The Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-05-25, Page 4Vigor:), Fertilizer-
1 lb. 15c; 10 lbs. 45c; 25 lbs. $1.00; 100 lbs. $4.00.
Shur-Gain Fertilizer ' , 100 lbs. $3.00
5 Foot Step Ladders $2.75
Wood's Cow Boy Electric Fence, complete—
only , $14.95
Extra Porcelains for Electric Fence doz. 30c
Eveready Hot Shot Battery , $2.40
Roll Brick Siding square $4.25
Roll Roofing per roll $2.00; $2.25; $2.95
And Farmers' -.Supply House
'The Store Where You Get The Most For The
Money You Spend"
Hybrid. Seed Corn, 1 bus, plants 6 acres, bus16,00
Laurentian Registered Turnip Seed „ lb, $1.10
Purple King & Canadian Gen Turnips Seed, lb. 95c
Mangel Seed, white, yellow, red , ... . lb, 75c
Wire Fence-8 wire, 42 inches high ,even spac-
ing—pre-war prices . , . . rod 56c
Barb Wire-80 roc' roll .. , .roll $3.60
Poultry Fence-18 wire, 48 inches high, heavy,
Rod 88',4c
Lowe Bros. Paint—highest quality, "Used on
warships" ........ .... . . qt. $1.45; gal. $4.75
Nepto-lac--Interior or exterior
1/2 pt., 65c; qt. $1.90; gal $6.60
Richmond Enamel 1/2 pt. 25c; qt. 85c
Richmond House Paint qt. 75c; gal. $2.49 Lever Brothers' Lifebuoy Follies which in the last two years has entertained over 300,000 men and women in uni-
form, puts on one of the few civilian shows of its career when it comes to Belgrave on Monday, May 29th, at-
9 p.m. All proceeds from the sale of tickets go to the local branch of the Red Cross, Cost of the Follies from,
left to right—Front row: Irene Hughes, Joan Elaine, Pat Rofferty, Helen Bruce, Daphine MacFarlane. Back row--
Jimmy Devon, Jack Ayre, Norman Evans.
40, • .
1%2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
Thursday, :May :2Stht. 'Kt
FOR SALE — Purebred Shorthorn
bull, 11 months old. Apply to Ed-
gar Wightman, Belgrave, Brussels
phone 15X8.
FOR RENT—Small apartment over
Dunlop's Shoe Store. Apply to Mrs.
W. J. Greer, phOne 13'7.
FOR SALE — Baby bed, 18x36,
practically new. Phone 338W.,
FOR SALE — a real good 6-tube
Spartan radio, all good batteries,
nearly new, sell cheap. Apply to
Percy Coupland, Wroxeter,
FOR SALE—One set of sad irons,
handle and stand, nearly new. Ap-
ply Advance-Times.
FOR SALE — Cow 5-years-old, fresh-
ening June 1st. Apply John Fal-
FOR SALE — Sewing machine in
good condition. Apply Miss Mary
Pattison; 'con John and Shuter Sts.,
'FOR SALE — Grey go-cart in good
condition. Apply Advance-Times,
FOR SALE — Chesterfield and oak
table, phone 227.
FOR SALE — Man's Used Bicycle
in good condition, Apply John R.
VanCamp, Belgrave, phone 15X15
baling, Premium paid for good
quality. Clover and clover mixed.
Harry Irwin, P.O. Box 124, Luck-
MENTS. Used by hundreds from
Coast to Coast for Eczema, Psorias-
is, Impetigo, Boils, Pimples, Chaps,
Erythema., Etc. 50c; $1,00. (Med-
ium, and Strong). Sold by MclCib-
bon's Drug Store,
LADY—Married or single able to
spend a few hours a week selling
well known Rawleigh Products can
make very good profits. Easy
work. Ear details apply, Rawleigh's
Dept. ML-453-309-E, Montreal,
-Apply Mrs. Carl Thorns, Cath.
critic St., Wingham,
LAWN MOWERS — Sharpened and
repaired. Leslie McDougall,
LAWN lVfOWERS — sharpened and
repaired. Apply to B, Jenkins,
Minnie St.
TENDERS — will be received by the
undersigned until June 10th ,1944,
for the building of a woodshed at
U.S.S. No. 10, KinlotS. The said
building will be 14x14 feet of frame
ConStruction on a cement foundation,
Plans and specifications may be
cured from the secretary, R. C., Me-
Cleinagltart,'ILR, No. 5, Lttckriow.
TEACHER WANTED — A qualified
teacher is required for S,S, No. 8,
Morris. Duties to commence in
September. Applicants please state,
qualifications, experience and salary.
Ralph Shaw, Bluevale,
shop experience. Refer to Order
No. '570: Employment & Selective
—quick relief from digestive ail-
ments, acid stomach, heartburn.
Pleasant, economical. 50c and $1. at
McAvoy's Drug Store.
WANTED—Used roll top desk, Ap-
ply Advance-Times.
WANTED — Male clerk for large
chain grocery store in Western On-
tario town, experience preferred,
war workers ineligible. Apply to
nearest Employment Selective Ser-
vice Office. Refer to CR1003.
eight weeks of age and older, Barred
Rocks, New Flampshires and White
Leghorns. Apply to the Tweddle
Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus,
Township of Turnberry
Sealed tenders will be received by
the undersigned for the cleaning out
of the Henderson drain' on the report
made by F M, Eagleson, O.L.S,
Specifications may be seen at the
Clerk's Office. Tenders to be in the
hands of the Clerk by 12 o'clock noon,
June 5th, 1944, Tender must be ac-
companied by a marked cheque of 10
per cent. of tender. Lowest or nny
tender not necessarily accepted.
Township of Turnberry,
Wingham, Ontario.
Township of East Wawanosh
A Court of Revision on the Asses`
anent Roll of the Township of East
Wawanosh for the year 1944 will be
held at the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave,
on Tuesday, June 6th, 1944, at 2
o'clock in the afternoon.
Parties having business at the said
Court will attend at said time and
place without further notice,
Clerk of East Wawanosh,
13elgrave, Ontario.
Town of Wingitarn
A Court of Revision on the Asses-
merit Roll of the Town of Winghani
for the year 1944 will be held at the
Town on Monday evening, May
20th, 1944. at 8 o'clock.
Parties having business at the said
Court will attend at the said time and
place 'Without further notice.
. Town Clerk..
Recruiting Center At London Makes
Aircrew is the name given to the
crew of a fighting plane, 'Usually
there are five members of an aircrew,
Navigator, Air Bomber, Wireless 01$,
erator Air Gunner, Air Gunner and
Pilot. After you enlist in the R.C.A.F„
as Aircrew, the particular training you,
will receive is determined on the 'basis
of your qualifications and the needs of
the service,
Young men, under the revised regu-
lations, men physically fit and ment-
ally alert, between the ages of 17%
and not yet 29 years, can be accepted
for any of the .Categories of the Air-
crew team.
Visit or write to the R.C.A.F. • Re-
cruiting Centre, Bell Building, Lon,
don, for full particulars.
Those who attended the graduation
of Miss Aileen Campbell as nurse in
Kitchenef, on Friday afternoon et 3
p.m. were, her parents, Mr.'and Mrs,
Cyril Campbell, her aged grandmother,
Mrs. Henry Campbell, her sisters and
brother, the ,Misses Grace and Louise
Campbell and Harry Campbell, her
aunt, Mrs. Charles Alton 'and Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Alton, all from Con, 10,
Mr. and Mrs, George Lane and son
Clifford, spent Sunday in London with
their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Goldie Wheeler, and seeing their
first grandchild, baby son, Kenneth
Pearl and Irene, daughters of the
late William G. Paton, take this op-
portunity of expressing their appreci-
ation to their relatives and friends for
the kindness and sympathy extended
to them in their recent bereaveinent.
of Cattle, Pigs, Implements and House-
hold Effects
Will be held at South half Lot 34,
Concession 9, East Wawanosh, 3 miles
vliest of Belgrave, at 1 p.m., on Tues-
day, June 6th. The following is for
1 hereford cow, registered, 4 years
old with calf at foot, bred to a regis-
tered bull; 1 hereford cow, registered,
4 years old, due July 1,5, bred to a
registered bull; 2 hereford heifers,
yearlings, registered, pedigrees produc-
ed at time of sale; 1 durham tcow, 8
years old, due June 22nd: 4 pigs, about
80 lbs; democrat; wardrobe; set of
sleighs; wagon; M.-H. binder;
mower; 2 set of harrows; walking
plow; scuffler; fanning mill; cut'
sower; medium size churn; clothes
plunger; side carrier for car; verandah
gate; 2 marshall mattresses, one nearly
new; 3 set of bed springs; 2 iron bed-
steads; 1 wooden bed; 2 bedroom
suites; 1 odd dresser; 4 wash stands;
sideboard; extension table; 1% doz.
chairs; 1 arm chair; pair of mission
oak chairs; pair of upholstered wicker
chairs; 2 rocking chairs; tapestry rug
4x4 yds.; tapestry rug 3x3 yds.; 1
couch; sewing machine; 3 toilet sets;
phonograph records; rubber bath tub;
2 writing desks with book case;
small tables; 1 cooking range; 1 heater;
mantle clock; quantity of dishes;
sealers, crocks and cooking utensils:
pictures; oil lamps; 2' wash boilers; 2
galvanized wash tubs; pails; quantity
of lumber;. cross cut saw, and other
Matt Gaynor, Mrs, Alex Porterfield,.
Auctioneer Albert Vincent,
Federal Buildings—Province of
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
undersigned and endorsed "Tender for
Coal," will be received until 3 p.m.
(E.D.S.T.), Wednesday, June 7, 1944,
for the supply of coal and coke for the
Dominion Buildings throughout the
Province of Ontario.
Forms of tender with specifications
and conditions attached can be obtain-
ed front the Purchasing Agent, De-
partment of Public Works, Ottawa;
and the Supervising Architect, 36 Ade-
laide St. East, Toronto, Ont.
Tenders should be made on the
forms supplied by the Department and
in accordance with departmental speci-
fications and conditions attached there,.
to, Coal -dealers' licence numbers
must be given when tendering.
The Department reserves the right
to demand from any successful tender,
er, before awarding the order a seettr-
ity deposit in the form of a certified
cheque on a chartered bank in Can,
ada, made payable to the order of the.
Honourable the Minister of Public
Works, equal to 10 per cent of the
amount, of the tender, or Bearer Bonds
of the Dominion of Canada or of the
Canadian National Railway Company'
and its constituent companies uneondi-
ttonally guaranteed as to principal anda
interest by the Dominion of Canada,
or the aforementioned bonds and
certified thequer if required to make
up an odd amount.
Such security will serve as a guaran-
tee for •the proper fulfilment of the
By order
Depattrriertt t5f Public Works,
Ottawa, May 15, 1944,
Walton Man Spoke To Mission Band
The Thankoffering meeting of the
Brave Adventurers Mission Band of
Brick. United Church, was held Friday
-night, May 1,9th, in the church. The
meeti ng 91=0 with quiet music f4Y
Jean Leaver with Eileen Snell presid-
ing. The Call of Worship was follow-
ed by the members repeating the Pur-
pose. The song "Touch Hands
Around the Rolling World" was then
sung, the worship story being told by
Miss McGowan. Jim Irwin and Wil-
fred Shiell led in prayer. The scrip-
ture, psalm 96, was read by Eleanor
Wightman and Barbara Irwin. The
hymn "Jesus Loves the Little Chil-
dren" was then sung followed by a
recitation by Evelyn Leaver. Mr.
Clarence Grainger, Walton, then gave
a very interesting talk. Eva Dow then
led in prayer. Hymn "From Ocean
Unto Ocean" was then sung. The of-
fering was received by Nelson Dow
and Jack Shiell, and Rev. Dunlop dedi-
cated the offering, A hymn was sung
and the meeting closed with the bene-
diction by Rev, Dunlop.
'Mrs. Jno. R. Clark of Wingham,
visited last week with her niece, Mrs.
Mrs. Percy Caslick and renewed
acquaintances in the neighbourhood.
There was an attendance of sixty-
two at Sunday School at Holme's
School last Sunday afternoon. The
Bible class was taught by Jno. Fal-
coner, the senior, by Rev. John Lucas,
the juniors,`-by Mrs. Nelson Pickell,
and the primary class, by Mrs. Jno,
Falconer, in the absence of the regular
teacher, Mrs. Frank Collar. Everyone
was pleased to ye Mrs. John Kelly at
Sunday School, and to know that she
Is able to be about again. •The calico,
tion amounted to well over $4.00.
Sunday with John Burchill,
There is to be a meeting in Holme's
School, 10th of Turnberry, of interest-
ed ratepayers at 8,30 Thursday even-
ing, for the purpose of discussing
larger school areas, Inspector Kin-
kead is 'to be present' and it is to he
hoped that at least one from every
family- in the section will be present.
This is an important question at the
present time and rural people feel the
need of further education on such sub-
jects, so this meeting affords everyone
an opportunity .for asking questions.
The second regular monthly meeting
Mrs, Ernest Wilkins, 4th con,. near
DunganriOU,. spent Sunday with her
daughter, Mrs, Bert Alton.
Papers are being ordered for the mem-
bers, and a picnic is being planned.
Mrs. G, Lloyd Johnston of Owen
Sound, visited last week with her sis-
ter-in-law, Mrs. W. N. Pickell and
family. Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Johnston
of Wingham are also 'visiting at ,the
Pickell home.
Miss Dorothy Walters of London,
spent the week-end at her home, and
also visited her sister, Mrs. Ross Mc-
Rae, and new nephew at the Wingham
General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Welwood and
Gordon, f Whitechurch, visited on < 10=0A..... 0=0)
1 r
0 0=0=======OrIO =0 =
AUCTION SALE — of the house-FOR SALE—Used silver fox scarf,
hold effects of the late Mary Owens, I beautiful .brush, perfect condition,
will be held at Belgrave, at 2 p.m., less than 1/2, price. Advance-Times.
on Friday, May 26th. Terms: Cash.
Matt. Gaynor, auctioneer,
0=0=10=0 0=r
Simmers SEEDS . . 6 Pkgs. 25c
Pure LARD . . g lbs 29c
Aylmer Dehydrated BEANS 2 for 17c
Joidan's GRAPE 'JUICE 16 oz. . 25c
BRAN FLAKES 8 oz. 2 for 21c 14 oz. 16c
Domino TEA 8 oz. pkge — 2 Coupons 33c
Quaker FLOUR 24 lb. 69c - 981b. 2.49
SUPER SUDS . Reg. 20c Giant 39c
Palmolive SOAP Reg. 3 for 17c, Giant 3 for 23c AnivIgg
Tomato or Vegetable Soup ..2 for. 17c
Domino TEA BAGS 15's .4 . 15c
Dominion BREAD
of the Farm Radio Forum took the
form of i joint meeting with the'
Forum on the Bruce-Huron highway
at the home of 'Frank McCormick, on
'Monday evening;',_ Lively discussions
took 'place on the three. questions,
given. It is hoped to hold a picnic
in June, these two forums and one or'
two others, Further plans will be.
made at the next regular meeting to•
be held jointly at the home of Earl
Caslick, '
Mr, Jim 'McGlynn had the misfort--
tune to lose a mare and colt one day--
last week.
Cooking Onions 2 lbs 15c
Grapefruit 96's . 3 for 24c
CARROTS . 3 lbs 25c
CABBAGE . 2 lbs 15c
ORANGES 220 Doz. 45c
POTATOES, pk. . 49c
LEMONS 300's . 6 for 20c
TOMATOES, lb.. 27c
ORANGES 250 size Doz. 35c
PARSNIPS . 2 lbs 19c
TURNIPS, lb. . . 4c
2 24 oz Loaves Sic
DO ::#1 11410N