The Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-03-16, Page 4• 1....,-4164316:4.00141111,* Days of Collection and Areas MONDAY - From B Line to C.N.R. Tracks. TUESDAY - From Alfred Street (Both sides) to Patrick Street (Both sides). WEDNESDAY --- Patrick Street to John Street (Both' sides). THURSDAY - John Street South to Victoria Street, Diagonal Road and Scott Street. FRIDAY - Main Street. (Please keep this form for reference) F. L. Davidson, Mayor. W. A. Galbraith, Clerk. GARBAGE COLLECTION On IVIoriday, March 27th, 1944, Garbage Col. lection will be started for all citizens of the TOWAI of Wingham. No special charge will be, made for this service but it will be absorbed in, the general tax rate. The Town Council hopes for the co-oper. ation of all citizens in making this plan a success. Collection will commence each morning at 9 o'clock. All garbage and ashes must be placed in suitable containers within' twelve feet of the side- walk in front of residences. TENDERS WANTED Township of Turnberry Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for the cleaning, out of the Henderson drain on the report made by F. M, Eagleson, O.L.S. Specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by 12 o'clock noon, April 3rd, 1944, Tender must be ac- companied by a marked cheque of 1,0 per cent, of tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. R. CRUIKSHANK, Clerk, Township of Turnberry, Wingham, Ontario, AUCTION SALE Of Household goods and Furniture The undersigned has received in- structions from the Executors of the estate of the late Eliza Jane Haines to sell by public auction at her apartment over the Bell Telephone Office, Wing- barn, on Saturday, March 25th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the household furniture and furnishings owned by the late Eliza Jane Haines. They 'consist of a number of articles too numerous to mention. -Terms of Sale: Cash, DATED this 14th day of March, A. D., 1944, • J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for Executors. MATT. GAYNOR, Lucknow, Ontario, Auctioneer. IN MEMORIAM ADAMS-In loving memory of Mrs. John Adams, Wroxeter, who passed away on March 17th, 1943. One year has passed Ind gone Since one we loved so well, Was taken from her home on earth With Jesus Christ .t9 dwell. The flower we place upon her grave, May wither and decay; But the love of one who sleeps beneath, Shall never pass away. Sadly missed by her neighbors. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Stock, Implements, And House- hold Furniture Mr. Harold Jackson has been in- structed to sell at Public Auction on the South Half Lot 33, Con. 6, East Wawanosh, one mile north of West-. field Church, on Thursday, March 23rd, at 12.30 o'clock the following: HORSES-1 aged mare; 1 black Percheron horse, 8 years; 1 Clyde mare, 3 yrs. old; 1 black Percheron mare, rising 3 yrs.; 3 Clyde Geldings, rising 3 yrs.; 1 black 'gelding colt; 1 black driving mare, 8 yrs. old in foal. CATTLE-1 Durham cow, 8 yrs., to calve May 1st; 1 Durham cow, 6 yrs., to calve April 21st; 1 Durham cow, 5 yrs., bred January 7th; 1 Dur- ham cow, 5 yrs., calf at foot, born November 18th; 1 Durham cow, 8 yrs. old, calf at foot, born February 12th; 1 Durham cow, 8 yrs., to calve May 1st; 4 late spring Angus calves; 2 Durham yearlings (steer and heifer); 1 Aberdeen Angus registered bull, 2 yrs. old. HARNESS-2 sets breeching har- ness; 1 set single harness and collars, IMPLEMENTS - %-ton Chev. truck 1928 model; M. H. binder, 7 foot; M. H. mower, 6 foot; M. H. side delivery rake; M. H. hay rake; M. H. disc Harrow; Deering manure spread- er; 2 Fleury walking plows; set bench sleighs; 1 wagon; 1 Verity twin plow; 1 steel wheel wagon; 2 cutters; 1 Campbell cutter, like new; 1 movable hay rack; buggies; wagon box; serif. fler; fanning mill; ladders; 4-section harrows; wheel barrows; scales, 240 pounds; car, hay fork, sling ropes; hay fork rope used one season; No, 12 De- Laval cream separator; coal oil drum; poultry crates; 12 bunches 5X B.C. shingles; sap pan; pig crate; feed box- es; forks; shovels; whiffletrees; neck yokes; bags and sacks.; assortment of work tools; water piping. GRAIN-25 bus. '42 Cartier oats for seed; 6 bus, red clover (cleaned); 20 bus, timothy seed (cleaned); 5 bags Chippawa potatoes; Salome apples, WOOD-24 cord dry wood; 10 cord dry cedar; pile cedar rails. LUMBER - Quantity of hemlock, Cherry, Elm plank; quantity Heti-dock, Cherry, Basswood lumber, Scantlings; 8 rack sills. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS- Walnut Settee Suite; rockers; combin- ation china cabinet; dining room table and chairs; couch; tables; cupboard; organ; 2 bedroom suites; dishes seal- ers; granite ware; clocks; 1 heater, new; 1 kitchen range, new; 1 Huron range; sewing machine and churn, TERMS---CASH, No Reserve, FARMS OFFERED FOR SALE 100 acres, south half lot 33, Coo, 6, good brick house, new interior decor- ating; barn 45 ft by 66 ft, equipped with water system and litter carrier; woodshed .4 garage combined ; drive shed; 2-storey hen house; all buildings newly roofed; 9 acres hardwood bush; 3 acres of cedar; 13 acres fall plough- ed; rest farm seeded. Also 100 acres Al: grass farm, north half lot 84, Con. 0; spring creek; barn 50 ft. by 58 ft. and drive shed, TERMS-On property, 10 per cent dawn at time of sale and balance with- in 80 days, Offered subject to a re- serve bid. Lorne Stonehottse, Estate, Marshall Stonehouse, Executor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4111111•1••••• ,1•••••••••••6 iniethe A.11:pu. rpose CANED FISH No hthinimmes....., your Chicken,Haddies are already prepared and cooked in nice while chunky pieces. Flake them for salads, for casserols, for fish cakes . mash them for delicious sandwich fillings . combine them with all sorts of foods for interesting, savoury dishes ... their uses are unlimited! Chickea Neale loaf- Chicketi &Welk Tarts- Flake 2 cups (one 14-ounce can) canned chicken haddie and add 2 cups soft bread crumbs, 3/4 teaspoon salt, a pile pepper, 1 tablespoon chopped pickle relish and Vs cup melted shortening. Beat 2 eggs, add V2 cup milk and stir into fish mixture. Pack, lightly into a greased loaf' pan and bake in a rather slow oven, 325°, half ah hour. Serve with cheese, egg or tomato sauce, Blend 1/2 teaspoon salt, Vs teaspoon pepper 14 teaspoon dry mustard'and 24 cup grated cheese with 2 cups mediuin white sauce. Stir in 2 cups (one 14-ounce can) flaked canned chicken haddie. Heat thoroughly. Turn into freshly baked pastry tart shells • Navel ORANGES, CELERY 72's ... 2 for 19c New CABBAGE ... . 6c lb. LEMONS 300's . 6 for 22c New CABBAGE. 2 lbs. 11c LEMONS 300's • . . 6 for 20c doz. 252s 37c 220s 43c, New CARROTS . 3 lbs. 25c TURNIPS pound 4c PARSNIPS 2 lbs 19c Cooking APPLES .. lb. 8c SPINACH 2 pounds 23c Fresh Pack HERRING .15 oz. tin - 2 for 25c PILCHARDS, 15 oz. tin . 17c Sardine Paste 14 oz. tin 29c 7 oz. tin 15c Aylmer Dehydrated BEANS . 2 5 oz. tins 19c Dominion BREAD . 2 LOAVES 15c Orange MARMALADE 24 oz. 29c Five Roses FLOUR . ‘. . 24 lb. 79c. Richmello COFFEE ib. 18c - 11b. 35c Domino TEA - 1/2 lb. . 35c Kellogg's RICE KRISPIES - 2 for 23c Ranquet Tomato Juice 2 26 oz. tins 23c DOM1141014 STOatt 1.(MitED by ekeerafi, jeeln DuVnt Hoff i e, kiwen "Rfler-rss"' WIN 017-1A114... ADVANCE'TIMES • hursday, March Mho 1044 ormo 0=10 Cer" AMAZINGLY QUICK RELIEF - from pain, of indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia with Wilder's Stomach Powder. Also in tablet form, 50c and $1 McAvoy's Drug Store. ICLEARING AUCTION SALE - of farm stack, implements and house- hold effects will be held at lots 17 - 18, Huron Road, 2 miles west of Seaforth on Tuesday, March 21st, The sale list includes horses, cattle, pigs, poultry, grain and a large list of implements including a Hart - Parr Tractor, 18-86. Terms of sale, -cash. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Mrs. Mary Rintoul, Proprietress. FARMS FOR SALE - 150 acres Blyth clay loam, 90 tillable, bal- ance pasture and •bush, large barn, good stabling tie 42 cattle besides box stalls, litter carrier, water in- side dobule drive, henhouse, drive shed, large brick house, bath, fur- nace, phone, $6,000, $2,000 down. 100 acres, Brodhagen, rich soil, large barn, doitNe drive, henhouse hi mow, large basement, water bowls, litter carrier, barnyard• paved; hog pen, implement shed, metal clad house, furnace, buildings rodded, eleetricity. Settling estate $5,700 cash. Wm. Pearce, Exeter. FOR SALE - Cottage and two lots, corner Josephine Street and "B" Line. Apply. Mrs. J. Anderson, Phone 168. FOR SALE-A goose and a gander. Phone 628R21, FOR SALE - Two of three cows, fresh or due to freshen, black heifer with two polled calves. Harvey Timm, Bluevale. FOR SALE - Used cook stove good condition. Apply Mrs. Nor- man Rintoul, phone 251. FOR SALE Boys bicycle, as.good as new. Apply Keith Dunbar, R.R. 1, Belgrave, phone 622R5. FOR SALE - A quantity of good clean Erban Oats suitable for seed. 05c per bushel. D. J. Milian Moore, R.R. No. 5, Lucknow or phone Wingham 611R13. FOR SALE - 5 choice registered Shorthorn bulls, red and dark roans, Prica reasonable. J. L. McEiven, Wroxeter. FARM FOR SALE - 100 acres, Elam Township, near school, good buildings, brick house, bank barn, drilled well, good soil. all cleared and well drained, 5 1/2 miles from Listowel. Any reasonal offer ac- cepted, Apply to Jam'es Mayburry, Atwood, Ontario. FOR SALE - House on Leopold Street with barn, good ,garden, furn- ace and bath. Barn suitable for raising chickens. Apply to Stan Sibthorpe, barber. FOR SALE-Marshall Five Star Chicks: 350 Leghorn pullets, deliv- ery April 5; 300 L, S: N. H. mixed chicks, delivery April 18; 200 L. H. B. R. mixed .chicks, delivery March 21; other chicks available, also start- ed chicks. Phone Roy Porter, Wingham, Ont. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE - safes opened 30 minutes, typewriters, adding machines, cash registers, scales, sewing machines bought, sold and repaired, J. Wm. Locking 369 - 24th St. W., Owen Sound, Ont, PIANO TUNING - tuning price $3.00, repairs extra. By, Win ham Bandmaster, Geo. J. Wright. Must leave orders at Advance-Times. SLENDOR TABLETS - harmless and effective, Two sizes $1 and $5, at ,McKibbon's Drug Store. WANTED - Experienced couple desire farm work on shares. Law- rence Plant, R. R. 2, Bluevale. WANTED - Child's rubber tired wagon, Apply Advance-Times. WANTED - Farm to rent, 100 acres suitable for mixed farming, Apply L. Findlater, Brussels WANTED - Caretaker for St. Paul's Anglican Church, Winghath, Part time employment. Apply to R. E, Armitage for particulars. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY - Small house or cottage in Wingham. Apply Box W Advance-Times, WANTED - Cottage or Duplex to rent by April 15th. Apply Mrs. Brewer, at L. Mutton's, Patrick r.*.. WORK WANTED - Young woman in her thirties, requires work. If housework $25 monthly, Apply Myrtle Cook, Brussels, Ont. Township Of EAST WAWANOSH Sealed tenders will be -received by the undersigned up until 2 p.m. April 4th, 1944 for the crushing and hauling Of 4500 yards of gravel in the Towns Shirr of East Wawanosh. Gravel to Pass through N," round screen. For further particulars communicate with the undersigned. A marked cheque for $200.00 must accompany each fender, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ,. STUART 1.1cBURNEY, Road Superintendent, R, R. No, 8, Wingbara, p. <o=nu (pizza FEDERATION PUN FOR ANNUAL BEM DAY Their Excellencies the Earl of Athlone and.1-1,R,H, Princess Alice Will. 'Guests Official intimation that. Their Ex- cellencies, the Earl of Athlone, Gov- ernorsGeneral of Canada, and H.R.H. Princess Alice, will be •guests of the Huron. County Federation of Agricul- ture on the occasion of their second annual field day to be held at Seaforth on Wednesday, June 7, was announc- ed at a meeting of the Federation ex- ecutive held in the agricultural board room Clinton, on :Wednesday Harry Sturdy, Auburn, presided. It was also announced that R. 5. Kennedy, editor of Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, who recently returned from a tour of English farm- ing districts, will be a field day speak- er. A feature also will be a demon- stration of labor-saving devices, Field day committees were appoint- ed as follows: Harry Sturdy, Au- burn, chairman; W. L. White, Sea- forth, vicet, chairman; speakers com- mittee, W. L. Whyte, Wilmot Haacke of Goderich; Elgin Rowcliffe of Hen- sail, Ross McGregor of Seaforth; grounds committee, Hugh Hill of. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Eliza Jane Haines late of the Town of Wingham in the. County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of February A.D. '1944, are notified to send to I. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 1st day of April, A, D., 1944, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 1st day of April, the assets of the said testatrix will 'be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the ex- ecutors shall then have notice. DATED this' 10th day of March, A.D., 1944, J, H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Florence Lorena Mac- Kenzie late of the Town of Wingham hi the County of Huron, Widow, de- ceased, who died on or about the 1st day of March, 1944, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 1st day of April, A.D.,' 1b44, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 1st day of April, the assets of the said testatrix will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. Dated this 10th day of March, A.D., 1944, J. H, CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for .the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estates of James A. Scott, Farmer, Who did on or about the third day of February, 1944, and Elizabeth Scott, his wife, who died on or about the fifth day of February, A.D., 1944, both of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 1st day of April, A,D„ 1944, full particulars in writing. Immediately after the said 1st day of April, the assets of the said testator and intestate will be distribu- ted amongst the parties entitled 'there- to,. having regard only to claims of which the administrator with Will an- nexed and administrator, respectively, shall then have notice. DATED this 10th day of March, A.D., 1944. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the administrators. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Alex Porterfield late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceas- ed, who died on -or about the eleventh day of January, A, D., 1944, are noti- fied to send to J. H. Crawford, Wing- ham, Ontario, on or before the 1st day of April, A. D., 1944, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immedi- ately after the said 1st day of April, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice, DATED this 10th day of March, A.D., 1944. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of George C. Alexander late of the Township of -West Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Farmer, de- ceased, who died on or about the twentieth day of February, A.D, 1944, are notified to send to J. H, CraWford, Witigharn, Ontario, on or before the 1st day of April, A. II, 1044, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 1st day of April, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this 10th day of March, A, , First. Mortgage Loans If additional money is needed to help you buy a productive farm, send us particulars. Possibly we can assist You through our loaning department, Attractive terms, All inquiries treated confidentially, grie 11ORTGAOil COssptsRATI London Windsor St, Thomas Chatham Goderich, George Ferguson, Ed. Keat- ing, E, B. Gundie, Dale Nixon of Sea- forth; parking, Russell Bolton of Dub- lin, Orville Taylor of Belgrave, R. S. McKercher of Dublin, James Men. tosh of Seaforth; lucky number, Dick Jacob of Clinton, Oscar Turkey of Exeter, Simon Hallahan of Belgrave, Bert Morin of Zurich, D. Blue of Lucknow, Tom. Webster of Auburn; membership, A. W. Morgan of Hen- sail, Wesley Joynt of Lucknow, W. Brock of Granton, James Simpson of Kirkton; attractions, Wm, Oestricher of Creditors W. J. Turnbull of Brus- sels, Bert Lobb of ,Clinton, John .1., Milne of Seaforth, Geo. Armstrong of Zurich; refreshments, R. McMillan of Seaforth, !Geo. Feagan of Goderich, Vic Roy of Clinton, E. B. Gundie of Seaforth, Geo. Watt of Blyth, Ephriarri Snell of Clinton; farm machinery and equipment, Gordon McGavin of Wal- ton, Geo. Feagan of Goderich, L. E, Cardiff, M. P., of Brussels, P, Pass. more of Exeter, and the officeri of the North and South Huron Plowmen's association; publicity, J. M. Scott of Seaforth, Clark Rennick of Clifford, W. T. Cruickshank of Wingham, the agricultural representative; receptions, Warden Fred Watson of Bayfield, W. H. Golding,• M.P., of Seaforth, Dr. H. Taylor, IVLL,X, of Dashwood, John Hanna, M.L.A., of Wingham, Dr. E. A. McMaster of Seaforth, J. L. Duff of Seaforth; sports, John Armstrong of Lucknow, W. R. Jewett of Londes- boro, Wilfred Famish of Lucknow, Arthur Nicholson of Seaforth, Wm. Dennis of Walton. • Other matters taken up at the meet- ing were an appeal to the Provincial government to Maintain the $1,00. sub- sidy in force as at present; and post- ponement of the canvass. for one-fifth Of a mill levy on farm property for Federation financing, Missionary Spoke to Triple .1T On Sunday last, Rev. Mitchell spoke to the Triple V Bible Class of the United Church about his many ex-. periences as a missionary in China, T4 discussion centred around the' problem of Chinas futhre, Nothing is denied to well directed labor; nothing is to be obtained with- 'out it. - Sir Joshua Reynolds. WESTFIELD Mrs. Norman McDowell and Gwen- dolyn, Mrs. Qsbaldeston, visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Carl Deans of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Walden and Donna, Mr. Douglas Campbell were London visitors on Saturday. Donna remained at Victoria Children's Hos- pital for treatment. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Maurice Bosman were, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kendrick of Toronto, and Pte. Harold Bosman of London, Mrs. Grieves of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennet and Mr. R. Redmond over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell and children, Mrs. Osbaldeston, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins of Goderich on Saturday. The Mission Band held their meet- ing on Sunday afternoon with 12 pres- ent. The meeting was led by Violet Cook. The scripture lesson was read by Cecil Campbell, Readings were given by Bobby Carter, Jimmy Bu- chanan and' Johnny Buchanan. Mil- dred Thornton and Mrs. Howard Campbell ;each told the children a story. About 60 friends and neighbours met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook on Saturday evening XY,t cents a word per insertion, with a sniahninn charge Of 25c, J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, which a splendid address was given- by Rev. H. Snell, and Albert Mason presented Russel with a War Savings Certificate. A gift was also presented Pee, Russel Cook of Ipperwash, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook, Pte. 'Russel Cook, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, ,Mansel Cook of borne Township, in honor of Pte. Russel Cook, who was by Mrs. McVittie from the Red Cross. home on leave. The evening was Russel :thanked the friends for their spent in playing various games. After kindness, Lunch-was served,