The Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-03-16, Page 2Thursday, Mardi 10th, 19404
..t11.414144414,011R14146 41114l.141A1.141,M4W114 414t44441144444111111 ,
IIMI,A111411111.111MIHIIMA,11q10M11111411 ,,4 4 14114 4 4,,,4,4,11..
Had Beer At Rink
The Leader has been informed that
outsiders who attended the hockey
match last Friday night, had the
audacity to carry three cases of beer
into the building, where it4 was con-
sumed at leisure, We cannot under-
stand why someone at the rink did not
report the offence, when it would have
given the authorities the chance to ar-
rest the voff6nders, Having liquor or.
beer in a public place is illegal and
punishable by a heavy fine or jail
term.—Tara Leader.
- •
Fractured Leg In
Harold Archer, 16-Year-old son of,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Archer, was a pa-
tient in brupe County Hospital at
Walkerton, for 'several days this week
as the result of an accident' which oc-
curred during the playing of an im-
proMptu hockey game in the rink,
He.. Sustained a badly fractured right
leg,, which necessitated his removal to
the county institution for setting, but
the limb was s5 badly swollen upon
arrival that this procedure was not pos-
sible until Sunday. The large bone
of the leg was snapped midway be-
tween the knee and the ankle, and the
smalle'r bone was also broken at a
point lower down. The X-ray examin-
ation revealed that there is also a
small cracVin the arch bone of the
foot, — Paisley Advocate.
Teeswater Clerk Resigns
Mrs. Jackiin, who has been clerk
since the death of her husband, handed
in her resignation to Council. It is
her intention to move to Hamilton
early in April. It was with sincere
regret that Council accepted the resig-
nation, which takes effect the 31st of
March.—Teeswater News.
Wife Arrived From England
Carfrey Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Brown, received quite a surprise
last Wednesday, when word came that
his wife had landed in Canada from
England and was on her way here.
He motored to Guelph and met her
there. Carf., who had been overseas
with the Canadian Army for some
time as a Sergeant in the Perth Regi-
ment, was married, last year in the Old
Country.. At that time he held' the
rank of Svgeant. Around the first of
November he was sent back to Canada
to attend Officers' Training School at
Brockville. At that time his wife was
unable to get passage to this country.
—Teeswater News.
Our 25 Point Scientific Examin-
ation enables us to give you
Clear, Comfortable 'Vision
Phone 118 Hariston
in Hensall, Bell graduated at No. 1,0,
A,O.S,, Chatham, N,B,'
Soldier Eags Large Eagle
Apparently the boys stationed on the
West Coast are getting little time for
relaxation, for Pte. Wellington Dahms,
with the forces at Pt. Alberni, on Van-
couver Island, sent his father, Louis
Dahms, a bald eagle. Pte. Dahms shot
the bird while spending a leave at one
of the smaller islands on the coast,
The eagle measures 8 ft. 3 inches from
wingtip to wingtip.—Mildmay Gazette.
Former Teeswater Man Killed
Earl Bradley, 52-year-old Orange-
ville railwayman, was instantly killed
I 1944 motor vehicle permits are now
,on sale.
NOW is the time to purchase yours.
aYou may recall the long .line-ups of
other years. Do not wait until the
last minute to get your 1944 permit.
If You Employ Male Persons
Have they all complied with the
Military Call-Up ?
tinder an Order signed under authority of the National Selective
Service Mobilization Regulations:
1. Every employer of male employees must make an werwinination
of the documents Of these employees, and forward advice on
those who fail to prodfitee documents showing good standing
under Mobilization Regulations.
This examination mast be completed by May 1st, 1044.
3, "EMPLOYER° includes industrial and commercial employers,
and also farm operators.
4. "MALE EMPLOYEE" includes all male persons working for
you, including relatives.
5.. A. booklet "EMPLOYERS' GUIDE," has been sent to industrial
and eomereial employers: A return post card brat gone to
farm. Op
G. If yott ernpIoy any male person, and have not been notified of
the survey by booklet orpost enroll contact the nearest Employ.
ment and Selective Service ()Mee and ask for the booklet.
7. Obligation to make the examinatiou rests on each and every
employer of Malo persons, and employers must net.
SA Penalties are tiprovided for failure t,8 carry out this examina.
lion,and for male employees failing to assist by refusal to
prouce docuttutnts.
A. MacNAMAVA, bleeder, National Selective Service,
iBttM ee
Mittitl of Lebow.,
Do not mutilate or destroy your 1943 plate.
Wartime restrictions,require that it be used
another year..
Howick Council met in the, Town-
'ship Hall Monday, 'March 6th accord-
ing; to arliourninent,, the members.
were all present, the' Reeve,, Dl. L.
Vireir• in, the. chair:.
The minutes. of last regulam meet-
ing were read: and om motion: of Inglis
and' MCCallinn; wex. adopted',
M9vedl by. Inglis. and'. Winton• that
tlie tender' of, Roy Wogaty fox crush,
ing and', trucking 8000, yardS. of gravel,
during. the' year 1,944, on the roads of
inewiek Township. for- 62‘. cents per
cubic yard; be accepted Carried,
Movedi by Fattish. and: acCallturti
that the• tender of R. H'. Canson & Son,,
to supply- gasoline,, oil Arta grease at
the• following prices,. Viz: No. 2 mark-
ed gasoline, I9Vee phis tax; White
Rose 'motor oil at 87:e per gallon is'
drama; Hydraulic Oil` 74q per gallon
in 111 gallon drums; P., G. grease 91rie
per lb, in' 100 1b: divans, be accepted.
Moved -by Farrish and Winter that
this Council contact the Road Com-
mittee of the County of Huron in re-
gard! to, having the' sidewalks repaired
along by the dam on the main street
of Wroxeter, this action being taken
at the• request of the Howick Lions
Club and: the citizens of Wroxeter.
Carxi dl.
Moved: by Winter and Inglis that
the; report of the school. attendance of-
ficer for' the month, of January,: as
read; be accepted and placed' on file..
Moved by Farrish area McCallum
that the Road Accounts, as approved,
be' paid Carried.
Movedi by McCallum and Inglis that
the' following accounts be paid, Car-
'M. Nash, refund of dog- tax $2.00;
United Church, Fordwich, rent of hail,
August & November meetings $3.00;
Isaac Gamble, part salary as Clerk
$35.00; T. Short, refund. of tax. (error)
$2,87; K. J., Hueston expenses. re
1/1/h -ARE Tr E040
F/k/kgy /4 AWN4044.5°
PM - -.11341
A:;-F, TWO
There are over 36,000
persons in Ontario whose
licenses to drive are 'under
suspension because of their
inability to secure insurance
or file other proof of fin-
ancial responsibility? They
were convicted of offences
against the motor vehicle
laws following accidents.
It is better to• drive safely
and avoid accidents than to
find yourself unable' to
drive at alL.
Vies' iv P riv The, ktrAsrs-
PRiVs-; 130,- 1-zoi4/
It will be good news to our rural
population that the Ontario Hydro
Electric Power Commission may this
year construct 300 miles of new lines
in rural areas, Hon. George ChaBios
says that in 1043 only 44 miles were
built. The plans for further extention
are of course contingent on the supply
of material and man power, Metal
supplies are more readily available
than they were and if there is a
greater supply on the market in the
near future the country is in for big
things so far as hydro extention is
concerned. Smaller municipalities
may get a break also if the amalga-
mation of the Niagara, Eastern On-
tario and Georgian flay systems be-
comes a fact. The basic cost per
horsepower would be a great deal
lower than we pay here at the present
ik *
Health measures are a great topic
not only of individuals but by govern-
ments these days. Ottawa has a coin-
mittee which has before it a health
scheme for consideration. The On-
tario Minister of Health is reported
to have a health proposition ready for
the folk of this province. The publk
are becoming more and more health
conscious and are ready to, adopt .a
measure that they feel will be of bene-
fit and not too expensive. There is
one 1.1`za that has been spoken of and
advocated from time to time but so
far nothing has been done about it.
We refer to medical examination prior
to marriage, ' It,is said that such a
measure would greatly benefit 'the
nation and when one sees the increase
in many diseases, both of the body
and the mind, it would appear that
we are in need of legWation that calls
for such examinations,
• * * *
A dispatch last 'week from Stock-
holm said "Berlin is doomed—it has
ceased to be a capital or even a town."
This statement was credited to a
Swedish traveller who had witnessed
the Wednesday American attacks on
the city. The R.A,F. and the R.C.A.
F. have by night given Berlin a real
pasting and now the Americans are
doing it by day. One who has not
seen the destruction caused by such
raids cannot realize the damage done.
However, pictures have given some
idea of the destruction that can hap-
pen under such circumstances. It is
deplorable that such centres have to
undergo such straffing but no mercy
cart he shown to our enemies or their
places of so called cultUre under exist-
ing circumstances. One can see al-
ready the hand of the pacifist in some
of the ideas that are being advocated
these days but we must be realists and
get thisk job done well this time. We
do not -want any mores wars that are
to end wars.
Fill your time with positive service
and good. Do not drift. Have defin-
ite things on hand to do. —Henry
Churchill King.
Ey Harry J, Boyle
Our sofa has weathered a, good deal.
Over the years many exhausted human
frames have been thrown on it and I
must say it has responded quite coin-.
fOrtably. Lately however the sofa has
been Presenting .a more or less (Mee-
ted appearance. Where it once looked
fat - and comfortable it started to look
more like a skinny horse after a hard
The springs started 'licking up
through the fabric and chaff or straw
started falling out through the bottom,
When you rested on it, it took some
of the qualities of a contortionist to
escape:"the strange objects • that prod7,
ded up front the mysterious insides of
the sofa, Mrs, Phil threatened to.
either throw it .out or else put on "Out
of Order" sign on it if I didn't take
it into the village for repairs. 'When
company came she would have to go
around warning people to take other
chairs. If 'they did happen to sit clown
on it, you would see them squirm in
discomfort as- if they were sitting on
a nest of bees.
Yesterday it was blustering out in
late February fashion and I was en-
joying the comfort of the kitchen
Tuesday night when,• stepping off the t range. Mrs. Phil was sweeping and
came upon a pile of straw out of the
interior of the sofa, neatly piled in a
mound 'on. the floor. I had no excuse
. not even an ailment or a job that
lad to be done. 1 simply 'had to do
something about the sofa. Mrs. Phil
wanted me to take it into town but I
nsisted on seeing what the ' trouble
It's quite interesting . . . this busi-
ness of seeing how a sofa is made.
First of all on the underside there
was a thin layer of black cheesecloth
. all' neatly tacked into place but
with a gaping hole in the mildle. Next
off there was some heavy burlap . .
also tacked' into place. I started to lift
the tacks-and' this' proved' a quite easy
task. In fact it was so easy that I
pulled up a corner of the burlap. and'
peered inside: SPUNGGF A spring
snapped at' me tapping me quite
soundly on the end of an inquisitive
nose, It brought the tears and it
didn't help matters to find Mrs. Phil'
smothering a' laugh.
- I tackled the sofa with a "make or
break" attitude. Reaching 3n r start-
ed to shift the springs that seemed' to
have all gone into a strange variety
of ways. I grasped on and' turned it
back into whAt I' thought was thei
proper way and started to withdraw I
my hand. It snapped' at me and' tile
pointed end of the coil- gouged' into
my thuinb. BlOod' spurted all over
and Mrs. Phil' ran for the. iodine and'
tie bandageS.
It took some time to.g-et the wound'
Ned up. Going back to the ohair r
turned it over to see'what had' happen-
ed to the top- of it. One spring by
this time bad' bored' up through the
upholstery and' it looked' not unlike
a worm coming out- of •a.n apple. There
was a rush and'a clatter and Mrs. Phil
looked horrified: Springs, burlap;
straw and all' had' fallen' out of the
sofa on to the floor. It was indeed a,
sad looking picture.'
I took the Whole thing into Ptter•
Smythe's woodivorking shop' this
Morning to get• fiked' up. He didn't
even bother-to ask what had' happened:
I suppose he ,gets a rot of things in'
t hat • condition: Fite ,learned' a' lesson'
and the cows are being milked' with
one hand' for the next week or so.
Your motor vehicle permit fee remains the
same. i1. windshield stamp will be issued with
your 1944 motor vehicle permit, validating
the use of your 1943 plate.
The application for 1944 is provided on the
back of the 1943 permit. This is the only
form that may be used.
Renew your driver's license at the same time.
Minister of Highways
ration book boards $25.00; H. B..
Collins, part salary as relief officer•
$20.00; Nun, World, collectors rolls &
supplies $23.49; Mun. Wbrld, eight
copies of Mutt. World $8.00; ,Ontario.
Hospital, Woodstock, expenses re E.
B. Douglas $45.50; T. A, Roberts,.
noteheads for Treasurer $3.75; D. L.
Weir, expenses attending meeting of
Rural municipalities $25.60; D. L.
Weir, expenses re T. Reid $10.05;,
Relief, for February $65.70.
Moved by Inglis and Farrish that
this Council do now adjourn to meet
•in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the
5th day of April or at the call of the
Reeve. I Carried.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
When I hear a young man spoken
of a giving promise of high genius the
first question I ask about him is al-
wayS,—"Does he work?"—Ruskitt.
* *
Get your heart into ,your , work.,
whatever it may be, for work without
heart is dead. — Ramsay MacDonald.
VOithbut the things that are
made from waste paper our
men in the service's literally
could not carry on. 'That's why
it is so urgent that we Civilians
save every scrap of waste paper we Ctin. War& announcements
in the daily papers and over the
radio for where and how the
paperyou savewill he 011etted.
But start &Wog, paper Itatet
tondo °Merle
Wingharn Acivanc ,TiMe4
Published at
Subscription Rate One Year $2,00
Six months, $1,00 in advance
To V. S. A., $2.50 per year
Foreign rate, WV per year
Advertising rates on application,
Cargill Flier Prisoner
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lehman of
Cargill received most welcome news
from the War Records Office in Ot-
tawa when they were officially notified
that their son, Air Gunner Jim Leh-
man is a prisoner of war in Germany.
The youthful airman was previously
reported as missing following an op-
erational flight over enemy territory
during the latter part of January.—
Walkerton Herald-Times.
Hensall Flier Missing
FO. Alvin Donald Gould Bell, R.C.
Hensall ,who has been reported
missing on active service after air
operations. His wife, Cpl. H, E, Bell,
R.C.A.F. (W.D.) is in London, Eng-
land, and his father, W. G. Bell, lives
Listowel Councillor Quits
Over Police Appointment
The resignation of Councillor C. M:
Scott, Listowel, as chairman of the
police committee following council's
refusal to accept his recommendation
that George Brame, a war veteran, be
given the position of constable on the
local police force, was submitted to the
council for consideration at a speCial
session last evening, Upon motion of
Reeve C. J. Benson and Councillor
John Grabb, which was unanimously
approved, Councillor Scott was asked
to reconsider. In reply Councillor
Scott referred to the committee-of- I Work is a stimulus to work and'
the-whole meeting held prior to the loafing a stimulus to l'a'ziness;—W. H.
council meeting, when Victor L. 'Gib- Hunt
Amputation Fatal To
Kincardine Man
Word was received by, Mrs. Jean
Kincaid, of Kincardine, of the death
in action in Italy of her husband, Bdr.
Samuel Kincaid, which took place
March 6, I3dr. Kincaid, who enlisted
with 98th Battery, R.M.A., at Port
Elgin, in 1940, had his right leg. al-
most shot off and amputation was re-
sorted to in an attempt to save him,
according to the report. A native of
Scotland he came to Kincardine 15
years ago and was employed in the
Andrew Malcolm Furniture Company.
He was a member of Knox Presbyl
terian here. An outstanding vocalist,
his services were much in demand
caboose of a moving train at Fraxa,
Junction station, he lost his footing on
the slippery platform and fell under-
neath the train. In the cupola of the
flanger, hooked on behind the caboose
to clear snow from between the rails,
Harold Gray, of Orangeville, immedi-
ately "pulled the air" when he saw
Bradley fall and the train came to a
stop after dragging the unfortunate
man a distance of from 150 to 200 feet.
Bradley was conductor of a way
freight which runs between Orange-
ville and Walkerton. Earl BoSton
Bradley was born on September 3rd,
1891, the son of Mr) and Mrs. Robert
Bradley, of Teeswater, He was edu-
cated in Teeswater, started work with
the C. P. R. at the age of 17, and came
to Orangeville from Elora in Septem-
ber, 1916, he was married to Miss,
Edna Brawley, of Grand Valley. —
Orangeville Banner.
son, council's choice for the appoint-
ment as constable, had been inter-
viewed and informed the members he
would not be interested in the position
unless they were willing to pay higher
salary than the former constable had
received. "I would like to let my
resignation stand until we see the final
outcome," stated Councillor Scott, as
he suggested that council interview
Mr. Frame regarding the position.
Fatal Crash Near Walkerton
On ,the Xincardine highway, two
miles west of Walkerton, a truck driv-
en by Ross Johnston of 'Walkerton,
collided with a car owned and driven
by 13-rock Dotzenroth, of Kincardine
formerly of Mildmay: causing the
death of Mrs, Allan Kirkwood of
Chesley, and the serious injury of Mr.
Dotzneroth, his wife and their 21-
month-old baby. The vehicles met
head on, on the brow of a hill, The
Kincardine car was*striashd beyond
repair, Brock sustained a fractured
leg, and head injuries Which caused
brain Concussion: and was taken to the
hospital in ah +unconscious. condition.
1-lis wife had her ankle, wrist and arm
,s fractured, and their baby is suffering
from a fractured leg and head injuries,
Mrs, Dottenroth's mother, Mrs. Kirk,
wood, died of her injuries after being
rchnoved to the truce 'Comity Hesspi
tat ItOsS Johnston was accompanied
its the truck "by Stephen rowers, of
Walkerton, and both escaped injury.
Mildmay Gazette,
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