprietor will make some improve- ments before starting business in the new stand, The business in the Queens Hotel, dining room and lunch, will be oper- ated by, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Yernan. They will take possession some time in November. Mrs. Yemen is no stranger here as she is the former Jean Fralick and operated a tea room here a few years ago. DEANERY OF HURON FALL CONFERENCE Meetings Were Held At Hensall The annual fall conference of the Deanery of -Huron was held at Hen- sall on Friday. Many delegates from St, Pa all's W .A. were in attendance. The Chapter and Laymen's Associ- ation met in the morning, and afternoon under the chairmanship of Rev. E. 0. Gallagher, rural dean, At 10 o'clock the Holy Communion was celebrated with the rural dean as .celebrant. Following the service' the Deanery W. A. met with Mrs. E. 0, 1 Gallagher, Deanery president, in the chair. Ad- dresses were heard from Mrs. H. Tay- lor and Mrs. A. Tuckey, secretary of Dorcas work in the diocese of Huron. At a joint meeting at 3 o'clock Rev, Alford Abraham gave a gripping story, illustrated, of the church's work on the West Coast. -ThirWas 'one' 'of' the finest conferences the deanery has known for many years and was splendidly attended. CAR ACCIDENT SOUTH OF TOWN Truck Collided With Boy On Bicycle Tuesday morning the Canada Pack- ers truck from Clinton driven by A. Monaghan, .collided with James John- ston, son of Mr, and Mrs. Gershon Johnston, who was riding a bicycle to school. The lad was coming toward Wingham as was the truck. Jimmy turned across the highway to go into Bob Arbuckle's. The truck swerved to miss him but the front part of the rack hit him. The boy was shaken up and bruised. The truck went off the road hitting a tree, A wrecking car towed it to Clinton as it was badly damaged in 'the fore part. Engagement Announced Cpl. and Mrs. H. Sinnamon, Minnie St., wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjory Lavina, to Mr. Ernest W, Beecroft, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Beecroft, East Wa- wanosh, The marriage takes place in November, FOWL BINGO Will be held in the Wingham Armouries Monday, November 6th, Admission 50 cents for 20 games, also 5 specials at 10c •each. Proceeds for Hospital Building Fund. LEBANON CHAPTER HAD BM NIGHT District Grand Superintendent Made His Official Visit The local Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons were Honoured on Tues- day evening when Rt, Ex, Comp. Joseph W, Stewart, Grand Superin- tendent of Huron District NO. 6, made his official visit. There was an ex- cellent attendance and visitors were present from Lucknow and Kincar- dine. The work in the lodge room was tire Degree with a candidate from the Kincardine Chapter and two frotn Lebanon Chapter, . Pollowing the work in the. lodge room SOCial time was held In the banquet room, OVERSEAS LETTERS OF LOCAL INTEREST The first two letters were received, by Ernie Lewis from George Lloyd, and Bill licigg in appreciation of the, cigarettes sent to them by the Serg- eant's Mess of the 99th (R) Battery, R.C.A, The Mess also received replies from Jack Orvis, Ted Elliott, and. Clarence Ohm, thanking them for cigarettes. Dear Ernie: Just a short note to thank the boys of the N,C.O's, mess for the carton of cigarettes that they sent me. It was yery kind of them and I appreciate 'it very much. I haven't seen very many Wingham boys since coming over, but I did run into George Baker from Brussels, who used to be in the 99th. I also had a letter from Al Williams last week and he seems to be doing all right. I read in the paper where the 99th. went to camp for two weeks again this year. I would liked to have been there as I •had a lot of fun the year I went. So far over here I have clone hardly anything but, fly, particularly at this stage of the game. They 'are flying us day and night with very little rest in between flights. However, I don't expect to do very many operations from this country and will probably go other places in the near future. Anyway, I will certainly see the -world- Say hello to all the boys for me and thanks again for the cigarettes. Sincerely, George H. Lloyd. * * * A104607 Bdr. W. Hogg, 19Cdn, Army Fld. Regt, R.C.A. 99th Bty. B.W.E.F, Dear Ernie: Just a few lines to let you know I received the cigarettes from your boys last night and thanks a million, they are certainly welcome, We. get,issued .English cigarettes all the time but they can't touch the Sweet Caps any day. -Well we're doing pretty good over here. Ernie, at least we think so and liking the country, people etc pretty good. Have seen most of Belgian and France and part of Holland so we have, seen quite a lot of country and it is sure beautiful. They seem glad to see the boys coming and no wonder, if the stories are all true about the Jerries, and I guess they are.. Red Elliott and I are together yet on the same crew, he got his cig's also last night and will likely 'be writing today. He is fine and right in there pitching, Well I am not much at this jab Ern- ie, but just wanted you to know I got the fags O.K. So long for now and hope we are -back there pretty soon. Sincerely, Bill. (Continued on page three) RECEIVED CALL TO EXETER CHURCH Rev. Kenneth MacLean has received a call as minister of Exeter Presby-, terian Church. The Presbytery will meet here on Tuesday next week to consider this matter. Mr. MacLean came to St. Andrew's Presbyterian. Church as minister in 1930. WORTH AUXILIARY HAD FINE MEETING. Mrs. W. A. Russell Was Guest Speaker At The Thankoffering Meeting The Fall Thankoffering meeting of the Goforth Auxiliary of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, was held at the home of Mrs. George Scott, with a splendid attendance, with the presi- dent, Mrs. 5, P. MelCibbon in the chair. The meeting opened with a hymn as invocation. The scripture reading, "David's song of Thanks- giving," was given by Mrs, 13. Spears, after which Mrs. D, Murray led ht prayer, The offering was dedicated by Miss Dorothy Deans. The musical part of the meeting took the form of a solo by Mrs. Horace Aitcheson. The guest speaker for the evening Was Mrs. W, A. Russell, whose theme was "Why, Thankoffering". Sire dealt with her subject in three different parts "What does out church means to us" "What sloes our Bible meati us", and "I-low do we giver Another interesting feature of the evening was a shower for the Navy. League ditty bags. .After 'tire +closing' hymn, Mrs: Rennetli Iltfactean pro. pounced the benediction. A ' cup of tea was then enjoyed, The Wingham Bridge Club on Fri- day evening held its first game for this season. The usual night for'these games is Thursday but two more games will be held on Friday evenings before -/,lay is, held en the regular night:, Officers were elected as fellows; President—Duncan Kennedy, Past PreS.—Mrs, A. Wilson, Vide-Pres. — Miss Margaret Mac- :Lean, Sec'y,—Mrs. O. Colborne. Treas,--Gordon MacKay. Tota -lament Chairnian—J, H. Craw- • ford. Social Convenor.—Mrs, E. M. Snell. The result of the play was 'as fel- lows; North and South-1st., 0, Hamel, grove and )", 11, Crawford; 2nd., Mrs, • V, A, Parker and Mrs. W. H, French' ' 8rd., Mrs, W. L., Kress and W. W. Armstrong; 4th,, Mrs. A, R, DuVal and Mrs. H, C, MacLean. East and West—lSt, MISS nary Johnston. and Mrs. It. S. Iletherington; 2nd,, Miss Y. Merheraoh mid M rs.s C,, Artni- t age; ftrd,, Mts, FT. Campbell...and, Mrs, G. Godkin; 4t11,, Mrs, O.,,Colfidttle:tittd Art, Wilson. Books Issued In This District Held Successful Bingo The Oddfellews held a very success- The issuing of the Ration Books No. ful bingo in their rooms on Thursday 5, last week, was accomplished 41 this evening. The proceeds are for the ad- district by the use of 14 distributing ditien to the hospital. centres, About 11,000 books were is- sued under tile supervision of Ration THREE CHILDREN Board L 31 with headndatters here, WERE BAPTIZE') Voluntary helpers here were: Rev. W. A, Beecroft in Wingham United Church on Sunday morning., three children were christened: Eliza- beth Lynn, daughterkof,, Mr, ,,arise, Mrs. E.E L Stoeltey; phni Ed and, son of Mrs, • Prank Madill; and tan:retie tVOntle, .daughter of Mr. and ' ' • "`"i rs, James Walpole, The second annual Wingham Horse Show will again this year be an out- standing event. The number of en- tries, according to forecast, will ex- ceed those of last year. New classes have been added which rounds out the entry list to make it very complete. The Hackney Ponies which were not on the list last year have been added and a good entry is expected in this class. Another feature will be McAdams trick horse. Those who have seen this animal perform report it tops in its class. The fair will be opened by Mr. J. A. Carroll, Director of Fairs, and he will be introduced by Mr. John W. Hanna, M.P.P. Many new seats have been installed at the arena, to give accommodation to about 300 more patrons. This will Mrs. 14, Aitchison ' Mrs. welcomerton, At a baptismal service conducted by 'be news, to the public, Mrs.• Cleland, Mrs. E. O. Gallagher, Mrs.• Gannnage, Mrs. Greer, Mrs, Griffin, Mrs. W. Henry, Mrs. C, tlop- per,. Miss Vivian McLean, F, Parker P,Iiifist IC. Pringle, Mrs, (Dr.) WAS, iMra. Evelyn Seett, Mrs, W. VariWyck, M s, `WAN/Attains, Mrs. A,