The Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-03-16, Page 7writing rooms provide them with lila- toriA)s and a comfortable place to write lettern the billiard rooms provide them with a place to while away an hour or a day; comfortable chairs in a large and bright lounge room at- tract those who tire of going places or 'are recovering from the previous clay's sight-seeing tour — for London has much to show the visitor despite the punishment it tools during the blit; the washroom provides them with a place to clean up and free shav- ing equipment is provided so that the boys do not need to carry shaving kit with them while on holiday. Sev- eral sections of the ;building are given over to providing them with food, The queues are endless, in our tour we visited the kitchens where they pre- pare the food and the odor was such as would tempt anyone to eat, The quality and quantity of the dinner be- ing served for about 33 cents caused one to marvel that it could be pro- duced so cheaply for outside of the Beaver Club -the same meal could not be obtained for less than five shillings, about $1,25, if obtainable at all in any high class 'London hotel. Inspecting another queue we found them being served delicious pancakes smothered with Canadian maple syrup and dough- nuts hot from the machine which turn- ed out about 1400 daily—all that the flour quota would 'permit. In another room sandwiches were provided—but in each section there was an endless queue and the volunteer workers sel- dom enjoyed an idle moment. There was no need to ask the boys what they thought of it all for it was clearly evident on their faces that the Beaver Club was providing thdin with a home away from home.. The pleasant man- ner in which the volunteer workers went about ,their tasks added a great deal to the atmosphere of the Club. 102,000 Canadians Registered At the Information Desk we were rather rather surprised to learn that `over 102,000 Canadians had registered, at the club. As each man makes use of the club he is expected to register, leaving his name and address with the club. No record is kept of succeeding visits. Through these records the boys can learn quickly if their friends have arrived from Canada and visited Lon- don and the address permits them to make quick connections with their friends. Find Lodgings The chub does not rum a rooming house, but it does aid in finding, beds for those who need them. Bed and breakfast may be secured for two shillings or about fifty cents, which ia very reasonable indeed. On. Satur- day night the overflow crowd is hard to handle, but as a last resort the air raid shelters in the tubes are used and a comfortable bed is provided. Special buses carry ,the boys to the shelters where blankets are provided and canteen service available. BRITAIN'S ROYAL FA MY AT WINDSOR CASTLE VHS IS THE LATEST PICTURE OF THE ROYAL VAIVIILY TAKEN IN WINDSOR CASTLE BY CECIL BEATON, INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER. A charming group made shortly after January 1, was made• In Windsor Castle, Princess Elizabeth, left and just released, of Xing George VI, Queen Elizabeth heir to the throne, will be 18 in April. rmel their tun-, aapohters. The photo. by Cecil Beaton. BST WAWANQSII COUNCIL Grant Of $15.00 Made To Belgrave School Fair Council met on March 7th, Reeve Beecroft presiding, Minutes of previ- ous two meetings were read and ap- proved. Letters from Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, and the secretary of the. Navy League were read and ordered filed. Considering the surplus on hand a motion by N. McDowell, seconded by H. Black, that the bank loan of $2,000 used to purchase a Vic- tory Bond be paid, Carried. The Reeve and Road Superintendent gave very comprehensive reports of the Municipal Association and Good Roads conventions recently held. Mr. Cyrus Scott waited on Council request- ing a grant to Belgrave, School Fair. As in former years fifteen dollars was granted. As considerable 1943 taxes remain unpaid, the time for collecting was extended to April 4. Road Accounts of $31,79 and Gen- eral Accounts totalling $135.00 were ordered paid, Council adjourned to meet again on April 4th. R. R. Redmond, Clerk, TURNBERRY COUNCIL To Clean Out Henderson Drain Minutes of council meeting held in Bluevale, Ont., 6th March, 1944, Moved by Porter and King that the minutes of last meeting be adopted as read. Carried. The following letters were received and read: Mich. Sckiiestal, Glenan- itan; A. C. Mason, Wallenstein; N. W. Miller, Goderich; Navy League of Canada, Toronto; Can. Nat. Railways, Stratford; Wartime Prices and T. B., London; Salvation Army, London; Minister of Health, Toronto. MoVed by Porter and Fischer, that we extend the time for Collector to re- turn roll of 1943 to 3nd April, 1944. Carried. Moved by Fischer and King that we accept the tender of Sparling Yeo fon crushing and spreading gravel at 59c per yard. Carried. Moved by Breckenridge and Fischer that we ask for tenders for cleaning out the Henderson drain on report of the engineer, F. M, Eagleson. All necessary informatibn can be seen in Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vigor? Try Ostres Tonic Tablets., Contains tonics, stimu-lants. Jron. Vitamin 137, calcium, pl ieeph orus ; al ds normal pal/, v1ut. dyer, vitality atter 30,10, or se. Introductory else only 35e, It not delighted With results of Prat package, maker refunds leie prim ' At all druggists. Start taking Osumi Tablets today. tributed varying amounts , compile a lengthy list and we will not attempt .to name them, but it can be said they have made a contribution to a project that stands high in the estimation of the Canadian soldier, 10,000 Visitors Daily One can very easily visualize the extent of the work carried on by this organization when they realize that some 10,000 Canadians pass through this club daily. Over the week-end it is estimated that this figure runs to 14,000. It takes some 800 volunteer' workers to'cater to the needs of this army of men for the club is open day and night, operating on a 24-hour basis. 'Here the boys arrange to meet their pals from the various units who may be obtaining their 'leave at the same time. Here they pick up mes- sages front their friends and mail from home The reading rooms offer them the latest papers from home; the WITH OUR' WEEKLY NEWSPAPER REPRESENTATIVES OVERSEAS (By C. J. Allbon, Jr.) While Canadians at borne know that the Beaver Club near Trafalgar ,Square in London is doing a good job for the Canadian ,troops; there are few who realize just how far this club Aloes go to make life for the Canadian, soldier on leave a very real pleasure. In this article we want to tell you something about this club and the good work it is doing. Its Founder The club was founded by the Right -Honorable Vincent Massey, High Commissioner for Canada; and Mrs. Massey, both of whom are actively interested in the welfare of the Cana- ,1•••••11•10104 DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled R. R, 1, Kincardine Phone: Ripley 30-24. J. W. BUSIIFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc Money To Lciart Office -- Meyer Block, 'Wingharn 5 ig A1:110 E R / If41.1,61, MI japE o IZINdkii1211117:1 inigt,'__,M111'. HOP i'llA110111MINQIII;;'.', ' 'i:11g1E3G2147:13111101t1 A INEillidiTrdlIPIIHRIN .,, ,Ipr gumugur 1 p..miR Riiir.,' E 22 410 .•••;, IMO A "1 V DI1 051 M , Elf10211#1 .4 C _ /1111 OW, WINGTIAM APV;ANCE-1:111/14$ PA Trhursday, March, .16.th, 1944 Weeitly, 'Papers Warded When. Manager W,. H. Spearman arid his assistant manager, A, L. Ash-, ton, discovered that their visitors were: editors Of weekly • newspapers they were quick to point put the need of more Canadian weekly newspapers on. the .reading racks, Many daily papers across Canada are represented and Canadian weeklies VA. help to make life pleasant forthese boys by provici. ing them with the latest news of their home town. A special file for week- lies will be set up asa soon as a suffici- ent 'number reach the club,- Each . paper will have a file of its own and, the • boys will be able to go back through the file for months with a great deal of enjoyment, In this way the weeklies can do must to help maintain . the morale of the boys who have been away from home for a long time, Red Cross serum is saving the lives of hundreds of wounded sailors, soldiers and airmen. But thousands of additional blood donors' are needed. Give a pint of blood to save a life. Call Red Cross Blood Donor Service. • II Next Blood Donor Clinic will be held in the Council Chamber, Wingham, on Wednesday, March 22nd. Register at McKibbon's Drug Store, or Red Cross Work Room. Cleric's office, Tenders 'to be in the hands of Clerk at 12 o'clock noon' on Monday, April 3rd., 1.944. Lowest and any tender not necessarily 'accepted. Carried. The following accounts were paid: Sundry $13.47; Roads $22,80, Sealed tenders for crushing and spreading of 4000 yds. gravel were opened — Joe Kerr, Sparling Yeo, Sparling Yeo received contract. Letters received from ladies and men on active service who received pen and pencil sets: Clark Sharpie, LAW. Gladys Musgrove,- Jack M. Willitts. Moved by Fischer and Breckenridge that we adjourn to meet at Bluevale on Monday, 3rd April, 1944, at 1 p.m. Carried. W. R. Cruikshank, H. Moffat, Clerk. Reeve. en 30 4 ! 7 7 about half way across, they met a load of hay going in the opposite direction. So they had the other larnier back into one of the limbs until they got past. Lion Gord thought the story good en- ough to escape a fine. On asking Lion Hal. MacLean, as a former lumber- man ,if he thought the story was true, Lion Hal, replied he was sure it was true as he was the man on the second load of hay. The Tailtwister produced a copy of the Advance-Times and claimed that Lion Harry Gibson had tried to secure- some free advertising in connection with a talk on fox raising recently re- ported in the paper. The word bread had been used and although Lion Harry claimed it was not his fault, he. was fined. Lion Fred Spry was welcomed back to the Club after his recent illness and -he in turn thanked the Lions for the basket of fruit sent him, The . Tailtwister found a nickel plated one cent piece in the fine box and he felt that as 'the Western Foundry was the- only place in town where this could be done, he fined Lion Fred Spry for turning out nickel pl.ted coppers. Lion Harold Victor Pym favored with a solo number with Lion Bill Connell at the piano. This was a song with the Red Cross as the theme and. on mentioning that it could be bought at McKibbon's Drug Store, the Tail- twister fined Lion Jack McKibbon fo'r the free advertising. The song was, much appreciated. Lion Chas. Rob- erts reported that the Red Cross campaign was making fine progress and he felt that the objective would soon be reached, The matter of co-operation with a local' committee in making a canvass of the town for a worthy object was discussed and it was agreed that the Lions co-operate and heading up the campaign with a donation of $100. A committee was selected to co-operate in this matter. The meeting closed, with the usual song and Lions' Roar. 11•••••••=414.1.11...11 THE BEAVER CLUB dian soldier. Among those who put money into the project are such men as Ernest H. Coope<who fought with the Canadians in the last war and was very much interested in this effort to provide a place where 'Canadians could meet in London when on leave; and where their interests • could be looked after as they should. be. Mr. Cooper, who is head of Gillett Indus- tries, put £10,000 into the club 'as did Mr. Charles A. Banks. Lord Beaver- brook, another great' ,Canadian and publisher of the Daily Express, added another £5,000; the 'Canadian Red Cross £3,748, while the Y.M.C.A. provides the management and stands ready to contribute the operating ex- penses, Other Canadians who con- INTERESTING ADDRESS GIVEN TO LIONS CLUB (Continued from +page one) large quantities and new techniques were developed in treatment of wounds and injuries of many kinds. The lack of infection was amazing,. It was noteworthy that in nearly all the towns ,schools were the most im- portant buildings. These had been erected,in recent years by the Fascist party with the view to improving edu- cation in Italy. The address proved most interesting and on motion of Lions Geo. Ross and Stan. Hall, a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Capt. Torrance and he was invited to sit in with the Lions arty time he was in town. Previous, to the address of the even- ing Tailtwister ,Gord" Buchanan was very active. a He demanded a good story from Lion Ed, Gibson who promptly arose to the occasion by tell- ing a story of tall timbers he had known in Northern Saskatchewan. One time while timber cruising in that district they came to a deep ravine with no method of getting across. They felled a large tree causing it to fall across the ravine. A farmer came long with a load of hay and Lion Ed. jumped on to get a ride across, They ',vent through the tree but when `1111.111.••••••••• Business and Professional Directory HARRY MYHRE A. H, MeTAVIS11, B.A. WELLINGTON FIRE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day,109W. Night 109J. Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1,30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 120J. Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served- its policy holders for over a century. . ' Head Office Toronto H. C. McLean Insurance Agency Wingham [ DR. R. L. STEWART FREDERICK A. PARKER By R. J. SCOTT SCUTFS SCRAP BOOK: OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre .St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Winghant. PHYSICIAN ' Telephone 29 ' CROSSWORD PUZZLE At it a{R kff BU4 Of PERU CARRIES A Rzo LI t3/41t.r ta trs flarkti AmO A 4RESAL.14111' lot rts -FAIL .r At-PO-SS' - 2. Perila-- 21. Youth '1. Money 3, For fear 22. Epoch drawers that 23. Fold over 6 Slips over 4, Relating to 24, Employ 11. Relating to the side 25, Regret area 5. Foxy 26. Roman 12, Of the ear 6. Cebine money 13. Meat pie monkey 29 Sail above 14 Insect in 7. Throws Into the royal final state a mass . (naut.) ( zool.) 8. River 32. Like 15 Poker stake (Russ,) 33 Friendship 16, Plebeian 9 Wrath 34 Stair (slang) 10. Ooze (Ire.) 35. Barrier 17 Pokes 18. Complies 36i Genus of around 19. BaWallan bulbous plant 21. Beat bird (SO, Al.) soundly 20 Girl's 38, Unadulter- - 24. Pestilenee nickname ated A. FOX J. H. CRAWFORD Chiropractor and Drugless ' Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. Barriiter, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, InVesttnents & Mortgages Wingham Ontario PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham zap f r/'77; 39. water Notaerci lose 40 Spreads grass to dry 42 Body of v 43 Child's game Asst Ar4Sni.kie im-to 4A9, LE. ; -1 .•AlvtWAy IS uSEl? ai AN Bouv).kg-lie 46-11kiataSpo Sze' Ig4UP.V...1) ^Al Mom '4(5. MiMSA'O Pike AID S-fki101,4 Visit MSILE.S AWAY eist.t• K. Me MadLENNAN THOMAS FELLS • Veterinary Surgeon Office -- Victoria St,,, West. Formerly 'the Hayden Residence PHONE 196 Wingham, Ontario \WM' Do fmes Di t OF? AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD A Thorough Knowledge of Farm Stock. Phone 231, Wingham demon (myth.) 27 Silk scarf (tad.). 28 Publish 30 Bark, as a dog 31 New " glandOrs 83 Test, as ore 34 Move through water t 37 Blemish 41 Public vehieles 43 Color of Mole's coat 44 Choice group' 4-6 Ventilated 40 Bottom of und rained desert basin 41 Secluded valleys f.)OWN 1 Sark of mulberry Actatt.Y.,Y, ailstitvtOinA, cpatuatoo. ot BRAM AAD tt4-itionS Al.R. 431t LEADittc, cAtrSts o DEdi•I 1).°4t4t.4%- ROUKO . 811.1.iA.P.11 • BALLS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 cio eukin.a tiolta irdoe., w, ward kg,hd r t t r ntc}..fev fiMUGGS AND SKEETER ,M81313t War/ P 1A)OZILD sioP CF-1,0.1611\ti I:145 tAloRa5 anti. i m5.1! SPELLIK6 ISI\Vr NW. 1,E.A,RN '1 ,ICMA3 LOAA:r IS rr).,.ksizi-CRMETIC, 6506RAV1-0 '5N6L.15141 THI/ tCEET l p_Asr 6•E'r-rilq6 1-0IN1 FROM KE8P you I 1 A6A1N? MONIa. 11-kEM, • 4