The Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-03-16, Page 6mous for flavour since 1892 the 4Salada' name assures you of a uniform blend of quality teas. fr // SOUTH AMERICA ONI ONS HERE South American onions 'will reach the Canadian retail .market early in April, ending the current scarcity, the Wartime Prices. and. Trade Board bas. announced. Onions are not only a popular but -also a useful food, the nutrition divis- ion of the Health League .of Canada: says, One pound of onion .contains about 20 food calories, small Amounts of calcium, phosphorus and iron, and About 15 milligrams of ascorbic eeid. The Vitamin content of the onion is six times as great if it is consumed raw (as ip salade) than if it is' eaten cooked. , DO THUS FOR' NCHITI COUGHS • SORENESS • CONGESTION Now get real A•alief from bronchitis miseries this doubler action wap—with the homerProTed medication that 600101000 INSTANTLY 10 oRtive 4/4/0 FP. deep into bronchial tubes with soothing • medicinal vapors, Stimulates chest and back sup, faco likea warming, conafortingpoultice. ks .IffoR lastst • .• FOR NOURS.RiciR V.110 440 '1r THE MIXING HOWL k MINI MILAN illpdro Woe Seersereeket Hello Homemakers! Butter bought with coupons 52 and 53 must be made to last until March 23rd, This will be no hardship for the thrifty home- maker, The elimination of meat rationing will enable folk to get ample of this heat-providing food, because now they may purchase more bacon and other pork products that contain NI lot of good fat to substitute for butter, Render at trimmings, using low heat, Cool quickly and put in a glass or enamel container. Cover and store in the upper part of the electric re- ' frigerator, Another amount of drip- ping may be added whenever fat, meat is bought. Do, however, keep differ- ent kinds of drippings in separate con- teiners—beef in one jar, pork in one jar, and chicken, duck or goose in an- other. Lamb or mutton fat is the least successful fat for re-use. When you use these Victory fats in place of butter, use two tablespoons less of the drippings per cup than of butter or other commercial shortening. Pan Broiled Bacon Place slices of bacon in a cold frying pan. Do not overcrowd the pan. Cook slowly. Turn bacon to cook evenly. If crisp bacon is desired, our off fat as it accumulates. • Broiled Bacon Place slices of 'bacon on broiling rack. Broil ab6ut three inches from top electric element of oven. Turn to cook evenly, Picnic or Boston Butt Better grades may be baked like ham, or water cooked, Cover with water, simmer, but do not boil. Allow about 30 to 40 minutes per pound. Cook until tender. Everyday Cake 2 cups sifted cake flour, 1% cups sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 3 cup larde'2 eggs, % cup milk, 1 tea- spoon vanilla. Sift together all the dry ingredients, and blend about % cup of the mixture with the lard until very soft and light. Add the unbeaten eggs and beat well. Add all the rest of the dry ingredients together with about Vs cup of milk fo which the vanilla has been added. Stir smooth. Add the rest of the 110711/NO LIKE 000D BREAD NOTING LIKE 6000 YEAS,/ ti A A. 50 years a favorit4 or light-textured, delicious, tasty bread Made ir cfuT or 8 CANADIAN WOMEN WHO USE DRY YEAST USE ROYAL! Is a tiresome chore. When you come home, relax and enjoy a cup of r Neilson's delieious. Chocolate Cocoa. 1 lb. 29c, 19c rrt *Neer 4I4.4 rwiamogia With ironing day coining round a couple of times a week in many households its worthwhile to brush up on ironing techniques. Laundry experts say that most heavy dresses and some light weight fabrics look better if they are pressed on the wrong side. If a dress or skirt that has! not been just laundered or cleaned, is being pressed, any spots or dust should bee removed before the iron is used. A warm iron on clothes, such as these is the very best way to "fix" spots so that they are nearly im- possible to remove. A cotton seersucker should be pres- sed on the wrong side when it is al- most dry. Spun rayons and other materials with linen-like weaves should also be ironed on the wrong side while they are slightly damp. Before pressing rayons, test the iron on a seam or back part of the hem. A too-hot iron may melt rayon, Acetate rayons require low ironing temperature. Velvet, velveteen, and corduroy dresses should be occasional- ly hung in a steam-filled bathroom to freshen them. Woollens must be steam pressed 00 1041VAVERAGI Ot t-Itx01° "r SUPPLY 014 • OBTAIN THEM AT YOUR HYDRO SHOP tit d • +P.,* •- I • WillOHAM. ADVANCE-TIKES .• Play frock's for summer wear are pretty and feminine without being fussy, French blue cotton is used for a neat affair trimmed with eyelet em- broidered ruffling for the deep V neck- line, armholes and peplum. Straps come from the shoulders and tie in back in halter fashion. Gathers mark the front of the skirt, the back is straight. add tomatoes and seasonings and , cook until blended. Paw .over fried, chicken,. cover and cook slowly until chicken is 'tender, about 1 hour.' Serve on hot rice, Serves 4, Grilled. Liver Sausage.-Ptargers slices liver sausage Butter Round Buns Raw or French fried. Spanish onion rings Pickle relish or chili sauee Brown slices of liver sausage slowly in butter. Turn and continue cooking slowly until well browned, Split buns, toast if desired, Serve hot liver sausage slices between buttered halves of bun; add onion, pickle relish or Chili sauce as desired. • num llll sp l leipt41114 hula, Hints On Fashions lll pusiosissi lllll s lllll l l spp l ll milk and stir smooth again. Bake in 2 eigh-inch layer pans in an electric oven 375°F, for about 20-25 minutes, Shamrock Cookies % cup shortening, 1 cup sugar, 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons milk, 2 teaspoons vanilla, 4 cups flour (or less), i4i teaspoon salt, 1 egg white, Green sugar crystals. Allow the shortening to stand at room temperature and then cream with the sugar and egg yolks. Add the milk and vanilla alternately with the flour and salt to make a dough stiff enough to handle. Chill thoroughly. Toss on a lightly floured board. Roll, cut with shamrock cutter, brush tops of shamrock with egg white, sprinkle with green sugar and bake in electric oven at 400°F. six to eight minutes. Green sugar is coarse granulated sugar sprinkled with one drop of green colouring. Butter Spread (Suggested by J.B.) We make one full cup of unsweet- ened custard using 1 cup of rich top milk, one or two egg, yolks and h teaspoon of salt. Cook in top of double boiler and strain. Half a cup of butter is allowed to stand at room temperature until it is soft enough to beat but not oily, then the almost cold custard is whipped into it. This makes one pound of stretched butter from half a pound of butter, Take a Tip: 1. Instead of using butter, grease pans with other mild flavoured fats. 2. Drippings from beef and pork roasts can be used in meat and 'vege- table dishes, and for pan-frying many foods. 3. Instead of using butter in cream sauces for vegetables, substitute other fats;4 Grated cheese on vegetables also will take the place of butter, 5. With baked potatoes, cut a gash in the top and squeeze open--put but- ter On when served. 6. If crusts are to be cut off bread for sandwiches, this should be done IRONING POINTERS THE QUESTION BOX WORTH RECALLING e. before buttering. * * Mrs. J. S. asks; How do you ren- der fat without it spattering over the range? Answer: We render or try out fat by putting it in a deep pan and placing it over low heat for some time. Or you may render it in the top part of a double boiler. Pieces of potato heated with the fat will absorb some of the flavour and make the natural taste less strong. Mrs. M. C. says: Since we can't get as much butter as usual, what can• I use to furnish Vitamin A in the menus? Answer: Vitamin A found in butter is also found •in other sources. Serve grated raw carrots or raw beets moistened with mayonnaise. Liver contains much of this important vita- min; and children who take a teaspoon of cod liver oil daily, receive an ade- quate amount. * * * Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o The Advance-Times. Send in your suggestions on homemaking problems and watch this column for• replies. • nn Household Hints By MRS. MARY MORTON Illllllll rsmstomPlpotssoospokimpsesitesseptipsoltsst lllllllll i lllll 4 A substantial dish for a SUnday night supper is a help if you 'want to entertain guests. I'm giving you two such recipes in to-day's menu, Today's Menu Chicken Creole with Rice or Grilled Liver Sausage-Burgers Calavo and Grapefruit Salad Canned or Frozen Green Peas or Beans Olives Pickles Celery and Carte Sticks Orange Ice Cream Cake Coffee Chicken Creole with Rice 2 c, rite 2 lb s. chicken 2 tbsps. fat 1 , onion Salt and pepper 1 green pepper 1 No, 2 can or 1 lb. fresh tomatoes Cook rice in 'boiling, salted virater, drain, dry and heir" hot, Quarter the chicken, fry until browned; lightly `brown onion and, green pepper in fat, With considerable care, Never press moisture- out of wool :completely or it will become shiny. After a wool dress has been pressed hang it carefully to' dry. DATES RATION COUPONS VALID Iiere are the dates on which anion coupons are duet Butter coupons 50 to '03 now valid, Sugar coupons 14 to 2$ now valid, Preserves 1 to 16 now valid, Tea, coffee 1,4 E4 to E-4, Qne "D" coupon is good for . 12 fluid ounces of jam or jelly, merma,. lade or maple or honey butter or 20 fluid ounces of canned fruit or 24 fluid ounces of honey or 40 field ounces of maple syrup or two pounds cut comb honey or 3,5 fluid ounces of corn or cane or any blended table syrup or 40 fluid ounces of molasses or 12 fluid ounces of cranberry sauce or one-half pound of sugar, or two pounds of maple syrup, Ruling of 40 fluid ounces of maple syrup applies until May 31. Half Million Belgian Children May Die This Year From Starvation, Disease, Says Official Belgian officials estimate that 20% of Belgium's population will perish by the end of this year, • Of the children alone this may mean nearly half a million dead. They will die of star- vation and disease ,for their Poor undernourished bodies will be too weak to resist the insidious advances of tuberculosis, aenernia, scurvy, and. typhus. Tuberculosis has increased already 800% and there are no medical supplies with which to combat it, Belgium is not so slowly becoming a vast graveyard and it is the heroic women of Belgium -who have to carry the whole weight of the critical situ- ation. Their men imprisoned, execu- ted, sent to labour camps in Germany, the womee are left, as one report says, "to mourn the dead, await the prison- ers and comfort the living". What comfort can they give their starving families? The food situation is al- most as bad as it is in Greece. Ac- cording to official rationing, the Ger- Mans - are now allowing about 1,200 calories per person a day, but this rationing is theoretical and the Ger- mans admit it, The minimum number of calories for health by Canadian standards is 2,300. To have to line up for black bread, Shivering with cold in the bleak hours of the early morning is not an enviable lot, but its alternative for Belgian wo- men is no food at all, The situation is so serious that in one province Bel- gian women risk death to carry the black flag of revolt through the streets of their cities. According to German reports, this irregular situ- ation will be dealt "with.. Even in the winter of 1941 the coal shortage was so bad that in the poorer districts of Brussels. women were forced to see their children die of told as well as hunger. Many women were unable to obtain ,enough fuel to cook What meagre amounts of food they had been able to find. Schools were obliged to close and children froze to death in their beds, .Other women have been forced to send their children out to beg. The sight of a pathetic little five year old, with great hungry eyes, lisping for bread at a railway station or cafe must indeed wring a mother's heart, But as well as death by hunger and cold there has also been death by cold steel for Belgian children. Cases of deliberate murder by German, soldiers are on record, A ten year old, for shouting "Dirty German" was shot by a Ger- mansentry; a seven year old killed by another while playing on a railway bridge near his home. The report states that his father was given per- mission to remove the dead body of his son, BLOODSTONE FOR IVIARCI-1 At the Royal Ontario Museum we found that helietrope or bloodstone is an opaque dark-green stone with blood-red spots, It is a variety of quartz which occurs largely in India, Siberia and the Hebtides. Though ohce commonly cut into charms and amulets, its chief use- today is in signet rings. Centuries ago bloodstone was be- lieved to have very trmistial powers,— it could invoke thunder, lightning, rain and tempest, or stop a nose bleed, During the Middle Ages ignorance of the art of gem engraving induced the belief that engraved stories were the work of nature, Bloodstone• was sometimes engraved 10 show the head of Christ and by design the blood-like spots appeared on the brow and face, Tints it acquired a eel-tali; religious significance. Thought must be made better, and human, life more fruitful, for the divine energy to move it onward and upward. Mary Baker Erld3r, AUTHORITY WIDENED RE DEFERMENTS Changes in the National Mobiliza- tion Regulations, including new auth- ority to National Mobilisation Boards to grant postponement from military training until further notice, rather than on a restricted basis, were made public with the tabling in. the Com- mons ley Labor Minister Mitchell of a new' consolidation of the regulations. Under the amended regulations mar- ried men who are not actually support- ing a wife or, Children are made sub- ject to call is though they were single men. Wider authority is given mobiliza- tion boards for the granting of post- ponement to such persons as merchant seamen and men in remote areas. Conscientous objectors now may be dealt with by boards without first undergoing a medical examination. WHITECHURCH Mr, and Mrs, J. E. .Robinson and children of Toronto, spent the week- end at the home of .her parent's, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. St. Marie. Mrs. H. David MacDonald of St. Helens, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs.'Alec Coulter. LAC, Donald Watt is spending a ten day leave at the home of his sister, Mrs, Millen Moore. Donald is sta- tioned at the Elementary Flying School, at Pendleton, near Ottawa, where he is tal4rig his course in flying, Velma Scott, 'who has been stationed at St. Hyacinthe, Que., spent the week- end with her father, Mr. Price Scott. Mrs. Jas. Wilson and Miss Merle Wilson of. -VV‘inghani Hospital staff, and Miss Agnes Wilson, •Reg. N., of Toronto Genei0.1 Hospital ,spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Mr: and Mrs. Jas. St. Marie and Mylis' attended the feneral of her aunt, the late Mrs, Jas.• Morris in Ayton, on Tuesday morning. There was no school in S. S. No. 10, Kinloss for two clays last ween, on ac- count of the illness of the teacher, Miss M. McCrostie. • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw spent Saturday with relatives in Godericle‘ Her mother, Mrs. Straughan, has been very ill there. Pte. J. Froome of Barriefield Camp, Kingston, spent the week-end here with his wife and little daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, former residents of E, Wawanosh and noW of Caledon, are celebrating the fifty- second anniversary of their marriage on Thursday, March 16th. This com- munity extends best wishes for many More happy occasions. The young people of the United Church are holding a crokinole party it the basement on Friday evening, .All the young people of the conunim- ity are tordially invited to attend. The government speaker, Miss Vera Bainbridge of Toronto, will be present at the regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute on Thursday, Mar. 16, at the home of Mrs. 3, G. Gillespie, and will speak on "Our Food Prob- lems", All the ladies of the commun- ity' are asked to attend. The Women's Institute held' a euchre at the hall on Friday evening last, with nine tables playing and Mrs. J. D Beeerieft and Mr. Rhys Pollock Winning for high points, and Mrs. Pol- lock and Russel Pardon holding low pbints. The lucky ticket on the quilt which had been ni,acle by Mrs, John Purdon's Red Cross group, was drawn by' little Richard Pollock and was held by Mr. Jas. Conley 'of E. Wawanosh, Mrs, Dawson Craig received the lucky chair prize and Angus Falconer and Mrs, George Tiffin got the prize for being near the luck spot, and Mrs. Robe Ross and Mr. George Tiffin were winners in the elimation dance. Lunch was served by the ladies and everyone enjoyed the social time after the week of storm. Mrs, Krarrip and her family and Miss Marjorie Purdon of Hanover, Visited on Sunday with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. S. Pur- don. Miss Nellie MdGee of Toronto spent the week-end with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leask McGee arid attended the funeral of her grandfather, the late Mr: George Taylor, Pte. Athol Purdon of Barriefield Camp, spent the week-end with his wife and daughter in Wingham. Born—an Tuesday, February 29th, 'hn Vancouver Island, to LAC. Stanley Moore and Mrs. Moore, formerly Con- nie Thompson of Caledon, a son. - Mrs. Ben M'cClenaghan has been laid up with a bad attack of flu. Corp. Tom Morrison phoned from Toronto on 'Sunday night to his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 5: B. Morrison, He lied arrived home from England where he had been a mechanic on tanks, for the past four years. He and his wife and Marilyn expected to come to their home here from Toronto .on Wednesday. The people of this com- munity will extend a welcome hothe to Tom, Quite a number from here motored to Milverton on Thursday evening last to attend the Milverton Lucknow gone. Now don't take chances with untried remedies—get re- lief from bronchitis miseries to. night with double-action, time- tested Vicks VapoRub, FOR ADDED RELIEF--Meit a spoonful of VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water. Inhale the steaming medi- cated vapors.' Feel them soothe nagging bronchial irritation 1 in an amount of boiling water that doesn't quite cover them and: cook in a tightly covered sauce- • pan. 6. Save the water in m which vege- tables are cooked and use it in. , cream sauces, gravies and soups. 7. Never add soda to' cooking vege-- tables: 'It may preserve the; colour but, it destroys the vita-, mins. 8, Try to cook the right amount for each meal. Storing and re-heat- ing causes loss of vitamins. Have you been missing out on any of these points? Check tip On your- self and make sure that it cannot be said of your house that "the drainpipe is better nourished than the family". hockey game, Farm forums' were held last Tues- day evening at the home of .Phillip DaWson and Cecil Falconer, This week the forums will be held at Gor- don Elliott's and at Roy Patterson's. Mrs. Mason Robinson and baby, Cameron is spending a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carieeron of Ashfield, • Mrs. George Taylor and children re, turned home last Friday after visiting with her mother in Hamilton for a few days. LAST-MINUTE TIPS ON HEAT-SAV1NG When you see. RED —stop shaking Red always means STOP. And that's, what it means when you see that first faint red glow in the ash pit— STOP. Shaking it even one second more simply wastes good coal. And coal is ,,hard to get. A friendly reminder from \ your `blue COa dealer MacLEAN LUMBER & COAL CO. Phone 64W. To get the benefits of this coin- - bind PENETRATING -SUMMATING ac- tion, just rub throat, chest, and back with Vicks •VapoRub at bedtime, VapoRub goes to work instantly-2 ways at once as shown above—to ease bronchitis coughing, loosen congestion, re-, • lievemuscularsoreness,andspeed restful, comforting sleep. Often \wisa byrnoming most of the misery is ALTH 7,21.11073S OP CA.NADA Tbu*'sclay, March (6th, 1.944 Get Your Money's Worth Wise homemakers know that in good meal planning, correct cookery methods are just as important as proper food selection. Many of the values present in the foods you buy at the grocers can be lost before those foods reach the dinner table unless particular care is taken. 1. Do not soak vegetables before co 2. If °Iykoillug.;nust pare vegetables and fruits, pare thinly.. 3. possible. 4. as quickly as 4. Avoid overcooking -.- cook until just barely tender. f 5. Steam ...vegetables rather than drowning them, Put vegetable4